Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


aUqmu aUcO pwrbRhmu gux AMqu n jwxih syK ] (298-1)
ootam oochou paarbarahm gun ant na jaaneh saykh.
that the Supreme Lord God is the most sublime and lofty. Even the thousand-tongued serpent does not know the limits of His Glories.

nwrd muin jn suk ibAws jsu gwvq goibMd ] (298-1)
naarad mun jan suk bi-aas jas gaavat gobind.
Naarad, the humble beings, Suk and Vyaasa sing the Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

rs gIDy hir isau bIDy Bgq rcy BgvMq ] (298-2)
ras geeDhay har si-o beeDhay bhagat rachay bhagvant.
They are imbued with the Lord's essence; united with Him; they are absorbed in devotional worship of the Lord God.

moh mwn BRmu ibnisE pweI srin dieAwl ] (298-2)
moh maan bharam binsi-o paa-ee saran da-i-aal.
Emotional attachment, pride and doubt are eliminated, when one takes to the Sanctuary of the Merciful Lord.

crn kml min qin bsy drsnu dyiK inhwl ] (298-3)
charan kamal man tan basay darsan daykh nihaal.
His Lotus Feet abide within my mind and body and I am enraptured, beholding the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

lwBu imlY qotw ihrY swDsMig ilv lwie ] (298-3)
laabh milai totaa hirai saaDhsang liv laa-ay.
People reap their profits, and suffer no loss, when they embrace love for the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

Kwit Kjwnw gux iniD hry nwnk nwmu iDAwie ]6] (298-3)
khaat khajaanaa gun niDh haray naanak naam Dhi-aa-ay. ||6||
They gather in the treasure of the Lord, the Ocean of Excellence, O Nanak, by meditating on the Naam. ||6||

sloku ] (298-4)

sMq mMfl hir jsu kQih bolih siq suBwie ] (298-4)
sant mandal har jas katheh boleh sat subhaa-ay.
In the gathering of the Saints, chant the Praises of the Lord, and speak the Truth with love.

nwnk mnu sMqoKIAY eyksu isau ilv lwie ]7] (298-5)
naanak man santokhee-ai aykas si-o liv laa-ay. ||7||
O Nanak, the mind becomes contented, enshrining love for the One Lord. ||7||

pauVI ] (298-5)

spqim sMchu nwm Dnu tUit n jwih BMfwr ] (298-5)
saptam sanchahu naam Dhan toot na jaahi bhandaar.
The seventh day of the lunar cycle: Gather the wealth of the Naam; this is a treasure which shall never be exhausted.

sMqsMgiq mih pweIAY AMqu n pwrwvwr ] (298-6)
santsangat meh paa-ee-ai ant na paaraavaar.
In the Society of the Saints, He is obtained; He has no end or limitations.

Awpu qjhu goibMd Bjhu srin prhu hir rwie ] (298-6)
aap tajahu gobind bhajahu saran parahu har raa-ay.
Renounce your selfishness and conceit, and meditate, vibrate on the Lord of the Universe; take to the Sanctuary of the Lord, our King.

dUK hrY Bvjlu qrY mn icMidAw Plu pwie ] (298-7)
dookh harai bhavjal tarai man chindi-aa fal paa-ay.
Your pains shall depart - swim across the terrifying world-ocean, and obtain the fruits of your mind's desires.

AwT phr min hir jpY sPlu jnmu prvwxu ] (298-7)
aath pahar man har japai safal janam parvaan.
One who meditates on the Lord twenty-four hours a day - fruitful and blessed is his coming into the world.

AMqir bwhir sdw sMig krnYhwru pCwxu ] (298-8)
antar baahar sadaa sang karnaihaar pachhaan.
Inwardly and outwardly, realize that the Creator Lord is always with you.

so swjnu so sKw mIqu jo hir kI miq dyie ] (298-8)
so saajan so sakhaa meet jo har kee mat day-ay.
He is your friend, your companion, your very best friend, who imparts the Teachings of the Lord.

nwnk iqsu bilhwrxY hir hir nwmu jpyie ]7] (298-8)
naanak tis balihaarnai har har naam japay-ay. ||7||
Nanak is a sacrifice to one who chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||7||

sloku ] (298-9)

AwT phr gun gweIAih qjIAih Avir jMjwl ] (298-9)
aath pahar gun gaa-ee-ah tajee-ah avar janjaal.
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord twenty-four hours a day; renounce other entanglements.

jmkMkru joih n skeI nwnk pRBU dieAwl ]8] (298-10)
jamkankar johi na sak-ee naanak parabhoo da-i-aal. ||8||
The Minister of Death cannot even see that person, O Nanak, unto whom God is merciful. ||8||

pauVI ] (298-10)

AstmI Ast isiD nv iniD ] (298-10)
astamee asat siDh nav niDh.
The eighth day of the lunar cycle: The eight spiritual powers of the Siddhas, the nine treasures,

sgl pdwrQ pUrn buiD ] (298-11)
sagal padaarath pooran buDh.
all precious things, perfect intellect,

kvl pRgws sdw Awnµd ] (298-11)
kaval pargaas sadaa aanand.
the opening of the heart-lotus, eternal bliss,

inrml rIiq inroDr mMq ] (298-11)
nirmal reet niroDhar mant.
pure lifestyle, the infallible Mantra,

sgl Drm pivqR iesnwnu ] (298-11)
sagal Dharam pavitar isnaan.
all Dharmic virtues, sacred purifying baths,

sB mih aUc ibsyK igAwnu ] (298-12)
sabh meh ooch bisaykh gi-aan.
the most lofty and sublime spiritual wisdom

hir hir Bjnu pUry gur sMig ] (298-12)
har har bhajan pooray gur sang.
- these are obtained by meditating, vibrating upon the Lord, Har, Har, in the Company of the Perfect Guru.

jip qrIAY nwnk nwm hir rMig ]8] (298-12)
jap taree-ai naanak naam har rang. ||8||
You shall be saved, O Nanak, by lovingly chanting the Lord's Name. ||8||

sloku ] (298-13)

nwrwiexu nh ismirE moihE suAwd ibkwr ] (298-13)
naaraa-in nah simri-o mohi-o su-aad bikaar.
He does not remember the Lord in meditation; he is fascinated by the pleasures of corruption.

nwnk nwim ibswirAY nrk surg Avqwr ]9] (298-13)
naanak naam bisaari-ai narak surag avtaar. ||9||
O Nanak, forgetting the Naam, he is reincarnated into heaven and hell. ||9||

pauVI ] (298-14)

naumI nvy iCdR ApvIq ] (298-14)
na-umee navay chhidar apveet.
The ninth day of the lunar cycle: The nine holes of the body are defiled.

hir nwmu n jpih krq ibprIiq ] (298-14)
har naam na jaapeh karat bipreet.
People do not chant the Lord's Name; instead, they practice evil.

pr iqRA rmih bkih swD inMd ] (298-15)
par tari-a rameh bakeh saaDh nind.
They commit adultery, slander the Saints,

krn n sunhI hir jsu ibMd ] (298-15)
karan na sunhee har jas bind.
and do not listen to even a tiny bit of the Lord's Praise.

ihrih pr drbu audr kY qweI ] (298-15)
hireh par darab udar kai taa-ee.
They steal others' wealth for the sake of their own bellies,

Agin n invrY iqRsnw n buJweI ] (298-16)
agan na nivrai tarisnaa na bujhaa-ee.
but the fire is not extinguished, and their thirst is not quenched.

hir syvw ibnu eyh Pl lwgy ] (298-16)
har sayvaa bin ayh fal laagay.
Without serving the Lord, these are their rewards.

nwnk pRB ibsrq mir jmih ABwgy ]9] (298-16)
naanak parabh bisrat mar jameh abhaagay. ||9||
O Nanak, forgetting God, the unfortunate people are born, only to die. ||9||

sloku ] (298-17)

ds ids Kojq mY iPirE jq dyKau qq soie ] (298-17)
das dis khojat mai firi-o jat daykh-a-u tat so-ay.
I have wandered, searching in the ten directions - wherever I look, there I see Him.

mnu bis AwvY nwnkw jy pUrn ikrpw hoie ]10] (298-17)
man bas aavai naankaa jay pooran kirpaa ho-ay. ||10||
The mind comes to be controlled, O Nanak, if He grants His Perfect Grace. ||10||

pauVI ] (298-18)

dsmI ds duAwr bis kIny ] (298-18)
dasmee das du-aar bas keenay.
The tenth day of the lunar cycle: Overpower the ten sensory and motor organs;

min sMqoKu nwm jip lIny ] (298-18)
man santokh naam jap leenay.
your mind will be content, as you chant the Naam.

krnI sunIAY jsu gopwl ] (298-19)
karnee sunee-ai jas gopaal.
With your ears, hear the Praises of the Lord of the World;

nYnI pyKq swD dieAwl ] (298-19)
nainee paykhat saaDh da-i-aal.
with your eyes, behold the kind, Holy Saints.

rsnw gun gwvY byAMq ] (298-19)
rasnaa gun gaavai bay-ant.
With your tongue, sing the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord.

mn mih icqvY pUrn BgvMq ] (298-19)
man meh chitvai pooran bhagvant.
In your mind, remember the Perfect Lord God.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD