Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iniD inDwn hir AMimRq pUry ] (258-1)
niDh niDhaan har amrit pooray.
They are filled and fulfilled with the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord, the Treasure of sublime wealth;

qh bwjy nwnk Anhd qUry ]36] (258-1)
tah baajay naanak anhad tooray. ||36||
O Nanak, the unstruck celestial melody vibrates for them. ||36||

sloku ] (258-1)

piq rwKI guir pwrbRhm qij prpMc moh ibkwr ] (258-1)
pat raakhee gur paarbarahm taj parpanch moh bikaar.
The Guru, the Supreme Lord God, preserved my honor, when I renounced hypocrisy, emotional attachment and corruption.

nwnk soaU AwrwDIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ]1] (258-2)
naanak so-oo aaraaDhee-ai ant na paaraavaar. ||1||
O Nanak, worship and adore the One, who has no end or limitation. ||1||

pauVI ] (258-2)

ppw primiq pwru n pwieAw ] (258-2)
papaa parmit paar na paa-i-aa.
PAPPA: He is beyond estimation; His limits cannot be found.

piqq pwvn Agm hir rwieAw ] (258-3)
patit paavan agam har raa-i-aa.
The Sovereign Lord King is inaccessible;

hoq punIq kot AprwDU ] (258-3)
hot puneet kot apraaDhoo.
He is the Purifier of sinners. Millions of sinners are purified;

AMimRq nwmu jpih imil swDU ] (258-3)
amrit naam jaapeh mil saaDhoo.
they meet the Holy, and chant the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord.

prpc DRoh moh imtnweI ] (258-4)
parpach Dharoh moh mitnaaee.
Deception, fraud and emotional attachment are eliminated,

jw kau rwKhu Awip gusweI ] (258-4)
jaa ka-o raakho aap gusaa-ee.
by those who are protected by the Lord of the World.

pwiqswhu CqR isr soaU ] (258-4)
paatisaahu chhatar sir so-oo.
He is the Supreme King, with the royal canopy above His Head.

nwnk dUsr Avru n koaU ]37] (258-5)
naanak doosar avar na ko-oo. ||37||
O Nanak, there is no other at all. ||37||

sloku ] (258-5)

Pwhy kwty imty gvn Piqh BeI min jIq ] (258-5)
faahay kaatay mitay gavan fatih bha-ee man jeet.
The noose of Death is cut, and one's wanderings cease; victory is obtained, when one conquers his own mind.

nwnk gur qy iQq pweI iPrn imty inq nIq ]1] (258-5)
naanak gur tay thit paa-ee firan mitay nit neet. ||1||
O Nanak, eternal stability is obtained from the Guru, and one's day-to-day wanderings cease. ||1||

pauVI ] (258-6)

PPw iPrq iPrq qU AwieAw ] (258-6)
fafaa firat firat too aa-i-aa.
FAFFA: After wandering and wandering for so long, you have come;

dRülB dyh kiljug mih pwieAw ] (258-6)
darulabh dayh kalijug meh paa-i-aa.
in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, you have obtained this human body, so very difficult to obtain.

iPir ieAw Aausru crY n hwQw ] (258-7)
fir i-aa a-osar charai na haathaa.
This opportunity shall not come into your hands again.

nwmu jphu qau ktIAih Pwsw ] (258-7)
naam japahu ta-o katee-ah faasaa.
So chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and the noose of Death shall be cut away.

iPir iPir Awvn jwnu n hoeI ] (258-7)
fir fir aavan jaan na ho-ee.
You shall not have to come and go in reincarnation over and over again,

eykih eyk jphu jpu soeI ] (258-8)
aykeh ayk japahu jap so-ee.
if you chant and meditate on the One and Only Lord.

krhu ik®pw pRB krnYhwry ] (258-8)
karahu kirpaa parabh karnaihaaray.
Shower Your Mercy, O God, Creator Lord,

myil lyhu nwnk bycwry ]38] (258-8)
mayl layho naanak baychaaray. ||38||
and unite poor Nanak with Yourself. ||38||

sloku ] (258-9)

ibnau sunhu qum pwrbRhm dIn dieAwl gupwl ] (258-9)
bin-o sunhu tum paarbarahm deen da-i-aal gupaal.
Hear my prayer, O Supreme Lord God, Merciful to the meek, Lord of the World.

suK sMpY bhu Bog rs nwnk swD rvwl ]1] (258-9)
sukh sampai baho bhog ras naanak saaDh ravaal. ||1||
The dust of the feet of the Holy is peace, wealth, great enjoyment and pleasure for Nanak. ||1||

pauVI ] (258-10)

bbw bRhmu jwnq qy bRhmw ] (258-10)
babaa barahm jaanat tay barahmaa.
BABBA: One who knows God is a Brahmin.

bYsno qy gurmuiK suc Drmw ] (258-10)
baisno tay gurmukh such Dharmaa.
A Vaishnaav is one who, as Gurmukh, lives the righteous life of Dharma.

bIrw Awpn burw imtwvY ] (258-10)
beeraa aapan buraa mitaavai.
One who eradicates his own evil is a brave warrior;

qwhU burw inkit nhI AwvY ] (258-11)
taahoo buraa nikat nahee aavai.
no evil even approaches him.

bwiDE Awpn hau hau bMDw ] (258-11)
baaDhi-o aapan ha-o ha-o banDhaa.
Man is bound by the chains of his own egotism, selfishness and conceit.

dosu dyq Awgh kau AMDw ] (258-11)
dos dayt aagah ka-o anDhaa.
The spiritually blind place the blame on others.

bwq cIq sB rhI isAwnp ] (258-12)
baat cheet sabh rahee si-aanap.
But all debates and clever tricks are of no use at all.

ijsih jnwvhu so jwnY nwnk ]39] (258-12)
jisahi janaavhu so jaanai naanak. ||39||
O Nanak, he alone comes to know, whom the Lord inspires to know. ||39||

sloku ] (258-12)

BY BMjn AG dUK nws mnih ArwiD hry ] (258-12)
bhai bhanjan agh dookh naas maneh araaDh haray.
The Destroyer of fear, the Eradicator of sin and sorrow - enshrine that Lord in your mind.

sMqsMg ijh ird bisE nwnk qy n BRmy ]1] (258-13)
satsang jih rid basi-o naanak tay na bharamay. ||1||
One whose heart abides in the Society of the Saints, O Nanak, does not wander around in doubt. ||1||

pauVI ] (258-13)

BBw Brmu imtwvhu Apnw ] (258-13)
bhabhaa bharam mitaavhu apnaa.
BHABHA: Cast out your doubt and delusion

ieAw sMswru sgl hY supnw ] (258-14)
i-aa sansaar sagal hai supnaa.
- this world is just a dream.

Brmy suir nr dyvI dyvw ] (258-14)
bharmay sur nar dayvee dayvaa.
The angelic beings, goddesses and gods are deluded by doubt.

Brmy isD swiDk bRhmyvw ] (258-14)
bharmay siDh saaDhik barahmayvaa.
The Siddhas and seekers, and even Brahma are deluded by doubt.

Brim Brim mwnuK fhkwey ] (258-15)
bharam bharam maanukh dahkaa-ay.
Wandering around, deluded by doubt, people are ruined.

duqr mhw ibKm ieh mwey ] (258-15)
dutar mahaa bikham ih maa-ay.
It is so very difficult and treacherous to cross over this ocean of Maya.

gurmuiK BRm BY moh imtwieAw ] (258-15)
gurmukh bharam bhai moh mitaa-i-aa.
That Gurmukh who has eradicated doubt, fear and attachment,

nwnk qyh prm suK pwieAw ]40] (258-16)
naanak tayh param sukh paa-i-aa. ||40||
O Nanak, obtains supreme peace. ||40||

sloku ] (258-16)

mwieAw folY bhu ibDI mnu lpitE iqh sMg ] (258-16)
maa-i-aa dolai baho biDhee man lapti-o tih sang.
Maya clings to the mind, and causes it to waver in so many ways.

mwgn qy ijh qum rKhu su nwnk nwmih rMg ]1] (258-17)
maagan tay jih tum rakhahu so naanak naameh rang. ||1||
When You, O Lord, restrain someone from asking for wealth, then, O Nanak, he comes to love the Name. ||1||

pauVI ] (258-17)

mmw mwgnhwr ieAwnw ] (258-17)
mamaa maaganhaar i-aanaa.
MAMMA: The beggar is so ignorant

dynhwr dy rihE sujwnw ] (258-18)
daynhaar day rahi-o sujaanaa.
- the Great Giver continues to give. He is All-knowing.

jo dIno so eykih bwr ] (258-18)
jo deeno so aykeh baar.
Whatever He gives, He gives once and for all.

mn mUrK kh krih pukwr ] (258-18)
man moorakh kah karahi pukaar.
O foolish mind, why do you complain, and cry out so loud?

jau mwgih qau mwgih bIAw ] (258-18)
ja-o maageh ta-o maageh bee-aa.
Whenever you ask for something, you ask for worldly things;

jw qy kusl n kwhU QIAw ] (258-19)
jaa tay kusal na kaahoo thee-aa.
no one has obtained happiness from these.

mwgin mwg q eykih mwg ] (258-19)
maagan maag ta aykeh maag.
If you must ask for a gift, then ask for the One Lord.

nwnk jw qy prih prwg ]41] (258-19)
naanak jaa tay pareh paraag. ||41||
O Nanak, by Him, you shall be saved. ||41||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD