Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jn nwnk nwmu slwih qU scu scy syvw qyrI hoiq ]16] (310-1)
jan naanak naam salaahi too sach sachay sayvaa tayree hot. ||16||
O servant Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord; this is your service to the Lord, the Truest of the True. ||16||

slok mÚ 4 ] (310-1)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

siB rs iqn kY irdY hih ijn hir visAw mn mwih ] (310-1)
sabh ras tin kai ridai heh jin har vasi-aa man maahi.
All joy is in the hearts of those, within whose minds the Lord abides.

hir drgih qy muK aujly iqn kau siB dyKx jwih ] (310-2)
har dargahi tay mukh ujlay tin ka-o sabh daykhan jaahi.
In the Court of the Lord, their faces are radiant, and everyone goes to see them.

ijn inrBau nwmu iDAwieAw iqn kau Bau koeI nwih ] (310-2)
jin nirbha-o naam Dhi-aa-i-aa tin ka-o bha-o ko-ee naahi.
Those who meditate on the Name of the Fearless Lord have no fear.

hir auqmu iqnI sryivAw ijn kau Duir iliKAw Awih ] (310-3)
har utam tinee sarayvi-aa jin ka-o Dhur likhi-aa aahi.
Those who have such pre-destined destiny remember the Sublime Lord.

qy hir drgih pYnweIAih ijn hir vuTw mn mwih ] (310-4)
tay har dargahi painaa-ee-ah jin har vuthaa man maahi.
Those, within whose minds the Lord abides, are robed with honor in the Court of the Lord.

Eie Awip qry sB kutMb isau iqn ipCY sBu jgqu Cfwih ] (310-4)
o-ay aap taray sabh kutamb si-o tin pichhai sabh jagat chhadaahi.
They are carried across, along with all their family, and the whole world is saved along with them.

jn nwnk kau hir myil jn iqn vyiK vyiK hm jIvwih ]1] (310-5)
jan naanak ka-o har mayl jan tin vaykh vaykh ham jeevaahi. ||1||
O Lord, please unite servant Nanak with Your humble servants; beholding them, beholding them, I live. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (310-5)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

sw DrqI BeI hrIAwvlI ijQY myrw siqguru bYTw Awie ] (310-5)
saa Dhartee bha-ee haree-aavalee jithai mayraa satgur baithaa aa-ay.
That land, where my True Guru comes and sits, becomes green and fertile.

sy jMq Bey hrIAwvly ijnI myrw siqguru dyiKAw jwie ] (310-6)
say jant bha-ay haree-aavlay jinee mayraa satgur daykhi-aa jaa-ay.
Those beings who go and behold my True Guru are rejuvenated.

Dnu DMnu ipqw Dnu DMnu kulu Dnu Dnu su jnnI ijin gurU jixAw mwie ] (310-7)
Dhan Dhan pitaa Dhan Dhan kul Dhan Dhan so jannee jin guroo jani-aa maa-ay.
Blessed, blessed is the father; blessed, blessed is the family; blessed, blessed is the mother, who gave birth to the Guru.

Dnu DMnu gurU ijin nwmu ArwiDAw Awip qirAw ijnI ifTw iqnw ley Cfwie ] (310-7)
Dhan Dhan guroo jin naam araaDhi-aa aap tari-aa jinee dithaa tinaa la-ay chhadaa-ay.
Blessed, blessed is the Guru, who worships and adores the Naam; He saves Himself, and emancipates those who see Him.

hir siqguru mylhu dieAw kir jnu nwnku DovY pwie ]2] (310-8)
har satgur maylhu da-i-aa kar jan naanak Dhovai paa-ay. ||2||
O Lord, be kind, and unite me with the True Guru, that servant Nanak may wash His feet. ||2||

pauVI ] (310-9)

scu scw siqguru Amru hY ijsu AMdir hir auir DwirAw ] (310-9)
sach sachaa satgur amar hai jis andar har ur Dhaari-aa.
Truest of the True is the Immortal True Guru; He has enshrined the Lord deep within His heart.

scu scw siqguru purKu hY ijin kwmu k®oDu ibKu mwirAw ] (310-9)
sach sachaa satgur purakh hai jin kaam kroDh bikh maari-aa.
Truest of the True is the True Guru, the Primal Being, who has conquered sexual desire, anger and corruption.

jw ifTw pUrw siqgurU qW AMdrhu mnu swDwirAw ] (310-10)
jaa dithaa pooraa satguroo taaN andrahu man saaDhaari-aa.
When I see the Perfect True Guru, then deep within, my mind is comforted and consoled.

bilhwrI gur Awpxy sdw sdw Guim vwirAw ] (310-11)
balihaaree gur aapnay sadaa sadaa ghum vaari-aa.
I am a sacrifice to my True Guru; I am devoted and dedicated to Him, forever and ever.

gurmuiK ijqw mnmuiK hwirAw ]17] (310-11)
gurmukh jitaa manmukh haari-aa. ||17||
A Gurmukh wins the battle of life whereas a self-willed manmukh loses it. ||17||

slok mÚ 4 ] (310-11)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

kir ikrpw siqguru myilEnu muiK gurmuiK nwmu iDAwiesI ] (310-12)
kar kirpaa satgur mayli-on mukh gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-isee.
By His Grace, He leads us to meet the True Guru; then, as Gurmukh, we chant the Lord's Name, and meditate on it.

so kry ij siqgur BwvsI guru pUrw GrI vswiesI ] (310-12)
so karay je satgur bhaavsee gur pooraa gharee vasaa-isee.
We do that which pleases the True Guru; the Perfect Guru comes to dwell in the home of the heart.

ijn AMdir nwmu inDwnu hY iqn kw Bau sBu gvwiesI ] (310-13)
jin andar naam niDhaan hai tin kaa bha-o sabh gavaa-isee.
Those who have the treasure of the Naam deep within - all their fears are removed.

ijn rKx kau hir Awip hoie hor kyqI JiK JiK jwiesI ] (310-13)
jin rakhan ka-o har aap ho-ay hor kaytee jhakh jhakh jaa-isee.
They are protected by the Lord Himself; others struggle and fight against them, but they only come to death.

jn nwnk nwmu iDAwie qU hir hliq pliq CofwiesI ]1] (310-14)
jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-ay too har halat palat chhodaa-isee. ||1||
O servant Nanak, meditate on the Naam; the Lord shall deliver you, here and hereafter. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (310-15)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

gurisKw kY min BwvdI gur siqgur kI vifAweI ] (310-15)
gursikhaa kai man bhaavdee gur satgur kee vadi-aa-ee.
The glorious greatness of the Guru, the True Guru, is pleasing to the GurSikh's mind.

hir rwKhu pYj siqgurU kI inq cVY svweI ] (310-15)
har raakho paij satguroo kee nit charhai savaa-ee.
The Lord preserves the honor of the True Guru, which increases day by day.

gur siqgur kY min pwrbRhmu hY pwrbRhmu CfweI ] (310-16)
gur satgur kai man paarbarahm hai paarbarahm chhadaa-ee.
The Supreme Lord God is in the Mind of the Guru, the True Guru; the Supreme Lord God saves Him.

gur siqgur qwxu dIbwxu hir iqin sB Awix invweI ] (310-16)
gur satgur taan deebaan har tin sabh aan nivaa-ee.
The Lord is the Power and Support of the Guru, the True Guru; all come to bow before Him.

ijnI ifTw myrw siqguru Bwau kir iqn ky siB pwp gvweI ] (310-17)
jinee dithaa mayraa satgur bhaa-o kar tin kay sabh paap gavaa-ee.
Those who have gazed lovingly upon my True Guru - all their sins are taken away.

hir drgh qy muK aujly bhu soBw pweI ] (310-17)
har dargeh tay mukh ujlay baho sobhaa paa-ee.
Their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord, and they obtain great glory.

jnu nwnku mMgY DUiV iqn jo gur ky isK myry BweI ]2] (310-18)
jan naanak mangai Dhoorh tin jo gur kay sikh mayray bhaa-ee. ||2||
Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of those GurSikhs, O my Siblings of Destiny. ||2||

pauVI ] (310-19)

hau AwiK slwhI isPiq scu scu scy kI vifAweI ] (310-19)
ha-o aakh salaahee sifat sach sach sachay kee vadi-aa-ee.
I chant the Praises and Glories of the True One. True is the glorious greatness of the True Lord.

swlwhI scu slwh scu scu kImiq iknY n pweI ] (310-19)
saalaahee sach salaah sach sach keemat kinai na paa-ee.
I praise the True Lord, and the Praises of the True Lord. His worth cannot be estimated.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD