Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iqRpiq n AwvY mwieAw pwCY pwvY ] (279-1)
taripat na aavai maa-i-aa paachhai paavai.
Satisfaction is not obtained by chasing after Maya.

Aink Bog ibiKAw ky krY ] (279-1)
anik bhog bikhi-aa kay karai.
He may enjoy all sorts of corrupt pleasures,

nh iqRpqwvY Kip Kip mrY ] (279-1)
nah tariptaavai khap khap marai.
but he is still not satisfied; he indulges again and again, wearing himself out, until he dies.

ibnw sMqoK nhI koaU rwjY ] (279-2)
binaa santokh nahee ko-oo raajai.
Without contentment, no one is satisfied.

supn mnorQ ibRQy sB kwjY ] (279-2)
supan manorath barithay sabh kaajai.
Like the objects in a dream, all his efforts are in vain.

nwm rMig srb suKu hoie ] (279-2)
naam rang sarab sukh ho-ay.
Through the love of the Naam, all peace is obtained.

bfBwgI iksY prwpiq hoie ] (279-3)
badbhaagee kisai paraapat ho-ay.
Only a few obtain this, by great good fortune.

krn krwvn Awpy Awip ] (279-3)
karan karaavan aapay aap.
He Himself is Himself the Cause of causes.

sdw sdw nwnk hir jwip ]5] (279-3)
sadaa sadaa naanak har jaap. ||5||
Forever and ever, O Nanak, chant the Lord's Name. ||5||

krn krwvn krnYhwru ] (279-3)
karan karaavan karnaihaar.
The Doer, the Cause of causes, is the Creator Lord.

ies kY hwiQ khw bIcwru ] (279-4)
is kai haath kahaa beechaar.
What deliberations are in the hands of mortal beings?

jYsI idRsit kry qYsw hoie ] (279-4)
jaisee darisat karay taisaa ho-ay.
As God casts His Glance of Grace, they come to be.

Awpy Awip Awip pRBu soie ] (279-4)
aapay aap aap parabh so-ay.
God Himself, of Himself, is unto Himself.

jo ikCu kIno su ApnY rMig ] (279-5)
jo kichh keeno so apnai rang.
Whatever He created, was by His Own Pleasure.

sB qy dUir sBhU kY sMig ] (279-5)
sabh tay door sabhhoo kai sang.
He is far from all, and yet with all.

bUJY dyKY krY ibbyk ] (279-5)
boojhai daykhai karai bibayk.
He understands, He sees, and He passes judgment.

Awpih eyk Awpih Anyk ] (279-5)
aapeh ayk aapeh anayk.
He Himself is the One, and He Himself is the many.

mrY n ibnsY AwvY n jwie ] (279-6)
marai na binsai aavai na jaa-ay.
He does not die or perish; He does not come or go.

nwnk sd hI rihAw smwie ]6] (279-6)
naanak sad hee rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||6||
O Nanak, He remains forever All-pervading. ||6||

Awip aupdysY smJY Awip ] (279-6)
aap updaysai samjhai aap.
He Himself instructs, and He Himself learns.

Awpy ricAw sB kY swiQ ] (279-7)
aapay rachi-aa sabh kai saath.
He Himself mingles with all.

Awip kIno Awpn ibsQwru ] (279-7)
aap keeno aapan bisthaar.
He Himself created His own expanse.

sBu kCu aus kw Ehu krnYhwru ] (279-7)
sabh kachh us kaa oh karnaihaar.
All things are His; He is the Creator.

aus qy iBMn khhu ikCu hoie ] (279-8)
us tay bhinn kahhu kichh ho-ay.
Without Him, what could be done?

Qwn Qnµqir eykY soie ] (279-8)
thaan thanantar aykai so-ay.
In the spaces and interspaces, He is the One.

Apuny cilq Awip krxYhwr ] (279-8)
apunay chalit aap karnaihaar.
In His own play, He Himself is the Actor.

kauqk krY rMg Awpwr ] (279-8)
ka-utak karai rang aapaar.
He produces His plays with infinite variety.

mn mih Awip mn Apuny mwih ] (279-9)
man meh aap man apunay maahi.
He Himself is in the mind, and the mind is in Him.

nwnk kImiq khnu n jwie ]7] (279-9)
naanak keemat kahan na jaa-ay. ||7||
O Nanak, His worth cannot be estimated. ||7||

siq siq siq pRBu suAwmI ] (279-9)
sat sat sat parabh su-aamee.
True, True, True is God, our Lord and Master.

gur prswid iknY viKAwnI ] (279-10)
gur parsaad kinai vakhi-aanee.
By Guru's Grace, some speak of Him.

scu scu scu sBu kInw ] (279-10)
sach sach sach sabh keenaa.
True, True, True is the Creator of all.

koit mDy iknY ibrlY cInw ] (279-10)
kot maDhay kinai birlai cheenaa.
Out of millions, scarcely anyone knows Him.

Blw Blw Blw qyrw rUp ] (279-10)
bhalaa bhalaa bhalaa tayraa roop.
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful is Your Sublime Form.

Aiq suMdr Apwr AnUp ] (279-11)
at sundar apaar anoop.
You are Exquisitely Beautiful, Infinite and Incomparable.

inrml inrml inrml qyrI bwxI ] (279-11)
nirmal nirmal nirmal tayree banee.
Pure, Pure, Pure is the Word of Your Bani,

Git Git sunI sRvn bK´wxI ] (279-11)
ghat ghat sunee sarvan bakh-yaanee.
heard in each and every heart, spoken to the ears.

pivqR pivqR pivqR punIq ] (279-12)
pavitar pavitar pavitar puneet.
Holy, Holy, Holy and Sublimely Pure

nwmu jpY nwnk min pRIiq ]8]12] (279-12)
naam japai naanak man pareet. ||8||12||
- chant the Naam, O Nanak, with heart-felt love. ||8||12||

sloku ] (279-12)

sMq srin jo jnu prY so jnu auDrnhwr ] (279-13)
sant saran jo jan parai so jan uDhranhaar.
One who seeks the Sanctuary of the Saints shall be saved.

sMq kI inMdw nwnkw bhuir bhuir Avqwr ]1] (279-13)
sant kee nindaa naankaa bahur bahur avtaar. ||1||
One who slanders the Saints, O Nanak, shall be reincarnated over and over again. ||1||

AstpdI ] (279-14)

sMq kY dUKin Awrjw GtY ] (279-14)
sant kai dookhan aarjaa ghatai.
Slandering the Saints, one's life is cut short.

sMq kY dUKin jm qy nhI CutY ] (279-14)
sant kai dookhan jam tay nahee chhutai.
Slandering the Saints, one shall not escape the Messenger of Death.

sMq kY dUKin suKu sBu jwie ] (279-14)
sant kai dookhan sukh sabh jaa-ay.
Slandering the Saints, all happiness vanishes.

sMq kY dUKin nrk mih pwie ] (279-15)
sant kai dookhan narak meh paa-ay.
Slandering the Saints, one falls into hell.

sMq kY dUKin miq hoie mlIn ] (279-15)
sant kai dookhan mat ho-ay maleen.
Slandering the Saints, the intellect is polluted.

sMq kY dUKin soBw qy hIn ] (279-15)
sant kai dookhan sobhaa tay heen.
Slandering the Saints, one's reputation is lost.

sMq ky hqy kau rKY n koie ] (279-15)
sant kay hatay ka-o rakhai na ko-ay.
One who is cursed by a Saint cannot be saved.

sMq kY dUKin Qwn BRstu hoie ] (279-16)
sant kai dookhan thaan bharsat ho-ay.
Slandering the Saints, one's place is defiled.

sMq ik®pwl ik®pw jy krY ] (279-16)
sant kirpaal kirpaa jay karai.
But if the Compassionate Saint shows His Kindness,

nwnk sMqsMig inMdku BI qrY ]1] (279-16)
naanak satsang nindak bhee tarai. ||1||
O Nanak, in the Company of the Saints, the slanderer may still be saved. ||1||

sMq ky dUKn qy muKu BvY ] (279-17)
sant kay dookhan tay mukh bhavai.
Slandering the Saints, one becomes a wry-faced malcontent.

sMqn kY dUKin kwg ijau lvY ] (279-17)
santan kai dookhan kaag ji-o lavai.
Slandering the Saints, one croaks like a raven.

sMqn kY dUKin srp join pwie ] (279-17)
santan kai dookhan sarap jon paa-ay.
Slandering the Saints, one is reincarnated as a snake.

sMq kY dUKin iqRgd join ikrmwie ] (279-18)
sant kai dookhan tarigad jon kirmaa-ay.
Slandering the Saints, one is reincarnated as a wiggling worm.

sMqn kY dUKin iqRsnw mih jlY ] (279-18)
santan kai dookhan tarisnaa meh jalai.
Slandering the Saints, one burns in the fire of desire.

sMq kY dUKin sBu ko ClY ] (279-18)
sant kai dookhan sabh ko chhalai.
Slandering the Saints, one tries to deceive everyone.

sMq kY dUKin qyju sBu jwie ] (279-19)
sant kai dookhan tayj sabh jaa-ay.
Slandering the Saints, all one's influence vanishes.

sMq kY dUKin nIcu nIcwie ] (279-19)
sant kai dookhan neech neechaa-ay.
Slandering the Saints, one becomes the lowest of the low.

sMq doKI kw Qwau ko nwih ] (279-19)
sant dokhee kaa thaa-o ko naahi.
For the slanderer of the Saint, there is no place of rest.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD