Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


koaU nrk koaU surg bMCwvq ] (292-1)
ko-oo narak ko-oo surag banchhaavat.
Some have gone to hell, and some yearn for paradise.

Awl jwl mwieAw jMjwl ] (292-1)
aal jaal maa-i-aa janjaal.
Worldly snares and entanglements of Maya,

haumY moh Brm BY Bwr ] (292-1)
ha-umai moh bharam bhai bhaar.
egotism, attachment, doubt and loads of fear;

dUK sUK mwn Apmwn ] (292-2)
dookh sookh maan apmaan.
pain and pleasure, honor and dishonor

Aink pRkwr kIE bK´wn ] (292-2)
anik parkaar kee-o bakh-yaan.
- these came to be described in various ways.

Awpn Kylu Awip kir dyKY ] (292-2)
aapan khayl aap kar daykhai.
He Himself creates and beholds His own drama.

Kylu sMkocY qau nwnk eykY ]7] (292-2)
khayl sankochai ta-o naanak aykai. ||7||
He winds up the drama, and then, O Nanak, He alone remains. ||7||

jh Aibgqu Bgqu qh Awip ] (292-3)
jah abigat bhagat tah aap.
Wherever the Eternal Lord's devotee is, He Himself is there.

jh psrY pwswru sMq prqwip ] (292-3)
jah pasrai paasaar sant partaap.
He unfolds the expanse of His creation for the glory of His Saint.

duhU pwK kw Awpih DnI ] (292-3)
duhoo paakh kaa aapeh Dhanee.
He Himself is the Master of both worlds.

aun kI soBw aunhU bnI ] (292-4)
un kee sobhaa unhoo banee.
His Praise is to Himself alone.

Awpih kauqk krY And coj ] (292-4)
aapeh ka-utak karai anad choj.
He Himself performs and plays His amusements and games.

Awpih rs Bogn inrjog ] (292-4)
aapeh ras bhogan nirjog.
He Himself enjoys pleasures, and yet He is unaffected and untouched.

ijsu BwvY iqsu Awpn nwie lwvY ] (292-5)
jis bhaavai tis aapan naa-ay laavai.
He attaches whomever He pleases to His Name.

ijsu BwvY iqsu Kyl iKlwvY ] (292-5)
jis bhaavai tis khayl khilaavai.
He causes whomever He pleases to play in His play.

bysumwr AQwh Agnq AqolY ] (292-5)
baysumaar athaah agnat atolai.
He is beyond calculation, beyond measure, uncountable and unfathomable.

ijau bulwvhu iqau nwnk dws bolY ]8]21] (292-6)
ji-o bulaavhu ti-o naanak daas bolai. ||8||21||
As You inspire him to speak, O Lord, so does servant Nanak speak. ||8||21||

sloku ] (292-6)

jIA jMq ky Twkurw Awpy vrqxhwr ] (292-6)
jee-a jant kay thaakuraa aapay vartanhaar.
O Lord and Master of all beings and creatures, You Yourself are prevailing everywhere.

nwnk eyko psirAw dUjw kh idRstwr ]1] (292-7)
naanak ayko pasri-aa doojaa kah daristaar. ||1||
O Nanak, The One is All-pervading; where is any other to be seen? ||1||

AstpdI ] (292-7)

Awip kQY Awip sunnYhwru ] (292-7)
aap kathai aap sunnaihaar.
He Himself is the speaker, and He Himself is the listener.

Awpih eyku Awip ibsQwru ] (292-8)
aapeh ayk aap bisthaar.
He Himself is the One, and He Himself is the many.

jw iqsu BwvY qw isRsit aupwey ] (292-8)
jaa tis bhaavai taa sarisat upaa-ay.
When it pleases Him, He creates the world.

AwpnY BwxY ley smwey ] (292-8)
aapnai bhaanai la-ay samaa-ay.
As He pleases, He absorbs it back into Himself.

qum qy iBMn nhI ikCu hoie ] (292-8)
tum tay bhinn nahee kichh ho-ay.
Without You, nothing can be done.

Awpn sUiq sBu jgqu proie ] (292-9)
aapan soot sabh jagat paro-ay.
Upon Your thread, You have strung the whole world.

jw kau pRB jIau Awip buJwey ] (292-9)
jaa ka-o parabh jee-o aap bujhaa-ay.
One whom God Himself inspires to understand

scu nwmu soeI jnu pwey ] (292-9)
sach naam so-ee jan paa-ay.
- that person obtains the True Name.

so smdrsI qq kw byqw ] (292-10)
so samadrasee tat kaa baytaa.
He looks impartially upon all, and he knows the essential reality.

nwnk sgl isRsit kw jyqw ]1] (292-10)
naanak sagal sarisat kaa jaytaa. ||1||
O Nanak, he conquers the whole world. ||1||

jIA jMqR sB qw kY hwQ ] (292-10)
jee-a jantar sabh taa kai haath.
All beings and creatures are in His Hands.

dIn dieAwl AnwQ ko nwQu ] (292-11)
deen da-i-aal anaath ko naath.
He is Merciful to the meek, the Patron of the patronless.

ijsu rwKY iqsu koie n mwrY ] (292-11)
jis raakhai tis ko-ay na maarai.
No one can kill those who are protected by Him.

so mUAw ijsu mnhu ibswrY ] (292-11)
so moo-aa jis manhu bisaarai.
One who is forgotten by God, is already dead.

iqsu qij Avr khw ko jwie ] (292-12)
tis taj avar kahaa ko jaa-ay.
Leaving Him, where else could anyone go?

sB isir eyku inrMjn rwie ] (292-12)
sabh sir ayk niranjan raa-ay.
Over the heads of all is the One, the Immaculate King.

jIA kI jugiq jw kY sB hwiQ ] (292-12)
jee-a kee jugat jaa kai sabh haath.
The ways and means of all beings are in His Hands.

AMqir bwhir jwnhu swiQ ] (292-13)
antar baahar jaanhu saath.
Inwardly and outwardly, know that He is with you.

gun inDwn byAMq Apwr ] (292-13)
gun niDhaan bay-ant apaar.
He is the Ocean of excellence, infinite and endless.

nwnk dws sdw bilhwr ]2] (292-13)
naanak daas sadaa balihaar. ||2||
Slave Nanak is forever a sacrifice to Him. ||2||

pUrn pUir rhy dieAwl ] (292-14)
pooran poor rahay da-i-aal.
The Perfect, Merciful Lord is pervading everywhere.

sB aUpir hovq ikrpwl ] (292-14)
sabh oopar hovat kirpaal.
His kindness extends to all.

Apny krqb jwnY Awip ] (292-14)
apnay kartab jaanai aap.
He Himself knows His own ways.

AMqrjwmI rihE ibAwip ] (292-14)
antarjaamee rahi-o bi-aap.
The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is present everywhere.

pRiqpwlY jIAn bhu Bwiq ] (292-15)
paratipaalai jee-an baho bhaat.
He cherishes His living beings in so many ways.

jo jo ricE su iqsih iDAwiq ] (292-15)
jo jo rachi-o so tiseh Dhi-aat.
That which He has created meditates on Him.

ijsu BwvY iqsu ley imlwie ] (292-15)
jis bhaavai tis la-ay milaa-ay.
Whoever pleases Him, He blends into Himself.

Bgiq krih hir ky gux gwie ] (292-16)
bhagat karahi har kay gun gaa-ay.
They perform His devotional service and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

mn AMqir ibsÍwsu kir mwinAw ] (292-16)
man antar bisvaas kar maani-aa.
With heart-felt faith, they believe in Him.

krnhwru nwnk ieku jwinAw ]3] (292-16)
karanhaar naanak ik jaani-aa. ||3||
O Nanak, they realize the One, the Creator Lord. ||3||

jnu lwgw hir eykY nwie ] (292-17)
jan laagaa har aykai naa-ay.
The Lord's humble servant is committed to His Name.

iqs kI Aws n ibrQI jwie ] (292-17)
tis kee aas na birthee jaa-ay.
His hopes do not go in vain.

syvk kau syvw bin AweI ] (292-17)
sayvak ka-o sayvaa ban aa-ee.
The servant's purpose is to serve;

hukmu bUiJ prm pdu pweI ] (292-18)
hukam boojh param pad paa-ee.
obeying the Lord's Command, the supreme status is obtained.

ies qy aUpir nhI bIcwru ] (292-18)
is tay oopar nahee beechaar.
Beyond this, he has no other thought.

jw kY min bisAw inrMkwru ] (292-18)
jaa kai man basi-aa nirankaar.
Within his mind, the Formless Lord abides.

bMDn qoir Bey inrvYr ] (292-19)
banDhan tor bha-ay nirvair.
His bonds are cut away, and he becomes free of hatred.

Anidnu pUjih gur ky pYr ] (292-19)
an-din poojeh gur kay pair.
Night and day, he worships the Feet of the Guru.

ieh lok suKIey prlok suhyly ] (292-19)
ih lok sukhee-ay parlok suhaylay.
He is at peace in this world, and happy in the next.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD