Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mÚ 5 ] (319-1)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

dwmnI cmqkwr iqau vrqwrw jg Ky ] (319-1)
daamnee chamatkaar ti-o vartaaraa jag khay.
Like the flash of lightning, worldly affairs last only for a moment.

vQu suhwvI swie nwnk nwau jpMdo iqsu DxI ]2] (319-1)
vath suhaavee saa-ay naanak naa-o japando tis Dhanee. ||2||
The only thing which is pleasing, O Nanak, is that which inspires one to meditate on the Name of the Master. ||2||

pauVI ] (319-2)

isimRiq swsqR soiD siB iknY kIm n jwxI ] (319-2)
simrit saastar soDh sabh kinai keem na jaanee.
People have searched all the Simritees and Shaastras, but no one knows the Lord's value.

jo jnu BytY swDsMig so hir rMgu mwxI ] (319-2)
jo jan bhaytai saaDhsang so har rang maanee.
That being, who joins the Saadh Sangat enjoys the Love of the Lord.

scu nwmu krqw purKu eyh rqnw KwxI ] (319-3)
sach naam kartaa purakh ayh ratnaa khaanee.
True is the Naam, the Name of the Creator, the Primal Being. It is the mine of precious jewels.

msqik hovY iliKAw hir ismir prwxI ] (319-3)
mastak hovai likhi-aa har simar paraanee.
That mortal, who has such pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon his forehead, meditates in remembrance on the Lord.

qosw idcY scu nwmu nwnk imhmwxI ]4] (319-4)
tosaa dichai sach naam naanak mihmaanee. ||4||
O Lord, please bless Nanak, Your humble guest, with the supplies of the True Name. ||4||

slok mÚ 5 ] (319-4)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

AMqir icMqw nYxI suKI mUil n auqrY BuK ] (319-4)
antar chintaa nainee sukhee mool na utrai bhukh.
He harbors anxiety within himself, but to the eyes, he appears to be happy; his hunger never departs.

nwnk scy nwm ibnu iksY n lQo duKu ]1] (319-5)
naanak sachay naam bin kisai na latho dukh. ||1||
O Nanak, without the True Name, no one's sorrows have ever departed. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (319-5)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

muTVy syeI swQ ijnI scu n lidAw ] (319-5)
muth-rhay say-ee saath jinee sach na ladi-aa.
Those caravans which did not load the Truth have been plundered.

nwnk sy swbwis ijnI gur imil ieku pCwixAw ]2] (319-6)
naanak say saabaas jinee gur mil ik pachhaani-aa. ||2||
O Nanak, those who meet the True Guru, and acknowledge the One Lord, are congratulated. ||2||

pauVI ] (319-6)

ijQY bYsin swD jn so Qwnu suhMdw ] (319-6)
jithai baisan saaDh jan so thaan suhandaa.
Beautiful is that place, where the Holy people dwell.

Eie syvin sMimRQu Awpxw ibnsY sBu mMdw ] (319-7)
o-ay sayvan sammrith aapnaa binsai sabh mandaa.
They serve their All-powerful Lord, and they give up all their evil ways.

piqq auDwrx pwrbRhm sMq bydu khMdw ] (319-7)
patit uDhaaran paarbarahm sant bayd kahandaa.
The Saints and the Vedas proclaim, that the Supreme Lord God is the Saving Grace of sinners.

Bgiq vClu qyrw ibrdu hY juig juig vrqMdw ] (319-8)
bhagat vachhal tayraa birad hai jug jug vartandaa.
You are the Lover of Your devotees - this is Your natural way, in each and every age.

nwnku jwcY eyku nwmu min qin BwvMdw ]5] (319-8)
naanak jaachai ayk naam man tan bhaavandaa. ||5||
Nanak asks for the One Name, which is pleasing to his mind and body. ||5||

slok mÚ 5 ] (319-9)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

icVI cuhkI phu PutI vgin bhuqu qrMg ] (319-9)
chirhee chuhkee pahu futee vagan bahut tarang.
The sparrows are chirping, and dawn has come; the wind stirs up the waves.

Acrj rUp sMqn rcy nwnk nwmih rMg ]1] (319-9)
achraj roop santan rachay naanak naameh rang. ||1||
Such a wondrous thing the Saints have fashioned, O Nanak, in the Love of the Naam. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (319-10)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

Gr mMdr KusIAw qhI jh qU Awvih iciq ] (319-10)
ghar mandar khusee-aa tahee jah too aavahi chit.
Homes, palaces and pleasures are there, where You, O Lord, come to mind.

dunIAw kIAw vifAweIAw nwnk siB kuimq ]2] (319-10)
dunee-aa kee-aa vadi-aa-ee-aa naanak sabh kumit. ||2||
All worldly grandeur, O Nanak, is like false and evil friends. ||2||

pauVI ] (319-11)

hir Dnu scI rwis hY iknY ivrlY jwqw ] (319-11)
har Dhan sachee raas hai kinai virlai jaataa.
The wealth of the Lord is the true capital; how rare are those who understand this.

iqsY prwpiq Bwierhu ijsu dyie ibDwqw ] (319-11)
tisai paraapat bhaa-irahu jis day-ay biDhaataa.
He alone receives it, O Siblings of Destiny, unto whom the Architect of Destiny gives it.

mn qn BIqir mauilAw hir rMig jnu rwqw ] (319-12)
man tan bheetar ma-oli-aa har rang jan raataa.
His servant is imbued with the Love of the Lord; his body and mind blossom forth.

swDsMig gux gwieAw siB doKh Kwqw ] (319-12)
saaDhsang gun gaa-i-aa sabh dokhah khaataa.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and all of his sufferings are removed.

nwnk soeI jIivAw ijin ieku pCwqw ]6] (319-13)
naanak so-ee jeevi-aa jin ik pachhaataa. ||6||
O Nanak, he alone lives, who acknowledges the One Lord. ||6||

slok mÚ 5 ] (319-13)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

KKVIAw suhwvIAw lgVIAw Ak kMiT ] (319-13)
khakh-rhee-aa suhaavee-aa lagrhee-aa ak kanth.
The fruit of the swallow-wort plant looks beautiful, attached to the branch of the tree;

ibrh ivCoVw DxI isau nwnk shsY gMiT ]1] (319-14)
birah vichhorhaa Dhanee si-o naanak sahsai ganth. ||1||
but when it is separated from the stem of its Master, O Nanak, it breaks apart into thousands of fragments. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (319-14)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

ivswrydy mir gey mir iB n skih mUil ] (319-14)
visaarayday mar ga-ay mar bhe na sakahi mool.
Those who forget the Lord die, but they cannot die a complete death.

vymuK hoey rwm qy ijau qskr aupir sUil ]2] (319-15)
vaimukh ho-ay raam tay ji-o taskar upar sool. ||2||
Those who turn their backs on the Lord suffer, like the thief impaled on the gallows. ||2||

pauVI ] (319-15)

suK inDwnu pRBu eyku hY AibnwsI suixAw ] (319-15)
sukh niDhaan parabh ayk hai abhinaasee suni-aa.
The One God is the treasure of peace; I have heard that He is eternal and imperishable.

jil Qil mhIAil pUirAw Git Git hir BixAw ] (319-16)
jal thal mahee-al poori-aa ghat ghat har bhani-aa.
He is totally pervading the water, the land and the sky; the Lord is said to be permeating each and every heart.

aUc nIc sB iek smwin kIt hsqI bixAw ] (319-16)
ooch neech sabh ik samaan keet hastee bani-aa.
He looks alike upon the high and the low, the ant and the elephant.

mIq sKw suq bMiDpo siB iqs dy jixAw ] (319-17)
meet sakhaa sut banDhipo sabh tis day jani-aa.
Friends, companions, children and relatives are all created by Him.

quis nwnku dyvY ijsu nwmu iqin hir rMgu mixAw ]7] (319-17)
tus naanak dayvai jis naam tin har rang mani-aa. ||7||
O Nanak, one who is blessed with the Naam, enjoys the Lord's love and affection. ||7||

slok mÚ 5 ] (319-18)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

ijnw swis igrwis n ivsrY hir nwmW min mMqu ] (319-18)
jinaa saas giraas na visrai har naamaaN man mant.
Those who do not forget the Lord, with each breath and morsel of food, whose minds are filled with the Mantra of the Lord's Name

DMnu is syeI nwnkw pUrnu soeI sMqu ]1] (319-18)
Dhan se say-ee naankaa pooran so-ee sant. ||1||
- they alone are blessed; O Nanak, they are the perfect Saints. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (319-19)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

ATy phr Baudw iPrY Kwvx sMdVY sUil ] (319-19)
athay pahar bha-udaa firai khaavan sand-rhai sool.
Twenty-four hours a day, he wanders around, driven by his hunger for food.

dojik paudw ikau rhY jw iciq n hoie rsUil ]2] (319-19)
dojak pa-udaa ki-o rahai jaa chit na ho-ay rasool. ||2||
How can he escape from falling into hell, when he does not remember the Prophet? ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD