Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk qw kY lwgau pwey ]3] (263-1)
naanak taa kai laaga-o paa-ay. ||3||
Nanak grasps the feet of those humble beings. ||3||

pRB kw ismrnu sB qy aUcw ] (263-1)
parabh kaa simran sabh tay oochaa.
The remembrance of God is the highest and most exalted of all.

pRB kY ismrin auDry mUcw ] (263-1)
parabh kai simran uDhray moochaa.
In the remembrance of God, many are saved.

pRB kY ismrin iqRsnw buJY ] (263-2)
parabh kai simran tarisnaa bujhai.
In the remembrance of God, thirst is quenched.

pRB kY ismrin sBu ikCu suJY ] (263-2)
parabh kai simran sabh kichh sujhai.
In the remembrance of God, all things are known.

pRB kY ismrin nwhI jm qRwsw ] (263-2)
parabh kai simran naahee jam taraasaa.
In the remembrance of God, there is no fear of death.

pRB kY ismrin pUrn Awsw ] (263-3)
parabh kai simran pooran aasaa.
In the remembrance of God, hopes are fulfilled.

pRB kY ismrin mn kI mlu jwie ] (263-3)
parabh kai simran man kee mal jaa-ay.
In the remembrance of God, the filth of the mind is removed.

AMimRq nwmu ird mwih smwie ] (263-3)
amrit naam rid maahi samaa-ay.
The Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, is absorbed into the heart.

pRB jI bsih swD kI rsnw ] (263-4)
parabh jee baseh saaDh kee rasnaa.
God abides upon the tongues of His Saints.

nwnk jn kw dwsin dsnw ]4] (263-4)
naanak jan kaa daasan dasnaa. ||4||
Nanak is the servant of the slave of His slaves. ||4||

pRB kau ismrih sy DnvMqy ] (263-4)
parabh ka-o simrahi say Dhanvantay.
Those who remember God are wealthy.

pRB kau ismrih sy piqvMqy ] (263-5)
parabh ka-o simrahi say pativantay.
Those who remember God are honorable.

pRB kau ismrih sy jn prvwn ] (263-5)
parabh ka-o simrahi say jan parvaan.
Those who remember God are approved.

pRB kau ismrih sy purK pRDwn ] (263-5)
parabh ka-o simrahi say purakh parDhaan.
Those who remember God are the most distinguished persons.

pRB kau ismrih is bymuhqwjy ] (263-6)
parabh ka-o simrahi se baymuhtaajay.
Those who remember God are not lacking.

pRB kau ismrih is srb ky rwjy ] (263-6)
parabh ka-o simrahi se sarab kay raajay.
Those who remember God are the rulers of all.

pRB kau ismrih sy suKvwsI ] (263-6)
parabh ka-o simrahi say sukhvaasee.
Those who remember God dwell in peace.

pRB kau ismrih sdw AibnwsI ] (263-7)
parabh ka-o simrahi sadaa abhinaasee.
Those who remember God are immortal and eternal.

ismrn qy lwgy ijn Awip dieAwlw ] (263-7)
simran tay laagay jin aap da-i-aalaa.
They alone hold to the remembrance of Him, unto whom He Himself shows His Mercy.

nwnk jn kI mMgY rvwlw ]5] (263-8)
naanak jan kee mangai ravaalaa. ||5||
Nanak begs for the dust of their feet. ||5||

pRB kau ismrih sy praupkwrI ] (263-8)
parabh ka-o simrahi say par-upkaaree.
Those who remember God generously help others.

pRB kau ismrih iqn sd bilhwrI ] (263-8)
parabh ka-o simrahi tin sad balihaaree.
Those who remember God - to them, I am forever a sacrifice.

pRB kau ismrih sy muK suhwvy ] (263-9)
parabh ka-o simrahi say mukh suhaavay.
Those who remember God - their faces are beautiful.

pRB kau ismrih iqn sUiK ibhwvY ] (263-9)
parabh ka-o simrahi tin sookh bihaavai.
Those who remember God abide in peace.

pRB kau ismrih iqn Awqmu jIqw ] (263-9)
parabh ka-o simrahi tin aatam jeetaa.
Those who remember God conquer their souls.

pRB kau ismrih iqn inrml rIqw ] (263-10)
parabh ka-o simrahi tin nirmal reetaa.
Those who remember God have a pure and spotless lifestyle.

pRB kau ismrih iqn And Gnyry ] (263-10)
parabh ka-o simrahi tin anad ghanayray.
Those who remember God experience all sorts of joys.

pRB kau ismrih bsih hir nyry ] (263-11)
parabh ka-o simrahi baseh har nayray.
Those who remember God abide near the Lord.

sMq ik®pw qy Anidnu jwig ] (263-11)
sant kirpaa tay an-din jaag.
By the Grace of the Saints, one remains awake and aware, night and day.

nwnk ismrnu pUrY Bwig ]6] (263-11)
naanak simran poorai bhaag. ||6||
O Nanak, this meditative remembrance comes only by perfect destiny. ||6||

pRB kY ismrin kwrj pUry ] (263-12)
parabh kai simran kaaraj pooray.
Remembering God, one's works are accomplished.

pRB kY ismrin kbhu n JUry ] (263-12)
parabh kai simran kabahu na jhooray.
Remembering God, one never grieves.

pRB kY ismrin hir gun bwnI ] (263-12)
parabh kai simran har gun baanee.
Remembering God, one speaks the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

pRB kY ismrin shij smwnI ] (263-13)
parabh kai simran sahj samaanee.
Remembering God, one is absorbed into the state of intuitive ease.

pRB kY ismrin inhcl Awsnu ] (263-13)
parabh kai simran nihchal aasan.
Remembering God, one attains the unchanging position.

pRB kY ismrin kml ibgwsnu ] (263-13)
parabh kai simran kamal bigaasan.
Remembering God, the heart-lotus blossoms forth.

pRB kY ismrin Anhd Junkwr ] (263-14)
parabh kai simran anhad jhunkaar.
Remembering God, the unstruck melody vibrates.

suKu pRB ismrn kw AMqu n pwr ] (263-14)
sukh parabh simran kaa ant na paar.
The peace of the meditative remembrance of God has no end or limitation.

ismrih sy jn ijn kau pRB mieAw ] (263-14)
simrahi say jan jin ka-o parabh ma-i-aa.
They alone remember Him, upon whom God bestows His Grace.

nwnk iqn jn srnI pieAw ]7] (263-15)
naanak tin jan sarnee pa-i-aa. ||7||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of those humble beings. ||7||

hir ismrnu kir Bgq pRgtwey ] (263-15)
har simran kar bhagat pargataa-ay.
Remembering the Lord, His devotees are famous and radiant.

hir ismrin lig byd aupwey ] (263-16)
har simran lag bayd upaa-ay.
Remembering the Lord, the Vedas were composed.

hir ismrin Bey isD jqI dwqy ] (263-16)
har simran bha-ay siDh jatee daatay.
Remembering the Lord, we become Siddhas, celibates and givers.

hir ismrin nIc chu kuMt jwqy ] (263-16)
har simran neech chahu kunt jaatay.
Remembering the Lord, the lowly become known in all four directions.

hir ismrin DwrI sB Drnw ] (263-17)
har simran Dhaaree sabh Dharnaa.
For the remembrance of the Lord, the whole world was established.

ismir ismir hir kwrn krnw ] (263-17)
simar simar har kaaran karnaa.
Remember, remember in meditation the Lord, the Creator, the Cause of causes.

hir ismrin kIE sgl Akwrw ] (263-17)
har simran kee-o sagal akaaraa.
For the remembrance of the Lord, He created the whole creation.

hir ismrn mih Awip inrMkwrw ] (263-18)
har simran meh aap nirankaaraa.
In the remembrance of the Lord, He Himself is Formless.

kir ikrpw ijsu Awip buJwieAw ] (263-18)
kar kirpaa jis aap bujhaa-i-aa.
By His Grace, He Himself bestows understanding.

nwnk gurmuiK hir ismrnu iqin pwieAw ]8]1] (263-18)
naanak gurmukh har simran tin paa-i-aa. ||8||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh attains the remembrance of the Lord. ||8||1||

sloku ] (263-19)

dIn drd duK BMjnw Git Git nwQ AnwQ ] (263-19)
deen darad dukh bhanjnaa ghat ghat naath anaath.
O Destroyer of the pains and the suffering of the poor, O Master of each and every heart, O Masterless One:

srix qum@wrI AwieE nwnk ky pRB swQ ]1] (263-19)
saran tumHaaree aa-i-o naanak kay parabh saath. ||1||
I have come seeking Your Sanctuary. O God, please be with Nanak! ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD