Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk rwm nwmu Dnu kIqw pUry gur prswid ]2] (321-1)
naanak raam naam Dhan keetaa pooray gur parsaad. ||2||
Nanak has made the Lord's Name his wealth, by the Grace of the Perfect Guru. ||2||

pauVI ] (321-1)

Dohu n clI Ksm nwil lib moih ivguqy ] (321-1)
Dhohu na chalee khasam naal lab mohi vigutay.
Deception does not work with our Lord and Master; through their greed and emotional attachment, people are ruined.

krqb krin BlyirAw mid mwieAw suqy ] (321-2)
kartab karan bhalayri-aa mad maa-i-aa sutay.
They do their evil deeds, and sleep in the intoxication of Maya.

iPir iPir jUin BvweIAin jm mwrig muqy ] (321-2)
fir fir joon bhavaa-ee-an jam maarag mutay.
Time and time again, they are consigned to reincarnation, and abandoned on the path of Death.

kIqw pwiein Awpxw duK syqI juqy ] (321-3)
keetaa paa-in aapnaa dukh saytee jutay.
They receive the consequences of their own actions, and are yoked to their pain.

nwnk nwie ivswirAY sB mMdI ruqy ]12] (321-3)
naanak naa-ay visaari-ai sabh mandee rutay. ||12||
O Nanak, if one forgets the Name, all the seasons are evil. ||12||

slok mÚ 5 ] (321-3)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

auTMidAw bhMidAw svMidAw suKu soie ] (321-4)
uthandi-aa bahandi-aa suvandiaa sukh so-ay.
While standing up, sitting down and sleeping, be at peace;

nwnk nwim slwihAY mnu qnu sIqlu hoie ]1] (321-4)
naanak naam salaahi-ai man tan seetal ho-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, praising the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind and body are cooled and soothed. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (321-4)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

lwlic AitAw inq iPrY suAwrQu kry n koie ] (321-5)
laalach ati-aa nit firai su-aarath karay na ko-ay.
Filled with greed, he constantly wanders around; he does not do any good deeds.

ijsu guru BytY nwnkw iqsu min visAw soie ]2] (321-5)
jis gur bhaytai naankaa tis man vasi-aa so-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the Lord abides within the mind of one who meets with the Guru. ||2||

pauVI ] (321-6)

sBy vsqU kauVIAw scy nwau imTw ] (321-6)
sabhay vastoo ka-urhee-aa sachay naa-o mithaa.
All material things are bitter; the True Name alone is sweet.

swdu AwieAw iqn hir jnW ciK swDI ifTw ] (321-6)
saad aa-i-aa tin har janaaN chakh saaDhee dithaa.
Those humble servants of the Lord who taste it, come to savor its flavor.

pwrbRhim ijsu iliKAw min iqsY vuTw ] (321-7)
paarbarahm jis likhi-aa man tisai vuthaa.
It comes to dwell within the mind of those who are so pre-destined by the Supreme Lord God.

ieku inrMjnu riv rihAw Bwau duXw kuTw ] (321-7)
ik niranjan rav rahi-aa bhaa-o duyaa kuthaa.
The One Immaculate Lord is pervading everywhere; He destroys the love of duality.

hir nwnku mMgY joiV kr pRBu dyvY quTw ]13] (321-7)
har naanak mangai jorh kar parabh dayvai tuthaa. ||13||
Nanak begs for the Lord's Name, with his palms pressed together; by His Pleasure, God has granted it. ||13||

slok mÚ 5 ] (321-8)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

jwcVI sw swru jo jwcMdI hykVo ] (321-8)
jaachrhee saa saar jo jaachandee haykrho.
The most excellent begging is begging for the One Lord.

gwl@I ibAw ivkwr nwnk DxI ivhUxIAw ]1] (321-8)
gaalHee bi-aa vikaar naanak Dhanee vihoonee-aa. ||1||
Other talk is corrupt, O Nanak, except that of the Lord Master. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (321-9)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

nIih ij ivDw mMnu pCwxU ivrlo iQE ] (321-9)
neehi je viDhaa man pachhaanoo virlo thi-o.
One who recognizes the Lord is very rare; his mind is pierced through with the Love of the Lord.

joVxhwrw sMqu nwnk pwDru pDro ]2] (321-9)
jorhanhaaraa sant naanak paaDhar paDhro. ||2||
Such a Saint is the Uniter, O Nanak - he straightens out the path. ||2||

pauVI ] (321-10)

soeI syivhu jIAVy dwqw bKisMdu ] (321-10)
so-ee sayvihu jee-arhay daataa bakhsind.
Serve Him, O my soul, who is the Giver and the Forgiver.

iklivK siB ibnwsu hoin ismrq goivMdu ] (321-10)
kilvikh sabh binaas hon simrat govind.
All sinful mistakes are erased, by meditating in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe.

hir mwrgu swDU disAw jpIAY gurmMqu ] (321-11)
har maarag saaDhoo dasi-aa japee-ai gurmant.
The Holy Saint has shown me the Way to the Lord; I chant the GurMantra.

mwieAw suAwd siB iPikAw hir min BwvMdu ] (321-11)
maa-i-aa su-aad sabh fiki-aa har man bhaavand.
The taste of Maya is totally bland and insipid; the Lord alone is pleasing to my mind.

iDAwie nwnk prmysrY ijin idqI ijMdu ]14] (321-12)
Dhi-aa-ay naanak parmaysrai jin ditee jind. ||14||
Meditate, O Nanak, on the Transcendent Lord, who has blessed you with your soul and your life. ||14||

slok mÚ 5 ] (321-12)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

vq lgI scy nwm kI jo bIjy so Kwie ] (321-12)
vat lagee sachay naam kee jo beejay so khaa-ay.
The time has come to plant the seed of the Lord's Name; one who plants it, shall eat its fruit.

iqsih prwpiq nwnkw ijs no iliKAw Awie ]1] (321-13)
tiseh paraapat naankaa jis no likhi-aa aa-ay. ||1||
He alone receives it, O Nanak, whose destiny is so pre-ordained. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (321-13)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

mMgxw q scu ieku ijsu quis dyvY Awip ] (321-13)
mangnaa ta sach ik jis tus dayvai aap.
If one begs, then he should beg for the Name of the True One, which is given only by His Pleasure.

ijqu KwDY mnu iqRpqIAY nwnk swihb dwiq ]2] (321-14)
jit khaaDhai man taripat-ee-ai naanak saahib daat. ||2||
Eating this gift from the Lord and Master, O Nanak, the mind is satisfied. ||2||

pauVI ] (321-14)

lwhw jg mih sy Ktih ijn hir Dnu rwis ] (321-14)
laahaa jag meh say khateh jin har Dhan raas.
They alone earn profit in this world, who have the wealth of the Lord's Name.

duqIAw Bwau n jwxnI scy dI Aws ] (321-15)
dutee-aa bhaa-o na jaannee sachay dee aas.
They do not know the love of duality; they place their hopes in the True Lord.

inhclu eyku sryivAw horu sB ivxwsu ] (321-15)
nihchal ayk sarayvi-aa hor sabh vinaas.
They serve the One Eternal Lord, and give up everything else.

pwrbRhmu ijsu ivsrY iqsu ibrQw swsu ] (321-16)
paarbarahm jis visrai tis birthaa saas.
One who forgets the Supreme Lord God - useless is his breath.

kMiT lwie jn riKAw nwnk bil jwsu ]15] (321-16)
kanth laa-ay jan rakhi-aa naanak bal jaas. ||15||
God draws His humble servant close in His loving embrace and protects him - Nanak is a sacrifice to Him. ||15||

slok mÚ 5 ] (321-17)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

pwrbRhim PurmwieAw mIhu vuTw shij suBwie ] (321-17)
paarbarahm furmaa-i-aa meehu vuthaa sahj subhaa-ay.
The Supreme Lord God gave the Order, and the rain automatically began to fall.

AMnu DMnu bhuqu aupijAw ipRQmI rjI iqpiq AGwie ] (321-17)
ann Dhan bahut upji-aa parithmee rajee tipat aghaa-ay.
Grain and wealth were produced in abundance; the earth was totally satisfied and satiated.

sdw sdw gux aucrY duKu dwldu gieAw iblwie ] (321-18)
sadaa sadaa gun uchrai dukh daalad ga-i-aa bilaa-ay.
Forever and ever, chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and pain and poverty shall run away.

pUrib iliKAw pwieAw imilAw iqsY rjwie ] (321-18)
poorab likhi-aa paa-i-aa mili-aa tisai rajaa-ay.
People obtain that which they are pre-ordained to receive, according to the Will of the Lord.

prmysir jIvwilAw nwnk iqsY iDAwie ]1] (321-19)
parmaysar jeevaali-aa naanak tisai Dhi-aa-ay. ||1||
The Transcendent Lord keeps you alive; O Nanak, meditate on Him. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (321-19)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD