Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jnm jnm ky iklibK jwih ] (289-1)
janam janam kay kilbikh jaahi.
the sins of countless lifetimes shall depart.

Awip jphu Avrw nwmu jpwvhu ] (289-1)
aap japahu avraa naam japaavhu.
Chant the Naam yourself, and inspire others to chant it as well.

sunq khq rhq giq pwvhu ] (289-1)
sunat kahat rahat gat paavhu.
Hearing, speaking and living it, emancipation is obtained.

swr BUq siq hir ko nwau ] (289-2)
saar bhoot sat har ko naa-o.
The essential reality is the True Name of the Lord.

shij suBwie nwnk gun gwau ]6] (289-2)
sahj subhaa-ay naanak gun gaa-o. ||6||
With intuitive ease, O Nanak, sing His Glorious Praises. ||6||

gun gwvq qyrI auqris mYlu ] (289-2)
gun gaavat tayree utras mail.
Chanting His Glories, your filth shall be washed off.

ibnis jwie haumY ibKu PYlu ] (289-3)
binas jaa-ay ha-umai bikh fail.
The all-consuming poison of ego will be gone.

hoih AicMqu bsY suK nwil ] (289-3)
hohi achint basai sukh naal.
You shall become carefree, and you shall dwell in peace.

swis gRwis hir nwmu smwil ] (289-3)
saas garaas har naam samaal.
With every breath and every morsel of food, cherish the Lord's Name.

Cwif isAwnp sglI mnw ] (289-4)
chhaad si-aanap saglee manaa.
Renounce all clever tricks, O mind.

swDsMig pwvih scu Dnw ] (289-4)
saaDhsang paavahi sach Dhanaa.
In the Company of the Holy, you shall obtain the true wealth.

hir pUMjI sMic krhu ibauhwru ] (289-4)
har poonjee sanch karahu bi-uhaar.
So gather the Lord's Name as your capital, and trade in it.

eIhw suKu drgh jYkwru ] (289-4)
eehaa sukh dargeh jaikaar.
In this world you shall be at peace, and in the Court of the Lord, you shall be acclaimed.

srb inrMqir eyko dyKu ] (289-5)
sarab nirantar ayko daykh.
See the One permeating all;

khu nwnk jw kY msqik lyKu ]7] (289-5)
kaho naanak jaa kai mastak laykh. ||7||
says Nanak, your destiny is pre-ordained. ||7||

eyko jip eyko swlwih ] (289-5)
ayko jap ayko saalaahi.
Meditate on the One, and worship the One.

eyku ismir eyko mn Awih ] (289-6)
ayk simar ayko man aahi.
Remember the One, and yearn for the One in your mind.

eyks ky gun gwau Anµq ] (289-6)
aykas kay gun gaa-o anant.
Sing the endless Glorious Praises of the One.

min qin jwip eyk BgvMq ] (289-6)
man tan jaap ayk bhagvant.
With mind and body, meditate on the One Lord God.

eyko eyku eyku hir Awip ] (289-7)
ayko ayk ayk har aap.
The One Lord Himself is the One and Only.

pUrn pUir rihE pRBu ibAwip ] (289-7)
pooran poor rahi-o parabh bi-aap.
The Pervading Lord God is totally permeating all.

Aink ibsQwr eyk qy Bey ] (289-7)
anik bisthaar ayk tay bha-ay.
The many expanses of the creation have all come from the One.

eyku ArwiD prwCq gey ] (289-7)
ayk araaDh paraachhat ga-ay.
Adoring the One, past sins are removed.

mn qn AMqir eyku pRBu rwqw ] (289-8)
man tan antar ayk parabh raataa.
Mind and body within are imbued with the One God.

gur pRswid nwnk ieku jwqw ]8]19] (289-8)
gur parsaad naanak ik jaataa. ||8||19||
By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, the One is known. ||8||19||

sloku ] (289-9)

iPrq iPrq pRB AwieAw pirAw qau srnwie ] (289-9)
firat firat parabh aa-i-aa pari-aa ta-o sarnaa-ay.
After wandering and wandering, O God, I have come, and entered Your Sanctuary.

nwnk kI pRB bynqI ApnI BgqI lwie ]1] (289-9)
naanak kee parabh bayntee apnee bhagtee laa-ay. ||1||
This is Nanak's prayer, O God: please, attach me to Your devotional service. ||1||

AstpdI ] (289-10)

jwck jnu jwcY pRB dwnu ] (289-10)
jaachak jan jaachai parabh daan.
I am a beggar; I beg for this gift from You:

kir ikrpw dyvhu hir nwmu ] (289-10)
kar kirpaa dayvhu har naam.
please, by Your Mercy, Lord, give me Your Name.

swD jnw kI mwgau DUir ] (289-10)
saaDh janaa kee maaga-o Dhoor.
I ask for the dust of the feet of the Holy.

pwrbRhm myrI srDw pUir ] (289-11)
paarbarahm mayree sarDhaa poor.
O Supreme Lord God, please fulfill my yearning;

sdw sdw pRB ky gun gwvau ] (289-11)
sadaa sadaa parabh kay gun gaava-o.
may I sing the Glorious Praises of God forever and ever.

swis swis pRB qumih iDAwvau ] (289-11)
saas saas parabh tumeh Dhi-aava-o.
With each and every breath, may I meditate on You, O God.

crn kml isau lwgY pRIiq ] (289-12)
charan kamal si-o laagai pareet.
May I enshrine affection for Your Lotus Feet.

Bgiq krau pRB kI inq nIiq ] (289-12)
bhagat kara-o parabh kee nit neet.
May I perform devotional worship to God each and every day.

eyk Et eyko AwDwru ] (289-12)
ayk ot ayko aaDhaar.
You are my only Shelter, my only Support.

nwnku mwgY nwmu pRB swru ]1] (289-12)
naanak maagai naam parabh saar. ||1||
Nanak asks for the most sublime, the Naam, the Name of God. ||1||

pRB kI idRsit mhw suKu hoie ] (289-13)
parabh kee darisat mahaa sukh ho-ay.
By God's Gracious Glance, there is great peace.

hir rsu pwvY ibrlw koie ] (289-13)
har ras paavai birlaa ko-ay.
Rare are those who obtain the juice of the Lord's essence.

ijn cwiKAw sy jn iqRpqwny ] (289-13)
jin chaakhi-aa say jan tariptaanay.
Those who taste it are satisfied.

pUrn purK nhI folwny ] (289-14)
pooran purakh nahee dolaanay.
They are fulfilled and realized beings - they do not waver.

suBr Bry pRym rs rMig ] (289-14)
subhar bharay paraym ras rang.
They are totally filled to over-flowing with the sweet delight of His Love.

aupjY cwau swD kY sMig ] (289-14)
upjai chaa-o saaDh kai sang.
Spiritual delight wells up within, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

pry srin Awn sB iqAwig ] (289-14)
paray saran aan sabh ti-aag.
Taking to His Sanctuary, they forsake all others.

AMqir pRgws Anidnu ilv lwig ] (289-15)
antar pargaas an-din liv laag.
Deep within, they are enlightened, and they center themselves on Him, day and night.

bfBwgI jipAw pRBu soie ] (289-15)
badbhaagee japi-aa parabh so-ay.
Most fortunate are those who meditate on God.

nwnk nwim rqy suKu hoie ]2] (289-15)
naanak naam ratay sukh ho-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, they are at peace. ||2||

syvk kI mnsw pUrI BeI ] (289-16)
sayvak kee mansaa pooree bha-ee.
The wishes of the Lord's servant are fulfilled.

siqgur qy inrml miq leI ] (289-16)
satgur tay nirmal mat la-ee.
From the True Guru, the pure teachings are obtained.

jn kau pRBu hoieE dieAwlu ] (289-16)
jan ka-o parabh ho-i-o da-i-aal.
Unto His humble servant, God has shown His kindness.

syvku kIno sdw inhwlu ] (289-17)
sayvak keeno sadaa nihaal.
He has made His servant eternally happy.

bMDn kwit mukiq jnu BieAw ] (289-17)
banDhan kaat mukat jan bha-i-aa.
The bonds of His humble servant are cut away, and he is liberated.

jnm mrn dUKu BRmu gieAw ] (289-17)
janam maran dookh bharam ga-i-aa.
The pains of birth and death, and doubt are gone.

ieC punI srDw sB pUrI ] (289-18)
ichh punee sarDhaa sabh pooree.
Desires are satisfied, and faith is fully rewarded,

riv rihAw sd sMig hjUrI ] (289-18)
rav rahi-aa sad sang hajooree.
imbued forever with His all-pervading peace.

ijs kw sw iqin lIAw imlwie ] (289-18)
jis kaa saa tin lee-aa milaa-ay.
He is His - he merges in Union with Him.

nwnk BgqI nwim smwie ]3] (289-19)
naanak bhagtee naam samaa-ay. ||3||
Nanak is absorbed in devotional worship of the Naam. ||3||

so ikau ibsrY ij Gwl n BwnY ] (289-19)
so ki-o bisrai je ghaal na bhaanai.
Why forget Him, who does not overlook our efforts?

so ikau ibsrY ij kIAw jwnY ] (289-19)
so ki-o bisrai je kee-aa jaanai.
Why forget Him, who acknowledges what we do?


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD