Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pauVI ] (320-1)

iqsY sryvhu pRwxIho ijs dY nwau plY ] (320-1)
tisai sarayvhu paraaneeho jis dai naa-o palai.
Serve Him, O mortals, who has the Lord's Name in His lap.

AYQY rhhu suhyilAw AgY nwil clY ] (320-1)
aithai rahhu suhayli-aa agai naal chalai.
You shall dwell in peace and ease in this world; in the world hereafter, it shall go with you.

Gru bMDhu sc Drm kw gif QMmu AhlY ] (320-2)
ghar banDhhu sach Dharam kaa gad thamm ahlai.
So build your home of true righteousness, with the unshakable pillars of Dharma.

Et lYhu nwrwiexY dIn dunIAw JlY ] (320-2)
ot laihu naaraa-inai deen dunee-aa jhalai.
Take the Support of the Lord, who gives support in the spiritual and material worlds.

nwnk pkVy crx hir iqsu drgh mlY ]8] (320-3)
naanak pakrhay charan har tis dargeh malai. ||8||
Nanak grasps the Lotus Feet of the Lord; he humbly bows in His Court. ||8||

slok mÚ 5 ] (320-3)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

jwcku mMgY dwnu dyih ipAwirAw ] (320-3)
jaachak mangai daan deh pi-aari-aa.
The beggar begs for charity: give to me, O my Beloved!

dyvxhwru dwqwru mY inq icqwirAw ] (320-4)
dayvanhaar daataar mai nit chitaari-aa.
O Great Giver, O Giving Lord, my consciousness is continually centered on You.

inKuit n jweI mUil Aqul BMfwirAw ] (320-4)
nikhut na jaa-ee mool atul bhandaari-aa.
The immeasurable warehouses of the Lord can never be emptied out.

nwnk sbdu Apwru iqin sBu ikCu swirAw ]1] (320-4)
naanak sabad apaar tin sabh kichh saari-aa. ||1||
O Nanak, the Word of the Shabad is infinite; it has arranged everything perfectly. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (320-5)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

isKhu sbdu ipAwirho jnm mrn kI tyk ] (320-5)
sikhahu sabad pi-aariho janam maran kee tayk.
O Sikhs, love the Word of the Shabad; in life and death, it is our only support.

muK aUjl sdw suKI nwnk ismrq eyk ]2] (320-5)
mukh oojal sadaa sukhee naanak simrat ayk. ||2||
Your face shall be radiant, and you shall find a lasting peace, O Nanak, remembering the One Lord in meditation. ||2||

pauVI ] (320-6)

EQY AMimRqu vMfIAY suKIAw hir krxy ] (320-6)
othai amrit vandee-ai sukhee-aa har karnay.
There, the Ambrosial Nectar is distributed; the Lord is the Bringer of peace.

jm kY pMiQ n pweIAih iPir nwhI mrxy ] (320-6)
jam kai panth na paa-ee-ah fir naahee marnay.
They are not placed upon the path of Death, and they shall not have to die again.

ijs no AwieAw pRym rsu iqsY hI jrxy ] (320-7)
jis no aa-i-aa paraym ras tisai hee jarnay.
One who comes to savor the Lord's Love experiences it.

bwxI aucrih swD jn Aimau clih Jrxy ] (320-7)
banee uchrahi saaDh jan ami-o chaleh jharnay.
The Holy beings chant the Bani of the Word, like nectar flowing from a spring.

pyiK drsnu nwnku jIivAw mn AMdir Drxy ]9] (320-8)
paykh darsan naanak jeevi-aa man andar Dharnay. ||9||
Nanak lives by beholding the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of those who have implanted the Lord's Name within their minds. ||9||

slok mÚ 5 ] (320-8)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

siqguir pUrY syivAY dUKw kw hoie nwsu ] (320-9)
satgur poorai sayvi-ai dookhaa kaa ho-ay naas.
Serving the Perfect True Guru, suffering ends.

nwnk nwim ArwiDAY kwrju AwvY rwis ]1] (320-9)
naanak naam araaDhi-ai kaaraj aavai raas. ||1||
O Nanak, worshipping the Naam in adoration, one's affairs come to be resolved. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (320-9)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

ijsu ismrq sMkt Cutih And mMgl ibsRwm ] (320-10)
jis simrat sankat chhuteh anad mangal bisraam.
Remembering Him in meditation, misfortune departs, and one comes to abide in peace and bliss.

nwnk jpIAY sdw hir inmK n ibsrau nwmu ]2] (320-10)
naanak japee-ai sadaa har nimakh na bisara-o naam. ||2||
O Nanak, meditate forever on the Lord - do not forget Him, even for an instant. ||2||

pauVI ] (320-11)

iqn kI soBw ikAw gxI ijnI hir hir lDw ] (320-11)
tin kee sobhaa ki-aa ganee jinee har har laDhaa.
How can I estimate the glory of those, who have found the Lord, Har, Har?

swDw srxI jo pvY su CutY bDw ] (320-11)
saaDhaa sarnee jo pavai so chhutai baDhaa.
One who seeks the Sanctuary of the Holy is released from bondage.

gux gwvY AibnwsIAY join griB n dDw ] (320-12)
gun gaavai abinaasee-ai jon garabh na daDhaa.
One who sings the Glorious Praises of the Imperishable Lord does not burn in the womb of reincarnation.

guru ByitAw pwrbRhmu hir piV buiJ smDw ] (320-12)
gur bhayti-aa paarbarahm har parh bujh samDhaa.
One who meets the Guru and the Supreme Lord God, who reads and understands, enters the state of Samaadhi.

nwnk pwieAw so DxI hir Agm AgDw ]10] (320-12)
naanak paa-i-aa so Dhanee har agam agDhaa. ||10||
Nanak has obtained that Lord Master, who is inaccessible and unfathomable. ||10||

slok mÚ 5 ] (320-13)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

kwmu n krhI Awpxw iPrih Avqw loie ] (320-13)
kaam na karhee aapnaa fireh avtaa lo-ay.
People do not perform their duties, but instead, they wander around aimlessly.

nwnk nwie ivswirAY suKu iknyhw hoie ]1] (320-14)
naanak naa-ay visaari-ai sukh kinayhaa ho-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, if they forget the Name, how can they ever find peace? ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (320-14)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

ibKY kauVqix sgl mwih jgiq rhI lptwie ] (320-14)
bikhai ka-urh-tan sagal maahi jagat rahee laptaa-ay.
The bitter poison of corruption is everywhere; it clings to the substance of the world.

nwnk jin vIcwirAw mITw hir kw nwau ]2] (320-15)
naanak jan veechaari-aa meethaa har kaa naa-o. ||2||
O Nanak, the humble being has realized that the Name of the Lord alone is sweet. ||2||

pauVI ] (320-15)

ieh nIswxI swD kI ijsu Bytq qrIAY ] (320-15)
ih neesaanee saaDh kee jis bhaytat taree-ai.
This is the distinguishing sign of the Holy Saint, that by meeting with him, one is saved.

jmkMkru nyiV n AwveI iPir bhuiV n mrIAY ] (320-16)
jamkankar nayrh na aavee fir bahurh na maree-ai.
The Messenger of Death does not come near him; he never has to die again.

Bv swgru sMswru ibKu so pwir auqrIAY ] (320-16)
bhav saagar sansaar bikh so paar utree-ai.
He crosses over the terrifying, poisonous world-ocean.

hir gux guMPhu min mwl hir sB mlu prhrIAY ] (320-17)
har gun gufhu man maal har sabh mal parharee-ai.
So weave the garland of the Lord's Glorious Praises into your mind, and all your filth shall be washed away.

nwnk pRIqm imil rhy pwrbRhm nrhrIAY ]11] (320-17)
naanak pareetam mil rahay paarbarahm narharee-ai. ||11||
Nanak remains blended with his Beloved, the Supreme Lord God. ||11||

slok mÚ 5 ] (320-18)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

nwnk Awey sy prvwxu hY ijn hir vuTw iciq ] (320-18)
naanak aa-ay say parvaan hai jin har vuthaa chit.
O Nanak, approved is the birth of those, within whose consciousness the Lord abides.

gwl@I Al plwlIAw kMim n Awvih imq ]1] (320-18)
gaalHee al palaalee-aa kamm na aavahi mit. ||1||
Useless talk and babbling is useless, my friend. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (320-19)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

pwrbRhmu pRBu idRstI AwieAw pUrn Agm ibsmwd ] (320-19)
paarbarahm parabh daristee aa-i-aa pooran agam bismaad.
I have come to see the Supreme Lord God, the Perfect, Inaccessible, Wonderful Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD