Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


muiK qw ko jsu rsn bKwnY ] (270-1)
mukh taa ko jas rasan bakhaanai.
with your mouth and with your tongue, chant His Praises.

ijh pRswid qyro rhqw Drmu ] (270-1)
jih parsaad tayro rahtaa Dharam.
By His Grace, you remain in the Dharma;

mn sdw iDAwie kyvl pwrbRhmu ] (270-1)
man sadaa Dhi-aa-ay kayval paarbarahm.
O mind, meditate continually on the Supreme Lord God.

pRB jI jpq drgh mwnu pwvih ] (270-2)
parabh jee japat dargeh maan paavahi.
Meditating on God, you shall be honored in His Court;

nwnk piq syqI Gir jwvih ]2] (270-2)
naanak pat saytee ghar jaaveh. ||2||
O Nanak, you shall return to your true home with honor. ||2||

ijh pRswid Awrog kMcn dyhI ] (270-3)
jih parsaad aarog kanchan dayhee.
By His Grace, you have a healthy, golden body;

ilv lwvhu iqsu rwm snyhI ] (270-3)
liv laavhu tis raam sanayhee.
attune yourself to that Loving Lord.

ijh pRswid qyrw Elw rhq ] (270-3)
jih parsaad tayraa olaa rahat.
By His Grace, your honor is preserved;

mn suKu pwvih hir hir jsu khq ] (270-3)
man sukh paavahi har har jas kahat.
O mind, chant the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, and find peace.

ijh pRswid qyry sgl iCdR Fwky ] (270-4)
jih parsaad tayray sagal chhidar dhaakay.
By His Grace, all your deficits are covered;

mn srnI pru Twkur pRB qw kY ] (270-4)
man sarnee par thaakur parabh taa kai.
O mind, seek the Sanctuary of God, our Lord and Master.

ijh pRswid quJu ko n phUcY ] (270-5)
jih parsaad tujh ko na pahoochai.
By His Grace, no one can rival you;

mn swis swis ismrhu pRB aUcy ] (270-5)
man saas saas simrahu parabh oochay.
O mind, with each and every breath, remember God on High.

ijh pRswid pweI dRülB dyh ] (270-5)
jih parsaad paa-ee darulabh dayh.
By His Grace, you obtained this precious human body;

nwnk qw kI Bgiq kryh ]3] (270-6)
naanak taa kee bhagat karayh. ||3||
O Nanak, worship Him with devotion. ||3||

ijh pRswid AwBUKn pihrIjY ] (270-6)
jih parsaad aabhookhan pehreejai.
By His Grace, you wear decorations;

mn iqsu ismrq ikau Awlsu kIjY ] (270-6)
man tis simrat ki-o aalas keejai.
O mind, why are you so lazy? Why don't you remember Him in meditation?

ijh pRswid AsÍ hsiq AsvwrI ] (270-7)
jih parsaad asav hasat asvaaree.
By His Grace, you have horses and elephants to ride;

mn iqsu pRB kau kbhU n ibswrI ] (270-7)
man tis parabh ka-o kabhoo na bisaaree.
O mind, never forget that God.

ijh pRswid bwg imlK Dnw ] (270-7)
jih parsaad baag milakh Dhanaa.
By His Grace, you have land, gardens and wealth;

rwKu proie pRBu Apuny mnw ] (270-8)
raakh paro-ay parabh apunay manaa.
keep God enshrined in your heart.

ijin qyrI mn bnq bnweI ] (270-8)
jin tayree man banat banaa-ee.
O mind, the One who formed your form

aUTq bYTq sd iqsih iDAweI ] (270-8)
oothat baithat sad tiseh Dhi-aa-ee.
- standing up and sitting down, meditate always on Him.

iqsih iDAwie jo eyk AlKY ] (270-9)
tiseh Dhi-aa-ay jo ayk alkhai.
Meditate on Him - the One Invisible Lord;

eIhw aUhw nwnk qyrI rKY ]4] (270-9)
eehaa oohaa naanak tayree rakhai. ||4||
here and hereafter, O Nanak, He shall save you. ||4||

ijh pRswid krih puMn bhu dwn ] (270-9)
jih parsaad karahi punn baho daan.
By His Grace, you give donations in abundance to charities;

mn AwT phr kir iqs kw iDAwn ] (270-10)
man aath pahar kar tis kaa Dhi-aan.
O mind, meditate on Him, twenty-four hours a day.

ijh pRswid qU Awcwr ibauhwrI ] (270-10)
jih parsaad too aachaar bi-uhaaree.
By His Grace, you perform religious rituals and worldly duties;

iqsu pRB kau swis swis icqwrI ] (270-10)
tis parabh ka-o saas saas chitaaree.
think of God with each and every breath.

ijh pRswid qyrw suMdr rUpu ] (270-11)
jih parsaad tayraa sundar roop.
By His Grace, your form is so beautiful;

so pRBu ismrhu sdw AnUpu ] (270-11)
so parabh simrahu sadaa anoop.
constantly remember God, the Incomparably Beautiful One.

ijh pRswid qyrI nIkI jwiq ] (270-11)
jih parsaad tayree neekee jaat.
By His Grace, you have such high social status;

so pRBu ismir sdw idn rwiq ] (270-11)
so parabh simar sadaa din raat.
remember God always, day and night.

ijh pRswid qyrI piq rhY ] (270-12)
jih parsaad tayree pat rahai.
By His Grace, your honor is preserved;

gur pRswid nwnk jsu khY ]5] (270-12)
gur parsaad naanak jas kahai. ||5||
by Guru's Grace, O Nanak, chant His Praises. ||5||

ijh pRswid sunih krn nwd ] (270-12)
jih parsaad suneh karan naad.
By His Grace, you listen to the sound current of the Naad.

ijh pRswid pyKih ibsmwd ] (270-13)
jih parsaad paykheh bismaad.
By His Grace, you behold amazing wonders.

ijh pRswid bolih AMimRq rsnw ] (270-13)
jih parsaad boleh amrit rasnaa.
By His Grace, you speak ambrosial words with your tongue.

ijh pRswid suiK shjy bsnw ] (270-13)
jih parsaad sukh sehjay basnaa.
By His Grace, you abide in peace and ease.

ijh pRswid hsq kr clih ] (270-14)
jih parsaad hasat kar chaleh.
By His Grace, your hands move and work.

ijh pRswid sMpUrn Plih ] (270-14)
jih parsaad sampooran faleh.
By His Grace, you are completely fulfilled.

ijh pRswid prm giq pwvih ] (270-14)
jih parsaad param gat paavahi.
By His Grace, you obtain the supreme status.

ijh pRswid suiK shij smwvih ] (270-15)
jih parsaad sukh sahj samaaveh.
By His Grace, you are absorbed into celestial peace.

AYsw pRBu iqAwig Avr kq lwghu ] (270-15)
aisaa parabh ti-aag avar kat laagahu.
Why forsake God, and attach yourself to another?

gur pRswid nwnk min jwghu ]6] (270-15)
gur parsaad naanak man jaagahu. ||6||
By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, awaken your mind! ||6||

ijh pRswid qUM pRgtu sMswir ] (270-16)
jih parsaad tooN pargat sansaar.
By His Grace, you are famous all over the world;

iqsu pRB kau mUil n mnhu ibswir ] (270-16)
tis parabh ka-o mool na manhu bisaar.
never forget God from your mind.

ijh pRswid qyrw prqwpu ] (270-16)
jih parsaad tayraa partaap.
By His Grace, you have prestige;

ry mn mUV qU qw kau jwpu ] (270-17)
ray man moorh too taa ka-o jaap.
O foolish mind, meditate on Him!

ijh pRswid qyry kwrj pUry ] (270-17)
jih parsaad tayray kaaraj pooray.
By His Grace, your works are completed;

iqsih jwnu mn sdw hjUry ] (270-17)
tiseh jaan man sadaa hajooray.
O mind, know Him to be close at hand.

ijh pRswid qUM pwvih swcu ] (270-18)
jih parsaad tooN paavahi saach.
By His Grace, you find the Truth;

ry mn myry qUM qw isau rwcu ] (270-18)
ray man mayray tooN taa si-o raach.
O my mind, merge yourself into Him.

ijh pRswid sB kI giq hoie ] (270-18)
jih parsaad sabh kee gat ho-ay.
By His Grace, everyone is saved;

nwnk jwpu jpY jpu soie ]7] (270-19)
naanak jaap japai jap so-ay. ||7||
O Nanak, meditate, and chant His Chant. ||7||

Awip jpwey jpY so nwau ] (270-19)
aap japaa-ay japai so naa-o.
Those, whom He inspires to chant, chant His Name.

Awip gwvwey su hir gun gwau ] (270-19)
aap gaavaa-ai so har gun gaa-o.
Those, whom He inspires to sing, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD