Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Aink jqn kir iqRsn nw DRwpY ] (266-1)
anik jatan kar tarisan naa Dharaapai.
You try all sorts of things, but your thirst is still not satisfied.

ByK Anyk Agin nhI buJY ] (266-1)
bhaykh anayk agan nahee bujhai.
Wearing various religious robes, the fire is not extinguished.

koit aupwv drgh nhI isJY ] (266-1)
kot upaav dargeh nahee sijhai.
Even making millions of efforts, you shall not be accepted in the Court of the Lord.

CUtis nwhI aUB pieAwil ] (266-2)
chhootas naahee oobh pa-i-aal.
You cannot escape to the heavens, or to the nether regions,

moih ibAwpih mwieAw jwil ] (266-2)
mohi bi-aapahi maa-i-aa jaal.
if you are entangled in emotional attachment and the net of Maya.

Avr krqUiq sglI jmu fwnY ] (266-2)
avar kartoot saglee jam daanai.
All other efforts are punished by the Messenger of Death,

goivMd Bjn ibnu iqlu nhI mwnY ] (266-3)
govind bhajan bin til nahee maanai.
which accepts nothing at all, except meditation on the Lord of the Universe.

hir kw nwmu jpq duKu jwie ] (266-3)
har kaa naam japat dukh jaa-ay.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, sorrow is dispelled.

nwnk bolY shij suBwie ]4] (266-3)
naanak bolai sahj subhaa-ay. ||4||
O Nanak, chant it with intuitive ease. ||4||

cwir pdwrQ jy ko mwgY ] (266-4)
chaar padaarath jay ko maagai.
One who prays for the four cardinal blessings

swD jnw kI syvw lwgY ] (266-4)
saaDh janaa kee sayvaa laagai.
should commit himself to the service of the Saints.

jy ko Awpunw dUKu imtwvY ] (266-4)
jay ko aapunaa dookh mitaavai.
If you wish to erase your sorrows,

hir hir nwmu irdY sd gwvY ] (266-4)
har har naam ridai sad gaavai.
sing the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within your heart.

jy ko ApunI soBw lorY ] (266-5)
jay ko apunee sobhaa lorai.
If you long for honor for yourself,

swDsMig ieh haumY CorY ] (266-5)
saaDhsang ih ha-umai chhorai.
then renounce your ego in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

jy ko jnm mrx qy frY ] (266-5)
jay ko janam maran tay darai.
If you fear the cycle of birth and death,

swD jnw kI srnI prY ] (266-6)
saaDh janaa kee sarnee parai.
then seek the Sanctuary of the Holy.

ijsu jn kau pRB drs ipAwsw ] (266-6)
jis jan ka-o parabh daras pi-aasaa.
Those who thirst for the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan

nwnk qw kY bil bil jwsw ]5] (266-6)
naanak taa kai bal bal jaasaa. ||5||
- Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them. ||5||

sgl purK mih purKu pRDwnu ] (266-7)
sagal purakh meh purakh parDhaan.
Among all persons, the supreme person is the one

swDsMig jw kw imtY AiBmwnu ] (266-7)
saaDhsang jaa kaa mitai abhimaan.
who gives up his egotistical pride in the Company of the Holy.

Awps kau jo jwxY nIcw ] (266-7)
aapas ka-o jo jaanai neechaa.
One who sees himself as lowly,

soaU gnIAY sB qy aUcw ] (266-7)
so-oo ganee-ai sabh tay oochaa.
shall be accounted as the highest of all.

jw kw mnu hoie sgl kI rInw ] (266-8)
jaa kaa man ho-ay sagal kee reenaa.
One whose mind is the dust of all,

hir hir nwmu iqin Git Git cInw ] (266-8)
har har naam tin ghat ghat cheenaa.
recognizes the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in each and every heart.

mn Apuny qy burw imtwnw ] (266-8)
man apunay tay buraa mitaanaa.
One who eradicates cruelty from within his own mind,

pyKY sgl isRsit swjnw ] (266-9)
paykhai sagal sarisat saajnaa.
looks upon all the world as his friend.

sUK dUK jn sm idRstyqw ] (266-9)
sookh dookh jan sam daristaytaa.
One who looks upon pleasure and pain as one and the same,

nwnk pwp puMn nhI lypw ]6] (266-9)
naanak paap punn nahee laypaa. ||6||
O Nanak, is not affected by sin or virtue. ||6||

inrDn kau Dnu qyro nwau ] (266-10)
nirDhan ka-o Dhan tayro naa-o.
To the poor, Your Name is wealth.

inQwvy kau nwau qyrw Qwau ] (266-10)
nithaavay ka-o naa-o tayraa thaa-o.
To the homeless, Your Name is home.

inmwny kau pRB qyro mwnu ] (266-10)
nimaanay ka-o parabh tayro maan.
To the dishonored, You, O God, are honor.

sgl Gtw kau dyvhu dwnu ] (266-11)
sagal ghataa ka-o dayvhu daan.
To all, You are the Giver of gifts.

krn krwvnhwr suAwmI ] (266-11)
karan karaavanhaar su-aamee.
O Creator Lord, Cause of causes, O Lord and Master,

sgl Gtw ky AMqrjwmI ] (266-11)
sagal ghataa kay antarjaamee.
Inner-knower, Searcher of all hearts:

ApnI giq imiq jwnhu Awpy ] (266-11)
apnee gat mit jaanhu aapay.
You alone know Your own condition and state.

Awpn sMig Awip pRB rwqy ] (266-12)
aapan sang aap parabh raatay.
You Yourself, God, are imbued with Yourself.

qum@rI ausqiq qum qy hoie ] (266-12)
tumHree ustat tum tay ho-ay.
You alone can celebrate Your Praises.

nwnk Avru n jwnis koie ]7] (266-12)
naanak avar na jaanas ko-ay. ||7||
O Nanak, no one else knows. ||7||

srb Drm mih sRyst Drmu ] (266-13)
sarab Dharam meh saraysat Dharam.
Of all religions, the best religion

hir ko nwmu jip inrml krmu ] (266-13)
har ko naam jap nirmal karam.
is to chant the Name of the Lord and maintain pure conduct.

sgl ik®Aw mih aUqm ikirAw ] (266-13)
sagal kir-aa meh ootam kiri-aa.
Of all religious rituals, the most sublime ritual

swDsMig durmiq mlu ihirAw ] (266-14)
saaDhsang durmat mal hiri-aa.
is to erase the filth of the dirty mind in the Company of the Holy.

sgl audm mih audmu Blw ] (266-14)
sagal udam meh udam bhalaa.
Of all efforts, the best effort

hir kw nwmu jphu jIA sdw ] (266-14)
har kaa naam japahu jee-a sadaa.
is to chant the Name of the Lord in the heart, forever.

sgl bwnI mih AMimRq bwnI ] (266-15)
sagal baanee meh amrit baanee.
Of all speech, the most ambrosial speech

hir ko jsu suin rsn bKwnI ] (266-15)
har ko jas sun rasan bakhaanee.
is to hear the Lord's Praise and chant it with the tongue.

sgl Qwn qy Ehu aUqm Qwnu ] (266-15)
sagal thaan tay oh ootam thaan.
Of all places, the most sublime place,

nwnk ijh Git vsY hir nwmu ]8]3] (266-16)
naanak jih ghat vasai har naam. ||8||3||
O Nanak, is that heart in which the Name of the Lord abides. ||8||3||

sloku ] (266-16)

inrgunIAwr ieAwinAw so pRBu sdw smwil ] (266-16)
nirgunee-aar i-aani-aa so parabh sadaa samaal.
You worthless, ignorant fool - dwell upon God forever.

ijin kIAw iqsu cIiq rKu nwnk inbhI nwil ]1] (266-17)
jin kee-aa tis cheet rakh naanak nibhee naal. ||1||
Cherish in your consciousness the One who created you; O Nanak, He alone shall go along with you. ||1||

AstpdI ] (266-17)

rmeIAw ky gun cyiq prwnI ] (266-17)
rama-ee-aa kay gun chayt paraanee.
Think of the Glory of the All-pervading Lord, O mortal;

kvn mUl qy kvn idRstwnI ] (266-18)
kavan mool tay kavan daristaanee.
what is your origin, and what is your appearance?

ijin qUM swij svwir sIgwirAw ] (266-18)
jin tooN saaj savaar seegaari-aa.
He who fashioned, adorned and decorated you

grB Agin mih ijnih aubwirAw ] (266-18)
garabh agan meh jineh ubaari-aa.
- in the fire of the womb, He preserved you.

bwr ibvsQw quJih ipAwrY dUD ] (266-19)
baar bivasthaa tujheh pi-aarai dooDh.
In your infancy, He gave you milk to drink.

Bir jobn Bojn suK sUD ] (266-19)
bhar joban bhojan sukh sooDh.
In the flower of your youth, He gave you food, pleasure and understanding.

ibriD BieAw aUpir swk sYn ] muiK AipAwau bYT kau dYn ] (266-19)
biraDh bha-i-aa oopar saak sain. mukh api-aa-o baith ka-o dain.
As you grow old, family and friends are there to feed you as you rest.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD