Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


AstpdI ] (264-1)

jh mwq ipqw suq mIq n BweI ] (264-1)
jah maat pitaa sut meet na bhaa-ee.
Where there is no mother, father, children, friends or siblings

mn aUhw nwmu qyrY sMig shweI ] (264-1)
man oohaa naam tayrai sang sahaa-ee.
- O my mind, there, only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, shall be with you as your help and support.

jh mhw BieAwn dUq jm dlY ] (264-2)
jah mahaa bha-i-aan doot jam dalai.
Where the great and terrible Messenger of Death shall try to crush you,

qh kyvl nwmu sMig qyrY clY ] (264-2)
tah kayval naam sang tayrai chalai.
there, only the Naam shall go along with you.

jh muskl hovY Aiq BwrI ] (264-2)
jah muskal hovai at bhaaree.
Where the obstacles are so very heavy,

hir ko nwmu iKn mwih auDwrI ] (264-3)
har ko naam khin maahi uDhaaree.
the Name of the Lord shall rescue you in an instant.

Aink punhcrn krq nhI qrY ] (264-3)
anik punahcharan karat nahee tarai.
By performing countless religious rituals, you shall not be saved.

hir ko nwmu koit pwp prhrY ] (264-3)
har ko naam kot paap parharai.
The Name of the Lord washes off millions of sins.

gurmuiK nwmu jphu mn myry ] (264-4)
gurmukh naam japahu man mayray.
As Gurmukh, chant the Naam, O my mind.

nwnk pwvhu sUK Gnyry ]1] (264-4)
naanak paavhu sookh ghanayray. ||1||
O Nanak, you shall obtain countless joys. ||1||

sgl isRsit ko rwjw duKIAw ] (264-4)
sagal sarisat ko raajaa dukhee-aa.
The rulers of the all the world are unhappy;

hir kw nwmu jpq hoie suKIAw ] (264-5)
har kaa naam japat ho-ay sukhee-aa.
one who chants the Name of the Lord becomes happy.

lwK krorI bMDu n prY ] (264-5)
laakh karoree banDh na parai.
Acquiring hundreds of thousands and millions, your desires shall not be contained.

hir kw nwmu jpq insqrY ] (264-5)
har kaa naam japat nistarai.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, you shall find release.

Aink mwieAw rMg iqK n buJwvY ] (264-6)
anik maa-i-aa rang tikh na bujhaavai.
By the countless pleasures of Maya, your thirst shall not be quenched.

hir kw nwmu jpq AwGwvY ] (264-6)
har kaa naam japat aaghaavai.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, you shall be satisfied.

ijh mwrig iehu jwq iekylw ] (264-6)
jih maarag ih jaat ikaylaa.
Upon that path where you must go all alone,

qh hir nwmu sMig hoq suhylw ] (264-7)
tah har naam sang hot suhaylaa.
there, only the Lord's Name shall go with you to sustain you.

AYsw nwmu mn sdw iDAweIAY ] (264-7)
aisaa naam man sadaa Dhi-aa-ee-ai.
On such a Name, O my mind, meditate forever.

nwnk gurmuiK prm giq pweIAY ]2] (264-7)
naanak gurmukh param gat paa-ee-ai. ||2||
O Nanak, as Gurmukh, you shall obtain the state of supreme dignity. ||2||

CUtq nhI koit lK bwhI ] (264-8)
chhootat nahee kot lakh baahee.
You shall not be saved by hundreds of thousands and millions of helping hands.

nwmu jpq qh pwir prwhI ] (264-8)
naam japat tah paar paraahee.
Chanting the Naam, you shall be lifted up and carried across.

Aink ibGn jh Awie sMGwrY ] (264-8)
anik bighan jah aa-ay sanghaarai.
Where countless misfortunes threaten to destroy you,

hir kw nwmu qqkwl auDwrY ] (264-9)
har kaa naam tatkaal uDhaarai.
the Name of the Lord shall rescue you in an instant.

Aink join jnmY mir jwm ] (264-9)
anik jon janmai mar jaam.
Through countless incarnations, people are born and die.

nwmu jpq pwvY ibsRwm ] (264-9)
naam japat paavai bisraam.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, you shall come to rest in peace.

hau mYlw mlu kbhu n DovY ] (264-10)
ha-o mailaa mal kabahu na Dhovai.
The ego is polluted by a filth which can never be washed off.

hir kw nwmu koit pwp KovY ] (264-10)
har kaa naam kot paap khovai.
The Name of the Lord erases millions of sins.

AYsw nwmu jphu mn rMig ] (264-10)
aisaa naam japahu man rang.
Chant such a Name with love, O my mind.

nwnk pweIAY swD kY sMig ]3] (264-10)
naanak paa-ee-ai saaDh kai sang. ||3||
O Nanak, it is obtained in the Company of the Holy. ||3||

ijh mwrg ky gny jwih n kosw ] (264-11)
jih maarag kay ganay jaahi na kosaa.
On that path where the miles cannot be counted,

hir kw nwmu aUhw sMig qosw ] (264-11)
har kaa naam oohaa sang tosaa.
there, the Name of the Lord shall be your sustenance.

ijh pYfY mhw AMD gubwrw ] (264-11)
jih paidai mahaa anDh gubaaraa.
On that journey of total, pitch-black darkness,

hir kw nwmu sMig aujIAwrw ] (264-12)
har kaa naam sang ujee-aaraa.
the Name of the Lord shall be the Light with you.

jhw pMiQ qyrw ko n is\wnU ] (264-12)
jahaa panth tayraa ko na sinjaanoo.
On that journey where no one knows you,

hir kw nwmu qh nwil pCwnU ] (264-12)
har kaa naam tah naal pachhaanoo.
with the Name of the Lord, you shall be recognized.

jh mhw BieAwn qpiq bhu Gwm ] (264-13)
jah mahaa bha-i-aan tapat baho ghaam.
Where there is awesome and terrible heat and blazing sunshine,

qh hir ky nwm kI qum aUpir Cwm ] (264-13)
tah har kay naam kee tum oopar chhaam.
there, the Name of the Lord will give you shade.

jhw iqRKw mn quJu AwkrKY ] (264-14)
jahaa tarikhaa man tujh aakrakhai.
Where thirst, O my mind, torments you to cry out,

qh nwnk hir hir AMimRqu brKY ]4] (264-14)
tah naanak har har amrit barkhai. ||4||
there, O Nanak, the Ambrosial Name, Har, Har, shall rain down upon you. ||4||

Bgq jnw kI brqin nwmu ] (264-14)
bhagat janaa kee bartan naam.
Unto the devotee, the Naam is an article of daily use.

sMq jnw kY min ibsRwmu ] (264-15)
sant janaa kai man bisraam.
The minds of the humble Saints are at peace.

hir kw nwmu dws kI Et ] (264-15)
har kaa naam daas kee ot.
The Name of the Lord is the Support of His servants.

hir kY nwim auDry jn koit ] (264-15)
har kai naam uDhray jan kot.
By the Name of the Lord, millions have been saved.

hir jsu krq sMq idnu rwiq ] (264-15)
har jas karat sant din raat.
The Saints chant the Praises of the Lord, day and night.

hir hir AauKDu swD kmwiq ] (264-16)
har har a-ukhaDh saaDh kamaat.
Har, Har - the Lord's Name - the Holy use it as their healing medicine.

hir jn kY hir nwmu inDwnu ] (264-16)
har jan kai har naam niDhaan.
The Lord's Name is the treasure of the Lord's servant.

pwrbRhim jn kIno dwn ] (264-17)
paarbarahm jan keeno daan.
The Supreme Lord God has blessed His humble servant with this gift.

mn qn rMig rqy rMg eykY ] (264-17)
man tan rang ratay rang aykai.
Mind and body are imbued with ecstasy in the Love of the One Lord.

nwnk jn kY ibriq ibbykY ]5] (264-17)
naanak jan kai birat bibaykai. ||5||
O Nanak, careful and discerning understanding is the way of the Lord's humble servant. ||5||

hir kw nwmu jn kau mukiq jugiq ] (264-17)
har kaa naam jan ka-o mukat jugat.
The Name of the Lord is the path of liberation for His humble servants.

hir kY nwim jn kau iqRpiq Bugiq ] (264-18)
har kai naam jan ka-o taripat bhugat.
With the food of the Name of the Lord, His servants are satisfied.

hir kw nwmu jn kw rUp rMgu ] (264-18)
har kaa naam jan kaa roop rang.
The Name of the Lord is the beauty and delight of His servants.

hir nwmu jpq kb prY n BMgu ] (264-19)
har naam japat kab parai na bhang.
Chanting the Lord's Name, one is never blocked by obstacles.

hir kw nwmu jn kI vifAweI ] (264-19)
har kaa naam jan kee vadi-aa-ee.
The Name of the Lord is the glorious greatness of His servants.

hir kY nwim jn soBw pweI ] (264-19)
har kai naam jan sobhaa paa-ee.
Through the Name of the Lord, His servants obtain honor.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD