Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir AMdrlw pwpu pMcw no auGw kir vyKwilAw ] (316-1)
har andarlaa paap panchaa no ughaa kar vaykhaali-aa.
The Lord has exposed the penitent's secret sin to the elders.

Drm rwie jmkMkrw no AwiK CifAw eysu qpy no iqQY KiV pwiehu ijQY mhw mhW hiqAwirAw ] (316-1)
Dharam raa-ay jamkankraa no aakh chhadi-aa ays tapay no tithai kharh paa-ihu jithai mahaa mahaaN hati-aari-aa.
The Righteous Judge of Dharma said to the Messenger of Death, "Take this penitent and put him with the worst of the worst murderers."

iPir eysu qpy dY muih koeI lghu nwhI eyhu siqguir hY iPtkwirAw ] (316-2)
fir ays tapay dai muhi ko-ee lagahu naahee ayhu satgur hai fitkaari-aa.
No one is to look at the face of this penitent again. He has been cursed by the True Guru.

hir kY dir vriqAw su nwnik AwiK suxwieAw ] (316-3)
har kai dar varti-aa so naanak aakh sunaa-i-aa.
Nanak speaks and reveals what has taken place in the Court of the Lord.

so bUJY ju diX svwirAw ]1] (316-3)
so boojhai jo da-yi savaari-aa. ||1||
He alone understands, who is blessed and adorned by the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (316-4)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

hir BgqW hir AwrwiDAw hir kI vifAweI ] (316-4)
har bhagtaaN har aaraaDhi-aa har kee vadi-aa-ee.
The devotees of the Lord worship and adore the Lord, and the glorious greatness of the Lord.

hir kIrqnu Bgq inq gWvdy hir nwmu suKdweI ] (316-4)
har keertan bhagat nit gaaNvday har naam sukh-daa-ee.
The Lord's devotees continually sing the Kirtan of His Praises; the Name of the Lord is the Giver of peace.

hir BgqW no inq nwvY dI vifAweI bKsIAnu inq cVY svweI ] (316-5)
har bhagtaaN no nit naavai dee vadi-aa-ee bakhsee-an nit charhai savaa-ee.
The Lord ever bestows upon His devotees the glorious greatness of His Name, which increases day by day.

hir BgqW no iQru GrI bhwilAnu ApxI pYj rKweI ] (316-6)
har bhagtaaN no thir gharee bahaali-an apnee paij rakhaa-ee.
The Lord inspires His devotees to sit, steady and stable, in the home of their inner being. He preserves their honor.

inMdkW pwshu hir lyKw mMgsI bhu dyie sjweI ] (316-6)
nindkaaN paashu har laykhaa mangsee baho day-ay sajaa-ee.
The Lord summons the slanderers to answer for their accounts, and He punishes them severely.

jyhw inMdk ApxY jIie kmwvdy qyho Plu pweI ] (316-7)
jayhaa nindak apnai jee-ay kamaavday tayho fal paa-ee.
As the slanderers think of acting, so are the fruits they obtain.

AMdir kmwxw srpr auGVY BwvY koeI bih DrqI ivic kmweI ] (316-7)
andar kamaanaa sarpar ugh-rhai bhaavai ko-ee bahi Dhartee vich kamaa-ee.
Actions done in secrecy are sure to come to light, even if one does it underground.

jn nwnku dyiK ivgisAw hir kI vifAweI ]2] (316-8)
jan naanak daykh vigsi-aa har kee vadi-aa-ee. ||2||
Servant Nanak blossoms forth in joy, beholding the glorious greatness of the Lord. ||2||

pauVI mÚ 5 ] (316-8)
pa-orhee mehlaa 5.
Pauree, Fifth Mehl:

Bgq jnW kw rwKw hir Awip hY ikAw pwpI krIAY ] (316-9)
bhagat janaaN kaa raakhaa har aap hai ki-aa paapee karee-ai.
The Lord Himself is the Protector of His devotees; what can the sinner do to them?

gumwnu krih mUV gumwnIAw ivsu KwDI mrIAY ] (316-9)
gumaan karahi moorh gumaanee-aa vis khaaDhee maree-ai.
The proud fool acts in pride, and eating his own poison, he dies.

Awie lgy nI idh QoVVy ijau pkw Kyqu luxIAY ] (316-10)
aa-ay lagay nee dih thorh-rhay ji-o pakaa khayt lunee-ai.
His few days have come to an end, and he is cut down like the crop at harvest.

jyhy krm kmwvdy qyvyho BxIAY ] (316-10)
jayhay karam kamaavday tayvayho bhanee-ai.
According to one's actions, so is one spoken of.

jn nwnk kw Ksmu vfw hY sBnw dw DxIAY ]30] (316-10)
jan naanak kaa khasam vadaa hai sabhnaa daa Dhanee-ai. ||30||
Glorious and great is the Lord and Master of servant Nanak; He is the Master of all. ||30||

slok mÚ 4 ] (316-11)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

mnmuK mUlhu BuilAw ivic lbu loBu AhMkwru ] (316-11)
manmukh moolhu bhuli-aa vich lab lobh ahaNkaar.
The self-willed manmukhs forget the Primal Lord, the Source of all; they are caught in greed and egotism.

JgVw kridAw Anidnu gudrY sbid n krih vIcwru ] (316-12)
jhagrhaa kardi-aa an-din gudrai sabad na karahi veechaar.
They pass their nights and days in conflict and struggle; they do not contemplate the Word of the Shabad.

suiD miq krqY sB ihir leI bolin sBu ivkwru ] (316-12)
suDh mat kartai sabh hir la-ee bolan sabh vikaar.
The Creator has taken away all their understanding and purity; all their speech is evil and corrupt.

idqY ikqY n sMqoKIAih AMqir iqsnw bhu AigAwnu AMD´wru ] (316-13)
ditai kitai na santokhee-ah antar tisnaa baho agi-aan anDh-yaar.
No matter what they are given, they are not satisfied; within their hearts there is great desire, ignorance and darkness.

nwnk mnmuKw nwlo qutI BlI ijn mwieAw moh ipAwru ]1] (316-13)
naanak manmukhaa naalo tutee bhalee jin maa-i-aa moh pi-aar. ||1||
O Nanak, it is good to break away from the self-willed manmukhs, who have love and attachment to Maya. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (316-14)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

ijnw AMdir dUjw Bwau hY iqn@w gurmuiK pRIiq n hoie ] (316-14)
jinaa andar doojaa bhaa-o hai tinHaa gurmukh pareet na ho-ay.
Those whose hearts are filled with the love of duality, do not love the Gurmukhs.

Euhu AwvY jwie BvweIAY supnY suKu n koie ] (316-15)
ohu aavai jaa-ay bhavaa-ee-ai supnai sukh na ko-ay.
They come and go, and wander in reincarnation; even in their dreams, they find no peace.

kUVu kmwvY kUVu aucrY kUiV ligAw kUVu hoie ] (316-15)
koorh kamaavai koorh uchrai koorh lagi-aa koorh ho-ay.
They practice falsehood and they speak falsehood; attached to falsehood, they become false.

mwieAw mohu sBu duKu hY duiK ibnsY duKu roie ] (316-16)
maa-i-aa moh sabh dukh hai dukh binsai dukh ro-ay.
The love of Maya is total pain; in pain they perish, and in pain they cry out.

nwnk Dwqu ilvY joVu n AwveI jy locY sBu koie ] (316-16)
naanak Dhaat livai jorh na aavee jay lochai sabh ko-ay.
O Nanak, there can be no union between the love of worldliness and the love of the Lord, no matter how much everyone may desire it.

ijn kau poqY puMnu pieAw iqnw gur sbdI suKu hoie ]2] (316-17)
jin ka-o potai punn pa-i-aa tinaa gur sabdee sukh ho-ay. ||2||
Those who have the treasure of virtuous deeds find peace through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||

pauVI mÚ 5 ] (316-17)
pa-orhee mehlaa 5.
Pauree, Fifth Mehl:

nwnk vIcwrih sMq muin jnW cwir vyd khMdy ] (316-17)
naanak vichaareh sant mun janaaN chaar vayd kahanday.
O Nanak, the Saints and the silent sages think, and the four Vedas proclaim,

Bgq muKY qy boldy sy vcn hovMdy ] (316-18)
bhagat mukhai tay bolday say vachan hovanday.
that whatever the Lord's devotees speak comes to pass.

prgt pwhwrY jwpdy siB lok suxMdy ] (316-18)
pargat pahaarai jaapday sabh lok sunanday.
He is revealed in His cosmic workshop; all people hear of it.

suKu n pwiein mugD nr sMq nwil KhMdy ] (316-19)
sukh na paa-in mugaDh nar sant naal khahanday.
The foolish people, who fight with the Saints, find no peace.

Eie locin Enw guxw no Eie AhMkwir sVMdy ] (316-19)
o-ay lochan onaa gunaa no o-ay ahaNkaar sarhanday.
The Saints seek to bless them with virtue, but they are burning with egotism.

Eie vycwry ikAw krih jW Bwg Duir mMdy ] (316-19)
o-ay vaychaaray ki-aa karahi jaaN bhaag Dhur manday.
What can those wretched ones do? Their evil destiny was pre-ordained.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD