Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iqsu AgY ipCY FoeI nwhI gurisKI min vIcwirAw ] (312-1)
tis agai pichhai dho-ee naahee gursikhee man veechaari-aa.
He shall find no shelter, here or hereafter; the GurSikhs have realized this in their minds.

siqgurU no imly syeI jn aubry ijn ihrdY nwmu smwirAw ] (312-2)
satguroo no milay say-ee jan ubray jin hirdai naam samaari-aa.
That humble being who meets the True Guru is saved; he cherishes the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in his heart.

jn nwnk ky gurisK puqhhu hir jipAhu hir insqwirAw ]2] (312-2)
jan naanak kay gursikh puthahu har japi-ahu har nistaari-aa. ||2||
Servant Nanak says: O GurSikhs, O my sons, meditate on the Lord; only the Lord shall save you. ||2||

mhlw 3 ] (312-3)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

haumY jgqu BulwieAw durmiq ibiKAw ibkwr ] (312-3)
ha-umai jagat bhulaa-i-aa durmat bikhi-aa bikaar.
Egotism has led the world astray, along with evil-mindedness and the poison of corruption.

siqguru imlY q ndir hoie mnmuK AMD AMiDAwr ] (312-3)
satgur milai ta nadar ho-ay manmukh anDh anDhi-aar.
Meeting with the True Guru, we are blessed by the Lord's Glance of Grace, while the self-willed manmukh gropes around in the darkness.

nwnk Awpy myil ley ijs no sbid lwey ipAwru ]3] (312-4)
naanak aapay mayl la-ay jis no sabad laa-ay pi-aar. ||3||
O Nanak, the Lord absorbs into Himself those whom He inspires to love the Word of His Shabad. ||3||

pauVI ] (312-5)

scu scy kI isPiq slwh hY so kry ijsu AMdru iBjY ] (312-5)
sach sachay kee sifat salaah hai so karay jis andar bhijai.
True are the Praises and the Glories of the True One; he alone speaks them, whose mind is softened within.

ijnI iek min ieku ArwiDAw iqn kw kMDu n kbhU iCjY ] (312-5)
jinee ik man ik araaDhi-aa tin kaa kanDh na kabhoo chhijai.
Those who worship the One Lord with single-minded devotion - their bodies shall never perish.

Dnu Dnu purK swbwis hY ijn scu rsnw AMimRqu ipjY ] (312-6)
Dhan Dhan purakh saabaas hai jin sach rasnaa amrit pijai.
Blessed, blessed and acclaimed is that person, who tastes with his tongue the Ambrosial Nectar of the True Name.

scu scw ijn min Bwvdw sy min scI drgh iljY ] (312-6)
sach sachaa jin man bhaavdaa say man sachee dargeh lijai.
One whose mind is pleased with the Truest of the True is accepted in the True Court.

Dnu DMnu jnmu sicAwrIAw muK aujl scu kirjY ]20] (312-7)
Dhan Dhan janam sachi-aaree-aa mukh ujal sach karijai. ||20||
Blessed, blessed is the birth of those true beings; the True Lord brightens their faces. ||20||

slok mÚ 4 ] (312-8)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

swkq jwie invih gur AwgY min Koty kUiV kUiVAwry ] (312-8)
saakat jaa-ay niveh gur aagai man khotay koorh koorhi-aaray.
The faithless cynics go and bow before the Guru, but their minds are corrupt and false, totally false.

jw guru khY auThu myry BweI bih jwih Gusir bgulwry ] (312-8)
jaa gur kahai uthahu mayray bhaa-ee bahi jaahi ghusar bagulaaray.
When the Guru says, "Rise up, my Siblings of Destiny", they sit down, crowded in like cranes.

gurisKw AMdir siqguru vrqY cuix kFy lDovwry ] (312-9)
gursikhaa andar satgur vartai chun kadhay laDhovaaray.
The True Guru prevails among His GurSikhs; they pick out and expel the wanderers.

Eie AgY ipCY bih muhu Cpwiein n rlnI KotyAwry ] (312-9)
o-ay agai pichhai bahi muhu chhapaa-in na ralnee khotay-aaray.
Sitting here and there, they hide their faces; being counterfeit, they cannot mix with the genuine.

Enw dw BKu su EQY nwhI jwie kUVu lhin Byfwry ] (312-10)
onaa daa bhakh so othai naahee jaa-ay koorh lahan bhaydaaray.
There is no food for them there; the false go into the filth like sheep.

jy swkqu nru KwvweIAY locIAY ibKu kFY muiK auglwry ] (312-10)
jay saakat nar khaavaa-ee-ai lochee-ai bikh kadhai mukh uglaaray.
If you try to feed the faithless cynic, he will spit out poison from his mouth.

hir swkq syqI sMgu n krIAhu Eie mwry isrjxhwry ] (312-11)
har saakat saytee sang na karee-ahu o-ay maaray sirjanhaaray.
O Lord, let me not be in the company of the faithless cynic, who is cursed by the Creator Lord.

ijs kw iehu Kylu soeI kir vyKY jn nwnk nwmu smwry ]1] (312-12)
jis kaa ih khayl so-ee kar vaykhai jan naanak naam samaaray. ||1||
This drama belongs to the Lord; He performs it, and He watches over it. Servant Nanak cherishes the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (312-12)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

siqguru purKu AgMmu hY ijsu AMdir hir auir DwirAw ] (312-12)
satgur purakh agamm hai jis andar har ur Dhaari-aa.
The True Guru, the Primal Being, is inaccessible; He has enshrined the Lord's Name within His heart.

siqgurU no ApiV koie n skeI ijsu vil isrjxhwirAw ] (312-13)
satguroo no aparh ko-ay na sak-ee jis val sirjanhaari-aa.
No one can equal the True Guru; the Creator Lord is on His side.

siqgurU kw KVgu sMjoau hir Bgiq hY ijqu kwlu kMtku mwir ivfwirAw ] (312-13)
satguroo kaa kharhag sanjo-o har bhagat hai jit kaal kantak maar vidaari-aa.
Devotional worship of the Lord is the sword and armor of the True Guru; He has killed and cast out Death, the torturer.

siqgurU kw rKxhwrw hir Awip hY siqgurU kY ipCY hir siB aubwirAw ] (312-14)
satguroo kaa rakhanhaaraa har aap hai satguroo kai pichhai har sabh ubaari-aa.
The Lord Himself is the Protector of the True Guru. The Lord saves all those who follow in the footsteps of the True Guru.

jo mMdw icqvY pUry siqgurU kw so Awip aupwvxhwrY mwirAw ] (312-15)
jo mandaa chitvai pooray satguroo kaa so aap upaavanhaarai maari-aa.
One who thinks evil of the Perfect True Guru - the Creator Lord Himself destroys him.

eyh gl hovY hir drgh scy kI jn nwnk Agmu vIcwirAw ]2] (312-16)
ayh gal hovai har dargeh sachay kee jan naanak agam veechaari-aa. ||2||
These words will be confirmed as true in the Court of the Lord; servant Nanak reveals this mystery. ||2||

pauVI ] (312-16)

scu suiqAw ijnI ArwiDAw jw auTy qw scu cvy ] (312-16)
sach suti-aa jinee araaDhi-aa jaa uthay taa sach chavay.
Those who dwell upon the True Lord while asleep, utter the True Name when they are awake.

sy ivrly jug mih jwxIAih jo gurmuiK scu rvy ] (312-17)
say virlay jug meh jaanee-ahi jo gurmukh sach ravay.
How rare in the world are those Gurmukhs who dwell upon the True Lord.

hau bilhwrI iqn kau ij Anidnu scu lvy ] (312-17)
ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o je an-din sach lavay.
I am a sacrifice to those who chant the True Name, night and day.

ijn min qin scw Bwvdw sy scI drgh gvy ] (312-18)
jin man tan sachaa bhaavdaa say sachee dargeh gavay.
The True Lord is pleasing to their minds and bodies; they go to the Court of the True Lord.

jnu nwnku bolY scu nwmu scu scw sdw nvy ]21] (312-18)
jan naanak bolai sach naam sach sachaa sadaa navay. ||21||
Servant Nanak chants the True Name; truly, the True Lord is forever brand new. ||21||

sloku mÚ 4 ] (312-19)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

ikAw svxw ikAw jwgxw gurmuiK qy prvwxu ] (312-19)
ki-aa savnaa ki-aa jaagnaa gurmukh tay parvaan.
Who is asleep, and who is awake? Those who are Gurmukh are approved.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD