Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


slok ] (259-1)

miq pUrI prDwn qy gur pUry mn mMq ] (259-1)
mat pooree parDhaan tay gur pooray man mant.
Perfect is the intellect, and most distinguished is the reputation, of those whose minds are filled with the Mantra of the Perfect Guru.

ijh jwinE pRBu Awpunw nwnk qy BgvMq ]1] (259-1)
jih jaani-o parabh aapunaa naanak tay bhagvant. ||1||
Those who come to know their God, O Nanak, are very fortunate. ||1||

pauVI ] (259-2)

mmw jwhU mrmu pCwnw ] Bytq swDsMg pqIAwnw ] (259-2)
mamaa jaahoo maram pachhaanaa. bhaytat saaDhsang patee-aanaa.
MAMMA: Those who understand God's mystery are satisfied, joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

duK suK auAw kY smq bIcwrw ] (259-2)
dukh sukh u-aa kai samat beechaaraa.
They look upon pleasure and pain as the same.

nrk surg rhq Aauqwrw ] (259-3)
narak surag rahat a-utaaraa.
They are exempt from incarnation into heaven or hell.

qwhU sMg qwhU inrlypw ] (259-3)
taahoo sang taahoo nirlaypaa.
They live in the world, and yet they are detached from it.

pUrn Gt Gt purK ibsyKw ] (259-3)
pooran ghat ghat purakh bisaykhaa.
The Sublime Lord, the Primal Being, is totally pervading each and every heart.

auAw rs mih auAwhU suKu pwieAw ] (259-4)
u-aa ras meh u-aahoo sukh paa-i-aa.
In His Love, they find peace.

nwnk ilpq nhI iqh mwieAw ]42] (259-4)
naanak lipat nahee tih maa-i-aa. ||42||
O Nanak, Maya does not cling to them at all. ||42||

sloku ] (259-4)

Xwr mIq suin swjnhu ibnu hir CUtnu nwih ] (259-4)
yaar meet sun saajanhu bin har chhootan naahi.
Listen, my dear friends and companions: without the Lord, there is no salvation.

nwnk iqh bMDn kty gur kI crnI pwih ]1] (259-5)
naanak tih banDhan katay gur kee charnee paahi. ||1||
O Nanak, one who falls at the Feet of the Guru, has his bonds cut away. ||1||

pvVI ] (259-5)

XXw jqn krq bhu ibDIAw ] (259-6)
ya-yaa jatan karat baho biDhee-aa.
YAYYA: People try all sorts of things,

eyk nwm ibnu kh lau isDIAw ] (259-6)
ayk naam bin kah la-o siDhee-aa.
but without the One Name, how far can they succeed?

XwhU jqn kir hoq Cutwrw ] (259-6)
yaahoo jatan kar hot chhutaaraa.
Those efforts, by which emancipation may be attained

auAwhU jqn swD sMgwrw ] (259-7)
u-aahoo jatan saaDh sangaaraa.
- those efforts are made in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

Xw aubrn DwrY sBu koaU ] (259-7)
yaa ubran Dhaarai sabh ko-oo.
Everyone has this idea of salvation,

auAwih jpy ibnu aubr n hoaU ] (259-7)
u-aahi japay bin ubar na ho-oo.
but without meditation, there can be no salvation.

XwhU qrn qwrn smrwQw ] (259-7)
yaahoo taran taaran samraathaa.
The All-powerful Lord is the boat to carry us across.

rwiK lyhu inrgun nrnwQw ] (259-8)
raakh layho nirgun narnaathaa.
O Lord, please save these worthless beings!

mn bc k®m ijh Awip jnweI ] (259-8)
man bach karam jih aap janaa-ee.
Those whom the Lord Himself instructs in thought, word and deed

nwnk iqh miq pRgtI AweI ]43] (259-8)
naanak tih mat pargatee aa-ee. ||43||
- O Nanak, their intellect is enlightened. ||43||

sloku ] (259-9)

rosu n kwhU sMg krhu Awpn Awpu bIcwir ] (259-9)
ros na kaahoo sang karahu aapan aap beechaar.
Do not be angry with anyone else; look within your own self instead.

hoie inmwnw jig rhhu nwnk ndrI pwir ]1] (259-9)
ho-ay nimaanaa jag rahhu naanak nadree paar. ||1||
Be humble in this world, O Nanak, and by His Grace you shall be carried across. ||1||

pauVI ] (259-10)

rwrw ryn hoq sB jw kI ] (259-10)
raaraa rayn hot sabh jaa kee.
RARRA: Be the dust under the feet of all.

qij AiBmwnu CutY qyrI bwkI ] (259-10)
taj abhimaan chhutai tayree baakee.
Give up your egotistical pride, and the balance of your account shall be written off.

rix drgih qau sIJih BweI ] (259-11)
ran dargahi ta-o seejheh bhaa-ee.
Then, you shall win the battle in the Court of the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny.

jau gurmuiK rwm nwm ilv lweI ] (259-11)
ja-o gurmukh raam naam liv laa-ee.
As Gurmukh, lovingly attune yourself to the Lord's Name.

rhq rhq rih jwih ibkwrw ] gur pUry kY sbid Apwrw ] (259-11)
rahat rahat reh jaahi bikaaraa. gur pooray kai sabad apaaraa.
Your evil ways shall be slowly and steadily blotted out, by the Shabad, the Incomparable Word of the Perfect Guru.

rwqy rMg nwm rs mwqy ] (259-12)
raatay rang naam ras maatay.
You shall be imbued with the Lord's Love, and intoxicated with the Nectar of the Naam.

nwnk hir gur kInI dwqy ]44] (259-12)
naanak har gur keenee daatay. ||44||
O Nanak, the Lord, the Guru, has given this gift. ||44||

sloku ] (259-12)

lwlc JUT ibKY ibAwiD ieAw dyhI mih bws ] (259-13)
laalach jhooth bikhai bi-aaDh i-aa dayhee meh baas.
The afflictions of greed, falsehood and corruption abide in this body.

hir hir AMimRqu gurmuiK pIAw nwnk sUiK invws ]1] (259-13)
har har amrit gurmukh pee-aa naanak sookh nivaas. ||1||
Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, O Nanak, the Gurmukh abides in peace. ||1||

pauVI ] (259-14)

llw lwvau AauKD jwhU ] (259-14)
lalaa laava-o a-ukhaDh jaahoo.
LALLA: One who takes the medicine of the Naam, the Name of the Lord,

dUK drd iqh imtih iKnwhU ] (259-14)
dookh darad tih miteh khinaahoo.
is cured of his pain and sorrow in an instant.

nwm AauKDu ijh irdY ihqwvY ] (259-14)
naam a-ukhaDh jih ridai hitaavai.
One whose heart is filled with the medicine of the Naam,

qwih rogu supnY nhI AwvY ] (259-15)
taahi rog supnai nahee aavai.
is not infested with disease, even in his dreams.

hir AauKDu sB Gt hY BweI ] (259-15)
har a-ukhaDh sabh ghat hai bhaa-ee.
The medicine of the Lord's Name is in all hearts, O Siblings of Destiny.

gur pUry ibnu ibiD n bnweI ] (259-15)
gur pooray bin biDh na banaa-ee.
Without the Perfect Guru, no one knows how to prepare it.

guir pUrY sMjmu kir dIAw ] (259-16)
gur poorai sanjam kar dee-aa.
When the Perfect Guru gives the instructions to prepare it,

nwnk qau iPir dUK n QIAw ]45] (259-16)
naanak ta-o fir dookh na thee-aa. ||45||
then, O Nanak, one does not suffer illness again. ||45||

sloku ] (259-16)

vwsudyv srbqR mY aUn n kqhU Twie ] (259-16)
vaasudayv sarbatar mai oon na kathoo thaa-ay.
The All-pervading Lord is in all places. There is no place where He does not exist.

AMqir bwhir sMig hY nwnk kwie durwie ]1] (259-17)
antar baahar sang hai naanak kaa-ay duraa-ay. ||1||
Inside and outside, He is with you. O Nanak, what can be hidden from Him? ||1||

pauVI ] (259-17)

vvw vYru n krIAY kwhU ] (259-17)
vavaa vair na karee-ai kaahoo.
WAWWA: Do not harbor hatred against anyone.

Gt Gt AMqir bRhm smwhU ] (259-18)
ghat ghat antar barahm samaahoo.
In each and every heart, God is contained.

vwsudyv jl Ql mih rivAw ] (259-18)
vaasudayv jal thal meh ravi-aa.
The All-pervading Lord is permeating and pervading the oceans and the land.

gur pRswid ivrlY hI givAw ] (259-18)
gur parsaad virlai hee gavi-aa.
How rare are those who, by Guru's Grace, sing of Him.

vYr ivroD imty iqh mn qy ] (259-19)
vair viroDh mitay tih man tay.
Hatred and alienation depart from those

hir kIrqnu gurmuiK jo sunqy ] (259-19)
har keertan gurmukh jo suntay.
who, as Gurmukh, listen to the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

vrn ichn sglh qy rhqw ] nwnk hir hir gurmuiK jo khqw ]46] (259-19)
varan chihan saglah tay rahtaa. naanak har har gurmukh jo kahtaa. ||46||
O Nanak, one who becomes Gurmukh chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and rises above all social classes and status symbols. ||46||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD