Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bRhm igAwnI kI idRsit AMimRqu brsI ] (273-1)
barahm gi-aanee kee darisat amrit barsee.
Nectar rains down from the glance of the God-conscious being.

bRhm igAwnI bMDn qy mukqw ] (273-1)
barahm gi-aanee banDhan tay muktaa.
The God-conscious being is free from entanglements.

bRhm igAwnI kI inrml jugqw ] (273-1)
barahm gi-aanee kee nirmal jugtaa.
The lifestyle of the God-conscious being is spotlessly pure.

bRhm igAwnI kw Bojnu igAwn ] (273-2)
barahm gi-aanee kaa bhojan gi-aan.
Spiritual wisdom is the food of the God-conscious being.

nwnk bRhm igAwnI kw bRhm iDAwnu ]3] (273-2)
naanak barahm gi-aanee kaa barahm Dhi-aan. ||3||
O Nanak, the God-conscious being is absorbed in God's meditation. ||3||

bRhm igAwnI eyk aUpir Aws ] (273-3)
barahm gi-aanee ayk oopar aas.
The God-conscious being centers his hopes on the One alone.

bRhm igAwnI kw nhI ibnws ] (273-3)
barahm gi-aanee kaa nahee binaas.
The God-conscious being shall never perish.

bRhm igAwnI kY grIbI smwhw ] (273-3)
barahm gi-aanee kai gareebee samaahaa.
The God-conscious being is steeped in humility.

bRhm igAwnI praupkwr aumwhw ] (273-4)
barahm gi-aanee par-upkaar omaahaa.
The God-conscious being delights in doing good to others.

bRhm igAwnI kY nwhI DMDw ] (273-4)
barahm gi-aanee kai naahee DhanDhaa.
The God-conscious being has no worldly entanglements.

bRhm igAwnI ly Dwvqu bMDw ] (273-4)
barahm gi-aanee lay Dhaavat banDhaa.
The God-conscious being holds his wandering mind under control.

bRhm igAwnI kY hoie su Blw ] (273-5)
barahm gi-aanee kai ho-ay so bhalaa.
The God-conscious being acts in the common good.

bRhm igAwnI suPl Plw ] (273-5)
barahm gi-aanee sufal falaa.
The God-conscious being blossoms in fruitfulness.

bRhm igAwnI sMig sgl auDwru ] (273-5)
barahm gi-aanee sang sagal uDhaar.
In the Company of the God-conscious being, all are saved.

nwnk bRhm igAwnI jpY sgl sMswru ]4] (273-6)
naanak barahm gi-aanee japai sagal sansaar. ||4||
O Nanak, through the God-conscious being, the whole world meditates on God. ||4||

bRhm igAwnI kY eykY rMg ] (273-6)
barahm gi-aanee kai aykai rang.
The God-conscious being loves the One Lord alone.

bRhm igAwnI kY bsY pRBu sMg ] (273-6)
barahm gi-aanee kai basai parabh sang.
The God-conscious being dwells with God.

bRhm igAwnI kY nwmu AwDwru ] (273-7)
barahm gi-aanee kai naam aaDhaar.
The God-conscious being takes the Naam as his Support.

bRhm igAwnI kY nwmu prvwru ] (273-7)
barahm gi-aanee kai naam parvaar.
The God-conscious being has the Naam as his Family.

bRhm igAwnI sdw sd jwgq ] (273-7)
barahm gi-aanee sadaa sad jaagat.
The God-conscious being is awake and aware, forever and ever.

bRhm igAwnI AhMbuiD iqAwgq ] (273-8)
barahm gi-aanee ahaN-buDh ti-aagat.
The God-conscious being renounces his proud ego.

bRhm igAwnI kY min prmwnµd ] (273-8)
barahm gi-aanee kai man parmaanand.
In the mind of the God-conscious being, there is supreme bliss.

bRhm igAwnI kY Gir sdw Anµd ] (273-8)
barahm gi-aanee kai ghar sadaa anand.
In the home of the God-conscious being, there is everlasting bliss.

bRhm igAwnI suK shj invws ] (273-9)
barahm gi-aanee sukh sahj nivaas.
The God-conscious being dwells in peaceful ease.

nwnk bRhm igAwnI kw nhI ibnws ]5] (273-9)
naanak barahm gi-aanee kaa nahee binaas. ||5||
O Nanak, the God-conscious being shall never perish. ||5||

bRhm igAwnI bRhm kw byqw ] (273-10)
barahm gi-aanee barahm kaa baytaa.
The God-conscious being knows God.

bRhm igAwnI eyk sMig hyqw ] (273-10)
barahm gi-aanee ayk sang haytaa.
The God-conscious being is in love with the One alone.

bRhm igAwnI kY hoie AicMq ] (273-10)
barahm gi-aanee kai ho-ay achint.
The God-conscious being is carefree.

bRhm igAwnI kw inrml mMq ] (273-10)
barahm gi-aanee kaa nirmal mant.
Pure are the Teachings of the God-conscious being.

bRhm igAwnI ijsu krY pRBu Awip ] (273-11)
barahm gi-aanee jis karai parabh aap.
The God-conscious being is made so by God Himself.

bRhm igAwnI kw bf prqwp ] (273-11)
barahm gi-aanee kaa bad partaap.
The God-conscious being is gloriously great.

bRhm igAwnI kw drsu bfBwgI pweIAY ] (273-12)
barahm gi-aanee kaa daras badbhaagee paa-ee-ai.
The Darshan, the Blessed Vision of the God-conscious being, is obtained by great good fortune.

bRhm igAwnI kau bil bil jweIAY ] (273-12)
barahm gi-aanee ka-o bal bal jaa-ee-ai.
To the God-conscious being, I make my life a sacrifice.

bRhm igAwnI kau Kojih mhysur ] (273-12)
barahm gi-aanee ka-o khojeh mahaysur.
The God-conscious being is sought by the great god Shiva.

nwnk bRhm igAwnI Awip prmysur ]6] (273-13)
naanak barahm gi-aanee aap parmaysur. ||6||
O Nanak, the God-conscious being is Himself the Supreme Lord God. ||6||

bRhm igAwnI kI kImiq nwih ] (273-13)
barahm gi-aanee kee keemat naahi.
The God-conscious being cannot be appraised.

bRhm igAwnI kY sgl mn mwih ] (273-13)
barahm gi-aanee kai sagal man maahi.
The God-conscious being has all within his mind.

bRhm igAwnI kw kaun jwnY Bydu ] (273-14)
barahm gi-aanee kaa ka-un jaanai bhayd.
Who can know the mystery of the God-conscious being?

bRhm igAwnI kau sdw Adysu ] (273-14)
barahm gi-aanee ka-o sadaa adays.
Forever bow to the God-conscious being.

bRhm igAwnI kw kiQAw n jwie ADwK´ru ] (273-15)
barahm gi-aanee kaa kathi-aa na jaa-ay aDhaakh-yar.
The God-conscious being cannot be described in words.

bRhm igAwnI srb kw Twkuru ] (273-15)
barahm gi-aanee sarab kaa thaakur.
The God-conscious being is the Lord and Master of all.

bRhm igAwnI kI imiq kaunu bKwnY ] (273-15)
barahm gi-aanee kee mit ka-un bakhaanai.
Who can describe the limits of the God-conscious being?

bRhm igAwnI kI giq bRhm igAwnI jwnY ] (273-16)
barahm gi-aanee kee gat barahm gi-aanee jaanai.
Only the God-conscious being can know the state of the God-conscious being.

bRhm igAwnI kw AMqu n pwru ] (273-16)
barahm gi-aanee kaa ant na paar.
The God-conscious being has no end or limitation.

nwnk bRhm igAwnI kau sdw nmskwru ]7] (273-16)
naanak barahm gi-aanee ka-o sadaa namaskaar. ||7||
O Nanak, to the God-conscious being, bow forever in reverence. ||7||

bRhm igAwnI sB isRsit kw krqw ] (273-17)
barahm gi-aanee sabh sarisat kaa kartaa.
The God-conscious being is the Creator of all the world.

bRhm igAwnI sd jIvY nhI mrqw ] (273-17)
barahm gi-aanee sad jeevai nahee martaa.
The God-conscious being lives forever, and does not die.

bRhm igAwnI mukiq jugiq jIA kw dwqw ] (273-18)
barahm gi-aanee mukat jugat jee-a kaa daataa.
The God-conscious being is the Giver of the way of liberation of the soul.

bRhm igAwnI pUrn purKu ibDwqw ] (273-18)
barahm gi-aanee pooran purakh biDhaataa.
The God-conscious being is the Perfect Supreme Being, who orchestrates all.

bRhm igAwnI AnwQ kw nwQu ] (273-19)
barahm gi-aanee anaath kaa naath.
The God-conscious being is the helper of the helpless.

bRhm igAwnI kw sB aUpir hwQu ] (273-19)
barahm gi-aanee kaa sabh oopar haath.
The God-conscious being extends his hand to all.

bRhm igAwnI kw sgl Akwru ] (273-19)
barahm gi-aanee kaa sagal akaar.
The God-conscious being owns the entire creation.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD