Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk dIjY nwm dwnu rwKau hIAY proie ]55] (262-1)
naanak deejai naam daan raakha-o hee-ai paro-ay. ||55||
Nanak: grant me the Gift of Your Name, Lord, that I may string it and keep it within my heart. ||55||

sloku ] (262-1)

gurdyv mwqw gurdyv ipqw gurdyv suAwmI prmysurw ] (262-1)
gurdayv maataa gurdayv pitaa gurdayv su-aamee parmaysuraa.
The Divine Guru is our mother, the Divine Guru is our father; the Divine Guru is our Lord and Master, the Transcendent Lord.

gurdyv sKw AigAwn BMjnu gurdyv bMiDp shodrw ] (262-2)
gurdayv sakhaa agi-aan bhanjan gurdayv banDhip sahodaraa.
The Divine Guru is my companion, the Destroyer of ignorance; the Divine Guru is my relative and brother.

gurdyv dwqw hir nwmu aupdysY gurdyv mMqu inroDrw ] (262-2)
gurdayv daataa har naam updaysai gurdayv mant niroDharaa.
The Divine Guru is the Giver, the Teacher of the Lord's Name. The Divine Guru is the Mantra which never fails.

gurdyv sWiq siq buiD mUriq gurdyv pwrs prs prw ] (262-3)
gurdayv saaNt sat buDh moorat gurdayv paaras paras paraa.
The Divine Guru is the image of peace, truth and wisdom. The Divine Guru is the Philosopher's Stone - touching it, one is transformed.

gurdyv qIrQu AMimRq srovru gur igAwn mjnu AprMprw ] (262-3)
gurdayv tirath amrit sarovar gur gi-aan majan apramparaa.
The Divine Guru is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage, and the pool of divine nectar; bathing in the Guru's wisdom, one experiences the Infinite.

gurdyv krqw siB pwp hrqw gurdyv piqq pivq krw ] (262-4)
gurdayv kartaa sabh paap hartaa gurdayv patit pavit karaa.
The Divine Guru is the Creator, and the Destroyer of all sins; the Divine Guru is the Purifier of sinners.

gurdyv Awid jugwid jugu jugu gurdyv mMqu hir jip auDrw ] (262-5)
gurdayv aad jugaad jug jug gurdayv mant har jap uDhraa.
The Divine Guru existed in the very beginning, throughout the ages, in each and every age. The Divine Guru is the Mantra of the Lord's Name; chanting it, one is saved.

gurdyv sMgiq pRB myil kir ikrpw hm mUV pwpI ijqu lig qrw ] (262-5)
gurdayv sangat parabh mayl kar kirpaa ham moorh paapee jit lag taraa.
O God, please be merciful to me, that I may be with the Divine Guru; I am a foolish sinner, but holding onto Him, I will be carried across.

gurdyv siqguru pwrbRhmu prmysru gurdyv nwnk hir nmskrw ]1] (262-6)
gurdayv satgur paarbarahm parmaysar gurdayv naanak har namaskaraa. ||1||
The Divine Guru is the True Guru, the Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord; Nanak bows in humble reverence to the Lord, the Divine Guru. ||1||

eyhu sloku Awid AMiq pVxw ] (262-7)
ayhu salok aad ant parh-naa.
Read this Shalok at the beginning, and at the end. ||

gauVI suKmnI mÚ 5 ] (262-8)
ga-orhee sukhmanee mehlaa 5.
Gauree Sukhmani, Fifth Mehl,

sloku ] (262-8)

<> siqgur pRswid ] (262-8)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awid gurey nmh ] (262-9)
aad gur-ay namah.
I bow to the Primal Guru.

jugwid gurey nmh ] (262-9)
jugaad gur-ay namah.
I bow to the Guru of the ages.

siqgurey nmh ] (262-9)
satgur-ay namah.
I bow to the True Guru.

sRI gurdyvey nmh ]1] (262-9)
saree gurdayv-ay namah. ||1||
I bow to the Great, Divine Guru. ||1||

AstpdI ] (262-9)

ismrau ismir ismir suKu pwvau ] (262-10)
simra-o simar simar sukh paava-o.
Meditate, meditate, meditate in remembrance of Him, and find peace.

kil klys qn mwih imtwvau ] (262-10)
kal kalays tan maahi mitaava-o.
Worry and anguish shall be dispelled from your body.

ismrau jwsu ibsuMBr eykY ] (262-10)
simra-o jaas bisumbhar aykai.
Remember in praise the One who pervades the whole Universe.

nwmu jpq Agnq AnykY ] (262-11)
naam japat agnat anaykai.
His Name is chanted by countless people, in so many ways.

byd purwn isMimRiq suDwK´r ] (262-11)
bayd puraan simrit suDhaakh-yar.
The Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees, the purest of utterances,

kIny rwm nwm iek AwK´r ] (262-11)
keenay raam naam ik aakh-yar.
were created from the One Word of the Name of the Lord.

iknkw eyk ijsu jIA bswvY ] (262-12)
kinkaa ayk jis jee-a basaavai.
That one, in whose soul the One Lord dwells

qw kI mihmw gnI n AwvY ] (262-12)
taa kee mahimaa ganee na aavai.
- the praises of his glory cannot be recounted.

kWKI eykY drs quhwro ] (262-12)
kaaNkhee aykai daras tuhaaro.
Those who yearn only for the blessing of Your Darshan

nwnk aun sMig moih auDwro ]1] (262-12)
naanak un sang mohi uDhaaro. ||1||
- Nanak: save me along with them! ||1||

suKmnI suK AMimRq pRB nwmu ] (262-13)
sukhmanee sukh amrit parabh naam.
Sukhmani: Peace of Mind, the Nectar of the Name of God.

Bgq jnw kY min ibsRwm ] rhwau ] (262-13)
bhagat janaa kai man bisraam. rahaa-o.
The minds of the devotees abide in a joyful peace. ||Pause||

pRB kY ismrin griB n bsY ] (262-13)
parabh kai simran garabh na basai.
Remembering God, one does not have to enter into the womb again.

pRB kY ismrin dUKu jmu nsY ] (262-14)
parabh kai simran dookh jam nasai.
Remembering God, the pain of death is dispelled.

pRB kY ismrin kwlu prhrY ] (262-14)
parabh kai simran kaal parharai.
Remembering God, death is eliminated.

pRB kY ismrin dusmnu trY ] (262-14)
parabh kai simran dusman tarai.
Remembering God, one's enemies are repelled.

pRB ismrq kCu ibGnu n lwgY ] (262-15)
parabh simrat kachh bighan na laagai.
Remembering God, no obstacles are met.

pRB kY ismrin Anidnu jwgY ] (262-15)
parabh kai simran an-din jaagai.
Remembering God, one remains awake and aware, night and day.

pRB kY ismrin Bau n ibAwpY ] (262-15)
parabh kai simran bha-o na bi-aapai.
Remembering God, one is not touched by fear.

pRB kY ismrin duKu n sMqwpY ] (262-16)
parabh kai simran dukh na santaapai.
Remembering God, one does not suffer sorrow.

pRB kw ismrnu swD kY sMig ] (262-16)
parabh kaa simran saaDh kai sang.
The meditative remembrance of God is in the Company of the Holy.

srb inDwn nwnk hir rMig ]2] (262-16)
sarab niDhaan naanak har rang. ||2||
All treasures, O Nanak, are in the Love of the Lord. ||2||

pRB kY ismrin iriD isiD nau iniD ] (262-17)
parabh kai simran riDh siDh na-o niDh.
In the remembrance of God are wealth, miraculous spiritual powers and the nine treasures.

pRB kY ismrin igAwnu iDAwnu qqu buiD ] (262-17)
parabh kai simran gi-aan Dhi-aan tat buDh.
In the remembrance of God are knowledge, meditation and the essence of wisdom.

pRB kY ismrin jp qp pUjw ] (262-18)
parabh kai simran jap tap poojaa.
In the remembrance of God are chanting, intense meditation and devotional worship.

pRB kY ismrin ibnsY dUjw ] (262-18)
parabh kai simran binsai doojaa.
In the remembrance of God, duality is removed.

pRB kY ismrin qIrQ iesnwnI ] (262-18)
parabh kai simran tirath isnaanee.
In the remembrance of God are purifying baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

pRB kY ismrin drgh mwnI ] (262-19)
parabh kai simran dargeh maanee.
In the remembrance of God, one attains honor in the Court of the Lord.

pRB kY ismrin hoie su Blw ] (262-19)
parabh kai simran ho-ay so bhalaa.
In the remembrance of God, one becomes good.

pRB kY ismrin suPl Plw ] (262-19)
parabh kai simran sufal falaa.
In the remembrance of God, one flowers in fruition.

sy ismrih ijn Awip ismrwey ] (262-19)
say simrahi jin aap simraa-ay.
They alone remember Him in meditation, whom He inspires to meditate.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD