Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bRhm igAwnI Awip inrMkwru ] (274-1)
barahm gi-aanee aap nirankaar.
The God-conscious being is himself the Formless Lord.

bRhm igAwnI kI soBw bRhm igAwnI bnI ] (274-1)
barahm gi-aanee kee sobhaa barahm gi-aanee banee.
The glory of the God-conscious being belongs to the God-conscious being alone.

nwnk bRhm igAwnI srb kw DnI ]8]8] (274-1)
naanak barahm gi-aanee sarab kaa Dhanee. ||8||8||
O Nanak, the God-conscious being is the Lord of all. ||8||8||

sloku ] (274-2)

auir DwrY jo AMqir nwmu ] (274-2)
ur Dhaarai jo antar naam.
One who enshrines the Naam within the heart,

srb mY pyKY Bgvwnu ] (274-2)
sarab mai paykhai bhagvaan.
who sees the Lord God in all,

inmK inmK Twkur nmskwrY ] (274-2)
nimakh nimakh thaakur namaskaarai.
who, each and every moment, bows in reverence to the Lord Master

nwnk Ehu Aprsu sgl insqwrY ]1] (274-3)
naanak oh apras sagal nistaarai. ||1||
- O Nanak, such a one is the true 'touch-nothing Saint', who emancipates everyone. ||1||

AstpdI ] (274-3)

imiQAw nwhI rsnw prs ] (274-3)
mithi-aa naahee rasnaa paras.
One whose tongue does not touch falsehood;

mn mih pRIiq inrMjn drs ] (274-4)
man meh pareet niranjan daras.
whose mind is filled with love for the Blessed Vision of the Pure Lord,

pr iqRA rUpu n pyKY nyqR ] (274-4)
par tari-a roop na paykhai naytar.
whose eyes do not gaze upon the beauty of others' wives,

swD kI thl sMqsMig hyq ] (274-4)
saaDh kee tahal satsang hayt.
who serves the Holy and loves the Saints' Congregation,

krn n sunY kwhU kI inMdw ] (274-5)
karan na sunai kaahoo kee nindaa.
whose ears do not listen to slander against anyone,

sB qy jwnY Awps kau mMdw ] (274-5)
sabh tay jaanai aapas ka-o mandaa.
who deems himself to be the worst of all,

gur pRswid ibiKAw prhrY ] (274-5)
gur parsaad bikhi-aa parharai.
who, by Guru's Grace, renounces corruption,

mn kI bwsnw mn qy trY ] (274-5)
man kee baasnaa man tay tarai.
who banishes the mind's evil desires from his mind,

ieMdRI ijq pMc doK qy rhq ] (274-6)
indree jit panch dokh tay rahat.
who conquers his sexual instincts and is free of the five sinful passions

nwnk koit mDy ko AYsw Aprs ]1] (274-6)
naanak kot maDhay ko aisaa apras. ||1||
- O Nanak, among millions, there is scarcely one such 'touch-nothing Saint'. ||1||

bYsno so ijsu aUpir supRsMn ] (274-6)
baisno so jis oopar suparsan.
The true Vaishnaav, the devotee of Vishnu, is the one with whom God is thoroughly pleased.

ibsn kI mwieAw qy hoie iBMn ] (274-7)
bisan kee maa-i-aa tay ho-ay bhinn.
He dwells apart from Maya.

krm krq hovY inhkrm ] (274-7)
karam karat hovai nihkaram.
Performing good deeds, he does not seek rewards.

iqsu bYsno kw inrml Drm ] (274-7)
tis baisno kaa nirmal Dharam.
Spotlessly pure is the religion of such a Vaishnaav;

kwhU Pl kI ieCw nhI bwCY ] (274-8)
kaahoo fal kee ichhaa nahee baachhai.
he has no desire for the fruits of his labors.

kyvl Bgiq kIrqn sMig rwcY ] (274-8)
kayval bhagat keertan sang raachai.
He is absorbed in devotional worship and the singing of Kirtan, the songs of the Lord's Glory.

mn qn AMqir ismrn gopwl ] (274-8)
man tan antar simran gopaal.
Within his mind and body, he meditates in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe.

sB aUpir hovq ikrpwl ] (274-9)
sabh oopar hovat kirpaal.
He is kind to all creatures.

Awip idRVY Avrh nwmu jpwvY ] (274-9)
aap darirhai avrah naam japaavai.
He holds fast to the Naam, and inspires others to chant it.

nwnk Ehu bYsno prm giq pwvY ]2] (274-9)
naanak oh baisno param gat paavai. ||2||
O Nanak, such a Vaishnaav obtains the supreme status. ||2||

BgauqI BgvMq Bgiq kw rMgu ] (274-10)
bhag-utee bhagvant bhagat kaa rang.
The true Bhagaautee, the devotee of Adi Shakti, loves the devotional worship of God.

sgl iqAwgY dust kw sMgu ] (274-10)
sagal ti-aagai dusat kaa sang.
He forsakes the company of all wicked people.

mn qy ibnsY sglw Brmu ] (274-10)
man tay binsai saglaa bharam.
All doubts are removed from his mind.

kir pUjY sgl pwrbRhmu ] (274-11)
kar poojai sagal paarbarahm.
He performs devotional service to the Supreme Lord God in all.

swDsMig pwpw mlu KovY ] (274-11)
saaDhsang paapaa mal khovai.
In the Company of the Holy, the filth of sin is washed away.

iqsu BgauqI kI miq aUqm hovY ] (274-11)
tis bhag-utee kee mat ootam hovai.
The wisdom of such a Bhagaautee becomes supreme.

BgvMq kI thl krY inq nIiq ] (274-12)
bhagvant kee tahal karai nit neet.
He constantly performs the service of the Supreme Lord God.

mnu qnu ArpY ibsn prIiq ] (274-12)
man tan arpai bisan pareet.
He dedicates his mind and body to the Love of God.

hir ky crn ihrdY bswvY ] (274-12)
har kay charan hirdai basaavai.
The Lotus Feet of the Lord abide in his heart.

nwnk AYsw BgauqI BgvMq kau pwvY ]3] (274-12)
naanak aisaa bhag-utee bhagvant ka-o paavai. ||3||
O Nanak, such a Bhagaautee attains the Lord God. ||3||

so pMifqu jo mnu prboDY ] (274-13)
so pandit jo man parboDhai.
He is a true Pandit, a religious scholar, who instructs his own mind.

rwm nwmu Awqm mih soDY ] (274-13)
raam naam aatam meh soDhai.
He searches for the Lord's Name within his own soul.

rwm nwm swru rsu pIvY ] (274-13)
raam naam saar ras peevai.
He drinks in the Exquisite Nectar of the Lord's Name.

ausu pMifq kY aupdyis jgu jIvY ] (274-14)
us pandit kai updays jag jeevai.
By that Pandit's teachings, the world lives.

hir kI kQw ihrdY bswvY ] (274-14)
har kee kathaa hirdai basaavai.
He implants the Sermon of the Lord in his heart.

so pMifqu iPir join n AwvY ] (274-14)
so pandit fir jon na aavai.
Such a Pandit is not cast into the womb of reincarnation again.

byd purwn isimRiq bUJY mUl ] (274-15)
bayd puraan simrit boojhai mool.
He understands the fundamental essence of the Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees.

sUKm mih jwnY AsQUlu ] (274-15)
sookham meh jaanai asthool.
In the unmanifest, he sees the manifest world to exist.

chu vrnw kau dy aupdysu ] (274-15)
chahu varnaa ka-o day updays.
He gives instruction to people of all castes and social classes.

nwnk ausu pMifq kau sdw Adysu ]4] (274-16)
naanak us pandit ka-o sadaa adays. ||4||
O Nanak, to such a Pandit, I bow in salutation forever. ||4||

bIj mMqRü srb ko igAwnu ] (274-16)
beej mantar sarab ko gi-aan.
The Beej Mantra, the Seed Mantra, is spiritual wisdom for everyone.

chu vrnw mih jpY koaU nwmu ] (274-16)
chahu varnaa meh japai ko-oo naam.
Anyone, from any class, may chant the Naam.

jo jo jpY iqs kI giq hoie ] (274-17)
jo jo japai tis kee gat ho-ay.
Whoever chants it, is emancipated.

swDsMig pwvY jnu koie ] (274-17)
saaDhsang paavai jan ko-ay.
And yet, rare are those who attain it, in the Company of the Holy.

kir ikrpw AMqir aur DwrY ] (274-17)
kar kirpaa antar ur Dhaarai.
By His Grace, He enshrines it within.

psu pRyq muGd pwQr kau qwrY ] (274-18)
pas parayt mughad paathar ka-o taarai.
Even beasts, ghosts and the stone-hearted are saved.

srb rog kw AauKdu nwmu ] (274-18)
sarab rog kaa a-ukhad naam.
The Naam is the panacea, the remedy to cure all ills.

kilAwx rUp mMgl gux gwm ] (274-18)
kali-aan roop mangal gun gaam.
Singing the Glory of God is the embodiment of bliss and emancipation.

kwhU jugiq ikqY n pweIAY Drim ] (274-19)
kaahoo jugat kitai na paa-ee-ai Dharam.
It cannot be obtained by any religious rituals.

nwnk iqsu imlY ijsu iliKAw Duir krim ]5] (274-19)
naanak tis milai jis likhi-aa Dhur karam. ||5||
O Nanak, he alone obtains it, whose karma is so pre-ordained. ||5||

ijs kY min pwrbRhm kw invwsu ] (274-19)
jis kai man paarbarahm kaa nivaas.
One whose mind is a home for the Supreme Lord God


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD