Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mnu qnu sIqlu sWiq shj lwgw pRB kI syv ] (300-1)
man tan seetal saaNt sahj laagaa parabh kee sayv.
My mind and body are cooled and soothed, in intuitive peace and poise; I have dedicated myself to serving God.

tUty bMDn bhu ibkwr sPl pUrn qw ky kwm ] durmiq imtI haumY CutI ismrq hir ko nwm ] (300-1)
tootay banDhan baho bikaar safal pooran taa kay kaam. durmat mitee ha-umai chhutee simrat har ko naam.
One who meditates in remembrance on the Name of the Lord - his bonds are broken, all his sins are erased, and his works are brought to perfect fruition; his evil-mindedness disappears, and his ego is subdued.

srin ghI pwrbRhm kI imitAw Awvw gvn ] (300-2)
saran gahee paarbarahm kee miti-aa aavaa gavan.
Taking to the Sanctuary of the Supreme Lord God, his comings and goings in reincarnation are ended.

Awip qirAw kutMb isau gux guibMd pRB rvn ] (300-3)
aap tari-aa kutamb si-o gun gubind parabh ravan.
He saves himself, along with his family, chanting the Praises of God, the Lord of the Universe.

hir kI thl kmwvxI jpIAY pRB kw nwmu ] (300-3)
har kee tahal kamaavnee japee-ai parabh kaa naam.
I serve the Lord, and I chant the Name of God.

gur pUry qy pwieAw nwnk suK ibsRwmu ]15] (300-3)
gur pooray tay paa-i-aa naanak sukh bisraam. ||15||
From the Perfect Guru, Nanak has obtained peace and comfortable ease. ||15||

sloku ] (300-4)

pUrnu kbhu n folqw pUrw kIAw pRB Awip ] (300-4)
pooran kabahu na doltaa pooraa kee-aa parabh aap.
The perfect person never wavers; God Himself made him perfect.

idnu idnu cVY svwieAw nwnk hoq n Gwit ]16] (300-5)
din din charhai savaa-i-aa naanak hot na ghaat. ||16||
Day by day, he prospers; O Nanak, he shall not fail. ||16||

pauVI ] (300-5)

pUrnmw pUrn pRB eyku krx kwrx smrQu ] (300-5)
poornamaa pooran parabh ayk karan kaaran samrath.
The day of the full moon: God alone is Perfect; He is the All-powerful Cause of causes.

jIA jMq dieAwl purKu sB aUpir jw kw hQu ] (300-6)
jee-a jant da-i-aal purakh sabh oopar jaa kaa hath.
The Lord is kind and compassionate to all beings and creatures; His Protecting Hand is over all.

gux inDwn goibMd gur kIAw jw kw hoie ] (300-6)
gun niDhaan gobind gur kee-aa jaa kaa ho-ay.
He is the Treasure of Excellence, the Lord of the Universe; through the Guru, He acts.

AMqrjwmI pRBu sujwnu AlK inrMjn soie ] (300-7)
antarjaamee parabh sujaan alakh niranjan so-ay.
God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is All-knowing, Unseen and Immaculately Pure.

pwrbRhmu prmysro sB ibiD jwnxhwr ] (300-7)
paarbarahm parmaysaro sabh biDh jaananhaar.
The Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, is the Knower of all ways and means.

sMq shweI srin jogu AwT phr nmskwr ] (300-7)
sant sahaa-ee saran jog aath pahar namaskaar.
He is the Support of His Saints, with the Power to give Sanctuary. Twenty-four hours a day, I bow in reverence to Him.

AkQ kQw nh bUJIAY ismrhu hir ky crn ] (300-8)
akath kathaa nah boojhee-ai simrahu har kay charan.
His Unspoken Speech cannot be understood; I meditate on the Feet of the Lord.

piqq auDwrn AnwQ nwQ nwnk pRB kI srn ]16] (300-8)
patit uDhaaran anaath naath naanak parabh kee saran. ||16||
He is the Saving Grace of sinners, the Master of the masterless; Nanak has entered God's Sanctuary. ||16||

sloku ] (300-9)

duK ibnsy shsw gieE srin ghI hir rwie ] (300-9)
dukh binsay sahsaa ga-i-o saran gahee har raa-ay.
My pain is gone, and my sorrows have departed, since I took to the Sanctuary of the Lord, my King.

min icMdy Pl pwieAw nwnk hir gun gwie ]17] (300-10)
man chinday fal paa-i-aa naanak har gun gaa-ay. ||17||
I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, O Nanak, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||17||

pauVI ] (300-10)

koeI gwvY ko suxY koeI krY bIcwru ] (300-10)
ko-ee gaavai ko sunai ko-ee karai beechaar.
Some sing, some listen, and some contemplate;

ko aupdysY ko idRVY iqs kw hoie auDwru ] (300-11)
ko updaysai ko darirhai tis kaa ho-ay uDhaar.
some preach, and some implant the Name within; this is how they are saved.

iklibK kwtY hoie inrmlw jnm jnm mlu jwie ] (300-11)
kilbikh kaatai ho-ay nirmalaa janam janam mal jaa-ay.
Their sinful mistakes are erased, and they become pure; the filth of countless incarnations is washed away.

hliq pliq muKu aUjlw nh pohY iqsu mwie ] (300-12)
halat palat mukh oojlaa nah pohai tis maa-ay.
In this world and the next, their faces shall be radiant; they shall not be touched by Maya.

so surqw so bYsno so igAwnI DnvMqu ] (300-12)
so surtaa so baisno so gi-aanee Dhanvant.
They are intuitively wise, and they are Vaishnaavs, worshippers of Vishnu; they are spiritually wise, wealthy and prosperous.

so sUrw kulvMqu soie ijin BijAw BgvMqu ] (300-12)
so sooraa kulvant so-ay jin bhaji-aa bhagvant.
They are spiritual heros, of noble birth, who vibrate upon the Lord God.

KqRI bRwhmxu sUdu bYsu auDrY ismir cMfwl ] (300-13)
khatree baraahman sood bais uDhrai simar chandaal.
The Kh'shatriyas, the Brahmins, the low-caste Soodras, the Vaisha workers and the outcast pariahs are all saved,

ijin jwinE pRBu Awpnw nwnk iqsih rvwl ]17] (300-13)
jin jaani-o parabh aapnaa naanak tiseh ravaal. ||17||
meditating on the Lord. Nanak is the dust of the feet of those who know his God. ||17||

gauVI kI vwr mhlw 4 ] (300-15)
ga-orhee kee vaar mehlaa 4.
Vaar In Gauree, Fourth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (300-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

slok mÚ 4 ] (300-16)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok Fourth Mehl:

siqguru purKu dieAwlu hY ijs no smqu sBu koie ] (300-16)
satgur purakh da-i-aal hai jis no samat sabh ko-ay.
The True Guru, the Primal Being, is kind and compassionate; all are alike to Him.

eyk idRsit kir dyKdw mn BwvnI qy isiD hoie ] (300-16)
ayk darisat kar daykh-daa man bhaavnee tay siDh ho-ay.
He looks upon all impartially; with pure faith in the mind, He is obtained.

siqgur ivic AMimRqu hY hir auqmu hir pdu soie ] (300-17)
satgur vich amrit hai har utam har pad so-ay.
The Ambrosial Nectar is within the True Guru; He is exalted and sublime, of Godly status.

nwnk ikrpw qy hir iDAweIAY gurmuiK pwvY koie ]1] (300-17)
naanak kirpaa tay har Dhi-aa-ee-ai gurmukh paavai ko-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, by His Grace, one meditates on the Lord; the Gurmukhs obtain Him. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (300-18)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

haumY mwieAw sB ibKu hY inq jig qotw sMswir ] (300-18)
ha-umai maa-i-aa sabh bikh hai nit jag totaa sansaar.
Egotism and Maya are total poison; in these, people continually suffer loss in this world.

lwhw hir Dnu KitAw gurmuiK sbdu vIcwir ] (300-18)
laahaa har Dhan khati-aa gurmukh sabad veechaar.
The Gurmukh earns the profit of the wealth of the Lord's Name, contemplating the Word of the Shabad.

haumY mYlu ibKu auqrY hir AMimRqu hir aur Dwir ] (300-19)
ha-umai mail bikh utrai har amrit har ur Dhaar.
The poisonous filth of egotism is removed, when one enshrines the Ambrosial Name of the Lord within the heart.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD