Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hsq crn sMq thl kmweIAY ] (299-1)
hasat charan sant tahal kamaa-ee-ai.
With your hands and feet, work for the Saints.

nwnk iehu sMjmu pRB ikrpw pweIAY ]10] (299-1)
naanak ih sanjam parabh kirpaa paa-ee-ai. ||10||
O Nanak, this way of life is obtained by God's Grace. ||10||

sloku ] (299-2)

eyko eyku bKwnIAY ibrlw jwxY sÍwdu ] (299-2)
ayko ayk bakhaanee-ai birlaa jaanai savaad.
Describe the Lord as the One, the One and Only. How rare are those who know the taste of this essence.

gux goibMd n jwxIAY nwnk sBu ibsmwdu ]11] (299-2)
gun gobind na jaanee-ai naanak sabh bismaad. ||11||
The Glories of the Lord of the Universe cannot be known. O Nanak, He is totally amazing and wonderful! ||11||

pauVI ] (299-3)

eykwdsI inkit pyKhu hir rwmu ] (299-3)
aykaadasee nikat paykhahu har raam.
The eleventh day of the lunar cycle: Behold the Lord, the Lord, near at hand.

ieMdRI bis kir suxhu hir nwmu ] (299-3)
indree bas kar sunhu har naam.
Subdue the desires of your sexual organs, and listen to the Lord's Name.

min sMqoKu srb jIA dieAw ] (299-3)
man santokh sarab jee-a da-i-aa.
Let your mind be content, and be kind to all beings.

ien ibiD brqu sMpUrn BieAw ] (299-4)
in biDh barat sampooran bha-i-aa.
In this way, your fast will be successful.

Dwvq mnu rwKY iek Twie ] (299-4)
Dhaavat man raakhai ik thaa-ay.
Keep your wandering mind restrained in one place.

mnu qnu suDu jpq hir nwie ] (299-4)
man tan suDh japat har naa-ay.
Your mind and body shall become pure, chanting the Lord's Name.

sB mih pUir rhy pwrbRhm ] (299-5)
sabh meh poor rahay paarbarahm.
The Supreme Lord God is pervading amongst all.

nwnk hir kIrqnu kir Atl eyhu Drm ]11] (299-5)
naanak har keertan kar atal ayhu Dharam. ||11||
O Nanak, sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises; this alone is the eternal faith of Dharma. ||11||

sloku ] (299-6)

durmiq hrI syvw krI Byty swD ik®pwl ] (299-6)
durmat haree sayvaa karee bhaytay saaDh kirpaal.
Evil-mindedness is eliminated, by meeting with and serving the compassionate Holy Saints.

nwnk pRB isau imil rhy ibnsy sgl jMjwl ]12] (299-6)
naanak parabh si-o mil rahay binsay sagal janjaal. ||12||
Nanak is merged with God; all his entanglements have come to an end. ||12||

pauVI ] (299-7)

duAwdsI dwnu nwmu iesnwnu ] (299-7)
du-aadasee daan naam isnaan.
The twelfth day of the lunar cycle: Dedicate yourself to giving charity, chanting the Naam and purification.

hir kI Bgiq krhu qij mwnu ] (299-7)
har kee bhagat karahu taj maan.
Worship the Lord with devotion, and get rid of your pride.

hir AMimRq pwn krhu swDsMig ] (299-7)
har amrit paan karahu saaDhsang.
Drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Name, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

mn iqRpqwsY kIrqn pRB rMig ] (299-8)
man tariptaasai keertan parabh rang.
The mind is satisfied by lovingly singing the Kirtan of God's Praises.

koml bwxI sB kau sMqoKY ] (299-8)
komal banee sabh ka-o santokhai.
The Sweet Words of His Bani soothe everyone.

pMc BU Awqmw hir nwm ris poKY ] (299-8)
panch bhoo aatmaa har naam ras pokhai.
The soul, the subtle essence of the five elements, cherishes the Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

gur pUry qy eyh inhcau pweIAY ] (299-9)
gur pooray tay ayh nihcha-o paa-ee-ai.
This faith is obtained from the Perfect Guru.

nwnk rwm rmq iPir join n AweIAY ]12] (299-9)
naanak raam ramat fir jon na aa-ee-ai. ||12||
O Nanak, dwelling upon the Lord, you shall not enter the womb of reincarnation again. ||12||

sloku ] (299-10)

qIin guxw mih ibAwipAw pUrn hoq n kwm ] (299-10)
teen gunaa meh bi-aapi-aa pooran hot na kaam.
Engrossed in the three qualities, one's efforts do not succeed.

piqq auDwrxu min bsY nwnk CUtY nwm ]13] (299-10)
patit uDhaaran man basai naanak chhootai naam. ||13||
When the Saving Grace of sinners dwells in the mind, O Nanak, then one is saved by the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||13||

pauVI ] (299-11)

qRaudsI qIin qwp sMswr ] (299-11)
tar-udsee teen taap sansaar.
The thirteenth day of the lunar cycle: The world is in the fever of the three qualities.

Awvq jwq nrk Avqwr ] (299-11)
aavat jaat narak avtaar.
It comes and goes, and is reincarnated in hell.

hir hir Bjnu n mn mih AwieE ] (299-11)
har har bhajan na man meh aa-i-o.
Meditation on the Lord, Har, Har, does not enter into the minds of the people.

suK swgr pRBu inmK n gwieE ] (299-12)
sukh saagar parabh nimakh na gaa-i-o.
They do not sing the Praises of God, the Ocean of peace, even for an instant.

hrK sog kw dyh kir bwiDE ] (299-12)
harakh sog kaa dayh kar baaDhi-o.
This body is the embodiment of pleasure and pain.

dIrG rogu mwieAw AwswiDE ] (299-12)
deeragh rog maa-i-aa aasaaDhi-o.
It suffers from the chronic and incurable disease of Maya.

idnih ibkwr krq sRmu pwieE ] (299-13)
dineh bikaar karat saram paa-i-o.
By day, people practice corruption, wearing themselves out.

nYnI nId supn brVwieE ] (299-13)
nainee need supan barrhaa-i-o.
And then with sleep in their eyes, they mutter in dreams.

hir ibsrq hovq eyh hwl ] (299-13)
har bisrat hovat ayh haal.
Forgetting the Lord, this is their condition.

srin nwnk pRB purK dieAwl ]13] (299-14)
saran naanak parabh purakh da-i-aal. ||13||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, the kind and compassionate Primal Being. ||13||

sloku ] (299-14)

cwir kuMt caudh Bvn sgl ibAwpq rwm ] (299-14)
chaar kunt cha-odah bhavan sagal bi-aapat raam.
The Lord is pervading in all the four directions and the fourteen worlds.

nwnk aUn n dyKIAY pUrn qw ky kwm ]14] (299-15)
naanak oon na daykhee-ai pooran taa kay kaam. ||14||
O Nanak, He is not seen to be lacking anything; His works are perfectly complete. ||14||

pauVI ] (299-15)

caudih cwir kuMt pRB Awp ] (299-15)
cha-udeh chaar kunt parabh aap.
The fourteenth day of the lunar cycle: God Himself is in all four directions.

sgl Bvn pUrn prqwp ] (299-16)
sagal bhavan pooran partaap.
On all worlds, His radiant glory is perfect.

dsy idsw rivAw pRBu eyku ] (299-16)
dasay disaa ravi-aa parabh ayk.
The One God is diffused in the ten directions.

Drin Akws sB mih pRB pyKu ] (299-16)
Dharan akaas sabh meh parabh paykh.
Behold God in all the earth and sky.

jl Ql bn prbq pwqwl ] (299-17)
jal thal ban parbat paataal.
In the water, on the land, in the forests and mountains, and in the nether regions of the underworld,

prmysÍr qh bsih dieAwl ] (299-17)
parmaysvar tah baseh da-i-aal.
the Merciful Transcendent Lord is abiding.

sUKm AsQUl sgl Bgvwn ] (299-17)
sookham asthool sagal bhagvaan.
The Lord God is in all mind and matter, subtle and manifest.

nwnk gurmuiK bRhmu pCwn ]14] (299-18)
naanak gurmukh barahm pachhaan. ||14||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh realizes God. ||14||

sloku ] (299-18)

Awqmu jIqw gurmqI gux gwey goibMd ] (299-18)
aatam jeetaa gurmatee gun gaa-ay gobind.
The soul is conquered, through the Guru's Teachings, singing the Glories of God.

sMq pRswdI BY imty nwnk ibnsI icMd ]15] (299-18)
sant parsaadee bhai mitay naanak binsee chind. ||15||
By the Grace of the Saints, fear is dispelled, O Nanak, and anxiety is ended. ||15||

pauVI ] (299-19)

Amwvs Awqm suKI Bey sMqoKu dIAw gurdyv ] (299-19)
amaavas aatam sukhee bha-ay santokh dee-aa gurdayv.
The day of the new moon: My soul is at peace; the Divine Guru has blessed me with contentment.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD