Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ric rcnw ApnI kl DwrI ] (288-1)
rach rachnaa apnee kal Dhaaree.
Having created the creation, He infuses His own power into it.

Aink bwr nwnk bilhwrI ]8]18] (288-1)
anik baar naanak balihaaree. ||8||18||
So many times, Nanak is a sacrifice to Him. ||8||18||

sloku ] (288-1)

swiQ n cwlY ibnu Bjn ibiKAw sglI Cwru ] (288-2)
saath na chaalai bin bhajan bikhi-aa saglee chhaar.
Nothing shall go along with you, except your devotion. All corruption is like ashes.

hir hir nwmu kmwvnw nwnk iehu Dnu swru ]1] (288-2)
har har naam kamaavanaa naanak ih Dhan saar. ||1||
Practice the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. O Nanak, this is the most excellent wealth. ||1||

AstpdI ] (288-3)

sMq jnw imil krhu bIcwru ] (288-3)
sant janaa mil karahu beechaar.
Joining the Company of the Saints, practice deep meditation.

eyku ismir nwm AwDwru ] (288-3)
ayk simar naam aaDhaar.
Remember the One, and take the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

Avir aupwv siB mIq ibswrhu ] (288-3)
avar upaav sabh meet bisaarahu.
Forget all other efforts, O my friend

crn kml ird mih auir Dwrhu ] (288-4)
charan kamal rid meh ur Dhaarahu.
- enshrine the Lord's Lotus Feet within your heart.

krn kwrn so pRBu smrQu ] (288-4)
karan kaaran so parabh samrath.
God is All-powerful; He is the Cause of causes.

idRVu kir ghhu nwmu hir vQu ] (288-4)
darirh kar gahhu naam har vath.
Grasp firmly the object of the Lord's Name.

iehu Dnu sMchu hovhu BgvMq ] (288-5)
ih Dhan sanchahu hovhu bhagvant.
Gather this wealth, and become very fortunate.

sMq jnw kw inrml mMq ] (288-5)
sant janaa kaa nirmal mant.
Pure are the instructions of the humble Saints.

eyk Aws rwKhu mn mwih ] (288-5)
ayk aas raakho man maahi.
Keep faith in the One Lord within your mind.

srb rog nwnk imit jwih ]1] (288-6)
sarab rog naanak mit jaahi. ||1||
All disease, O Nanak, shall then be dispelled. ||1||

ijsu Dn kau cwir kuMt auiT Dwvih ] (288-6)
jis Dhan ka-o chaar kunt uth Dhaaveh.
The wealth which you chase after in the four directions

so Dnu hir syvw qy pwvih ] (288-6)
so Dhan har sayvaa tay paavahi.
- you shall obtain that wealth by serving the Lord.

ijsu suK kau inq bwCih mIq ] (288-7)
jis sukh ka-o nit baachheh meet.
The peace, which you always yearn for, O friend

so suKu swDU sMig prIiq ] (288-7)
so sukh saaDhoo sang pareet.
- that peace comes by the love of the Company of the Holy.

ijsu soBw kau krih BlI krnI ] (288-7)
jis sobhaa ka-o karahi bhalee karnee.
The glory, for which you perform good deeds

sw soBw Bju hir kI srnI ] (288-7)
saa sobhaa bhaj har kee sarnee.
- you shall obtain that glory by seeking the Lord's Sanctuary.

Aink aupwvI rogu n jwie ] (288-8)
anik upaavee rog na jaa-ay.
All sorts of remedies have not cured the disease

rogu imtY hir AvKDu lwie ] (288-8)
rog mitai har avkhaDh laa-ay.
- the disease is cured only by giving the medicine of the Lord's Name.

srb inDwn mih hir nwmu inDwnu ] (288-8)
sarab niDhaan meh har naam niDhaan.
Of all treasures, the Lord's Name is the supreme treasure.

jip nwnk drgih prvwnu ]2] (288-9)
jap naanak dargahi parvaan. ||2||
Chant it, O Nanak, and be accepted in the Court of the Lord. ||2||

mnu prboDhu hir kY nwie ] (288-9)
man parboDhahu har kai naa-ay.
Enlighten your mind with the Name of the Lord.

dh idis Dwvq AwvY Twie ] (288-9)
dah dis Dhaavat aavai thaa-ay.
Having wandered around in the ten directions, it comes to its place of rest.

qw kau ibGnu n lwgY koie ] (288-10)
taa ka-o bighan na laagai ko-ay.
No obstacle stands in the way of one

jw kY irdY bsY hir soie ] (288-10)
jaa kai ridai basai har so-ay.
whose heart is filled with the Lord.

kil qwqI TWFw hir nwau ] (288-10)
kal taatee thaaNdhaa har naa-o.
The Dark Age of Kali Yuga is so hot; the Lord's Name is soothing and cool.

ismir ismir sdw suK pwau ] (288-11)
simar simar sadaa sukh paa-o.
Remember, remember it in meditation, and obtain everlasting peace.

Bau ibnsY pUrn hoie Aws ] (288-11)
bha-o binsai pooran ho-ay aas.
Your fear shall be dispelled, and your hopes shall be fulfilled.

Bgiq Bwie Awqm prgws ] (288-11)
bhagat bhaa-ay aatam pargaas.
By devotional worship and loving adoration, your soul shall be enlightened.

iqqu Gir jwie bsY AibnwsI ] (288-11)
tit ghar jaa-ay basai abhinaasee.
You shall go to that home, and live forever.

khu nwnk kwtI jm PwsI ]3] (288-12)
kaho naanak kaatee jam faasee. ||3||
Says Nanak, the noose of death is cut away. ||3||

qqu bIcwru khY jnu swcw ] (288-12)
tat beechaar kahai jan saachaa.
One who contemplates the essence of reality, is said to be the true person.

jnim mrY so kwco kwcw ] (288-12)
janam marai so kaacho kaachaa.
Birth and death are the lot of the false and the insincere.

Awvw gvnu imtY pRB syv ] (288-13)
aavaa gavan mitai parabh sayv.
Coming and going in reincarnation is ended by serving God.

Awpu iqAwig srin gurdyv ] (288-13)
aap ti-aag saran gurdayv.
Give up your selfishness and conceit, and seek the Sanctuary of the Divine Guru.

ieau rqn jnm kw hoie auDwru ] (288-13)
i-o ratan janam kaa ho-ay uDhaar.
Thus the jewel of this human life is saved.

hir hir ismir pRwn AwDwru ] (288-14)
har har simar paraan aaDhaar.
Remember the Lord, Har, Har, the Support of the breath of life.

Aink aupwv n CUtnhwry ] (288-14)
anik upaav na chhootanhaaray.
By all sorts of efforts, people are not saved

isMimRiq swsq byd bIcwry ] (288-14)
simrit saasat bayd beechaaray.
- not by studying the Simritees, the Shaastras or the Vedas.

hir kI Bgiq krhu mnu lwie ] (288-14)
har kee bhagat karahu man laa-ay.
Worship the Lord with whole-hearted devotion.

min bMCq nwnk Pl pwie ]4] (288-15)
man banchhat naanak fal paa-ay. ||4||
O Nanak, you shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desire. ||4||

sMig n cwlis qyrY Dnw ] (288-15)
sang na chaalas tayrai Dhanaa.
Your wealth shall not go with you;

qUM ikAw lptwvih mUrK mnw ] (288-15)
tooN ki-aa laptaavahi moorakh manaa.
why do you cling to it, you fool?

suq mIq kutMb Aru binqw ] (288-16)
sut meet kutamb ar banitaa.
Children, friends, family and spouse

ien qy khhu qum kvn snwQw ] (288-16)
in tay kahhu tum kavan sanaathaa.
- who of these shall accompany you?

rwj rMg mwieAw ibsQwr ] (288-16)
raaj rang maa-i-aa bisthaar.
Power, pleasure, and the vast expanse of Maya

ien qy khhu kvn Cutkwr ] (288-17)
in tay kahhu kavan chhutkaar.
- who has ever escaped from these?

Asu hsqI rQ AsvwrI ] (288-17)
as hastee rath asvaaree.
Horses, elephants, chariots and pageantry

JUTw fMPu JUTu pwswrI ] (288-17)
jhoothaa damf jhooth paasaaree.
- false shows and false displays.

ijin dIey iqsu buJY n ibgwnw ] (288-17)
jin dee-ay tis bujhai na bigaanaa.
The fool does not acknowledge the One who gave this;

nwmu ibswir nwnk pCuqwnw ]5] (288-18)
naam bisaar naanak pachhutaanaa. ||5||
forgetting the Naam, O Nanak, he will repent in the end. ||5||

gur kI miq qUM lyih ieAwny ] (288-18)
gur kee mat tooN layhi i-aanay.
Take the Guru's advice, you ignorant fool;

Bgiq ibnw bhu fUby isAwny ] (288-18)
bhagat binaa baho doobay si-aanay.
without devotion, even the clever have drowned.

hir kI Bgiq krhu mn mIq ] (288-19)
har kee bhagat karahu man meet.
Worship the Lord with heart-felt devotion, my friend;

inrml hoie qum@wro cIq ] (288-19)
nirmal ho-ay tumHaaro cheet.
your consciousness shall become pure.

crn kml rwKhu mn mwih ] (288-19)
charan kamal raakho man maahi.
Enshrine the Lord's Lotus Feet in your mind;


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD