Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pRB ikrpw qy hoie pRgwsu ] (271-1)
parabh kirpaa tay ho-ay pargaas.
By God's Grace, enlightenment comes.

pRBU dieAw qy kml ibgwsu ] (271-1)
parabhoo da-i-aa tay kamal bigaas.
By God's Kind Mercy, the heart-lotus blossoms forth.

pRB supRsMn bsY min soie ] (271-1)
parabh suparsan basai man so-ay.
When God is totally pleased, He comes to dwell in the mind.

pRB dieAw qy miq aUqm hoie ] (271-1)
parabh da-i-aa tay mat ootam ho-ay.
By God's Kind Mercy, the intellect is exalted.

srb inDwn pRB qyrI mieAw ] (271-2)
sarab niDhaan parabh tayree ma-i-aa.
All treasures, O Lord, come by Your Kind Mercy.

Awphu kCU n iknhU lieAw ] (271-2)
aaphu kachhoo na kinhoo la-i-aa.
No one obtains anything by himself.

ijqu ijqu lwvhu iqqu lgih hir nwQ ] (271-2)
jit jit laavhu tit lageh har naath.
As You have delegated, so do we apply ourselves, O Lord and Master.

nwnk ien kY kCU n hwQ ]8]6] (271-3)
naanak in kai kachhoo na haath. ||8||6||
O Nanak, nothing is in our hands. ||8||6||

sloku ] (271-3)

Agm AgwiD pwrbRhmu soie ] (271-3)
agam agaaDh paarbarahm so-ay.
Unapproachable and Unfathomable is the Supreme Lord God;

jo jo khY su mukqw hoie ] (271-4)
jo jo kahai so muktaa ho-ay.
whoever speaks of Him shall be liberated.

suin mIqw nwnku ibnvMqw ] swD jnw kI Acrj kQw ]1] (271-4)
sun meetaa naanak binvantaa. saaDh janaa kee achraj kathaa. ||1||
Listen, O friends, Nanak prays, to the wonderful story of the Holy. ||1||

AstpdI ] (271-5)

swD kY sMig muK aUjl hoq ] (271-5)
saaDh kai sang mukh oojal hot.
In the Company of the Holy, one's face becomes radiant.

swDsMig mlu sglI Koq ] (271-5)
saaDhsang mal saglee khot.
In the Company of the Holy, all filth is removed.

swD kY sMig imtY AiBmwnu ] (271-5)
saaDh kai sang mitai abhimaan.
In the Company of the Holy, egotism is eliminated.

swD kY sMig pRgtY suigAwnu ] (271-6)
saaDh kai sang pargatai sugi-aan.
In the Company of the Holy, spiritual wisdom is revealed.

swD kY sMig buJY pRBu nyrw ] (271-6)
saaDh kai sang bujhai parabh nayraa.
In the Company of the Holy, God is understood to be near at hand.

swDsMig sBu hoq inbyrw ] (271-6)
saaDhsang sabh hot nibayraa.
In the Company of the Holy, all conflicts are settled.

swD kY sMig pwey nwm rqnu ] (271-6)
saaDh kai sang paa-ay naam ratan.
In the Company of the Holy, one obtains the jewel of the Naam.

swD kY sMig eyk aUpir jqnu ] (271-7)
saaDh kai sang ayk oopar jatan.
In the Company of the Holy, one's efforts are directed toward the One Lord.

swD kI mihmw brnY kaunu pRwnI ] (271-7)
saaDh kee mahimaa barnai ka-un paraanee.
What mortal can speak of the Glorious Praises of the Holy?

nwnk swD kI soBw pRB mwih smwnI ]1] (271-7)
naanak saaDh kee sobhaa parabh maahi samaanee. ||1||
O Nanak, the glory of the Holy people merges into God. ||1||

swD kY sMig Agocru imlY ] (271-8)
saaDh kai sang agochar milai.
In the Company of the Holy, one meets the Incomprehensible Lord.

swD kY sMig sdw prPulY ] (271-8)
saaDh kai sang sadaa parfulai.
In the Company of the Holy, one flourishes forever.

swD kY sMig Awvih bis pMcw ] (271-8)
saaDh kai sang aavahi bas panchaa.
In the Company of the Holy, the five passions are brought to rest.

swDsMig AMimRq rsu BuMcw ] (271-9)
saaDhsang amrit ras bhunchaa.
In the Company of the Holy, one enjoys the essence of ambrosia.

swDsMig hoie sB kI ryn ] (271-9)
saaDhsang ho-ay sabh kee rayn.
In the Company of the Holy, one becomes the dust of all.

swD kY sMig mnohr bYn ] (271-9)
saaDh kai sang manohar bain.
In the Company of the Holy, one's speech is enticing.

swD kY sMig n kqhUM DwvY ] (271-10)
saaDh kai sang na katahooN Dhaavai.
In the Company of the Holy, the mind does not wander.

swDsMig AsiQiq mnu pwvY ] (271-10)
saaDhsang asthit man paavai.
In the Company of the Holy, the mind becomes stable.

swD kY sMig mwieAw qy iBMn ] (271-10)
saaDh kai sang maa-i-aa tay bhinn.
In the Company of the Holy, one is rid of Maya.

swDsMig nwnk pRB supRsMn ]2] (271-11)
saaDhsang naanak parabh suparsan. ||2||
In the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, God is totally pleased. ||2||

swDsMig dusmn siB mIq ] (271-11)
saaDhsang dusman sabh meet.
In the Company of the Holy, all one's enemies become friends.

swDU kY sMig mhw punIq ] (271-11)
saaDhoo kai sang mahaa puneet.
In the Company of the Holy, there is great purity.

swDsMig iks isau nhI bYru ] (271-12)
saaDhsang kis si-o nahee bair.
In the Company of the Holy, no one is hated.

swD kY sMig n bIgw pYru ] (271-12)
saaDh kai sang na beegaa pair.
In the Company of the Holy, one's feet do not wander.

swD kY sMig nwhI ko mMdw ] (271-12)
saaDh kai sang naahee ko mandaa.
In the Company of the Holy, no one seems evil.

swDsMig jwny prmwnµdw ] (271-12)
saaDhsang jaanay parmaanandaa.
In the Company of the Holy, supreme bliss is known.

swD kY sMig nwhI hau qwpu ] (271-13)
saaDh kai sang naahee ha-o taap.
In the Company of the Holy, the fever of ego departs.

swD kY sMig qjY sBu Awpu ] (271-13)
saaDh kai sang tajai sabh aap.
In the Company of the Holy, one renounces all selfishness.

Awpy jwnY swD bfweI ] (271-13)
aapay jaanai saaDh badaa-ee.
He Himself knows the greatness of the Holy.

nwnk swD pRBU bin AweI ]3] (271-14)
naanak saaDh parabhoo ban aa-ee. ||3||
O Nanak, the Holy are at one with God. ||3||

swD kY sMig n kbhU DwvY ] (271-14)
saaDh kai sang na kabhoo Dhaavai.
In the Company of the Holy, the mind never wanders.

swD kY sMig sdw suKu pwvY ] (271-14)
saaDh kai sang sadaa sukh paavai.
In the Company of the Holy, one obtains everlasting peace.

swDsMig bsqu Agocr lhY ] (271-14)
saaDhsang basat agochar lahai.
In the Company of the Holy, one grasps the Incomprehensible.

swDU kY sMig Ajru shY ] (271-15)
saaDhoo kai sang ajar sahai.
In the Company of the Holy, one can endure the unendurable.

swD kY sMig bsY Qwin aUcY ] (271-15)
saaDh kai sang basai thaan oochai.
In the Company of the Holy, one abides in the loftiest place.

swDU kY sMig mhil phUcY ] (271-15)
saaDhoo kai sang mahal pahoochai.
In the Company of the Holy, one attains the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

swD kY sMig idRVY siB Drm ] (271-16)
saaDh kai sang darirhai sabh Dharam.
In the Company of the Holy, one's Dharmic faith is firmly established.

swD kY sMig kyvl pwrbRhm ] (271-16)
saaDh kai sang kayval paarbarahm.
In the Company of the Holy, one dwells with the Supreme Lord God.

swD kY sMig pwey nwm inDwn ] (271-16)
saaDh kai sang paa-ay naam niDhaan.
In the Company of the Holy, one obtains the treasure of the Naam.

nwnk swDU kY kurbwn ]4] (271-16)
naanak saaDhoo kai kurbaan. ||4||
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Holy. ||4||

swD kY sMig sB kul auDwrY ] (271-17)
saaDh kai sang sabh kul uDhaarai.
In the Company of the Holy, all one's family is saved.

swDsMig swjn mIq kutMb insqwrY ] (271-17)
saaDhsang saajan meet kutamb nistaarai.
In the Company of the Holy, one's friends, acquaintances and relatives are redeemed.

swDU kY sMig so Dnu pwvY ] (271-17)
saaDhoo kai sang so Dhan paavai.
In the Company of the Holy, that wealth is obtained.

ijsu Dn qy sBu ko vrswvY ] (271-18)
jis Dhan tay sabh ko varsaavai.
Everyone benefits from that wealth.

swDsMig Drm rwie kry syvw ] (271-18)
saaDhsang Dharam raa-ay karay sayvaa.
In the Company of the Holy, the Lord of Dharma serves.

swD kY sMig soBw surdyvw ] (271-18)
saaDh kai sang sobhaa surdayvaa.
In the Company of the Holy, the divine, angelic beings sing God's Praises.

swDU kY sMig pwp plwien ] (271-19)
saaDhoo kai sang paap palaa-in.
In the Company of the Holy, one's sins fly away.

swDsMig AMimRq gun gwien ] (271-19)
saaDhsang amrit gun gaa-in.
In the Company of the Holy, one sings the Ambrosial Glories.

swD kY sMig sRb Qwn gMim ] (271-19)
saaDh kai sang sarab thaan gamm.
In the Company of the Holy, all places are within reach.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD