Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


slok mÚ 5 ] (315-1)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

rhdy Kuhdy inMdk mwirAnu kir Awpy Awhru ] (315-1)
rahday khuhday nindak maari-an kar aapay aahar.
By their own efforts, the slanderers have destroyed all remnants of themselves.

sMq shweI nwnkw vrqY sB jwhru ]1] (315-1)
sant sahaa-ee naankaa vartai sabh jaahar. ||1||
The Support of the Saints, O Nanak, is manifest, pervading everywhere. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (315-2)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

muMFhu Buly muMF qy ikQY pwiein hQu ] (315-2)
mundhhu bhulay mundh tay kithai paa-in hath.
Those who went astray from the Primal Being in the very beginning - where can they find refuge?

iqMnY mwry nwnkw ij krx kwrx smrQu ]2] (315-2)
tinnai maaray naankaa je karan kaaran samrath. ||2||
O Nanak, they are struck down by the All-powerful, the Cause of causes. ||2||

pauVI 5 ] (315-3)
pa-orhee 5.
Pauree, Fifth Mehl:

lY Pwhy rwqI qurih pRBu jwxY pRwxI ] (315-3)
lai faahay raatee tureh parabh jaanai paraanee.
They take the noose in their hands, and go out at night to strangle others, but God knows everything, O mortal.

qkih nwir prweIAw luik AMdir TwxI ] (315-3)
takeh naar paraa-ee-aa luk andar thaanee.
They spy on other men's women, concealed in their hiding places.

sMn@I dyin@ ivKMm Qwie imTw mdu mwxI ] (315-4)
sanHee dayniH vikhamm thaa-ay mithaa mad maanee.
They break into well-protected places, and revel in sweet wine.

krmI Awpo AwpxI Awpy pCuqwxI ] (315-4)
karmee aapo aapnee aapay pachhutaanee.
But they shall come to regret their actions - they create their own karma.

AjrweIlu Prysqw iql pIVy GwxI ]27] (315-4)
ajraa-eel faraystaa til peerhay ghaanee. ||27||
Azraa-eel, the Angel of Death, shall crush them like sesame seeds in the oil-press. ||27||

slok mÚ 5 ] (315-5)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

syvk scy swh ky syeI prvwxu ] (315-5)
sayvak sachay saah kay say-ee parvaan.
The servants of the True King are acceptable and approved.

dUjw syvin nwnkw sy pic pic muey Ajwx ]1] (315-5)
doojaa sayvan naankaa say pach pach mu-ay ajaan. ||1||
Those ignorant ones who serve duality, O Nanak, rot, waste away and die. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (315-6)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

jo Duir iliKAw lyKu pRB mytxw n jwie ] (315-6)
jo Dhur likhi-aa laykh parabh maytnaa na jaa-ay.
That destiny which was pre-ordained by God from the very beginning cannot be erased.

rwm nwmu Dnu vKro nwnk sdw iDAwie ]2] (315-6)
raam naam Dhan vakhro naanak sadaa Dhi-aa-ay. ||2||
The wealth of the Lord's Name is Nanak's capital; he meditates on it forever. ||2||

pauVI 5 ] (315-7)
pa-orhee 5.
Pauree, Fifth Mehl:

nwrwieix lieAw nwTUMgVw pYr ikQY rKY ] (315-7)
naaraa-in la-i-aa naathooNgarhaa pair kithai rakhai.
One who has received a kick from the Lord God - where can he place his foot?

krdw pwp AimiqAw inq ivso cKY ] (315-7)
kardaa paap amiti-aa nit viso chakhai.
He commits countless sins, and continually eats poison.

inMdw krdw pic muAw ivic dyhI BKY ] (315-8)
nindaa kardaa pach mu-aa vich dayhee bhakhai.
Slandering others, he wastes away and dies; within his body, he burns.

scY swihb mwirAw kauxu iqs no rKY ] (315-8)
sachai saahib maari-aa ka-un tis no rakhai.
One who has been struck down by the True Lord and Master - who can save him now?

nwnk iqsu srxwgqI jo purKu AlKY ]28] (315-9)
naanak tis sarnaagatee jo purakh alkhai. ||28||
Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Unseen Lord, the Primal Being. ||28||

slok mÚ 5 ] (315-9)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

nrk Gor bhu duK Gxy AikrqGxw kw Qwnu ] (315-9)
narak ghor baho dukh ghanay akirat-ghanaa kaa thaan.
In the most horrible hell, there is terrible pain and suffering. It is the place of the ungrateful.

iqin pRiB mwry nwnkw hoie hoie muey hrwmu ]1] (315-10)
tin parabh maaray naankaa ho-ay ho-ay mu-ay haraam. ||1||
They are struck down by God, O Nanak, and they die a most miserable death. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (315-10)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

AvKD sBy kIiqAnu inMdk kw dwrU nwih ] (315-10)
avkhaDh sabhay keeti-an nindak kaa daaroo naahi.
All kinds of medicines may be prepared, but there is no cure for the slanderer.

Awip Bulwey nwnkw pic pic jonI pwih ]2] (315-11)
aap bhulaa-ay naankaa pach pach jonee paahi. ||2||
Those whom the Lord Himself misleads, O Nanak, putrefy and rot in reincarnation. ||2||

pauVI 5 ] (315-11)
pa-orhee 5.
Pauree, Fifth Mehl:

quis idqw pUrY siqgurU hir Dnu scu AKutu ] (315-11)
tus ditaa poorai satguroo har Dhan sach akhut.
By His Pleasure, the True Guru has blessed me with the inexhaustible wealth of the Name of the True Lord.

siB AMdysy imit gey jm kw Bau Cutu ] (315-12)
sabh andaysay mit ga-ay jam kaa bha-o chhut.
All my anxiety is ended; I am rid of the fear of death.

kwm k®oD buirAweIAW sMig swDU qutu ] (315-12)
kaam kroDh buri-aa-ee-aaN sang saaDhoo tut.
Sexual desire, anger and other evils have been subdued in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

ivxu scy dUjw syvdy huie mrsin butu ] (315-13)
vin sachay doojaa sayvday hu-ay marsan but.
Those who serve another, instead of the True Lord, die unfulfilled in the end.

nwnk kau guir bKisAw nwmY sMig jutu ]29] (315-13)
naanak ka-o gur bakhsi-aa naamai sang jut. ||29||
The Guru has blessed Nanak with forgiveness; he is united with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||29||

slok mÚ 4 ] (315-14)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

qpw n hovY AMdRhu loBI inq mwieAw no iPrY jjmwilAw ] (315-14)
tapaa na hovai andarahu lobhee nit maa-i-aa no firai jajmaali-aa.
He is not a penitent, who is greedy within his heart, and who constantly chases after Maya like a leper.

Ago dy sidAw sqY dI iBiKAw ley nwhI ipCo dy pCuqwie kY Awix qpY puqu ivic bhwilAw ] (315-14)
ago day sadi-aa satai dee bhikhi-aa la-ay naahee pichho day pachhutaa-ay kai aan tapai put vich bahaali-aa.
When this penitent was first invited, he refused our charity; but later he repented and sent his son, who was seated in the congregation.

pMc log siB hsx lgy qpw loiB lhir hY gwilAw ] (315-15)
panch log sabh hasan lagay tapaa lobh lahar hai gaali-aa.
The village elders all laughed, saying that the waves of greed have destroyed this penitent.

ijQY QoVw Dnu vyKY iqQY qpw iBtY nwhI Din bhuqY ifTY qpY Drmu hwirAw ] (315-16)
jithai thorhaa Dhan vaykhai tithai tapaa bhitai naahee Dhan bahutai dithai tapai Dharam haari-aa.
If he sees only a little wealth, he does not bother to go there; but when he sees a lot of wealth, the penitent forsakes his vows.

BweI eyhu qpw n hovI bgulw hY bih swD jnw vIcwirAw ] (315-17)
bhaa-ee ayhu tapaa na hovee bagulaa hai bahi saaDh janaa veechaari-aa.
O Siblings of Destiny, he is not a penitent - he is only a stork. Sitting together, the Holy Congregation has so decided.

sq purK kI qpw inMdw krY sMswrY kI ausqqI ivic hovY eyqu doKY qpw diX mwirAw ] (315-17)
sat purakh kee tapaa nindaa karai sansaarai kee ustatee vich hovai ayt dokhai tapaa da-yi maari-aa.
The penitent slanders the True Primal Being, and sings the praises of the material world. For this sin, he is cursed by the Lord.

mhw purKW kI inMdw kw vyKu ij qpy no Plu lgw sBu gieAw qpy kw GwilAw ] (315-18)
mahaa purkhaaN kee nindaa kaa vaykh je tapay no fal lagaa sabh ga-i-aa tapay kaa ghaali-aa.
Behold the fruit the penitent gathers, for slandering the Great Primal Being; all his labors have gone in vain.

bwhir bhY pMcw ivic qpw sdwey ] (315-19)
baahar bahai panchaa vich tapaa sadaa-ay.
When he sits outside among the elders, he is called a penitent;

AMdir bhY qpw pwp kmwey ] (315-19)
andar bahai tapaa paap kamaa-ay.
but when he sits within the congregation, the penitent commits sin.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD