Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


scu scw rsu ijnI ciKAw sy iqRpiq rhy AwGweI ] (311-1)
sach sachaa ras jinee chakhi-aa say taripat rahay aaghaa-ee.
Those who have tasted the true essence of the True Lord, remain satisfied and fulfilled.

iehu hir rsu syeI jwxdy ijau gUMgY imiTAweI KweI ] (311-1)
ih har ras say-ee jaanday ji-o gooNgai mithi-aa-ee khaa-ee.
They know this essence of the Lord, but they say nothing, like the mute who tastes the sweet candy, and says nothing.

guir pUrY hir pRBu syivAw min vjI vwDweI ]18] (311-2)
gur poorai har parabh sayvi-aa man vajee vaaDhaa-ee. ||18||
The Perfect Guru serves the Lord God; His vibration vibrates and resounds in the mind. ||18||

slok mÚ 4 ] (311-2)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

ijnw AMdir aumrQl syeI jwxin sUlIAw ] (311-2)
jinaa andar umarthal say-ee jaanan soolee-aa.
Those who have a festering boil within - they alone know its pain.

hir jwxih syeI ibrhu hau iqn ivthu sd Guim GolIAw ] (311-3)
har jaaneh say-ee birahu ha-o tin vitahu sad ghum gholee-aa.
Those who know the pain of separation from the Lord - I am forever a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them.

hir mylhu sjxu purKu myrw isru iqn ivthu ql rolIAw ] (311-4)
har maylhu sajan purakh mayraa sir tin vitahu tal rolee-aa.
O Lord, please lead me to meet the Guru, the Primal Being, my Friend; my head shall roll in the dust under His feet.

jo isK gur kwr kmwvih hau gulmu iqnw kw golIAw ] (311-4)
jo sikh gur kaar kamaaveh ha-o gulam tinaa kaa golee-aa.
I am the slave of the slaves of those GurSikhs who serve Him.

hir rMig clUlY jo rqy iqn iBnI hir rMig colIAw ] (311-5)
har rang chaloolai jo ratay tin bhinee har rang cholee-aa.
Those who are imbued with the deep crimson color of the Lord's Love - their robes are drenched in the Love of the Lord.

kir ikrpw nwnk myil gur pih isru vyicAw molIAw ]1] (311-5)
kar kirpaa naanak mayl gur peh sir vaychi-aa molee-aa. ||1||
Grant Your Grace, and lead Nanak to meet the Guru; I have sold my head to Him. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (311-6)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

AaugxI BirAw srIru hY ikau sMqhu inrmlu hoie ] (311-6)
a-uganee bhari-aa sareer hai ki-o santahu nirmal ho-ay.
The body is full of mistakes and misdeeds; how can it become pure, O Saints?

gurmuiK gux vyhwJIAih mlu haumY kFY Doie ] (311-7)
gurmukh gun vayhaajhee-ah mal ha-umai kadhai Dho-ay.
The Gurmukh purchases virtues, which wash off the sin of egotism.

scu vxMjih rMg isau scu saudw hoie ] (311-7)
sach vanaNjahi rang si-o sach sa-udaa ho-ay.
True is the trade which purchases the True Lord with love.

qotw mUil n AwveI lwhw hir BwvY soie ] (311-8)
totaa mool na aavee laahaa har bhaavai so-ay.
No loss will come from this, and the profit comes by the Lord's Will.

nwnk iqn scu vxMijAw ijnw Duir iliKAw prwpiq hoie ]2] (311-8)
naanak tin sach vananji-aa jinaa Dhur likhi-aa paraapat ho-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, they alone purchase the Truth, who are blessed with such pre-ordained destiny. ||2||

pauVI ] (311-9)

swlwhI scu swlwhxw scu scw purKu inrwly ] (311-9)
saalaahee sach salaahnaa sach sachaa purakh niraalay.
I praise the True One, who alone is worthy of praise. The True Primal Being is True - this is His unique quality.

scu syvI scu min vsY scu scw hir rKvwly ] (311-9)
sach sayvee sach man vasai sach sachaa har rakhvaalay.
Serving the True Lord, the Truth comes to dwell in the mind. The Lord, the Truest of the True, is my Protector.

scu scw ijnI ArwiDAw sy jwie rly sc nwly ] (311-10)
sach sachaa jinee araaDhi-aa say jaa-ay ralay sach naalay.
Those who worship and adore the Truest of the True, shall go and merge with the True Lord.

scu scw ijnI n syivAw sy mnmuK mUV byqwly ] (311-10)
sach sachaa jinee na sayvi-aa say manmukh moorh baytaalay.
Those who do not serve the Truest of the True - those self-willed manmukhs are foolish demons.

Eh Awlu pqwlu muhhu boldy ijau pIqY mid mqvwly ]19] (311-11)
oh aal pataal muhhu bolday ji-o peetai mad matvaalay. ||19||
With their mouths, they babble on about this and that, like the drunkard who has drunk his wine. ||19||

slok mhlw 3 ] (311-11)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

gauVI rwig sulKxI jy KsmY iciq kryie ] (311-12)
ga-orhee raag sulakh-nee jay khasmai chit karay-i.
Gauree Raga is auspicious, if, through it, one comes to think of his Lord and Master.

BwxY clY siqgurU kY AYsw sIgwru kryie ] (311-12)
bhaanai chalai satguroo kai aisaa seegaar karay-i.
He should walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru; this should be his decoration.

scw sbdu Bqwru hY sdw sdw rwvyie ] (311-12)
sachaa sabad bhataar hai sadaa sadaa raavay-ay.
The True Word of the Shabad is our spouse; ravish and enjoy it, forever and ever.

ijau aublI mjITY rMgu ghghw iqau scy no jIau dyie ] (311-13)
ji-o ublee majeethai rang gahgahaa ti-o sachay no jee-o day-ay.
Like the deep crimson color of the madder plant - such is the dye which shall color you, when you dedicate your soul to the True One.

rMig clUlY Aiq rqI scy isau lgw nyhu ] (311-13)
rang chaloolai at ratee sachay si-o lagaa nayhu.
One who loves the True Lord is totally imbued with the Lord's Love, like the deep crimson color of the poppy.

kUVu TgI guJI nw rhY kUVu mulµmw plyit Dryhu ] (311-14)
koorh thagee gujhee naa rahai koorh mulammaa palayt Dharayhu.
Falsehood and deception may be covered with false coatings, but they cannot remain hidden.

kUVI krin vfweIAw kUVy isau lgw nyhu ] (311-14)
koorhee karan vadaa-ee-aa koorhay si-o lagaa nayhu.
False is the uttering of praises, by those who love falsehood.

nwnk scw Awip hY Awpy ndir kryie ]1] (311-15)
naanak sachaa aap hai aapay nadar karay-i. ||1||
O Nanak, He alone is True; He Himself casts His Glance of Grace. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (311-15)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

sqsMgiq mih hir ausqiq hY sMig swDU imly ipAwirAw ] (311-15)
satsangat meh har ustat hai sang saaDhoo milay pi-aari-aa.
In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, the Lord's Praises are sung. In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Beloved Lord is met.

Eie purK pRwxI DMin jn hih aupdysu krih praupkwirAw ] (311-16)
o-ay purakh paraanee Dhan jan heh updays karahi par-upkaari-aa.
Blessed is that mortal being, who shares the Teachings for the good of others.

hir nwmu idRVwvih hir nwmu suxwvih hir nwmy jgu insqwirAw ] (311-17)
har naam darirhaaveh har naam sunaaveh har naamay jag nistaari-aa.
He implants the Name of the Lord, and he preaches the Name of the Lord; through the Name of the Lord, the world is saved.

gur vyKx kau sBu koeI locY nv KMf jgiq nmskwirAw ] (311-17)
gur vaykhan ka-o sabh ko-ee lochai nav khand jagat namaskaari-aa.
Everyone longs to see the Guru; the world, and the nine continents, bow down to Him.

quDu Awpy Awpu riKAw siqgur ivic guru Awpy quDu svwirAw ] (311-18)
tuDh aapay aap rakhi-aa satgur vich gur aapay tuDh savaari-aa.
You Yourself have established the True Guru; You Yourself have adorned the Guru.

qU Awpy pUjih pUj krwvih siqgur kau isrjxhwirAw ] (311-19)
too aapay poojeh pooj karaaveh satgur ka-o sirjanhaari-aa.
You Yourself worship and adore the True Guru; You inspire others to worship Him as well, O Creator Lord.

koeI ivCuiV jwie siqgurU pwshu iqsu kwlw muhu jim mwirAw ] (311-19)
ko-ee vichhurh jaa-ay satguroo paashu tis kaalaa muhu jam maari-aa.
If someone separates himself from the True Guru, his face is blackened, and he is destroyed by the Messenger of Death.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD