Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qw kau rwKq dy kir hwQ ] (286-1)
taa ka-o raakhat day kar haath.
- He preserves them, and holds out His Hands to protect them.

mwns jqn krq bhu Bwiq ] (286-1)
maanas jatan karat baho bhaat.
You may make all sorts of efforts,

iqs ky krqb ibrQy jwiq ] (286-1)
tis kay kartab birthay jaat.
but these attempts are in vain.

mwrY n rwKY Avru n koie ] (286-1)
maarai na raakhai avar na ko-ay.
No one else can kill or preserve

srb jIAw kw rwKw soie ] (286-2)
sarab jee-aa kaa raakhaa so-ay.
- He is the Protector of all beings.

kwhy soc krih ry pRwxI ] (286-2)
kaahay soch karahi ray paraanee.
So why are you so anxious, O mortal?

jip nwnk pRB AlK ivfwxI ]5] (286-2)
jap naanak parabh alakh vidaanee. ||5||
Meditate, O Nanak, on God, the invisible, the wonderful! ||5||

bwrM bwr bwr pRBu jpIAY ] (286-3)
baaraN baar baar parabh japee-ai.
Time after time, again and again, meditate on God.

pI AMimRqu iehu mnu qnu DRpIAY ] (286-3)
pee amrit ih man tan Dharpee-ai.
Drinking in this Nectar, this mind and body are satisfied.

nwm rqnu ijin gurmuiK pwieAw ] (286-3)
naam ratan jin gurmukh paa-i-aa.
The jewel of the Naam is obtained by the Gurmukhs;

iqsu ikCu Avru nwhI idRstwieAw ] (286-4)
tis kichh avar naahee daristaa-i-aa.
they see no other than God.

nwmu Dnu nwmo rUpu rMgu ] (286-4)
naam Dhan naamo roop rang.
Unto them, the Naam is wealth, the Naam is beauty and delight.

nwmo suKu hir nwm kw sMgu ] (286-4)
naamo sukh har naam kaa sang.
The Naam is peace, the Lord's Name is their companion.

nwm ris jo jn iqRpqwny ] (286-5)
naam ras jo jan tariptaanay.
Those who are satisfied by the essence of the Naam

mn qn nwmih nwim smwny ] (286-5)
man tan naameh naam samaanay.
- their minds and bodies are drenched with the Naam.

aUTq bYTq sovq nwm ] (286-5)
oothat baithat sovat naam.
While standing up, sitting down and sleeping, the Naam,

khu nwnk jn kY sd kwm ]6] (286-6)
kaho naanak jan kai sad kaam. ||6||
says Nanak, is forever the occupation of God's humble servant. ||6||

bolhu jsu ijhbw idnu rwiq ] (286-6)
bolhu jas jihbaa din raat.
Chant His Praises with your tongue, day and night.

pRiB ApnY jn kInI dwiq ] (286-6)
parabh apnai jan keenee daat.
God Himself has given this gift to His servants.

krih Bgiq Awqm kY cwie ] (286-7)
karahi bhagat aatam kai chaa-ay.
Performing devotional worship with heart-felt love,

pRB Apny isau rhih smwie ] (286-7)
parabh apnay si-o raheh samaa-ay.
they remain absorbed in God Himself.

jo hoAw hovq so jwnY ] (286-7)
jo ho-aa hovat so jaanai.
They know the past and the present.

pRB Apny kw hukmu pCwnY ] (286-7)
parabh apnay kaa hukam pachhaanai.
They recognize God's Own Command.

iqs kI mihmw kaun bKwnau ] (286-8)
tis kee mahimaa ka-un bakhaana-o.
Who can describe His Glory?

iqs kw gunu kih eyk n jwnau ] (286-8)
tis kaa gun kahi ayk na jaan-o.
I cannot describe even one of His virtuous qualities.

AwT phr pRB bsih hjUry ] (286-8)
aath pahar parabh baseh hajooray.
Those who dwell in God's Presence, twenty-four hours a day

khu nwnk syeI jn pUry ]7] (286-9)
kaho naanak say-ee jan pooray. ||7||
- says Nanak, they are the perfect persons. ||7||

mn myry iqn kI Et lyih ] (286-9)
man mayray tin kee ot layhi.
O my mind, seek their protection;

mnu qnu Apnw iqn jn dyih ] (286-9)
man tan apnaa tin jan deh.
give your mind and body to those humble beings.

ijin jin Apnw pRBU pCwqw ] (286-10)
jin jan apnaa parabhoo pachhaataa.
Those humble beings who recognizes God

so jnu srb Qok kw dwqw ] (286-10)
so jan sarab thok kaa daataa.
are the givers of all things.

iqs kI srin srb suK pwvih ] (286-10)
tis kee saran sarab sukh paavahi.
In His Sanctuary, all comforts are obtained.

iqs kY dris sB pwp imtwvih ] (286-11)
tis kai daras sabh paap mitaaveh.
By the Blessing of His Darshan, all sins are erased.

Avr isAwnp sglI Cwfu ] (286-11)
avar si-aanap saglee chhaad.
So renounce all other clever devices,

iqsu jn kI qU syvw lwgu ] (286-11)
tis jan kee too sayvaa laag.
and enjoin yourself to the service of those servants.

Awvnu jwnu n hovI qyrw ] (286-12)
aavan jaan na hovee tayraa.
Your comings and goings shall be ended.

nwnk iqsu jn ky pUjhu sd pYrw ]8]17] (286-12)
naanak tis jan kay poojahu sad pairaa. ||8||17||
O Nanak, worship the feet of God's humble servants forever. ||8||17||

sloku ] (286-12)

siq purKu ijin jwinAw siqguru iqs kw nwau ] (286-12)
sat purakh jin jaani-aa satgur tis kaa naa-o.
The one who knows the True Lord God, is called the True Guru.

iqs kY sMig isKu auDrY nwnk hir gun gwau ]1] (286-13)
tis kai sang sikh uDhrai naanak har gun gaa-o. ||1||
In His Company, the Sikh is saved, O Nanak, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||

AstpdI ] (286-13)

siqguru isK kI krY pRiqpwl ] (286-14)
satgur sikh kee karai partipaal.
The True Guru cherishes His Sikh.

syvk kau guru sdw dieAwl ] (286-14)
sayvak ka-o gur sadaa da-i-aal.
The Guru is always merciful to His servant.

isK kI guru durmiq mlu ihrY ] (286-14)
sikh kee gur durmat mal hirai.
The Guru washes away the filth of the evil intellect of His Sikh.

gur bcnI hir nwmu aucrY ] (286-15)
gur bachnee har naam uchrai.
Through the Guru's Teachings, he chants the Lord's Name.

siqguru isK ky bMDn kwtY ] (286-15)
satgur sikh kay banDhan kaatai.
The True Guru cuts away the bonds of His Sikh.

gur kw isKu ibkwr qy hwtY ] (286-15)
gur kaa sikh bikaar tay haatai.
The Sikh of the Guru abstains from evil deeds.

siqguru isK kau nwm Dnu dyie ] (286-15)
satgur sikh ka-o naam Dhan day-ay.
The True Guru gives His Sikh the wealth of the Naam.

gur kw isKu vfBwgI hy ] (286-16)
gur kaa sikh vadbhaagee hay.
The Sikh of the Guru is very fortunate.

siqguru isK kw hlqu plqu svwrY ] (286-16)
satgur sikh kaa halat palat savaarai.
The True Guru arranges this world and the next for His Sikh.

nwnk siqguru isK kau jIA nwil smwrY ]1] (286-16)
naanak satgur sikh ka-o jee-a naal samaarai. ||1||
O Nanak, with the fullness of His heart, the True Guru mends His Sikh. ||1||

gur kY igRih syvku jo rhY ] (286-17)
gur kai garihi sayvak jo rahai.
That selfless servant, who lives in the Guru's household,

gur kI AwigAw mn mih shY ] (286-17)
gur kee aagi-aa man meh sahai.
is to obey the Guru's Commands with all his mind.

Awps kau kir kCu n jnwvY ] (286-18)
aapas ka-o kar kachh na janaavai.
He is not to call attention to himself in any way.

hir hir nwmu irdY sd iDAwvY ] (286-18)
har har naam ridai sad Dhi-aavai.
He is to meditate constantly within his heart on the Name of the Lord.

mnu bycY siqgur kY pwis ] (286-18)
man baychai satgur kai paas.
One who sells his mind to the True Guru

iqsu syvk ky kwrj rwis ] (286-19)
tis sayvak kay kaaraj raas.
- that humble servant's affairs are resolved.

syvw krq hoie inhkwmI ] (286-19)
sayvaa karat ho-ay nihkaamee.
One who performs selfless service, without thought of reward,

iqs kau hoq prwpiq suAwmI ] (286-19)
tis ka-o hot paraapat su-aamee.
shall attain his Lord and Master.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD