Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ieAwhU jugiq ibhwny keI jnm ] (268-1)
i-aahoo jugat bihaanay ka-ee janam.
So many lifetimes are wasted in these ways.

nwnk rwiK lyhu Awpn kir krm ]7] (268-1)
naanak raakh layho aapan kar karam. ||7||
Nanak: uplift them, and redeem them, O Lord - show Your Mercy! ||7||

qU Twkuru qum pih Ardwis ] (268-1)
too thaakur tum peh ardaas.
You are our Lord and Master; to You, I offer this prayer.

jIau ipMfu sBu qyrI rwis ] (268-2)
jee-o pind sabh tayree raas.
This body and soul are all Your property.

qum mwq ipqw hm bwirk qyry ] (268-2)
tum maat pitaa ham baarik tayray.
You are our mother and father; we are Your children.

qumrI ik®pw mih sUK Gnyry ] (268-2)
tumree kirpaa meh sookh ghanayray.
In Your Grace, there are so many joys!

koie n jwnY qumrw AMqu ] (268-3)
ko-ay na jaanai tumraa ant.
No one knows Your limits.

aUcy qy aUcw BgvMq ] (268-3)
oochay tay oochaa bhagvant.
O Highest of the High, Most Generous God,

sgl smgRI qumrY sUiqR DwrI ] (268-3)
sagal samagree tumrai sutir Dhaaree.
the whole creation is strung on Your thread.

qum qy hoie su AwigAwkwrI ] (268-3)
tum tay ho-ay so aagi-aakaaree.
That which has come from You is under Your Command.

qumrI giq imiq qum hI jwnI ] (268-4)
tumree gat mit tum hee jaanee.
You alone know Your state and extent.

nwnk dws sdw kurbwnI ]8]4] (268-4)
naanak daas sadaa kurbaanee. ||8||4||
Nanak, Your slave, is forever a sacrifice. ||8||4||

sloku ] (268-4)

dynhwru pRB Coif kY lwgih Awn suAwie ] (268-5)
daynhaar parabh chhod kai laageh aan su-aa-ay.
One who renounces God the Giver, and attaches himself to other affairs

nwnk khU n sIJeI ibnu nwvY piq jwie ]1] (268-5)
naanak kahoo na seejh-ee bin naavai pat jaa-ay. ||1||
- O Nanak, he shall never succeed. Without the Name, he shall lose his honor. ||1||

AstpdI ] (268-6)

ds bsqU ly pwCY pwvY ] (268-6)
das bastoo lay paachhai paavai.
He obtains ten things, and puts them behind him;

eyk bsqu kwrin ibKoit gvwvY ] (268-6)
ayk basat kaaran bikhot gavaavai.
for the sake of one thing withheld, he forfeits his faith.

eyk BI n dyie ds BI ihir lyie ] (268-6)
ayk bhee na day-ay das bhee hir lay-ay.
But what if that one thing were not given, and the ten were taken away?

qau mUVw khu khw kryie ] (268-7)
ta-o moorhaa kaho kahaa karay-i.
Then, what could the fool say or do?

ijsu Twkur isau nwhI cwrw ] (268-7)
jis thaakur si-o naahee chaaraa.
Our Lord and Master cannot be moved by force.

qw kau kIjY sd nmskwrw ] (268-7)
taa ka-o keejai sad namaskaaraa.
Unto Him, bow forever in adoration.

jw kY min lwgw pRBu mITw ] (268-8)
jaa kai man laagaa parabh meethaa.
That one, unto whose mind God seems sweet

srb sUK qwhU min vUTw ] (268-8)
sarab sookh taahoo man voothaa.
- all pleasures come to abide in his mind.

ijsu jn Apnw hukmu mnwieAw ] (268-8)
jis jan apnaa hukam manaa-i-aa.
One who abides by the Lord's Will,

srb Qok nwnk iqin pwieAw ]1] (268-8)
sarab thok naanak tin paa-i-aa. ||1||
O Nanak, obtains all things. ||1||

Agnq swhu ApnI dy rwis ] (268-9)
agnat saahu apnee day raas.
God the Banker gives endless capital to the mortal,

Kwq pIq brqY And aulwis ] (268-9)
khaat peet bartai anad ulaas.
who eats, drinks and expends it with pleasure and joy.

ApunI Amwn kCu bhuir swhu lyie ] (268-10)
apunee amaan kachh bahur saahu lay-ay.
If some of this capital is later taken back by the Banker,

AigAwnI min rosu kryie ] (268-10)
agi-aanee man ros karay-i.
the ignorant person shows his anger.

ApnI prqIiq Awp hI KovY ] (268-10)
apnee parteet aap hee khovai.
He himself destroys his own credibility,

bhuir aus kw ibsÍwsu n hovY ] (268-11)
bahur us kaa bisvaas na hovai.
and he shall not again be trusted.

ijs kI bsqu iqsu AwgY rwKY ] (268-11)
jis kee basat tis aagai raakhai.
When one offers to the Lord, that which belongs to the Lord,

pRB kI AwigAw mwnY mwQY ] (268-11)
parabh kee aagi-aa maanai maathai.
and willingly abides by the Will of God's Order,

aus qy caugun krY inhwlu ] (268-11)
us tay cha-ugun karai nihaal.
the Lord will make him happy four times over.

nwnk swihbu sdw dieAwlu ]2] (268-12)
naanak saahib sadaa da-i-aal. ||2||
O Nanak, our Lord and Master is merciful forever. ||2||

Aink Bwiq mwieAw ky hyq ] srpr hovq jwnu Anyq ] (268-12)
anik bhaat maa-i-aa kay hayt. sarpar hovat jaan anayt.
The many forms of attachment to Maya shall surely pass away - know that they are transitory.

ibrK kI CwieAw isau rMgu lwvY ] (268-13)
birakh kee chhaa-i-aa si-o rang laavai.
People fall in love with the shade of the tree,

Eh ibnsY auhu min pCuqwvY ] (268-13)
oh binsai uho man pachhutaavai.
and when it passes away, they feel regret in their minds.

jo dIsY so cwlnhwru ] (268-13)
jo deesai so chaalanhaar.
Whatever is seen, shall pass away;

lpit rihE qh AMD AMDwru ] (268-14)
lapat rahi-o tah anDh anDhaar.
and yet, the blindest of the blind cling to it.

btwaU isau jo lwvY nyh ] (268-14)
bataa-oo si-o jo laavai nayh.
One who gives her love to a passing traveler

qw kau hwiQ n AwvY kyh ] (268-14)
taa ka-o haath na aavai kayh.
- nothing shall come into her hands in this way.

mn hir ky nwm kI pRIiq suKdweI ] (268-15)
man har kay naam kee pareet sukh-daa-ee.
O mind, the love of the Name of the Lord bestows peace.

kir ikrpw nwnk Awip ley lweI ]3] (268-15)
kar kirpaa naanak aap la-ay laa-ee. ||3||
O Nanak, the Lord, in His Mercy, unites us with Himself. ||3||

imiQAw qnu Dnu kutMbu sbwieAw ] (268-15)
mithi-aa tan Dhan kutamb sabaa-i-aa.
False are body, wealth, and all relations.

imiQAw haumY mmqw mwieAw ] (268-16)
mithi-aa ha-umai mamtaa maa-i-aa.
False are ego, possessiveness and Maya.

imiQAw rwj jobn Dn mwl ] (268-16)
mithi-aa raaj joban Dhan maal.
False are power, youth, wealth and property.

imiQAw kwm k®oD ibkrwl ] (268-16)
mithi-aa kaam kroDh bikraal.
False are sexual desire and wild anger.

imiQAw rQ hsqI AsÍ bsqRw ] (268-17)
mithi-aa rath hastee asav bastaraa.
False are chariots, elephants, horses and expensive clothes.

imiQAw rMg sMig mwieAw pyiK hsqw ] (268-17)
mithi-aa rang sang maa-i-aa paykh hastaa.
False is the love of gathering wealth, and reveling in the sight of it.

imiQAw DRoh moh AiBmwnu ] (268-17)
mithi-aa Dharoh moh abhimaan.
False are deception, emotional attachment and egotistical pride.

imiQAw Awps aUpir krq gumwnu ] (268-18)
mithi-aa aapas oopar karat gumaan.
False are pride and self-conceit.

AsiQru Bgiq swD kI srn ] (268-18)
asthir bhagat saaDh kee saran.
Only devotional worship is permanent, and the Sanctuary of the Holy.

nwnk jip jip jIvY hir ky crn ]4] (268-18)
naanak jap jap jeevai har kay charan. ||4||
Nanak lives by meditating, meditating on the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ||4||

imiQAw sRvn pr inMdw sunih ] (268-19)
mithi-aa sarvan par nindaa suneh.
False are the ears which listen to the slander of others.

imiQAw hsq pr drb kau ihrih ] (268-19)
mithi-aa hasat par darab ka-o hireh.
False are the hands which steal the wealth of others.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD