Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk liV lwie auDwirAnu dXu syiv Aimqw ]19] (323-1)
naanak larh laa-ay uDhaari-an da-yu sayv amitaa. ||19||
O Nanak, serve the Infinite Lord; grasp the hem of His robe, and He will save you. ||19||

slok mÚ 5 ] (323-1)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

DMDVy kulwh iciq n AwvY hykVo ] (323-1)
DhanDh-rhay kulaah chit na aavai haykrho.
Worldly affairs are unprofitable, if the One Lord does not come to mind.

nwnk syeI qMn PutMin ijnw sWeI ivsrY ]1] (323-2)
naanak say-ee tann futann jinaa saaN-ee visrai. ||1||
O Nanak, the bodies of those who forget their Master shall burst apart. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (323-2)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

pryqhu kIqonu dyvqw iqin krxYhwry ] (323-2)
paraytahu keeton dayvtaa tin karnaihaaray.
The ghost has been transformed into an angel by the Creator Lord.

sBy isK aubwirAnu pRiB kwj svwry ] (323-3)
sabhay sikh ubaari-an parabh kaaj savaaray.
God has emancipated all the Sikhs and resolved their affairs.

inMdk pkiV pCwiVAnu JUTy drbwry ] (323-3)
nindak pakarh pachhaarhi-an jhoothay darbaaray.
He has seized the slanderers and thrown them to the ground, and declared them false in His Court.

nwnk kw pRBu vfw hY Awip swij svwry ]2] (323-4)
naanak kaa parabh vadaa hai aap saaj savaaray. ||2||
Nanak's God is glorious and great; He Himself creates and adorns. ||2||

pauVI ] (323-4)

pRBu byAMqu ikCu AMqu nwih sBu iqsY krxw ] (323-4)
parabh bay-ant kichh ant naahi sabh tisai karnaa.
God is unlimited; He has no limit; He is the One who does everything.

Agm Agocru swihbo jIAW kw prxw ] (323-5)
agam agochar saahibo jee-aaN kaa parnaa.
The Inaccessible and Unapproachable Lord and Master is the Support of His beings.

hsq dyie pRiqpwldw Brx poKxu krxw ] (323-5)
hasat day-ay partipaaldaa bharan pokhan karnaa.
Giving His Hand, He nurtures and cherishes; He is the Filler and Fulfiller.

imhrvwnu bKisMdu Awip jip scy qrxw ] (323-6)
miharvaan bakhsind aap jap sachay tarnaa.
He Himself is Merciful and Forgiving. Chanting the True Name, one is saved.

jo quDu BwvY so Blw nwnk dws srxw ]20] (323-6)
jo tuDh bhaavai so bhalaa naanak daas sarnaa. ||20||
Whatever pleases You - that alone is good; slave Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary. ||20||

slok mÚ 5 ] (323-6)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

iqMnw BuK n kw rhI ijs dw pRBu hY soie ] (323-7)
tinnaa bhukh na kaa rahee jis daa parabh hai so-ay.
One who belongs to God has no hunger.

nwnk crxI ligAw auDrY sBo koie ]1] (323-7)
naanak charnee lagi-aa uDhrai sabho ko-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, everyone who falls at his feet is saved. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (323-7)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

jwicku mMgY inq nwmu swihbu kry kbUlu ] (323-8)
jaachik mangai nit naam saahib karay kabool.
If the beggar begs for the Lord's Name every day, his Lord and Master will grant his request.

nwnk prmysru jjmwnu iqsih BuK n mUil ]2] (323-8)
naanak parmaysar jajmaan tiseh bhukh na mool. ||2||
O Nanak, the Transcendent Lord is the most generous host; He does not lack anything at all. ||2||

pauVI ] (323-9)

mnu rqw goivMd sMig scu Bojnu joVy ] (323-9)
man rataa govind sang sach bhojan jorhay.
To imbue the mind with the Lord of the Universe is the true food and dress.

pRIiq lgI hir nwm isau ey hsqI GoVy ] (323-9)
pareet lagee har naam si-o ay hastee ghorhay.
To embrace love for the Name of the Lord is to possess horses and elephants.

rwj imlK KusIAw GxI iDAwie muKu n moVy ] (323-9)
raaj milakh khusee-aa ghanee Dhi-aa-ay mukh na morhay.
To meditate on the Lord steadfastly is to rule over kingdoms of property and enjoy all sorts of pleasures.

FwFI dir pRB mMgxw dru kdy n CoVy ] (323-10)
dhaadhee dar parabh mangnaa dar kaday na chhorhay.
The minstrel begs at God's Door - he shall never leave that Door.

nwnk min qin cwau eyhu inq pRB kau loVy ]21]1] suDu kIcy (323-10)
naanak man tan chaa-o ayhu nit parabh ka-o lorhay. ||21||1|| suDh keechay
Nanak has this yearning in his mind and body - he longs continually for God. ||21||1|| Sudh Keechay||

rwgu gauVI BgqW kI bwxI (323-12)
raag ga-orhee bhagtaaN kee banee
Raag Gauree, The Word Of The Devotees:

<> siqnwmu krqw purKu gur pRswid ] (323-12)
ik-oaNkaar satnaam kartaa purakh gur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace:

gauVI guAwryrI sRI kbIr jIau ky caupdy 14 ] (323-13)
ga-orhee gu-aarayree saree kabeer jee-o kay cha-upday 14.
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourteen Chau-Padas Of Kabeer Jee:

Ab moih jlq rwm jlu pwieAw ] (323-13)
ab mohi jalat raam jal paa-i-aa.
I was on fire, but now I have found the Water of the Lord's Name.

rwm audik qnu jlq buJwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (323-13)
raam udak tan jalat bujhaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This Water of the Lord's Name has cooled my burning body. ||1||Pause||

mnu mwrx kwrix bn jweIAY ] (323-14)
man maaran kaaran ban jaa-ee-ai.
To subdue their minds, some go off into the forests;

so jlu ibnu BgvMq n pweIAY ]1] (323-14)
so jal bin bhagvant na paa-ee-ai. ||1||
but that Water is not found without the Lord God. ||1||

ijh pwvk suir nr hY jwry ] (323-15)
jih paavak sur nar hai jaaray.
That fire has consumed angels and mortal beings,

rwm audik jn jlq aubwry ]2] (323-15)
raam udak jan jalat ubaaray. ||2||
but the Water of the Lord's Name saves His humble servants from burning. ||2||

Bv swgr suK swgr mwhI ] (323-15)
bhav saagar sukh saagar maahee.
In the terrifying world-ocean, there is an ocean of peace.

pIiv rhy jl inKutq nwhI ]3] (323-16)
peev rahay jal nikhutat naahee. ||3||
I continue to drink it in, but this Water is never exhausted. ||3||

kih kbIr Bju swirMgpwnI ] (323-16)
kahi kabeer bhaj saringpaanee.
Says Kabeer, meditate and vibrate upon the Lord, like the rainbird remembering the water.

rwm audik myrI iqKw buJwnI ]4]1] (323-16)
raam udak mayree tikhaa bujhaanee. ||4||1||
The Water of the Lord's Name has quenched my thirst. ||4||1||

gauVI kbIr jI ] (323-17)
ga-orhee kabeer jee.
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:

mwDau jl kI ipAws n jwie ] (323-17)
maaDha-o jal kee pi-aas na jaa-ay.
O Lord, my thirst for the Water of Your Name will not go away.

jl mih Agin auTI AiDkwie ]1] rhwau ] (323-17)
jal meh agan uthee aDhikaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The fire of my thirst burns even more brightly in that Water. ||1||Pause||

qUM jliniD hau jl kw mInu ] (323-18)
tooN jalniDh ha-o jal kaa meen.
You are the Ocean of Water, and I am just a fish in that Water.

jl mih rhau jlih ibnu KInu ]1] (323-18)
jal meh raha-o jaleh bin kheen. ||1||
In that Water, I remain; without that Water, I would perish. ||1||

qUM ipMjru hau sUAtw qor ] (323-18)
tooN pinjar ha-o soo-ataa tor.
You are the cage, and I am Your parrot.

jmu mMjwru khw krY mor ]2] (323-19)
jam manjaar kahaa karai mor. ||2||
So what can the cat of death do to me? ||2||

qUM qrvru hau pMKI Awih ] (323-19)
tooN tarvar ha-o pankhee aahi.
You are the tree, and I am the bird.

mMdBwgI qyro drsnu nwih ]3] (323-19)
mand-bhaagee tayro darsan naahi. ||3||
I am so unfortunate - I cannot see the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan! ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD