Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ApnI ik®pw ijsu Awip kryie ] (287-1)
apnee kirpaa jis aap karay-i.
He Himself grants His Grace;

nwnk so syvku gur kI miq lyie ]2] (287-1)
naanak so sayvak gur kee mat lay-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, that selfless servant lives the Guru's Teachings. ||2||

bIs ibsvy gur kw mnu mwnY ] (287-1)
bees bisvay gur kaa man maanai.
One who obeys the Guru's Teachings one hundred per cent

so syvku prmysur kI giq jwnY ] (287-2)
so sayvak parmaysur kee gat jaanai.
- that selfless servant comes to know the state of the Transcendent Lord.

so siqguru ijsu irdY hir nwau ] (287-2)
so satgur jis ridai har naa-o.
The True Guru's Heart is filled with the Name of the Lord.

Aink bwr gur kau bil jwau ] (287-2)
anik baar gur ka-o bal jaa-o.
So many times, I am a sacrifice to the Guru.

srb inDwn jIA kw dwqw ] (287-3)
sarab niDhaan jee-a kaa daataa.
He is the treasure of everything, the Giver of life.

AwT phr pwrbRhm rMig rwqw ] (287-3)
aath pahar paarbarahm rang raataa.
Twenty-four hours a day, He is imbued with the Love of the Supreme Lord God.

bRhm mih jnu jn mih pwrbRhmu ] (287-3)
barahm meh jan jan meh paarbarahm.
The servant is in God, and God is in the servant.

eykih Awip nhI kCu Brmu ] (287-4)
aykeh aap nahee kachh bharam.
He Himself is One - there is no doubt about this.

shs isAwnp lieAw n jweIAY ] (287-4)
sahas si-aanap la-i-aa na jaa-ee-ai.
By thousands of clever tricks, He is not found.

nwnk AYsw guru bfBwgI pweIAY ]3] (287-4)
naanak aisaa gur badbhaagee paa-ee-ai. ||3||
O Nanak, such a Guru is obtained by the greatest good fortune. ||3||

sPl drsnu pyKq punIq ] (287-5)
safal darsan paykhat puneet.
Blessed is His Darshan; receiving it, one is purified.

prsq crn giq inrml rIiq ] (287-5)
parsat charan gat nirmal reet.
Touching His Feet, one's conduct and lifestyle become pure.

Bytq sMig rwm gun rvy ] (287-5)
bhaytat sang raam gun ravay.
Abiding in His Company, one chants the Lord's Praise,

pwrbRhm kI drgh gvy ] (287-6)
paarbarahm kee dargeh gavay.
and reaches the Court of the Supreme Lord God.

suin kir bcn krn AwGwny ] (287-6)
sun kar bachan karan aaghaanay.
Listening to His Teachings, one's ears are satisfied.

min sMqoKu Awqm pqIAwny ] (287-6)
man santokh aatam patee-aanay.
The mind is contented, and the soul is fulfilled.

pUrw guru AK´E jw kw mMqR ] (287-7)
pooraa gur akh-ya-o jaa kaa mantar.
The Guru is perfect; His Teachings are everlasting.

AMimRq idRsit pyKY hoie sMq ] (287-7)
amrit darisat paykhai ho-ay sant.
Beholding His Ambrosial Glance, one becomes saintly.

gux ibAMq kImiq nhI pwie ] (287-7)
gun bi-ant keemat nahee paa-ay.
Endless are His virtuous qualities; His worth cannot be appraised.

nwnk ijsu BwvY iqsu ley imlwie ]4] (287-8)
naanak jis bhaavai tis la-ay milaa-ay. ||4||
O Nanak, one who pleases Him is united with Him. ||4||

ijhbw eyk ausqiq Anyk ] (287-8)
jihbaa ayk ustat anayk.
The tongue is one, but His Praises are many.

siq purK pUrn ibbyk ] kwhU bol n phucq pRwnI ] (287-8)
sat purakh pooran bibayk. kaahoo bol na pahuchat paraanee.
The True Lord, of perfect perfection - no speech can take the mortal to Him.

Agm Agocr pRB inrbwnI ] (287-9)
agam agochar parabh nirbaanee.
God is Inaccessible, Incomprehensible, balanced in the state of Nirvaanaa.

inrwhwr inrvYr suKdweI ] (287-9)
niraahaar nirvair sukh-daa-ee.
He is not sustained by food; He has no hatred or vengeance; He is the Giver of peace.

qw kI kImiq iknY n pweI ] (287-10)
taa kee keemat kinai na paa-ee.
No one can estimate His worth.

Aink Bgq bMdn inq krih ] (287-10)
anik bhagat bandan nit karahi.
Countless devotees continually bow in reverence to Him.

crn kml ihrdY ismrih ] (287-10)
charan kamal hirdai simrahi.
In their hearts, they meditate on His Lotus Feet.

sd bilhwrI siqgur Apny ] (287-10)
sad balihaaree satgur apnay.
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to the True Guru;

nwnk ijsu pRswid AYsw pRBu jpny ]5] (287-11)
naanak jis parsaad aisaa parabh japnay. ||5||
by His Grace, he meditates on God. ||5||

iehu hir rsu pwvY jnu koie ] (287-11)
ih har ras paavai jan ko-ay.
Only a few obtain this ambrosial essence of the Lord's Name.

AMimRqu pIvY Amru so hoie ] (287-12)
amrit peevai amar so ho-ay.
Drinking in this Nectar, one becomes immortal.

ausu purK kw nwhI kdy ibnws ] jw kY min pRgty gunqws ] (287-12)
us purakh kaa naahee kaday binaas. jaa kai man pargatay guntaas.
That person whose mind is illuminated by the treasure of excellence, never dies.

AwT phr hir kw nwmu lyie ] (287-12)
aath pahar har kaa naam lay-ay.
Twenty-four hours a day, he takes the Name of the Lord.

scu aupdysu syvk kau dyie ] (287-13)
sach updays sayvak ka-o day-ay.
The Lord gives true instruction to His servant.

moh mwieAw kY sMig n lypu ] (287-13)
moh maa-i-aa kai sang na layp.
He is not polluted by emotional attachment to Maya.

mn mih rwKY hir hir eyku ] (287-13)
man meh raakhai har har ayk.
In his mind, he cherishes the One Lord, Har, Har.

AMDkwr dIpk prgwsy ] (287-14)
anDhkaar deepak pargaasay.
In the pitch darkness, a lamp shines forth.

nwnk Brm moh duK qh qy nwsy ]6] (287-14)
naanak bharam moh dukh tah tay naasay. ||6||
O Nanak, doubt, emotional attachment and pain are erased. ||6||

qpiq mwih TwiF vrqweI ] (287-14)
tapat maahi thaadh vartaa-ee.
In the burning heat, a soothing coolness prevails.

Andu BieAw duK nwTy BweI ] (287-15)
anad bha-i-aa dukh naathay bhaa-ee.
Happiness ensues and pain departs, O Siblings of Destiny.

jnm mrn ky imty AMdysy ] (287-15)
janam maran kay mitay andaysay.
The fear of birth and death is dispelled,

swDU ky pUrn aupdysy ] (287-15)
saaDhoo kay pooran updaysay.
by the perfect Teachings of the Holy Saint.

Bau cUkw inrBau hoie bsy ] (287-15)
bha-o chookaa nirbha-o ho-ay basay.
Fear is lifted, and one abides in fearlessness.

sgl ibAwiD mn qy KY nsy ] (287-16)
sagal bi-aaDh man tay khai nasay.
All evils are dispelled from the mind.

ijs kw sw iqin ikrpw DwrI ] (287-16)
jis kaa saa tin kirpaa Dhaaree.
He takes us into His favor as His own.

swDsMig jip nwmu murwrI ] (287-16)
saaDhsang jap naam muraaree.
In the Company of the Holy, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

iQiq pweI cUky BRm gvn ] (287-17)
thit paa-ee chookay bharam gavan.
Stability is attained; doubt and wandering cease,

suin nwnk hir hir jsu sRvn ]7] (287-17)
sun naanak har har jas sarvan. ||7||
O Nanak, listening with one's ears to the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||7||

inrgunu Awip srgunu BI EhI ] (287-17)
nirgun aap sargun bhee ohee.
He Himself is absolute and unrelated; He Himself is also involved and related.

klw Dwir ijin sglI mohI ] (287-18)
kalaa Dhaar jin saglee mohee.
Manifesting His power, He fascinates the entire world.

Apny cirq pRiB Awip bnwey ] (287-18)
apnay charit parabh aap banaa-ay.
God Himself sets His play in motion.

ApunI kImiq Awpy pwey ] (287-18)
apunee keemat aapay paa-ay.
Only He Himself can estimate His worth.

hir ibnu dUjw nwhI koie ] (287-19)
har bin doojaa naahee ko-ay.
There is none, other than the Lord.

srb inrMqir eyko soie ] (287-19)
sarab nirantar ayko so-ay.
Permeating all, He is the One.

Eiq poiq rivAw rUp rMg ] (287-19)
ot pot ravi-aa roop rang.
Through and through, He pervades in form and color.

Bey pRgws swD kY sMg ] (287-19)
bha-ay pargaas saaDh kai sang.
He is revealed in the Company of the Holy.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD