Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnw rUp ijau sÍwgI idKwvY ] (278-1)
naanaa roop ji-o savaagee dikhaavai.
In various costumes, like actors, they appear.

ijau pRB BwvY iqvY ncwvY ] (278-1)
ji-o parabh bhaavai tivai nachaavai.
As it pleases God, they dance.

jo iqsu BwvY soeI hoie ] (278-1)
jo tis bhaavai so-ee ho-ay.
Whatever pleases Him, comes to pass.

nwnk dUjw Avru n koie ]7] (278-2)
naanak doojaa avar na ko-ay. ||7||
O Nanak, there is no other at all. ||7||

kbhU swDsMgiq iehu pwvY ] (278-2)
kabhoo saaDhsangat ih paavai.
Sometimes, this being attains the Company of the Holy.

ausu AsQwn qy bhuir n AwvY ] (278-2)
us asthaan tay bahur na aavai.
From that place, he does not have to come back again.

AMqir hoie igAwn prgwsu ] (278-3)
antar ho-ay gi-aan pargaas.
The light of spiritual wisdom dawns within.

ausu AsQwn kw nhI ibnwsu ] (278-3)
us asthaan kaa nahee binaas.
That place does not perish.

mn qn nwim rqy iek rMig ] (278-3)
man tan naam ratay ik rang.
The mind and body are imbued with the Love of the Naam, the Name of the One Lord.

sdw bsih pwrbRhm kY sMig ] (278-4)
sadaa baseh paarbarahm kai sang.
He dwells forever with the Supreme Lord God.

ijau jl mih jlu Awie Ktwnw ] (278-4)
ji-o jal meh jal aa-ay khataanaa.
As water comes to blend with water,

iqau joqI sMig joiq smwnw ] (278-4)
ti-o jotee sang jot samaanaa.
his light blends into the Light.

imit gey gvn pwey ibsRwm ] (278-5)
mit ga-ay gavan paa-ay bisraam.
Reincarnation is ended, and eternal peace is found.

nwnk pRB kY sd kurbwn ]8]11] (278-5)
naanak parabh kai sad kurbaan. ||8||11||
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to God. ||8||11||

sloku ] (278-5)

suKI bsY mskInIAw Awpu invwir qly ] (278-5)
sukhee basai maskeenee-aa aap nivaar talay.
The humble beings abide in peace; subduing egotism, they are meek.

bfy bfy AhMkwrIAw nwnk grib gly ]1] (278-6)
baday baday ahaNkaaree-aa naanak garab galay. ||1||
The very proud and arrogant persons, O Nanak, are consumed by their own pride. ||1||

AstpdI ] (278-6)

ijs kY AMqir rwj AiBmwnu ] (278-6)
jis kai antar raaj abhimaan.
One who has the pride of power within,

so nrkpwqI hovq suAwnu ] (278-7)
so narakpaatee hovat su-aan.
shall dwell in hell, and become a dog.

jo jwnY mY jobnvMqu ] (278-7)
jo jaanai mai jobanvant.
One who deems himself to have the beauty of youth,

so hovq ibstw kw jMqu ] (278-7)
so hovat bistaa kaa jant.
shall become a maggot in manure.

Awps kau krmvMqu khwvY ] (278-8)
aapas ka-o karamvant kahaavai.
One who claims to act virtuously,

jnim mrY bhu join BRmwvY ] (278-8)
janam marai baho jon bharmaavai.
shall live and die, wandering through countless reincarnations.

Dn BUim kw jo krY gumwnu ] (278-8)
Dhan bhoom kaa jo karai gumaan.
One who takes pride in wealth and lands

so mUrKu AMDw AigAwnu ] (278-8)
so moorakh anDhaa agi-aan.
is a fool, blind and ignorant.

kir ikrpw ijs kY ihrdY grIbI bswvY ] (278-9)
kar kirpaa jis kai hirdai gareebee basaavai.
One whose heart is mercifully blessed with abiding humility,

nwnk eIhw mukqu AwgY suKu pwvY ]1] (278-9)
naanak eehaa mukat aagai sukh paavai. ||1||
O Nanak, is liberated here, and obtains peace hereafter. ||1||

DnvMqw hoie kir grbwvY ] (278-10)
Dhanvantaa ho-ay kar garbaavai.
One who becomes wealthy and takes pride in it

iqRx smwin kCu sMig n jwvY ] (278-10)
tarin samaan kachh sang na jaavai.
- not even a piece of straw shall go along with him.

bhu lskr mwnuK aUpir kry Aws ] (278-10)
baho laskar maanukh oopar karay aas.
He may place his hopes on a large army of men,

pl BIqir qw kw hoie ibnws ] (278-11)
pal bheetar taa kaa ho-ay binaas.
but he shall vanish in an instant.

sB qy Awp jwnY blvMqu ] (278-11)
sabh tay aap jaanai balvant.
One who deems himself to be the strongest of all,

iKn mih hoie jwie BsmMqu ] (278-11)
khin meh ho-ay jaa-ay bhasmant.
in an instant, shall be reduced to ashes.

iksY n bdY Awip AhMkwrI ] (278-12)
kisai na badai aap ahaNkaaree.
One who thinks of no one else except his own prideful self

Drm rwie iqsu kry KuAwrI ] (278-12)
Dharam raa-ay tis karay khu-aaree.
- the Righteous Judge of Dharma shall expose his disgrace.

gur pRswid jw kw imtY AiBmwnu ] (278-12)
gur parsaad jaa kaa mitai abhimaan.
One who, by Guru's Grace, eliminates his ego,

so jnu nwnk drgh prvwnu ]2] (278-12)
so jan naanak dargeh parvaan. ||2||
O Nanak, becomes acceptable in the Court of the Lord. ||2||

koit krm krY hau Dwry ] (278-13)
kot karam karai ha-o Dhaaray.
If someone does millions of good deeds, while acting in ego,

sRmu pwvY sgly ibrQwry ] (278-13)
saram paavai saglay birthaaray.
he shall incur only trouble; all this is in vain.

Aink qpisAw kry AhMkwr ] (278-13)
anik tapasi-aa karay ahaNkaar.
If someone performs great penance, while acting in selfishness and conceit,

nrk surg iPir iPir Avqwr ] (278-14)
narak surag fir fir avtaar.
he shall be reincarnated into heaven and hell, over and over again.

Aink jqn kir Awqm nhI dRvY ] (278-14)
anik jatan kar aatam nahee darvai.
He makes all sorts of efforts, but his soul is still not softened

hir drgh khu kYsy gvY ] (278-15)
har dargeh kaho kaisay gavai.
- how can he go to the Court of the Lord?

Awps kau jo Blw khwvY ] (278-15)
aapas ka-o jo bhalaa kahaavai.
One who calls himself good

iqsih BlweI inkit n AwvY ] (278-15)
tiseh bhalaa-ee nikat na aavai.
- goodness shall not draw near him.

srb kI ryn jw kw mnu hoie ] (278-15)
sarab kee rayn jaa kaa man ho-ay.
One whose mind is the dust of all

khu nwnk qw kI inrml soie ]3] (278-16)
kaho naanak taa kee nirmal so-ay. ||3||
- says Nanak, his reputation is spotlessly pure. ||3||

jb lgu jwnY muJ qy kCu hoie ] (278-16)
jab lag jaanai mujh tay kachh ho-ay.
As long as someone thinks that he is the one who acts,

qb ies kau suKu nwhI koie ] (278-16)
tab is ka-o sukh naahee ko-ay.
he shall have no peace.

jb ieh jwnY mY ikCu krqw ] (278-17)
jab ih jaanai mai kichh kartaa.
As long as this mortal thinks that he is the one who does things,

qb lgu grB join mih iPrqw ] (278-17)
tab lag garabh jon meh firtaa.
he shall wander in reincarnation through the womb.

jb DwrY koaU bYrI mIqu ] (278-17)
jab Dhaarai ko-oo bairee meet.
As long as he considers one an enemy, and another a friend,

qb lgu inhclu nwhI cIqu ] (278-18)
tab lag nihchal naahee cheet.
his mind shall not come to rest.

jb lgu moh mgn sMig mwie ] (278-18)
jab lag moh magan sang maa-ay.
As long as he is intoxicated with attachment to Maya,

qb lgu Drm rwie dyie sjwie ] (278-18)
tab lag Dharam raa-ay day-ay sajaa-ay.
the Righteous Judge shall punish him.

pRB ikrpw qy bMDn qUtY ] (278-19)
parabh kirpaa tay banDhan tootai.
By God's Grace, his bonds are shattered;

gur pRswid nwnk hau CUtY ]4] (278-19)
gur parsaad naanak ha-o chhootai. ||4||
by Guru's Grace, O Nanak, his ego is eliminated. ||4||

shs Kty lK kau auiT DwvY ] (278-19)
sahas khatay lakh ka-o uth Dhaavai.
Earning a thousand, he runs after a hundred thousand.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD