Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


keI koit dyv dwnv ieMdR isir CqR ] (276-1)
ka-ee kot dayv daanav indar sir chhatar.
Many millions are the demi-gods, demons and Indras, under their regal canopies.

sgl smgRI ApnY sUiq DwrY ] (276-1)
sagal samagree apnai soot Dhaarai.
He has strung the entire creation upon His thread.

nwnk ijsu ijsu BwvY iqsu iqsu insqwrY ]3] (276-1)
naanak jis jis bhaavai tis tis nistaarai. ||3||
O Nanak, He emancipates those with whom He is pleased. ||3||

keI koit rwjs qwms swqk ] (276-2)
ka-ee kot raajas taamas saatak.
Many millions abide in heated activity, slothful darkness and peaceful light.

keI koit byd purwn isimRiq Aru swsq ] (276-2)
ka-ee kot bayd puraan simrit ar saasat.
Many millions are the Vedas, Puraanas, Simritees and Shaastras.

keI koit kIey rqn smud ] (276-3)
ka-ee kot kee-ay ratan samud.
Many millions are the pearls of the oceans.

keI koit nwnw pRkwr jMq ] (276-3)
ka-ee kot naanaa parkaar jant.
Many millions are the beings of so many descriptions.

keI koit kIey icr jIvy ] (276-3)
ka-ee kot kee-ay chir jeevay.
Many millions are made long-lived.

keI koit igrI myr suvrn QIvy ] (276-4)
ka-ee kot giree mayr suvran theevay.
Many millions of hills and mountains have been made of gold.

keI koit jK´ ikMnr ipswc ] (276-4)
ka-ee kot jakh-y kinnar pisaach.
Many millions are the Yakhshas - the servants of the god of wealth, the Kinnars - the gods of celestial music, and the evil spirits of the Pisaach.

keI koit BUq pRyq sUkr imRgwc ] (276-4)
ka-ee kot bhoot parayt sookar marigaach.
Many millions are the evil nature-spirits, ghosts, pigs and tigers.

sB qy nyrY sBhU qy dUir ] (276-5)
sabh tay nayrai sabhhoo tay door.
He is near to all, and yet far from all;

nwnk Awip Ailpqu rihAw BrpUir ]4] (276-5)
naanak aap alipat rahi-aa bharpoor. ||4||
O Nanak, He Himself remains distinct, while yet pervading all. ||4||

keI koit pwqwl ky vwsI ] (276-5)
ka-ee kot paataal kay vaasee.
Many millions inhabit the nether regions.

keI koit nrk surg invwsI ] (276-6)
ka-ee kot narak surag nivaasee.
Many millions dwell in heaven and hell.

keI koit jnmih jIvih mrih ] (276-6)
ka-ee kot janmeh jeeveh mareh.
Many millions are born, live and die.

keI koit bhu jonI iPrih ] (276-6)
ka-ee kot baho jonee fireh.
Many millions are reincarnated, over and over again.

keI koit bYTq hI Kwih ] (276-7)
ka-ee kot baithat hee khaahi.
Many millions eat while sitting at ease.

keI koit Gwlih Qik pwih ] (276-7)
ka-ee kot ghaaleh thak paahi.
Many millions are exhausted by their labors.

keI koit kIey DnvMq ] (276-7)
ka-ee kot kee-ay Dhanvant.
Many millions are created wealthy.

keI koit mwieAw mih icMq ] (276-7)
ka-ee kot maa-i-aa meh chint.
Many millions are anxiously involved in Maya.

jh jh Bwxw qh qh rwKy ] (276-8)
jah jah bhaanaa tah tah raakhay.
Wherever He wills, there He keeps us.

nwnk sBu ikCu pRB kY hwQy ]5] (276-8)
naanak sabh kichh parabh kai haathay. ||5||
O Nanak, everything is in the Hands of God. ||5||

keI koit Bey bYrwgI ] (276-8)
ka-ee kot bha-ay bairaagee.
Many millions become Bairaagees, who renounce the world.

rwm nwm sMig iqin ilv lwgI ] (276-9)
raam naam sang tin liv laagee.
They have attached themselves to the Lord's Name.

keI koit pRB kau KojMqy ] (276-9)
ka-ee kot parabh ka-o khojantay.
Many millions are searching for God.

Awqm mih pwrbRhmu lhMqy ] (276-9)
aatam meh paarbarahm lahantay.
Within their souls, they find the Supreme Lord God.

keI koit drsn pRB ipAws ] (276-10)
ka-ee kot darsan parabh pi-aas.
Many millions thirst for the Blessing of God's Darshan.

iqn kau imilE pRBu Aibnws ] (276-10)
tin ka-o mili-o parabh abinaas.
They meet with God, the Eternal.

keI koit mwgih sqsMgu ] (276-10)
ka-ee kot maageh satsang.
Many millions pray for the Society of the Saints.

pwrbRhm iqn lwgw rMgu ] (276-11)
paarbarahm tin laagaa rang.
They are imbued with the Love of the Supreme Lord God.

ijn kau hoey Awip supRsMn ] (276-11)
jin ka-o ho-ay aap suparsan.
Those with whom He Himself is pleased,

nwnk qy jn sdw Din DMin ]6] (276-11)
naanak tay jan sadaa Dhan Dhan. ||6||
O Nanak, are blessed, forever blessed. ||6||

keI koit KwxI Aru KMf ] (276-11)
ka-ee kot khaanee ar khand.
Many millions are the fields of creation and the galaxies.

keI koit Akws bRhmMf ] (276-12)
ka-ee kot akaas barahmand.
Many millions are the etheric skies and the solar systems.

keI koit hoey Avqwr ] (276-12)
ka-ee kot ho-ay avtaar.
Many millions are the divine incarnations.

keI jugiq kIno ibsQwr ] (276-12)
ka-ee jugat keeno bisthaar.
In so many ways, He has unfolded Himself.

keI bwr psirE pwswr ] (276-13)
ka-ee baar pasri-o paasaar.
So many times, He has expanded His expansion.

sdw sdw ieku eykMkwr ] (276-13)
sadaa sadaa ik aykankaar.
Forever and ever, He is the One, the One Universal Creator.

keI koit kIny bhu Bwiq ] (276-13)
ka-ee kot keenay baho bhaat.
Many millions are created in various forms.

pRB qy hoey pRB mwih smwiq ] (276-13)
parabh tay ho-ay parabh maahi samaat.
From God they emanate, and into God they merge once again.

qw kw AMqu n jwnY koie ] (276-14)
taa kaa ant na jaanai ko-ay.
His limits are not known to anyone.

Awpy Awip nwnk pRBu soie ]7] (276-14)
aapay aap naanak parabh so-ay. ||7||
Of Himself, and by Himself, O Nanak, God exists. ||7||

keI koit pwrbRhm ky dws ] (276-14)
ka-ee kot paarbarahm kay daas.
Many millions are the servants of the Supreme Lord God.

iqn hovq Awqm prgws ] (276-15)
tin hovat aatam pargaas.
Their souls are enlightened.

keI koit qq ky byqy ] (276-15)
ka-ee kot tat kay baytay.
Many millions know the essence of reality.

sdw inhwrih eyko nyqRy ] (276-15)
sadaa nihaarahi ayko naytaray.
Their eyes gaze forever on the One alone.

keI koit nwm rsu pIvih ] (276-15)
ka-ee kot naam ras peeveh.
Many millions drink in the essence of the Naam.

Amr Bey sd sd hI jIvih ] (276-16)
amar bha-ay sad sad hee jeeveh.
They become immortal; they live forever and ever.

keI koit nwm gun gwvih ] (276-16)
ka-ee kot naam gun gaavahi.
Many millions sing the Glorious Praises of the Naam.

Awqm ris suiK shij smwvih ] (276-16)
aatam ras sukh sahj samaaveh.
They are absorbed in intuitive peace and pleasure.

Apuny jn kau swis swis smwry ] (276-17)
apunay jan ka-o saas saas samaaray.
He remembers His servants with each and every breath.

nwnk Eie prmysur ky ipAwry ]8]10] (276-17)
naanak o-ay parmaysur kay pi-aaray. ||8||10||
O Nanak, they are the beloveds of the Transcendent Lord God. ||8||10||

sloku ] (276-17)

krx kwrx pRBu eyku hY dUsr nwhI koie ] (276-18)
karan kaaran parabh ayk hai doosar naahee ko-ay.
God alone is the Doer of deeds - there is no other at all.

nwnk iqsu bilhwrxY jil Qil mhIAil soie ]1] (276-18)
naanak tis balihaarnai jal thal mahee-al so-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the One, who pervades the waters, the lands, the sky and all space. ||1||

AstpdI ] (276-19)

krn krwvn krnY jogu ] (276-19)
karan karaavan karnai jog.
The Doer, the Cause of causes, is potent to do anything.

jo iqsu BwvY soeI hogu ] (276-19)
jo tis bhaavai so-ee hog.
That which pleases Him, comes to pass.

iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwrw ] (276-19)
khin meh thaap uthaapanhaaraa.
In an instant, He creates and destroys.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD