Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awpn Kylu Awip vrqIjw ] (291-1)
aapan khayl aap varteejaa.
He Himself has staged His own drama;

nwnk krnYhwru n dUjw ]1] (291-1)
naanak karnaihaar na doojaa. ||1||
O Nanak, there is no other Creator. ||1||

jb hovq pRB kyvl DnI ] (291-1)
jab hovat parabh kayval Dhanee.
When there was only God the Master,

qb bMD mukiq khu iks kau gnI ] (291-2)
tab banDh mukat kaho kis ka-o ganee.
then who was called bound or liberated?

jb eykih hir Agm Apwr ] (291-2)
jab aykeh har agam apaar.
When there was only the Lord, Unfathomable and Infinite,

qb nrk surg khu kaun Aauqwr ] (291-2)
tab narak surag kaho ka-un a-utaar.
then who entered hell, and who entered heaven?

jb inrgun pRB shj suBwie ] (291-3)
jab nirgun parabh sahj subhaa-ay.
When God was without attributes, in absolute poise,

qb isv skiq khhu ikqu Twie ] (291-3)
tab siv sakat kahhu kit thaa-ay.
then where was mind and where was matter - where was Shiva and Shakti?

jb Awpih Awip ApnI joiq DrY ] (291-3)
jab aapeh aap apnee jot Dharai.
When He held His Own Light unto Himself,

qb kvn infru kvn kq frY ] (291-4)
tab kavan nidar kavan kat darai.
then who was fearless, and who was afraid?

Awpn cilq Awip krnYhwr ] (291-4)
aapan chalit aap karnaihaar.
He Himself is the Performer in His own plays;

nwnk Twkur Agm Apwr ]2] (291-4)
naanak thaakur agam apaar. ||2||
O Nanak, the Lord Master is Unfathomable and Infinite. ||2||

AibnwsI suK Awpn Awsn ] (291-5)
abhinaasee sukh aapan aasan.
When the Immortal Lord was seated at ease,

qh jnm mrn khu khw ibnwsn ] (291-5)
tah janam maran kaho kahaa binaasan.
then where was birth, death and dissolution?

jb pUrn krqw pRBu soie ] (291-5)
jab pooran kartaa parabh so-ay.
When there was only God, the Perfect Creator,

qb jm kI qRws khhu iksu hoie ] (291-6)
tab jam kee taraas kahhu kis ho-ay.
then who was afraid of death?

jb Aibgq Agocr pRB eykw ] (291-6)
jab abigat agochar parabh aykaa.
When there was only the One Lord, unmanifest and incomprehensible,

qb icqR gupq iksu pUCq lyKw ] (291-6)
tab chitar gupat kis poochhat laykhaa.
then who was called to account by the recording scribes of the conscious and the subconscious?

jb nwQ inrMjn Agocr AgwDy ] (291-7)
jab naath niranjan agochar agaaDhay.
When there was only the Immaculate, Incomprehensible, Unfathomable Master,

qb kaun Cuty kaun bMDn bwDy ] (291-7)
tab ka-un chhutay ka-un banDhan baaDhay.
then who was emancipated, and who was held in bondage?

Awpn Awp Awp hI Acrjw ] (291-8)
aapan aap aap hee acharjaa.
He Himself, in and of Himself, is the most wonderful.

nwnk Awpn rUp Awp hI auprjw ]3] (291-8)
naanak aapan roop aap hee uparjaa. ||3||
O Nanak, He Himself created His Own Form. ||3||

jh inrml purKu purK piq hoqw ] (291-8)
jah nirmal purakh purakh pat hotaa.
When there was only the Immaculate Being, the Lord of beings,

qh ibnu mYlu khhu ikAw Doqw ] (291-9)
tah bin mail kahhu ki-aa Dhotaa.
there was no filth, so what was there to be washed clean?

jh inrMjn inrMkwr inrbwn ] (291-9)
jah niranjan nirankaar nirbaan.
When there was only the Pure, Formless Lord in Nirvaanaa,

qh kaun kau mwn kaun AiBmwn ] (291-9)
tah ka-un ka-o maan ka-un abhimaan.
then who was honored, and who was dishonored?

jh srUp kyvl jgdIs ] (291-10)
jah saroop kayval jagdees.
When there was only the Form of the Lord of the Universe,

qh Cl iCdR lgq khu kIs ] (291-10)
tah chhal chhidar lagat kaho kees.
then who was tainted by fraud and sin?

jh joiq srUpI joiq sMig smwvY ] (291-10)
jah jot saroopee jot sang samaavai.
When the Embodiment of Light was immersed in His Own Light,

qh iksih BUK kvnu iqRpqwvY ] (291-11)
tah kiseh bhookh kavan tariptaavai.
then who was hungry, and who was satisfied?

krn krwvn krnYhwru ] (291-11)
karan karaavan karnaihaar.
He is the Cause of causes, the Creator Lord.

nwnk krqy kw nwih sumwru ]4] (291-11)
naanak kartay kaa naahi sumaar. ||4||
O Nanak, the Creator is beyond calculation. ||4||

jb ApnI soBw Awpn sMig bnweI ] (291-12)
jab apnee sobhaa aapan sang banaa-ee.
When His Glory was contained within Himself,

qb kvn mwie bwp imqR suq BweI ] (291-12)
tab kavan maa-ay baap mitar sut bhaa-ee.
then who was mother, father, friend, child or sibling?

jh srb klw Awpih prbIn ] (291-12)
jah sarab kalaa aapeh parbeen.
When all power and wisdom was latent within Him,

qh byd kqyb khw koaU cIn ] (291-13)
tah bayd katayb kahaa ko-oo cheen.
then where were the Vedas and the scriptures, and who was there to read them?

jb Awpn Awpu Awip auir DwrY ] (291-13)
jab aapan aap aap ur Dhaarai.
When He kept Himself, All-in-all, unto His Own Heart,

qau sgn Apsgn khw bIcwrY ] (291-13)
ta-o sagan apasgan kahaa beechaarai.
then who considered omens to be good or bad?

jh Awpn aUc Awpn Awip nyrw ] (291-14)
jah aapan ooch aapan aap nayraa.
When He Himself was lofty, and He Himself was near at hand,

qh kaun Twkuru kaunu khIAY cyrw ] (291-14)
tah ka-un thaakur ka-un kahee-ai chayraa.
then who was called master, and who was called disciple?

ibsmn ibsm rhy ibsmwd ] (291-15)
bisman bisam rahay bismaad.
We are wonder-struck at the wondrous wonder of the Lord.

nwnk ApnI giq jwnhu Awip ]5] (291-15)
naanak apnee gat jaanhu aap. ||5||
O Nanak, He alone knows His own state. ||5||

jh ACl ACyd AByd smwieAw ] (291-15)
jah achhal achhayd abhayd samaa-i-aa.
When the Undeceiveable, Impenetrable, Inscrutable One was self-absorbed,

aUhw iksih ibAwpq mwieAw ] (291-16)
oohaa kiseh bi-aapat maa-i-aa.
then who was swayed by Maya?

Awps kau Awpih Awdysu ] (291-16)
aapas ka-o aapeh aadays.
When He paid homage to Himself,

iqhu gux kw nwhI prvysu ] (291-16)
tihu gun kaa naahee parvays.
then the three qualities were not prevailing.

jh eykih eyk eyk BgvMqw ] (291-17)
jah aykeh ayk ayk bhagvantaa.
When there was only the One, the One and Only Lord God,

qh kaunu AicMqu iksu lwgY icMqw ] (291-17)
tah ka-un achint kis laagai chintaa.
then who was not anxious, and who felt anxiety?

jh Awpn Awpu Awip pqIAwrw ] (291-17)
jah aapan aap aap patee-aaraa.
When He Himself was satisfied with Himself,

qh kaunu kQY kaunu sunnYhwrw ] (291-18)
tah ka-un kathai ka-un sunnaihaaraa.
then who spoke and who listened?

bhu byAMq aUc qy aUcw ] (291-18)
baho bay-ant ooch tay oochaa.
He is vast and infinite, the highest of the high.

nwnk Awps kau Awpih phUcw ]6] (291-18)
naanak aapas ka-o aapeh pahoochaa. ||6||
O Nanak, He alone can reach Himself. ||6||

jh Awip ricE prpMcu Akwru ] (291-19)
jah aap rachi-o parpanch akaar.
When He Himself fashioned the visible world of the creation,

iqhu gux mih kIno ibsQwru ] (291-19)
tihu gun meh keeno bisthaar.
he made the world subject to the three dispositions.

pwpu puMnu qh BeI khwvq ] (291-19)
paap punn tah bha-ee kahaavat.
Sin and virtue then began to be spoken of.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD