Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


so ikau ibsrY ijin sBu ikCu dIAw ] (290-1)
so ki-o bisrai jin sabh kichh dee-aa.
Why forget Him, who has given us everything?

so ikau ibsrY ij jIvn jIAw ] (290-1)
so ki-o bisrai je jeevan jee-aa.
Why forget Him, who is the Life of the living beings?

so ikau ibsrY ij Agin mih rwKY ] (290-1)
so ki-o bisrai je agan meh raakhai.
Why forget Him, who preserves us in the fire of the womb?

gur pRswid ko ibrlw lwKY ] (290-2)
gur parsaad ko birlaa laakhai.
By Guru's Grace, rare is the one who realizes this.

so ikau ibsrY ij ibKu qy kwFY ] (290-2)
so ki-o bisrai je bikh tay kaadhai.
Why forget Him, who lifts us up out of corruption?

jnm jnm kw tUtw gwFY ] (290-2)
janam janam kaa tootaa gaadhai.
Those separated from Him for countless lifetimes, are re-united with Him once again.

guir pUrY qqu iehY buJwieAw ] (290-3)
gur poorai tat ihai bujhaa-i-aa.
Through the Perfect Guru, this essential reality is understood.

pRBu Apnw nwnk jn iDAwieAw ]4] (290-3)
parabh apnaa naanak jan Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||4||
O Nanak, God's humble servants meditate on Him. ||4||

swjn sMq krhu iehu kwmu ] (290-3)
saajan sant karahu ih kaam.
O friends, O Saints, make this your work.

Awn iqAwig jphu hir nwmu ] (290-4)
aan ti-aag japahu har naam.
Renounce everything else, and chant the Name of the Lord.

ismir ismir ismir suK pwvhu ] (290-4)
simar simar simar sukh paavhu.
Meditate, meditate, meditate in remembrance of Him, and find peace.

Awip jphu Avrh nwmu jpwvhu ] (290-4)
aap japahu avrah naam japaavhu.
Chant the Naam yourself, and inspire others to chant it.

Bgiq Bwie qrIAY sMswru ] (290-5)
bhagat bhaa-ay taree-ai sansaar.
By loving devotional worship, you shall cross over the world-ocean.

ibnu BgqI qnu hosI Cwru ] (290-5)
bin bhagtee tan hosee chhaar.
Without devotional meditation, the body will be just ashes.

srb kilAwx sUK iniD nwmu ] (290-5)
sarab kali-aan sookh niDh naam.
All joys and comforts are in the treasure of the Naam.

bUfq jwq pwey ibsRwmu ] (290-6)
boodat jaat paa-ay bisraam.
Even the drowning can reach the place of rest and safety.

sgl dUK kw hovq nwsu ] (290-6)
sagal dookh kaa hovat naas.
All sorrows shall vanish.

nwnk nwmu jphu gunqwsu ]5] (290-6)
naanak naam japahu guntaas. ||5||
O Nanak, chant the Naam, the treasure of excellence. ||5||

aupjI pRIiq pRym rsu cwau ] (290-6)
upjee pareet paraym ras chaa-o.
Love and affection, and the taste of yearning, have welled up within;

mn qn AMqir iehI suAwau ] (290-7)
man tan antar ihee su-aa-o.
within my mind and body, this is my purpose:

nyqRhu pyiK drsu suKu hoie ] (290-7)
naytarahu paykh daras sukh ho-ay.
beholding with my eyes His Blessed Vision, I am at peace.

mnu ibgsY swD crn Doie ] (290-7)
man bigsai saaDh charan Dho-ay.
My mind blossoms forth in ecstasy, washing the feet of the Holy.

Bgq jnw kY min qin rMgu ] (290-8)
bhagat janaa kai man tan rang.
The minds and bodies of His devotees are infused with His Love.

ibrlw koaU pwvY sMgu ] (290-8)
birlaa ko-oo paavai sang.
Rare is the one who obtains their company.

eyk bsqu dIjY kir mieAw ] (290-8)
ayk basat deejai kar ma-i-aa.
Show Your mercy - please, grant me this one request:

gur pRswid nwmu jip lieAw ] (290-9)
gur parsaad naam jap la-i-aa.
by Guru's Grace, may I chant the Naam.

qw kI aupmw khI n jwie ] (290-9)
taa kee upmaa kahee na jaa-ay.
His Praises cannot be spoken;

nwnk rihAw srb smwie ]6] (290-9)
naanak rahi-aa sarab samaa-ay. ||6||
O Nanak, He is contained among all. ||6||

pRB bKsMd dIn dieAwl ] (290-9)
parabh bakhsand deen da-i-aal.
God, the Forgiving Lord, is kind to the poor.

Bgiq vCl sdw ikrpwl ] (290-10)
bhagat vachhal sadaa kirpaal.
He loves His devotees, and He is always merciful to them.

AnwQ nwQ goibMd gupwl ] (290-10)
anaath naath gobind gupaal.
The Patron of the patronless, the Lord of the Universe, the Sustainer of the world,

srb Gtw krq pRiqpwl ] (290-10)
sarab ghataa karat partipaal.
the Nourisher of all beings.

Awid purK kwrx krqwr ] (290-11)
aad purakh kaaran kartaar.
The Primal Being, the Creator of the Creation.

Bgq jnw ky pRwn ADwr ] (290-11)
bhagat janaa kay paraan aDhaar.
The Support of the breath of life of His devotees.

jo jo jpY su hoie punIq ] (290-11)
jo jo japai so ho-ay puneet.
Whoever meditates on Him is sanctified,

Bgiq Bwie lwvY mn hIq ] (290-12)
bhagat bhaa-ay laavai man heet.
focusing the mind in loving devotional worship.

hm inrgunIAwr nIc Ajwn ] (290-12)
ham nirgunee-aar neech ajaan.
I am unworthy, lowly and ignorant.

nwnk qumrI srin purK Bgvwn ]7] (290-12)
naanak tumree saran purakh bhagvaan. ||7||
Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary, O Supreme Lord God. ||7||

srb bYkuMT mukiq moK pwey ] (290-13)
sarab baikunth mukat mokh paa-ay.
Everything is obtained: the heavens, liberation and deliverance,

eyk inmK hir ky gun gwey ] (290-13)
ayk nimakh har kay gun gaa-ay.
if one sings the Lord's Glories, even for an instant.

Aink rwj Bog bifAweI ] (290-13)
anik raaj bhog badi-aa-ee.
So many realms of power, pleasures and great glories,

hir ky nwm kI kQw min BweI ] (290-14)
har kay naam kee kathaa man bhaa-ee.
come to one whose mind is pleased with the Sermon of the Lord's Name.

bhu Bojn kwpr sMgIq ] (290-14)
baho bhojan kaapar sangeet.
Abundant foods, clothes and music

rsnw jpqI hir hir nIq ] (290-14)
rasnaa japtee har har neet.
come to one whose tongue continually chants the Lord's Name, Har, Har.

BlI su krnI soBw DnvMq ] (290-14)
bhalee so karnee sobhaa Dhanvant.
His actions are good, he is glorious and wealthy;

ihrdY bsy pUrn gur mMq ] (290-15)
hirdai basay pooran gur mant.
the Mantra of the Perfect Guru dwells within his heart.

swDsMig pRB dyhu invws ] (290-15)
saaDhsang parabh dayh nivaas.
O God, grant me a home in the Company of the Holy.

srb sUK nwnk prgws ]8]20] (290-15)
sarab sookh naanak pargaas. ||8||20||
All pleasures, O Nanak, are so revealed. ||8||20||

sloku ] (290-16)

srgun inrgun inrMkwr suMn smwDI Awip ] (290-16)
sargun nirgun nirankaar sunn samaaDhee aap.
He possesses all qualities; He transcends all qualities; He is the Formless Lord. He Himself is in Primal Samaadhi.

Awpn kIAw nwnkw Awpy hI iPir jwip ]1] (290-16)
aapan kee-aa naankaa aapay hee fir jaap. ||1||
Through His Creation, O Nanak, He meditates on Himself. ||1||

AstpdI ] (290-17)

jb Akwru iehu kCu n idRstyqw ] (290-17)
jab akaar ih kachh na daristaytaa.
When this world had not yet appeared in any form,

pwp puMn qb kh qy hoqw ] (290-17)
paap punn tab kah tay hotaa.
who then committed sins and performed good deeds?

jb DwrI Awpn suMn smwiD ] (290-18)
jab Dhaaree aapan sunn samaaDh.
When the Lord Himself was in Profound Samaadhi,

qb bYr ibroD iksu sMig kmwiq ] (290-18)
tab bair biroDh kis sang kamaat.
then against whom were hate and jealousy directed?

jb ies kw brnu ichnu n jwpq ] (290-18)
jab is kaa baran chihan na jaapat.
When there was no color or shape to be seen,

qb hrK sog khu iksih ibAwpq ] (290-19)
tab harakh sog kaho kiseh bi-aapat.
then who experienced joy and sorrow?

jb Awpn Awp Awip pwrbRhm ] (290-19)
jab aapan aap aap paarbarahm.
When the Supreme Lord Himself was Himself All-in-all,

qb moh khw iksu hovq Brm ] (290-19)
tab moh kahaa kis hovat bharam.
then where was emotional attachment, and who had doubts?


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD