Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iehu inrgunu gunu kCU n bUJY ] (267-1)
ih nirgun gun kachhoo na boojhai.
This worthless person has not appreciated in the least, all the good deeds done for him.

bKis lyhu qau nwnk sIJY ]1] (267-1)
bakhas layho ta-o naanak seejhai. ||1||
If you bless him with forgiveness, O Nanak, only then will he be saved. ||1||

ijh pRswid Dr aUpir suiK bsih ] (267-1)
jih parsaad Dhar oopar sukh baseh.
By His Grace, you abide in comfort upon the earth.

suq BRwq mIq binqw sMig hsih ] (267-2)
sut bharaat meet banitaa sang haseh.
With your children, siblings, friends and spouse, you laugh.

ijh pRswid pIvih sIql jlw ] (267-2)
jih parsaad peeveh seetal jalaa.
By His Grace, you drink in cool water.

suKdweI pvnu pwvku Amulw ] (267-3)
sukh-daa-ee pavan paavak amulaa.
You have peaceful breezes and priceless fire.

ijh pRswid Bogih siB rsw ] (267-3)
jih parsaad bhogeh sabh rasaa.
By His Grace, you enjoy all sorts of pleasures.

sgl smgRI sMig swiQ bsw ] (267-3)
sagal samagree sang saath basaa.
You are provided with all the necessities of life.

dIny hsq pwv krn nyqR rsnw ] (267-4)
deenay hasat paav karan naytar rasnaa.
He gave you hands, feet, ears, eyes and tongue,

iqsih iqAwig Avr sMig rcnw ] (267-4)
tiseh ti-aag avar sang rachnaa.
and yet, you forsake Him and attach yourself to others.

AYsy doK mUV AMD ibAwpy ] (267-4)
aisay dokh moorh anDh bi-aapay.
Such sinful mistakes cling to the blind fools;

nwnk kwiF lyhu pRB Awpy ]2] (267-5)
naanak kaadh layho parabh aapay. ||2||
Nanak: uplift and save them, God! ||2||

Awid AMiq jo rwKnhwru ] (267-5)
aad ant jo raakhanhaar.
From beginning to end, He is our Protector,

iqs isau pRIiq n krY gvwru ] (267-5)
tis si-o pareet na karai gavaar.
and yet, the ignorant do not give their love to Him.

jw kI syvw nv iniD pwvY ] (267-5)
jaa kee sayvaa nav niDh paavai.
Serving Him, the nine treasures are obtained,

qw isau mUVw mnu nhI lwvY ] (267-6)
taa si-o moorhaa man nahee laavai.
and yet, the foolish do not link their minds with Him.

jo Twkuru sd sdw hjUry ] (267-6)
jo thaakur sad sadaa hajooray.
Our Lord and Master is Ever-present, forever and ever,

qw kau AMDw jwnq dUry ] (267-6)
taa ka-o anDhaa jaanat dooray.
and yet, the spiritually blind believe that He is far away.

jw kI thl pwvY drgh mwnu ] (267-7)
jaa kee tahal paavai dargeh maan.
In His service, one obtains honor in the Court of the Lord,

iqsih ibswrY mugDu Ajwnu ] (267-7)
tiseh bisaarai mugaDh ajaan.
and yet, the ignorant fool forgets Him.

sdw sdw iehu BUlnhwru ] (267-7)
sadaa sadaa ih bhoolanhaar.
Forever and ever, this person makes mistakes;

nwnk rwKnhwru Apwru ]3] (267-7)
naanak raakhanhaar apaar. ||3||
O Nanak, the Infinite Lord is our Saving Grace. ||3||

rqnu iqAwig kaufI sMig rcY ] (267-8)
ratan ti-aag ka-udee sang rachai.
Forsaking the jewel, they are engrossed with a shell.

swcu Coif JUT sMig mcY ] (267-8)
saach chhod jhooth sang machai.
They renounce Truth and embrace falsehood.

jo Cfnw su AsiQru kir mwnY ] (267-8)
jo chhadnaa so asthir kar maanai.
That which passes away, they believe to be permanent.

jo hovnu so dUir prwnY ] (267-9)
jo hovan so door paraanai.
That which is immanent, they believe to be far off.

Coif jwie iqs kw sRmu krY ] (267-9)
chhod jaa-ay tis kaa saram karai.
They struggle for what they must eventually leave.

sMig shweI iqsu prhrY ] (267-9)
sang sahaa-ee tis parharai.
They turn away from the Lord, their Help and Support, who is always with them.

cMdn lypu auqwrY Doie ] (267-10)
chandan layp utaarai Dho-ay.
They wash off the sandalwood paste;

grDb pRIiq Bsm sMig hoie ] (267-10)
garDhab pareet bhasam sang ho-ay.
like donkeys, they are in love with the mud.

AMD kUp mih piqq ibkrwl ] (267-10)
anDh koop meh patit bikraal.
They have fallen into the deep, dark pit.

nwnk kwiF lyhu pRB dieAwl ]4] (267-10)
naanak kaadh layho parabh da-i-aal. ||4||
Nanak: lift them up and save them, O Merciful Lord God! ||4||

krqUiq psU kI mwns jwiq ] (267-11)
kartoot pasoo kee maanas jaat.
They belong to the human species, but they act like animals.

lok pcwrw krY idnu rwiq ] (267-11)
lok pachaaraa karai din raat.
They curse others day and night.

bwhir ByK AMqir mlu mwieAw ] (267-11)
baahar bhaykh antar mal maa-i-aa.
Outwardly, they wear religious robes, but within is the filth of Maya.

Cpis nwih kCu krY CpwieAw ] (267-12)
chhapas naahi kachh karai chhapaa-i-aa.
They cannot conceal this, no matter how hard they try.

bwhir igAwn iDAwn iesnwn ] (267-12)
baahar gi-aan Dhi-aan isnaan.
Outwardly, they display knowledge, meditation and purification,

AMqir ibAwpY loBu suAwnu ] (267-13)
antar bi-aapai lobh su-aan.
but within clings the dog of greed.

AMqir Agin bwhir qnu suAwh ] (267-13)
antar agan baahar tan su-aah.
The fire of desire rages within; outwardly they apply ashes to their bodies.

gil pwQr kYsy qrY AQwh ] (267-13)
gal paathar kaisay tarai athaah.
There is a stone around their neck - how can they cross the unfathomable ocean?

jw kY AMqir bsY pRBu Awip ] (267-13)
jaa kai antar basai parabh aap.
Those, within whom God Himself abides

nwnk qy jn shij smwiq ]5] (267-14)
naanak tay jan sahj samaat. ||5||
- O Nanak, those humble beings are intuitively absorbed in the Lord. ||5||

suin AMDw kYsy mwrgu pwvY ] (267-14)
sun anDhaa kaisay maarag paavai.
By listening, how can the blind find the path?

kru gih lyhu EiV inbhwvY ] (267-14)
kar geh layho orh nibhaavai.
Take hold of his hand, and then he can reach his destination.

khw buJwriq bUJY forw ] (267-15)
kahaa bujhaarat boojhai doraa.
How can a riddle be understood by the deaf?

inis khIAY qau smJY Borw ] (267-15)
nis kahee-ai ta-o samjhai bhoraa.
Say 'night', and he thinks you said 'day'.

khw ibsnpd gwvY guMg ] (267-15)
kahaa bisanpad gaavai gung.
How can the mute sing the Songs of the Lord?

jqn krY qau BI sur BMg ] (267-16)
jatan karai ta-o bhee sur bhang.
He may try, but his voice will fail him.

kh ipMgul prbq pr Bvn ] (267-16)
kah pingul parbat par bhavan.
How can the cripple climb up the mountain?

nhI hoq aUhw ausu gvn ] (267-16)
nahee hot oohaa us gavan.
He simply cannot go there.

krqwr kruxw mY dInu bynqI krY ] (267-17)
kartaar karunaa mai deen bayntee karai.
O Creator, Lord of Mercy - Your humble servant prays;

nwnk qumrI ikrpw qrY ]6] (267-17)
naanak tumree kirpaa tarai. ||6||
Nanak: by Your Grace, please save me. ||6||

sMig shweI su AwvY n cIiq ] (267-17)
sang sahaa-ee so aavai na cheet.
The Lord, our Help and Support, is always with us, but the mortal does not remember Him.

jo bYrweI qw isau pRIiq ] (267-18)
jo bairaa-ee taa si-o pareet.
He shows love to his enemies.

blUAw ky igRh BIqir bsY ] (267-18)
baloo-aa kay garih bheetar basai.
He lives in a castle of sand.

And kyl mwieAw rMig rsY ] (267-18)
anad kayl maa-i-aa rang rasai.
He enjoys the games of pleasure and the tastes of Maya.

idRVu kir mwnY mnih pRqIiq ] (267-18)
darirh kar maanai maneh parteet.
He believes them to be permanent - this is the belief of his mind.

kwlu n AwvY mUVy cIiq ] (267-19)
kaal na aavai moorhay cheet.
Death does not even come to mind for the fool.

bYr ibroD kwm k®oD moh ] (267-19)
bair biroDh kaam kroDh moh.
Hate, conflict, sexual desire, anger, emotional attachment,

JUT ibkwr mhw loB DRoh ] (267-19)
jhooth bikaar mahaa lobh Dharoh.
falsehood, corruption, immense greed and deceit:


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD