Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir kw nwmu jn kau Bog jog ] (265-1)
har kaa naam jan ka-o bhog jog.
The Name of the Lord is the enjoyment and Yoga of His servants.

hir nwmu jpq kCu nwih ibEgu ] (265-1)
har naam japat kachh naahi bi-og.
Chanting the Lord's Name, there is no separation from Him.

jnu rwqw hir nwm kI syvw ] (265-1)
jan raataa har naam kee sayvaa.
His servants are imbued with the service of the Lord's Name.

nwnk pUjY hir hir dyvw ]6] (265-2)
naanak poojai har har dayvaa. ||6||
O Nanak, worship the Lord, the Lord Divine, Har, Har. ||6||

hir hir jn kY mwlu KjInw ] (265-2)
har har jan kai maal khajeenaa.
The Lord's Name, Har, Har, is the treasure of wealth of His servants.

hir Dnu jn kau Awip pRiB dInw ] (265-2)
har Dhan jan ka-o aap parabh deenaa.
The treasure of the Lord has been bestowed on His servants by God Himself.

hir hir jn kY Et sqwxI ] (265-3)
har har jan kai ot sataanee.
The Lord, Har, Har is the All-powerful Protection of His servants.

hir pRqwip jn Avr n jwxI ] (265-3)
har partaap jan avar na jaanee.
His servants know no other than the Lord's Magnificence.

Eiq poiq jn hir ris rwqy ] (265-3)
ot pot jan har ras raatay.
Through and through, His servants are imbued with the Lord's Love.

suMn smwiD nwm rs mwqy ] (265-4)
sunn samaaDh naam ras maatay.
In deepest Samaadhi, they are intoxicated with the essence of the Naam.

AwT phr jnu hir hir jpY ] (265-4)
aath pahar jan har har japai.
Twenty-four hours a day, His servants chant Har, Har.

hir kw Bgqu pRgt nhI CpY ] (265-4)
har kaa bhagat pargat nahee chhapai.
The devotees of the Lord are known and respected; they do not hide in secrecy.

hir kI Bgiq mukiq bhu kry ] (265-4)
har kee bhagat mukat baho karay.
Through devotion to the Lord, many have been liberated.

nwnk jn sMig kyqy qry ]7] (265-5)
naanak jan sang kaytay taray. ||7||
O Nanak, along with His servants, many others are saved. ||7||

pwrjwqu iehu hir ko nwm ] (265-5)
paarjaat ih har ko naam.
This Elysian Tree of miraculous powers is the Name of the Lord.

kwmDyn hir hir gux gwm ] (265-5)
kaamDhayn har har gun gaam.
The Khaamadhayn, the cow of miraculous powers, is the singing of the Glory of the Lord's Name, Har, Har.

sB qy aUqm hir kI kQw ] (265-6)
sabh tay ootam har kee kathaa.
Highest of all is the Lord's Speech.

nwmu sunq drd duK lQw ] (265-6)
naam sunat darad dukh lathaa.
Hearing the Naam, pain and sorrow are removed.

nwm kI mihmw sMq ird vsY ] (265-6)
naam kee mahimaa sant rid vasai.
The Glory of the Naam abides in the hearts of His Saints.

sMq pRqwip durqu sBu nsY ] (265-7)
sant partaap durat sabh nasai.
By the Saint's kind intervention, all guilt is dispelled.

sMq kw sMgu vfBwgI pweIAY ] (265-7)
sant kaa sang vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai.
The Society of the Saints is obtained by great good fortune.

sMq kI syvw nwmu iDAweIAY ] (265-7)
sant kee sayvaa naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai.
Serving the Saint, one meditates on the Naam.

nwm quil kCu Avru n hoie ] (265-8)
naam tul kachh avar na ho-ay.
There is nothing equal to the Naam.

nwnk gurmuiK nwmu pwvY jnu koie ]8]2] (265-8)
naanak gurmukh naam paavai jan ko-ay. ||8||2||
O Nanak, rare are those, who, as Gurmukh, obtain the Naam. ||8||2||

sloku ] (265-8)

bhu swsqR bhu isimRqI pyKy srb FFoil ] (265-8)
baho saastar baho simritee paykhay sarab dhadhol.
The many Shaastras and the many Simritees - I have seen and searched through them all.

pUjis nwhI hir hry nwnk nwm Amol ]1] (265-9)
poojas naahee har haray naanak naam amol. ||1||
They are not equal to Har, Haray - O Nanak, the Lord's Invaluable Name. ||1||

AstpdI ] (265-9)

jwp qwp igAwn siB iDAwn ] (265-9)
jaap taap gi-aan sabh Dhi-aan.
Chanting, intense meditation, spiritual wisdom and all meditations;

Kt swsqR isimRiq viKAwn ] (265-10)
khat saastar simrit vakhi-aan.
the six schools of philosophy and sermons on the scriptures;

jog AiBAws krm DRm ikirAw ] (265-10)
jog abhi-aas karam Dharam kiri-aa.
the practice of Yoga and righteous conduct;

sgl iqAwig bn mDy iPirAw ] (265-10)
sagal ti-aag ban maDhay firi-aa.
the renunciation of everything and wandering around in the wilderness;

Aink pRkwr kIey bhu jqnw ] (265-11)
anik parkaar kee-ay baho jatnaa.
the performance of all sorts of works;

puMn dwn homy bhu rqnw ] (265-11)
punn daan homay baho ratnaa.
donations to charities and offerings of jewels to fire;

srIru ktwie homY kir rwqI ] (265-11)
sareer kataa-ay homai kar raatee.
cutting the body apart and making the pieces into ceremonial fire offerings;

vrq nym krY bhu BwqI ] (265-12)
varat naym karai baho bhaatee.
keeping fasts and making vows of all sorts

nhI quil rwm nwm bIcwr ] (265-12)
nahee tul raam naam beechaar.
- none of these are equal to the contemplation of the Name of the Lord,

nwnk gurmuiK nwmu jpIAY iek bwr ]1] (265-12)
naanak gurmukh naam japee-ai ik baar. ||1||
O Nanak, if, as Gurmukh, one chants the Naam, even once. ||1||

nau KMf ipRQmI iPrY icru jIvY ] (265-13)
na-o khand parithmee firai chir jeevai.
You may roam over the nine continents of the world and live a very long life;

mhw audwsu qpIsru QIvY ] (265-13)
mahaa udaas tapeesar theevai.
you may become a great ascetic and a master of disciplined meditation

Agin mwih homq prwn ] (265-13)
agan maahi homat paraan.
and burn yourself in fire;

kink AsÍ hYvr BUim dwn ] (265-14)
kanik asav haivar bhoom daan.
you may give away gold, horses, elephants and land;

inaulI krm krY bhu Awsn ] (265-14)
ni-ulee karam karai baho aasan.
you may practice techniques of inner cleansing and all sorts of Yogic postures;

jYn mwrg sMjm Aiq swDn ] (265-14)
jain maarag sanjam at saaDhan.
you may adopt the self-mortifying ways of the Jains and great spiritual disciplines;

inmK inmK kir srIru ktwvY ] (265-15)
nimakh nimakh kar sareer kataavai.
piece by piece, you may cut your body apart;

qau BI haumY mYlu n jwvY ] (265-15)
ta-o bhee ha-umai mail na jaavai.
but even so, the filth of your ego shall not depart.

hir ky nwm smsir kCu nwih ] (265-15)
har kay naam samsar kachh naahi.
There is nothing equal to the Name of the Lord.

nwnk gurmuiK nwmu jpq giq pwih ]2] (265-16)
naanak gurmukh naam japat gat paahi. ||2||
O Nanak, as Gurmukh, chant the Naam, and obtain salvation. ||2||

mn kwmnw qIrQ dyh CutY ] (265-16)
man kaamnaa tirath dayh chhutai.
With your mind filled with desire, you may give up your body at a sacred shrine of pilgrimage;

grbu gumwnu n mn qy hutY ] (265-16)
garab gumaan na man tay hutai.
but even so, egotistical pride shall not be removed from your mind.

soc krY idnsu Aru rwiq ] (265-17)
soch karai dinas ar raat.
You may practice cleansing day and night,

mn kI mYlu n qn qy jwiq ] (265-17)
man kee mail na tan tay jaat.
but the filth of your mind shall not leave your body.

iesu dyhI kau bhu swDnw krY ] (265-17)
is dayhee ka-o baho saaDhnaa karai.
You may subject your body to all sorts of disciplines,

mn qy kbhU n ibiKAw trY ] (265-18)
man tay kabhoo na bikhi-aa tarai.
but your mind will never be rid of its corruption.

jil DovY bhu dyh AnIiq ] (265-18)
jal Dhovai baho dayh aneet.
You may wash this transitory body with loads of water,

suD khw hoie kwcI BIiq ] (265-18)
suDh kahaa ho-ay kaachee bheet.
but how can a wall of mud be washed clean?

mn hir ky nwm kI mihmw aUc ] (265-18)
man har kay naam kee mahimaa ooch.
O my mind, the Glorious Praise of the Name of the Lord is the highest;

nwnk nwim auDry piqq bhu mUc ]3] (265-19)
naanak naam uDhray patit baho mooch. ||3||
O Nanak, the Naam has saved so many of the worst sinners. ||3||

bhuqu isAwxp jm kw Bau ibAwpY ] (265-19)
bahut si-aanap jam kaa bha-o bi-aapai.
Even with great cleverness, the fear of death clings to you.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD