Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk swD kY sMig sPl jnµm ]5] (272-1)
naanak saaDh kai sang safal jannam. ||5||
O Nanak, in the Company of the Holy, one's life becomes fruitful. ||5||

swD kY sMig nhI kCu Gwl ] (272-1)
saaDh kai sang nahee kachh ghaal.
In the Company of the Holy, there is no suffering.

drsnu Bytq hoq inhwl ] (272-1)
darsan bhaytat hot nihaal.
The Blessed Vision of their Darshan brings a sublime, happy peace.

swD kY sMig klUKq hrY ] (272-1)
saaDh kai sang kalookhat harai.
In the Company of the Holy, blemishes are removed.

swD kY sMig nrk prhrY ] (272-2)
saaDh kai sang narak parharai.
In the Company of the Holy, hell is far away.

swD kY sMig eIhw aUhw suhylw ] (272-2)
saaDh kai sang eehaa oohaa suhaylaa.
In the Company of the Holy, one is happy here and hereafter.

swDsMig ibCurq hir mylw ] (272-2)
saaDhsang bichhurat har maylaa.
In the Company of the Holy, the separated ones are reunited with the Lord.

jo ieCY soeI Plu pwvY ] (272-3)
jo ichhai so-ee fal paavai.
The fruits of one's desires are obtained.

swD kY sMig n ibrQw jwvY ] (272-3)
saaDh kai sang na birthaa jaavai.
In the Company of the Holy, no one goes empty-handed.

pwrbRhmu swD ird bsY ] (272-3)
paarbarahm saaDh rid basai.
The Supreme Lord God dwells in the hearts of the Holy.

nwnk auDrY swD suin rsY ]6] (272-3)
naanak uDhrai saaDh sun rasai. ||6||
O Nanak, listening to the sweet words of the Holy, one is saved. ||6||

swD kY sMig sunau hir nwau ] (272-4)
saaDh kai sang sun-o har naa-o.
In the Company of the Holy, listen to the Name of the Lord.

swDsMig hir ky gun gwau ] (272-4)
saaDhsang har kay gun gaa-o.
In the Company of the Holy, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

swD kY sMig n mn qy ibsrY ] (272-4)
saaDh kai sang na man tay bisrai.
In the Company of the Holy, do not forget Him from your mind.

swDsMig srpr insqrY ] (272-5)
saaDhsang sarpar nistarai.
In the Company of the Holy, you shall surely be saved.

swD kY sMig lgY pRBu mITw ] (272-5)
saaDh kai sang lagai parabh meethaa.
In the Company of the Holy, God seems very sweet.

swDU kY sMig Git Git fITw ] (272-5)
saaDhoo kai sang ghat ghat deethaa.
In the Company of the Holy, He is seen in each and every heart.

swDsMig Bey AwigAwkwrI ] (272-6)
saaDhsang bha-ay aagi-aakaaree.
In the Company of the Holy, we become obedient to the Lord.

swDsMig giq BeI hmwrI ] (272-6)
saaDhsang gat bha-ee hamaaree.
In the Company of the Holy, we obtain the state of salvation.

swD kY sMig imty siB rog ] (272-6)
saaDh kai sang mitay sabh rog.
In the Company of the Holy, all diseases are cured.

nwnk swD Byty sMjog ]7] (272-7)
naanak saaDh bhaytay sanjog. ||7||
O Nanak, one meets with the Holy, by highest destiny. ||7||

swD kI mihmw byd n jwnih ] (272-7)
saaDh kee mahimaa bayd na jaaneh.
The glory of the Holy people is not known to the Vedas.

jyqw sunih qyqw biKAwnih ] (272-7)
jaytaa suneh taytaa bakhi-aaneh.
They can describe only what they have heard.

swD kI aupmw iqhu gux qy dUir ] (272-7)
saaDh kee upmaa tihu gun tay door.
The greatness of the Holy people is beyond the three qualities.

swD kI aupmw rhI BrpUir ] (272-8)
saaDh kee upmaa rahee bharpoor.
The greatness of the Holy people is all-pervading.

swD kI soBw kw nwhI AMq ] (272-8)
saaDh kee sobhaa kaa naahee ant.
The glory of the Holy people has no limit.

swD kI soBw sdw byAMq ] (272-8)
saaDh kee sobhaa sadaa bay-ant.
The glory of the Holy people is infinite and eternal.

swD kI soBw aUc qy aUcI ] (272-9)
saaDh kee sobhaa ooch tay oochee.
The glory of the Holy people is the highest of the high.

swD kI soBw mUc qy mUcI ] (272-9)
saaDh kee sobhaa mooch tay moochee.
The glory of the Holy people is the greatest of the great.

swD kI soBw swD bin AweI ] (272-9)
saaDh kee sobhaa saaDh ban aa-ee.
The glory of the Holy people is theirs alone;

nwnk swD pRB Bydu n BweI ]8]7] (272-10)
naanak saaDh parabh bhayd na bhaa-ee. ||8||7||
O Nanak, there is no difference between the Holy people and God. ||8||7||

sloku ] (272-10)

min swcw muiK swcw soie ] (272-10)
man saachaa mukh saachaa so-ay.
The True One is on his mind, and the True One is upon his lips.

Avru n pyKY eyksu ibnu koie ] (272-10)
avar na paykhai aykas bin ko-ay.
He sees only the One.

nwnk ieh lCx bRhm igAwnI hoie ]1] (272-11)
naanak ih lachhan barahm gi-aanee ho-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, these are the qualities of the God-conscious being. ||1||

AstpdI ] (272-11)

bRhm igAwnI sdw inrlyp ] (272-11)
barahm gi-aanee sadaa nirlayp.
The God-conscious being is always unattached,

jYsy jl mih kml Alyp ] (272-11)
jaisay jal meh kamal alayp.
as the lotus in the water remains detached.

bRhm igAwnI sdw inrdoK ] (272-12)
barahm gi-aanee sadaa nirdokh.
The God-conscious being is always unstained,

jYsy sUru srb kau soK ] (272-12)
jaisay soor sarab ka-o sokh.
like the sun, which gives its comfort and warmth to all.

bRhm igAwnI kY idRsit smwin ] (272-12)
barahm gi-aanee kai darisat samaan.
The God-conscious being looks upon all alike,

jYsy rwj rMk kau lwgY quil pvwn ] (272-13)
jaisay raaj rank ka-o laagai tul pavaan.
like the wind, which blows equally upon the king and the poor beggar.

bRhm igAwnI kY DIrju eyk ] (272-13)
barahm gi-aanee kai Dheeraj ayk.
The God-conscious being has a steady patience,

ijau bsuDw koaU KodY koaU cMdn lyp ] (272-13)
ji-o basuDhaa ko-oo khodai ko-oo chandan layp.
like the earth, which is dug up by one, and anointed with sandal paste by another.

bRhm igAwnI kw iehY gunwau ] (272-14)
barahm gi-aanee kaa ihai gunaa-o.
This is the quality of the God-conscious being:

nwnk ijau pwvk kw shj suBwau ]1] (272-14)
naanak ji-o paavak kaa sahj subhaa-o. ||1||
O Nanak, his inherent nature is like a warming fire. ||1||

bRhm igAwnI inrml qy inrmlw ] (272-15)
barahm gi-aanee nirmal tay nirmalaa.
The God-conscious being is the purest of the pure;

jYsy mYlu n lwgY jlw ] (272-15)
jaisay mail na laagai jalaa.
filth does not stick to water.

bRhm igAwnI kY min hoie pRgwsu ] (272-15)
barahm gi-aanee kai man ho-ay pargaas.
The God-conscious being's mind is enlightened,

jYsy Dr aUpir Awkwsu ] (272-16)
jaisay Dhar oopar aakaas.
like the sky above the earth.

bRhm igAwnI kY imqR sqRü smwin ] (272-16)
barahm gi-aanee kai mitar satar samaan.
To the God-conscious being, friend and foe are the same.

bRhm igAwnI kY nwhI AiBmwn ] (272-16)
barahm gi-aanee kai naahee abhimaan.
The God-conscious being has no egotistical pride.

bRhm igAwnI aUc qy aUcw ] (272-17)
barahm gi-aanee ooch tay oochaa.
The God-conscious being is the highest of the high.

min ApnY hY sB qy nIcw ] (272-17)
man apnai hai sabh tay neechaa.
Within his own mind, he is the most humble of all.

bRhm igAwnI sy jn Bey ] (272-17)
barahm gi-aanee say jan bha-ay.
They alone become God-conscious beings,

nwnk ijn pRBu Awip kryie ]2] (272-17)
naanak jin parabh aap karay-i. ||2||
O Nanak, whom God Himself makes so. ||2||

bRhm igAwnI sgl kI rInw ] (272-18)
barahm gi-aanee sagal kee reenaa.
The God-conscious being is the dust of all.

Awqm rsu bRhm igAwnI cInw ] (272-18)
aatam ras barahm gi-aanee cheenaa.
The God-conscious being knows the nature of the soul.

bRhm igAwnI kI sB aUpir mieAw ] (272-18)
barahm gi-aanee kee sabh oopar ma-i-aa.
The God-conscious being shows kindness to all.

bRhm igAwnI qy kCu burw n BieAw ] (272-19)
barahm gi-aanee tay kachh buraa na bha-i-aa.
No evil comes from the God-conscious being.

bRhm igAwnI sdw smdrsI ] (272-19)
barahm gi-aanee sadaa samadrasee.
The God-conscious being is always impartial.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD