Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sloku ] (260-1)

hau hau krq ibhwnIAw swkq mugD Ajwn ] (260-1)
ha-o ha-o karat bihaanee-aa saakat mugaDh ajaan.
Acting in egotism, selfishness and conceit, the foolish, ignorant, faithless cynic wastes his life.

VVik muey ijau iqRKwvMq nwnk ikriq kmwn ]1] (260-2)
rharhak mu-ay ji-o tarikhaavaNt naanak kirat kamaan. ||1||
He dies in agony, like one dying of thirst; O Nanak, this is because of the deeds he has done. ||1||

pauVI ] (260-2)

VwVw VwiV imtY sMig swDU ] (260-2)
rhaarhaa rhaarh mitai sang saaDhoo.
RARRA: Conflict is eliminated in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy;

krm Drm qqu nwm ArwDU ] (260-3)
karam Dharam tat naam araaDhoo.
meditate in adoration on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the essence of karma and Dharma.

rUVo ijh bisE ird mwhI ] (260-3)
roorho jih basi-o rid maahee.
When the Beautiful Lord abides within the heart,

auAw kI VwiV imtq ibnswhI ] (260-3)
u-aa kee rhaarh mitat binsaahee.
conflict is erased and ended.

VwiV krq swkq gwvwrw ] (260-4)
rhaarh karat saakat gaavaaraa.
The foolish, faithless cynic picks arguments

jyh hIAY AhMbuiD ibkwrw ] (260-4)
jayh hee-ai ahaN-buDh bikaaraa.
- his heart is filled with corruption and egotistical intellect.

VwVw gurmuiK VwiV imtweI ] inmK mwih nwnk smJweI ]47] (260-4)
rhaarhaa gurmukh rhaarh mitaa-ee. nimakh maahi naanak samjhaa-ee. ||47||
RARRA: For the Gurmukh, conflict is eliminated in an instant, O Nanak, through the Teachings. ||47||

sloku ] (260-5)

swDU kI mn Et ghu aukiq isAwnp iqAwgu ] (260-5)
saaDhoo kee man ot gahu ukat si-aanap ti-aag.
O mind, grasp the Support of the Holy Saint; give up your clever arguments.

gur dIiKAw ijh min bsY nwnk msqik Bwgu ]1] (260-5)
gur deekhi-aa jih man basai naanak mastak bhaag. ||1||
One who has the Guru's Teachings within his mind, O Nanak, has good destiny inscribed upon his forehead. ||1||

pauVI ] (260-6)

ssw srin pry Ab hwry ] swsqR isimRiq byd pUkwry ] (260-6)
sasaa saran paray ab haaray. saastar simrit bayd pookaaray.
SASSA: I have now entered Your Sanctuary, Lord; I am so tired of reciting the Shaastras, the Simritees and the Vedas.

soDq soDq soiD bIcwrw ] (260-7)
soDhat soDhat soDh beechaaraa.
I searched and searched and searched, and now I have come to realize,

ibnu hir Bjn nhI Cutkwrw ] (260-7)
bin har bhajan nahee chhutkaaraa.
that without meditating on the Lord, there is no emancipation.

swis swis hm BUlnhwry ] (260-7)
saas saas ham bhoolanhaaray.
With each and every breath, I make mistakes.

qum smrQ Agnq Apwry ] (260-8)
tum samrath agnat apaaray.
You are All-powerful, endless and infinite.

srin pry kI rwKu dieAwlw ] (260-8)
saran paray kee raakh da-i-aalaa.
I seek Your Sanctuary - please save me, Merciful Lord!

nwnk qumry bwl gupwlw ]48] (260-8)
naanak tumray baal gupaalaa. ||48||
Nanak is Your child, O Lord of the World. ||48||

sloku ] (260-9)

KudI imtI qb suK Bey mn qn Bey Arog ] (260-9)
khudee mitee tab sukh bha-ay man tan bha-ay arog.
When selfishness and conceit are erased, peace comes, and the mind and body are healed.

nwnk idRstI AwieAw ausqiq krnY jogu ]1] (260-9)
naanak daristee aa-i-aa ustat karnai jog. ||1||
O Nanak, then He comes to be seen - the One who is worthy of praise. ||1||

pauVI ] (260-10)

KKw Krw srwhau qwhU ] (260-10)
khakhaa kharaa saraaha-o taahoo.
KHAKHA: Praise and extol Him on High,

jo iKn mih aUny suBr BrwhU ] (260-10)
jo khin meh oonay subhar bharaahoo.
who fills the empty to over-flowing in an instant.

Krw inmwnw hoq prwnI ] (260-10)
kharaa nimaanaa hot paraanee.
When the mortal being becomes totally humble,

Anidnu jwpY pRB inrbwnI ] (260-11)
an-din jaapai parabh nirbaanee.
then he meditates night and day on God, the Detached Lord of Nirvaanaa.

BwvY Ksm q auAw suKu dyqw ] (260-11)
bhaavai khasam ta u-aa sukh daytaa.
If it pleases the Will of our Lord and Master, then He blesses us with peace.

pwrbRhmu AYso Awgnqw ] (260-11)
paarbarahm aiso aagnataa.
Such is the Infinite, Supreme Lord God.

AsMK Kqy iKn bKsnhwrw ] (260-11)
asaNkh khatay khin bakhsanhaaraa.
He forgives countless sins in an instant.

nwnk swihb sdw dieAwrw ]49] (260-12)
naanak saahib sadaa da-i-aaraa. ||49||
O Nanak, our Lord and Master is merciful forever. ||49||

sloku ] (260-12)

siq khau suin mn myry srin prhu hir rwie ] (260-12)
sat kaha-o sun man mayray saran parahu har raa-ay.
I speak the Truth - listen, O my mind: take to the Sanctuary of the Sovereign Lord King.

aukiq isAwnp sgl iqAwig nwnk ley smwie ]1] (260-13)
ukat si-aanap sagal ti-aag naanak la-ay samaa-ay. ||1||
Give up all your clever tricks, O Nanak, and He shall absorb you into Himself. ||1||

pauVI ] (260-13)

ssw isAwnp Cwfu ieAwnw ] (260-13)
sasaa si-aanap chhaad i-aanaa.
SASSA: Give up your clever tricks, you ignorant fool!

ihkmiq hukim n pRBu pqIAwnw ] (260-14)
hikmat hukam na parabh patee-aanaa.
God is not pleased with clever tricks and commands.

shs Bwiq krih cqurweI ] (260-14)
sahas bhaat karahi chaturaa-ee.
You may practice a thousand forms of cleverness,

sMig quhwrY eyk n jweI ] (260-14)
sang tuhaarai ayk na jaa-ee.
but not even one will go along with you in the end.

soaU soaU jip idn rwqI ] (260-15)
so-oo so-oo jap din raatee.
Meditate on that Lord, that Lord, day and night.

ry jIA clY quhwrY swQI ] (260-15)
ray jee-a chalai tuhaarai saathee.
O soul, He alone shall go along with you.

swD syvw lwvY ijh AwpY ] (260-15)
saaDh sayvaa laavai jih aapai.
Those whom the Lord Himself commits to the service of the Holy,

nwnk qw kau dUKu n ibAwpY ]50] (260-15)
naanak taa ka-o dookh na bi-aapai. ||50||
O Nanak, are not afflicted by suffering. ||50||

sloku ] (260-16)

hir hir muK qy bolnw min vUTY suKu hoie ] (260-16)
har har mukh tay bolnaa man voothai sukh ho-ay.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and keeping it in your mind, you shall find peace.

nwnk sB mih riv rihAw Qwn Qnµqir soie ]1] (260-16)
naanak sabh meh rav rahi-aa thaan thanantar so-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, the Lord is pervading everywhere; He is contained in all spaces and interspaces. ||1||

pauVI ] (260-17)

hyrau Git Git sgl kY pUir rhy Bgvwn ] (260-17)
hayra-o ghat ghat sagal kai poor rahay bhagvaan.
Behold! The Lord God is totally pervading each and every heart.

hovq Awey sd sdIv duK BMjn gur igAwn ] (260-18)
hovat aa-ay sad sadeev dukh bhanjan gur gi-aan.
Forever and ever, the Guru's wisdom has been the Destroyer of pain.

hau CutkY hoie Anµdu iqh hau nwhI qh Awip ] (260-18)
ha-o chhutkai ho-ay anand tih ha-o naahee tah aap.
Quieting the ego, ecstasy is obtained. Where the ego does not exist, God Himself is there.

hqy dUK jnmh mrn sMqsMg prqwp ] (260-19)
hatay dookh janmah maran satsang partaap.
The pain of birth and death is removed, by the power of the Society of the Saints.

ihq kir nwm idRVY dieAwlw ] sMqh sMig hoq ikrpwlw ] (260-19)
hit kar naam darirhai da-i-aalaa. santeh sang hot kirpaalaa.
He becomes kind to those who lovingly enshrine the Name of the Merciful Lord within their hearts, in the Society of the Saints.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD