Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijnw swis igrwis n ivsrY sy pUry purK prDwn ] (313-1)
jinaa saas giraas na visrai say pooray purakh parDhaan.
Those who do not forget the Lord, with each and every breath and morsel of food, are the perfect and famous persons.

krmI siqguru pweIAY Anidnu lgY iDAwnu ] (313-1)
karmee satgur paa-ee-ai an-din lagai Dhi-aan.
By His Grace they find the True Guru; night and day, they meditate.

iqn kI sMgiq imil rhw drgh pweI mwnu ] (313-2)
tin kee sangat mil rahaa dargeh paa-ee maan.
I join the society of those persons, and in so doing, I am honored in the Court of the Lord.

saudy vwhu vwhu aucrih auTdy BI vwhu kryin ] (313-2)
sa-uday vaahu vaahu uchrahi uth-day bhee vaahu karayn.
While asleep, they chant, "Waaho! Waaho!", and while awake, they chant, "Waaho!" as well.

nwnk qy muK aujly ij inq auiT sMmwlyin ]1] (313-3)
naanak tay mukh ujlay je nit uth samaalayn. ||1||
O Nanak, radiant are the faces of those, who rise up early each day, and dwell upon the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (313-3)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

siqguru syvIAY Awpxw pweIAY nwmu Apwru ] (313-3)
satgur sayvee-ai aapnaa paa-ee-ai naam apaar.
Serving his True Guru, one obtains the Naam, the Name of the Infinite Lord.

Baujil fubidAw kiF ley hir dwiq kry dwqwru ] (313-4)
bha-ojal dubdi-aa kadh la-ay har daat karay daataar.
The drowning person is lifted up and out of the terrifying world-ocean; the Great Giver gives the gift of the Lord's Name.

DMnu DMnu sy swh hY ij nwim krih vwpwru ] (313-4)
Dhan Dhan say saah hai je naam karahi vaapaar.
Blessed, blessed are those bankers who trade the Naam.

vxjwry isK Awvdy sbid lGwvxhwru ] (313-5)
vanjaaray sikh aavday sabad laghaavanhaar.
The Sikhs, the traders come, and through the Word of His Shabad, they are carried across.

jn nwnk ijn kau ik®pw BeI iqn syivAw isrjxhwru ]2] (313-5)
jan naanak jin ka-o kirpaa bha-ee tin sayvi-aa sirjanhaar. ||2||
O servant Nanak, they alone serve the Creator Lord, who are blessed by His Grace. ||2||

pauVI ] (313-6)

scu scy ky jn Bgq hih scu scw ijnI ArwiDAw ] (313-6)
sach sachay kay jan bhagat heh sach sachaa jinee araaDhi-aa.
Those who truly worship and adore the True Lord, are truly the humble devotees of the True Lord.

ijn gurmuiK Koij FMFoilAw iqn AMdrhu hI scu lwiDAw ] (313-6)
jin gurmukh khoj dhandholi-aa tin andrahu hee sach laaDhi-aa.
Those Gurmukhs who search and seek, find the True One within themselves.

scu swihbu scu ijnI syivAw kwlu kMtku mwir iqnI swiDAw ] (313-7)
sach saahib sach jinee sayvi-aa kaal kantak maar tinee saaDhi-aa.
Those who truly serve their True Lord and Master, overwhelm and conquer Death, the torturer.

scu scw sB dU vfw hY scu syvin sy sic rlwiDAw ] (313-8)
sach sachaa sabh doo vadaa hai sach sayvan say sach ralaaDhi-aa.
The True One is truly the greatest of all; those who serve the True One are blended with the True One.

scu scy no swbwis hY scu scw syiv PlwiDAw ]22] (313-8)
sach sachay no saabaas hai sach sachaa sayv falaaDhi-aa. ||22||
Blessed and acclaimed is the Truest of the True; serving the Truest of the True, one blossoms forth in fruition. ||22||

slok mÚ 4 ] (313-9)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

mnmuKu pRwxI mugDu hY nwmhIx Brmwie ] (313-9)
manmukh paraanee mugaDh hai naamheen bharmaa-ay.
The self-willed manmukh is foolish; he wanders around without the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

ibnu gur mnUAw nw itkY iPir iPir jUnI pwie ] (313-9)
bin gur manoo-aa naa tikai fir fir joonee paa-ay.
Without the Guru, his mind is not held steady, and he is reincarnated, over and over again.

hir pRBu Awip dieAwl hoih qW siqguru imilAw Awie ] (313-10)
har parabh aap da-i-aal hohi taaN satgur mili-aa aa-ay.
But when the Lord God Himself becomes merciful to him, then the True Guru comes to meet him.

jn nwnk nwmu slwih qU jnm mrx duKu jwie ]1] (313-11)
jan naanak naam salaahi too janam maran dukh jaa-ay. ||1||
O servant Nanak, praise the Naam; the pains of birth and death shall come to an end. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (313-11)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

guru swlwhI Awpxw bhu ibiD rMig suBwie ] (313-11)
gur saalaahee aapnaa baho biDh rang subhaa-ay.
I praise my Guru in so many ways, with joyful love and affection.

siqgur syqI mnu rqw riKAw bxq bxwie ] (313-12)
satgur saytee man rataa rakhi-aa banat banaa-ay.
My mind is imbued with the True Guru; He has preserved the make of its making.

ijhvw swlwih n rjeI hir pRIqm icqu lwie ] (313-12)
jihvaa saalaahi na raj-ee har pareetam chit laa-ay.
My tongue is not satisfied by praising Him; He has linked my consciousness with the Lord, my Beloved.

nwnk nwvY kI min BuK hY mnu iqRpqY hir rsu Kwie ]2] (313-13)
naanak naavai kee man bhukh hai man tariptai har ras khaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, my mind hungers for the Name of the Lord; my mind is satisfied, tasting the sublime essence of the Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (313-13)

scu scw kudriq jwxIAY idnu rwqI ijin bxweIAw ] (313-13)
sach sachaa kudrat jaanee-ai din raatee jin banaa-ee-aa.
The True Lord is truly known for His all-powerful creative nature; He fashioned the days and the nights.

so scu slwhI sdw sdw scu scy kIAw vifAweIAw ] (313-14)
so sach salaahee sadaa sadaa sach sachay kee-aa vadi-aa-ee-aa.
I praise that True Lord, forever and ever; True is the glorious greatness of the True Lord.

swlwhI scu slwh scu scu kImiq iknY n pweIAw ] (313-14)
saalaahee sach salaah sach sach keemat kinai na paa-ee-aa.
True are the Praises of the Praiseworthy True Lord; the value of the True Lord cannot be appraised.

jw imilAw pUrw siqgurU qw hwjru ndrI AweIAw ] (313-15)
jaa mili-aa pooraa satguroo taa haajar nadree aa-ee-aa.
When someone meets the Perfect True Guru, then His Sublime Presence comes to be seen.

scu gurmuiK ijnI slwihAw iqnw BuKw siB gvweIAw ]23] (313-15)
sach gurmukh jinee sahaali-aa tinaa bhukhaa sabh gavaa-ee-aa. ||23||
Those Gurmukhs who praise the True Lord - all their hunger is gone. ||23||

slok mÚ 4 ] (313-16)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

mY mnu qnu Koij KojyidAw so pRBu lDw loiV ] (313-16)
mai man tan khoj khojaydi-aa so parabh laDhaa lorh.
Searching and examining my mind and body, I have found that God, whom I longed for.

ivstu gurU mY pwieAw ijin hir pRBu idqw joiV ]1] (313-17)
visat guroo mai paa-i-aa jin har parabh ditaa jorh. ||1||
I have found the Guru, the Divine Intermediary, who has united me with the Lord God. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (313-17)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

mwieAwDwrI Aiq AMnw bolw ] (313-17)
maa-i-aaDhaaree at annaa bolaa.
One who is attached to Maya is totally blind and deaf.

sbdu n suxeI bhu rol Gcolw ] (313-18)
sabad na sun-ee baho rol ghacholaa.
He does not listen to the Word of the Shabad; he makes a great uproar and tumult.

gurmuiK jwpY sbid ilv lwie ] (313-18)
gurmukh jaapai sabad liv laa-ay.
The Gurmukhs chant and meditate on the Shabad, and lovingly center their consciousness on it.

hir nwmu suix mMny hir nwim smwie ] (313-18)
har naam sun mannay har naam samaa-ay.
They hear and believe in the Name of the Lord; they are absorbed in the Name of the Lord.

jo iqsu BwvY su kry krwieAw ] (313-19)
jo tis bhaavai so karay karaa-i-aa.
Whatever pleases God, He causes that to be done.

nwnk vjdw jMqu vjwieAw ]2] (313-19)
naanak vajdaa jant vajaa-i-aa. ||2||
O Nanak, human beings are the instruments which vibrate as God plays them. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD