Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ErY kCU n iknhU kIAw ] (261-1)
orai kachhoo na kinhoo kee-aa.
In this world, no one accomplishes anything by himself.

nwnk sBu kCu pRB qy hUAw ]51] (261-1)
naanak sabh kachh parabh tay hoo-aa. ||51||
O Nanak, everything is done by God. ||51||

sloku ] (261-1)

lyKY kqih n CUtIAY iKnu iKnu BUlnhwr ] (261-1)
laykhai kateh na chhootee-ai khin khin bhoolanhaar.
Because of the balance due on his account, he can never be released; he makes mistakes each and every moment.

bKsnhwr bKis lY nwnk pwir auqwr ]1] (261-2)
bakhsanhaar bakhas lai naanak paar utaar. ||1||
O Forgiving Lord, please forgive me, and carry Nanak across. ||1||

pauVI ] (261-2)

lUx hrwmI gunhgwr bygwnw Alp miq ] (261-2)
loon haraamee gunahgaar baygaanaa alap mat.
The sinner is unfaithful to himself; he is ignorant, with shallow understanding.

jIau ipMfu ijin suK dIey qwih n jwnq qq ] (261-3)
jee-o pind jin sukh dee-ay taahi na jaanat tat.
He does not know the essence of all, the One who gave him body, soul and peace.

lwhw mwieAw kwrny dh idis FUFn jwie ] (261-3)
laahaa maa-i-aa kaarnay dah dis dhoodhan jaa-ay.
For the sake of personal profit and Maya, he goes out, searching in the ten directions.

dyvnhwr dwqwr pRB inmK n mnih bswie ] (261-4)
dayvanhaar daataar parabh nimakh na maneh basaa-ay.
He does not enshrine the Generous Lord God, the Great Giver, in his mind, even for an instant.

lwlc JUT ibkwr moh ieAw sMpY mn mwih ] (261-4)
laalach jhooth bikaar moh i-aa sampai man maahi.
Greed, falsehood, corruption and emotional attachment - these are what he collects within his mind.

lµpt cor inMdk mhw iqnhU sMig ibhwie ] (261-5)
lampat chor nindak mahaa tinhoo sang bihaa-ay.
The worst perverts, thieves and slanderers - he passes his time with them.

quDu BwvY qw bKis lYih Koty sMig Kry ] (261-5)
tuDh bhaavai taa bakhas laihi khotay sang kharay.
But if it pleases You, Lord, then You forgive the counterfeit along with the genuine.

nwnk BwvY pwrbRhm pwhn nIir qry ]52] (261-6)
naanak bhaavai paarbarahm paahan neer taray. ||52||
O Nanak, if it pleases the Supreme Lord God, then even a stone will float on water. ||52||

sloku ] (261-6)

Kwq pIq Kylq hsq Brmy jnm Anyk ] (261-6)
khaat peet khaylat hasat bharmay janam anayk.
Eating, drinking, playing and laughing, I have wandered through countless incarnations.

Bvjl qy kwFhu pRBU nwnk qyrI tyk ]1] (261-7)
bhavjal tay kaadhahu parabhoo naanak tayree tayk. ||1||
Please, God, lift me up and out of the terrifying world-ocean. Nanak seeks Your Support. ||1||

pauVI ] (261-7)

Kylq Kylq AwieE Aink join duK pwie ] (261-7)
khaylat khaylat aa-i-o anik jon dukh paa-ay.
Playing, playing, I have been reincarnated countless times, but this has only brought pain.

Kyd imty swDU imlq siqgur bcn smwie ] (261-7)
khayd mitay saaDhoo milat satgur bachan samaa-ay.
Troubles are removed, when one meets with the Holy; immerse yourself in the Word of the True Guru.

iKmw ghI scu sMicE KwieE AMimRqu nwm ] (261-8)
khimaa gahee sach sanchi-o khaa-i-o amrit naam.
Adopting an attitude of tolerance, and gathering truth, partake of the Ambrosial Nectar of the Name.

KrI ik®pw Twkur BeI And sUK ibsRwm ] (261-8)
kharee kirpaa thaakur bha-ee anad sookh bisraam.
When my Lord and Master showed His Great Mercy, I found peace, happiness and bliss.

Kyp inbwhI bhuqu lwB Gir Awey piqvMq ] (261-9)
khayp nibaahee bahut laabh ghar aa-ay pativant.
My merchandise has arrived safely, and I have made a great profit; I have returned home with honor.

Krw idlwsw guir dIAw Awie imly BgvMq ] (261-9)
kharaa dilaasaa gur dee-aa aa-ay milay bhagvant.
The Guru has given me great consolation, and the Lord God has come to meet me.

Awpn kIAw krih Awip AwgY pwCY Awip ] (261-10)
aapan kee-aa karahi aap aagai paachhai aap.
He Himself has acted, and He Himself acts. He was in the past, and He shall be in the future.

nwnk soaU srwhIAY ij Git Git rihAw ibAwip ]53] (261-10)
naanak so-oo saraahee-ai je ghat ghat rahi-aa bi-aap. ||53||
O Nanak, praise the One, who is contained in each and every heart. ||53||

sloku ] (261-11)

Awey pRB srnwgqI ikrpw iniD dieAwl ] (261-11)
aa-ay parabh sarnaagatee kirpaa niDh da-i-aal.
O God, I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Merciful Lord, Ocean of compassion.

eyk AKru hir min bsq nwnk hoq inhwl ]1] (261-11)
ayk akhar har man basat naanak hot nihaal. ||1||
One whose mind is filled with the One Word of the Lord, O Nanak, becomes totally blissful. ||1||

pauVI ] (261-12)

AKr mih iqRBvn pRiB Dwry ] (261-12)
akhar meh taribhavan parabh Dhaaray.
In the Word, God established the three worlds.

AKr kir kir byd bIcwry ] (261-12)
akhar kar kar bayd beechaaray.
Created from the Word, the Vedas are contemplated.

AKr swsqR isMimRiq purwnw ] (261-13)
akhar saastar simrit puraanaa.
From the Word, came the Shaastras, Simritees and Puraanas.

AKr nwd kQn vK´wnw ] (261-13)
akhar naad kathan vakh-yaanaa.
From the Word, came the sound current of the Naad, speeches and explanations.

AKr mukiq jugiq BY Brmw ] (261-13)
akhar mukat jugat bhai bharmaa.
From the Word, comes the way of liberation from fear and doubt.

AKr krm ikriq suc Drmw ] (261-14)
akhar karam kirat such Dharmaa.
From the Word, come religious rituals, karma, sacredness and Dharma.

idRsitmwn AKr hY jyqw ] (261-14)
daristimaan akhar hai jaytaa.
In the visible universe, the Word is seen.

nwnk pwrbRhm inrlypw ]54] (261-14)
naanak paarbarahm nirlaypaa. ||54||
O Nanak, the Supreme Lord God remains unattached and untouched. ||54||

sloku ] (261-15)

hiQ klµm AgMm msqik ilKwvqI ] (261-15)
hath kalamm agamm mastak likhaavatee.
With pen in hand, the Inaccessible Lord writes man's destiny on his forehead.

auriJ rihE sB sMig AnUp rUpwvqI ] (261-15)
urajh rahi-o sabh sang anoop roopaavatee.
The Lord of Incomparable Beauty is involved with all.

ausqiq khnu n jwie muKhu quhwrIAw ] (261-15)
ustat kahan na jaa-ay mukhahu tuhaaree-aa.
I cannot describe Your Praises with my mouth, O Lord.

mohI dyiK drsu nwnk bilhwrIAw ]1] (261-16)
mohee daykh daras naanak balihaaree-aa. ||1||
Nanak is fascinated, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; he is a sacrifice to You. ||1||

pauVI ] (261-16)

hy Acuq hy pwrbRhm AibnwsI AGnws ] (261-16)
hay achut hay paarbarahm abhinaasee aghnaas.
O Immovable Lord, O Supreme Lord God, Imperishable, Destroyer of sins:

hy pUrn hy srb mY duK BMjn guxqws ] (261-17)
hay pooran hay sarab mai dukh bhanjan guntaas.
O Perfect, All-pervading Lord, Destroyer of pain, Treasure of virtue:

hy sMgI hy inrMkwr hy inrgux sB tyk ] (261-17)
hay sangee hay nirankaar hay nirgun sabh tayk.
O Companion, Formless, Absolute Lord, Support of all:

hy goibd hy gux inDwn jw kY sdw ibbyk ] (261-18)
hay gobid hay gun niDhaan jaa kai sadaa bibayk.
O Lord of the Universe, Treasure of excellence, with clear eternal understanding:

hy AprMpr hir hry hih BI hovnhwr ] (261-18)
hay aprampar har haray heh bhee hovanhaar.
Most Remote of the Remote, Lord God: You are, You were, and You shall always be.

hy sMqh kY sdw sMig inDwrw AwDwr ] (261-19)
hay santeh kai sadaa sang niDhaaraa aaDhaar.
O Constant Companion of the Saints, You are the Support of the unsupported.

hy Twkur hau dwsro mY inrgun gunu nhI koie ] (261-19)
hay thaakur ha-o daasro mai nirgun gun nahee ko-ay.
O my Lord and Master, I am Your slave. I am worthless, I have no worth at all.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD