Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


AMqu nhI ikCu pwrwvwrw ] (277-1)
ant nahee kichh paaraavaaraa.
He has no end or limitation.

hukmy Dwir ADr rhwvY ] (277-1)
hukmay Dhaar aDhar rahaavai.
By His Order, He established the earth, and He maintains it unsupported.

hukmy aupjY hukim smwvY ] (277-1)
hukmay upjai hukam samaavai.
By His Order, the world was created; by His Order, it shall merge again into Him.

hukmy aUc nIc ibauhwr ] (277-1)
hukmay ooch neech bi-uhaar.
By His Order, one's occupation is high or low.

hukmy Aink rMg prkwr ] (277-2)
hukmay anik rang parkaar.
By His Order, there are so many colors and forms.

kir kir dyKY ApnI vifAweI ] (277-2)
kar kar daykhai apnee vadi-aa-ee.
Having created the Creation, He beholds His own greatness.

nwnk sB mih rihAw smweI ]1] (277-2)
naanak sabh meh rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||1||
O Nanak, He is pervading in all. ||1||

pRB BwvY mwnuK giq pwvY ] (277-3)
parabh bhaavai maanukh gat paavai.
If it pleases God, one attains salvation.

pRB BwvY qw pwQr qrwvY ] (277-3)
parabh bhaavai taa paathar taraavai.
If it pleases God, then even stones can swim.

pRB BwvY ibnu sws qy rwKY ] (277-3)
parabh bhaavai bin saas tay raakhai.
If it pleases God, the body is preserved, even without the breath of life.

pRB BwvY qw hir gux BwKY ] (277-3)
parabh bhaavai taa har gun bhaakhai.
If it pleases God, then one chants the Lord's Glorious Praises.

pRB BwvY qw piqq auDwrY ] (277-4)
parabh bhaavai taa patit uDhaarai.
If it pleases God, then even sinners are saved.

Awip krY Awpn bIcwrY ] (277-4)
aap karai aapan beechaarai.
He Himself acts, and He Himself contemplates.

duhw isirAw kw Awip suAwmI ] (277-4)
duhaa siri-aa kaa aap su-aamee.
He Himself is the Master of both worlds.

KylY ibgsY AMqrjwmI ] (277-5)
khaylai bigsai antarjaamee.
He plays and He enjoys; He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

jo BwvY so kwr krwvY ] (277-5)
jo bhaavai so kaar karaavai.
As He wills, He causes actions to be done.

nwnk idRstI Avru n AwvY ]2] (277-5)
naanak daristee avar na aavai. ||2||
Nanak sees no other than Him. ||2||

khu mwnuK qy ikAw hoie AwvY ] (277-6)
kaho maanukh tay ki-aa ho-ay aavai.
Tell me - what can a mere mortal do?

jo iqsu BwvY soeI krwvY ] (277-6)
jo tis bhaavai so-ee karaavai.
Whatever pleases God is what He causes us to do.

ies kY hwiQ hoie qw sBu ikCu lyie ] (277-6)
is kai haath ho-ay taa sabh kichh lay-ay.
If it were in our hands, we would grab up everything.

jo iqsu BwvY soeI kryie ] (277-6)
jo tis bhaavai so-ee karay-i.
Whatever pleases God - that is what He does.

Anjwnq ibiKAw mih rcY ] (277-7)
anjaanat bikhi-aa meh rachai.
Through ignorance, people are engrossed in corruption.

jy jwnq Awpn Awp bcY ] (277-7)
jay jaanat aapan aap bachai.
If they knew better, they would save themselves.

Brmy BUlw dh idis DwvY ] (277-7)
bharmay bhoolaa dah dis Dhaavai.
Deluded by doubt, they wander around in the ten directions.

inmK mwih cwir kuMt iPir AwvY ] (277-8)
nimakh maahi chaar kunt fir aavai.
In an instant, their minds go around the four corners of the world and come back again.

kir ikrpw ijsu ApnI Bgiq dyie ] (277-8)
kar kirpaa jis apnee bhagat day-ay.
Those whom the Lord mercifully blesses with His devotional worship

nwnk qy jn nwim imlyie ]3] (277-8)
naanak tay jan naam milay-ay. ||3||
- O Nanak, they are absorbed into the Naam. ||3||

iKn mih nIc kIt kau rwj ] (277-9)
khin meh neech keet ka-o raaj.
In an instant, the lowly worm is transformed into a king.

pwrbRhm grIb invwj ] (277-9)
paarbarahm gareeb nivaaj.
The Supreme Lord God is the Protector of the humble.

jw kw idRsit kCU n AwvY ] (277-9)
jaa kaa darisat kachhoo na aavai.
Even one who has never been seen at all,

iqsu qqkwl dh ids pRgtwvY ] (277-10)
tis tatkaal dah dis paragtaavai.
becomes instantly famous in the ten directions.

jw kau ApunI krY bKsIs ] (277-10)
jaa ka-o apunee karai bakhsees.
And that one upon whom He bestows His blessings

qw kw lyKw n gnY jgdIs ] (277-10)
taa kaa laykhaa na ganai jagdees.
- the Lord of the world does not hold him to his account.

jIau ipMfu sB iqs kI rwis ] (277-11)
jee-o pind sabh tis kee raas.
Soul and body are all His property.

Git Git pUrn bRhm pRgws ] (277-11)
ghat ghat pooran barahm pargaas.
Each and every heart is illuminated by the Perfect Lord God.

ApnI bxq Awip bnweI ] (277-11)
apnee banat aap banaa-ee.
He Himself fashioned His own handiwork.

nwnk jIvY dyiK bfweI ]4] (277-12)
naanak jeevai daykh badaa-ee. ||4||
Nanak lives by beholding His greatness. ||4||

ies kw blu nwhI iesu hwQ ] (277-12)
is kaa bal naahee is haath.
There is no power in the hands of mortal beings;

krn krwvn srb ko nwQ ] (277-12)
karan karaavan sarab ko naath.
the Doer, the Cause of causes is the Lord of all.

AwigAwkwrI bpurw jIau ] (277-13)
aagi-aakaaree bapuraa jee-o.
The helpless beings are subject to His Command.

jo iqsu BwvY soeI Puin QIau ] (277-13)
jo tis bhaavai so-ee fun thee-o.
That which pleases Him, ultimately comes to pass.

kbhU aUc nIc mih bsY ] (277-13)
kabhoo ooch neech meh basai.
Sometimes, they abide in exaltation; sometimes, they are depressed.

kbhU sog hrK rMig hsY ] (277-13)
kabhoo sog harakh rang hasai.
Sometimes, they are sad, and sometimes they laugh with joy and delight.

kbhU inMd icMd ibauhwr ] (277-14)
kabhoo nind chind bi-uhaar.
Sometimes, they are occupied with slander and anxiety.

kbhU aUB Akws pieAwl ] (277-14)
kabhoo oobh akaas pa-i-aal.
Sometimes, they are high in the Akaashic Ethers, sometimes in the nether regions of the underworld.

kbhU byqw bRhm bIcwr ] (277-14)
kabhoo baytaa barahm beechaar.
Sometimes, they know the contemplation of God.

nwnk Awip imlwvxhwr ]5] (277-15)
naanak aap milaavanhaar. ||5||
O Nanak, God Himself unites them with Himself. ||5||

kbhU inriq krY bhu Bwiq ] (277-15)
kabhoo nirat karai baho bhaat.
Sometimes, they dance in various ways.

kbhU soie rhY idnu rwiq ] (277-15)
kabhoo so-ay rahai din raat.
Sometimes, they remain asleep day and night.

kbhU mhw k®oD ibkrwl ] (277-15)
kabhoo mahaa kroDh bikraal.
Sometimes, they are awesome, in terrible rage.

kbhUM srb kI hoq rvwl ] (277-16)
kabahooN sarab kee hot ravaal.
Sometimes, they are the dust of the feet of all.

kbhU hoie bhY bf rwjw ] (277-16)
kabhoo ho-ay bahai bad raajaa.
Sometimes, they sit as great kings.

kbhu ByKwrI nIc kw swjw ] (277-16)
kabahu bhaykhaaree neech kaa saajaa.
Sometimes, they wear the coat of a lowly beggar.

kbhU ApkIriq mih AwvY ] (277-17)
kabhoo apkeerat meh aavai.
Sometimes, they come to have evil reputations.

kbhU Blw Blw khwvY ] (277-17)
kabhoo bhalaa bhalaa kahaavai.
Sometimes, they are known as very, very good.

ijau pRBu rwKY iqv hI rhY ] (277-17)
ji-o parabh raakhai tiv hee rahai.
As God keeps them, so they remain.

gur pRswid nwnk scu khY ]6] (277-17)
gur parsaad naanak sach kahai. ||6||
By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, the Truth is told. ||6||

kbhU hoie pMifqu kry bK´wnu ] (277-18)
kabhoo ho-ay pandit karay bakh-yaan.
Sometimes, as scholars, they deliver lectures.

kbhU moinDwrI lwvY iDAwnu ] (277-18)
kabhoo moniDhaaree laavai Dhi-aan.
Sometimes, they hold to silence in deep meditation.

kbhU qt qIrQ iesnwn ] (277-18)
kabhoo tat tirath isnaan.
Sometimes, they take cleansing baths at places of pilgrimage.

kbhU isD swiDk muiK igAwn ] (277-19)
kabhoo siDh saaDhik mukh gi-aan.
Sometimes, as Siddhas or seekers, they impart spiritual wisdom.

kbhU kIt hsiq pqMg hoie jIAw ] (277-19)
kabhoo keet hasat patang ho-ay jee-aa.
Sometimes, they become worms, elephants, or moths.

Aink join BrmY BrmIAw ] (277-19)
anik jon bharmai bharmee-aa.
They may wander and roam through countless incarnations.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD