Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qRws imtY jm pMQ kI jwsu bsY min nwau ] (257-1)
taraas mitai jam panth kee jaas basai man naa-o.
One whose heart is filled with the Name shall have no fear on the path of death.

giq pwvih miq hoie pRgws mhlI pwvih Twau ] (257-1)
gat paavahi mat ho-ay pargaas mahlee paavahi thaa-o.
He shall obtain salvation, and his intellect shall be enlightened; he will find his place in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

qwhU sMig n Dnu clY igRh jobn nh rwj ] (257-2)
taahoo sang na Dhan chalai garih joban nah raaj.
Neither wealth, nor household, nor youth, nor power shall go along with you.

sMqsMig ismrq rhhu iehY quhwrY kwj ] (257-2)
satsang simrat rahhu ihai tuhaarai kaaj.
In the Society of the Saints, meditate in remembrance on the Lord. This alone shall be of use to you.

qwqw kCU n hoeI hY jau qwp invwrY Awp ] (257-3)
taataa kachhoo na ho-ee hai ja-o taap nivaarai aap.
There will be no burning at all, when He Himself takes away your fever.

pRiqpwlY nwnk hmih Awpih mweI bwp ]32] (257-3)
paratipaalai naanak hameh aapeh maa-ee baap. ||32||
O Nanak, the Lord Himself cherishes us; He is our Mother and Father. ||32||

sloku ] (257-4)

Qwky bhu ibiD Gwlqy iqRpiq n iqRsnw lwQ ] (257-4)
thaakay baho biDh ghaaltay taripat na tarisnaa laath.
They have grown weary, struggling in all sorts of ways; but they are not satisfied, and their thirst is not quenched.

sMic sMic swkq mUey nwnk mwieAw n swQ ]1] (257-4)
sanch sanch saakat moo-ay naanak maa-i-aa na saath. ||1||
Gathering in and hoarding what they can, the faithless cynics die, O Nanak, but the wealth of Maya does not go with them in the end. ||1||

pauVI ] (257-5)

QQw iQru koaU nhI kwie pswrhu pwv ] (257-5)
thathaa thir ko-oo nahee kaa-ay pasaarahu paav.
T'HAT'HA: Nothing is permanent - why do you stretch out your feet?

Aink bMc bl Cl krhu mwieAw eyk aupwv ] (257-5)
anik banch bal chhal karahu maa-i-aa ayk upaav.
You commit so many fraudulent and deceitful actions as you chase after Maya.

QYlI sMchu sRmu krhu Qwik prhu gwvwr ] (257-6)
thailee sanchahu saram karahu thaak parahu gaavaar.
You work to fill up your bag, you fool, and then you fall down exhausted.

mn kY kwim n AwveI AMqy Aausr bwr ] (257-6)
man kai kaam na aavee antay a-osar baar.
But this shall be of no use to you at all at that very last instant.

iQiq pwvhu goibd Bjhu sMqh kI isK lyhu ] (257-7)
thit paavhu gobid bhajahu santeh kee sikh layho.
You shall find stability only by vibrating upon the Lord of the Universe, and accepting the Teachings of the Saints.

pRIiq krhu sd eyk isau ieAw swcw Asnyhu ] (257-7)
pareet karahu sad ayk si-o i-aa saachaa asnayhu.
Embrace love for the One Lord forever - this is true love!

kwrn krn krwvno sB ibiD eykY hwQ ] (257-8)
kaaran karan karaavano sabh biDh aykai haath.
He is the Doer, the Cause of causes. All ways and means are in His Hands alone.

ijqu ijqu lwvhu iqqu iqqu lgih nwnk jMq AnwQ ]33] (257-8)
jit jit laavhu tit tit lageh naanak jant anaath. ||33||
Whatever You attach me to, to that I am attached; O Nanak, I am just a helpless creature. ||33||

sloku ] (257-9)

dwsh eyku inhwirAw sBu kCu dyvnhwr ] (257-9)
daasah ayk nihaari-aa sabh kachh dayvanhaar.
His slaves have gazed upon the One Lord, the Giver of everything.

swis swis ismrq rhih nwnk drs ADwr ]1] (257-9)
saas saas simrat raheh naanak daras aDhaar. ||1||
They continue to contemplate Him with each and every breath; O Nanak, the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is their Support. ||1||

pauVI ] (257-10)

ddw dwqw eyku hY sB kau dyvnhwr ] (257-10)
dadaa daataa ayk hai sabh ka-o dayvanhaar.
DADDA: The One Lord is the Great Giver; He is the Giver to all.

dyNdy qoit n AwveI Agnq Bry BMfwr ] (257-10)
dayNday tot na aavee agnat bharay bhandaar.
There is no limit to His Giving. His countless warehouses are filled to overflowing.

dYnhwru sd jIvnhwrw ] (257-11)
dainhaar sad jeevanhaaraa.
The Great Giver is alive forever.

mn mUrK ikau qwih ibswrw ] (257-11)
man moorakh ki-o taahi bisaaraa.
O foolish mind, why have you forgotten Him?

dosu nhI kwhU kau mIqw ] (257-11)
dos nahee kaahoo ka-o meetaa.
No one is at fault, my friend.

mwieAw moh bMDu pRiB kIqw ] (257-12)
maa-i-aa moh banDh parabh keetaa.
God created the bondage of emotional attachment to Maya.

drd invwrih jw ky Awpy ] nwnk qy qy gurmuiK DRwpy ]34] (257-12)
darad nivaareh jaa kay aapay. naanak tay tay gurmukh Dharaapay. ||34||
He Himself removes the pains of the Gurmukh; O Nanak, he is fulfilled. ||34||

sloku ] (257-12)

Dr jIAry iek tyk qU lwih ibfwnI Aws ] (257-13)
Dhar jee-aray ik tayk too laahi bidaanee aas.
O my soul, grasp the Support of the One Lord; give up your hopes in others.

nwnk nwmu iDAweIAY kwrju AwvY rwis ]1] (257-13)
naanak naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai kaaraj aavai raas. ||1||
O Nanak, meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, your affairs shall be resolved. ||1||

pauVI ] (257-13)

DDw Dwvq qau imtY sMqsMig hoie bwsu ] (257-14)
DhaDhaa Dhaavat ta-o mitai satsang ho-ay baas.
DHADHA: The mind's wanderings cease, when one comes to dwell in the Society of the Saints.

Dur qy ikrpw krhu Awip qau hoie mnih prgwsu ] (257-14)
Dhur tay kirpaa karahu aap ta-o ho-ay maneh pargaas.
If the Lord is Merciful from the very beginning, then one's mind is enlightened.

Dnu swcw qyaU sc swhw ] (257-14)
Dhan saachaa tay-oo sach saahaa.
Those who have the true wealth are the true bankers.

hir hir pUMjI nwm ibswhw ] (257-15)
har har poonjee naam bihaasaa.
The Lord, Har, Har, is their wealth, and they trade in His Name.

DIrju jsu soBw iqh binAw ] (257-15)
Dheeraj jas sobhaa tih bani-aa.
Patience, glory and honor come to those

hir hir nwmu sRvn ijh suinAw ] (257-15)
har har naam sarvan jih suni-aa.
who listen to the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

gurmuiK ijh Git rhy smweI ] (257-16)
gurmukh jih ghat rahay samaa-ee.
That Gurmukh whose heart remains merged with the Lord,

nwnk iqh jn imlI vfweI ]35] (257-16)
naanak tih jan milee vadaa-ee. ||35||
O Nanak, obtains glorious greatness. ||35||

sloku ] (257-17)

nwnk nwmu nwmu jpu jipAw AMqir bwhir rMig ] (257-17)
naanak naam naam jap japi-aa antar baahar rang.
O Nanak, one who chants the Naam, and meditates on the Naam with love inwardly and outwardly,

guir pUrY aupdyisAw nrku nwih swDsMig ]1] (257-17)
gur poorai updaysi-aa narak naahi saaDhsang. ||1||
receives the Teachings from the Perfect Guru; he joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and does not fall into hell. ||1||

pauVI ] (257-18)

nµnw nrik prih qy nwhI ] jw kY min qin nwmu bswhI ] (257-18)
nannaa narak pareh tay naahee. jaa kai man tan naam basaahee.
NANNA: Those whose minds and bodies are filled with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, shall not fall into hell.

nwmu inDwnu gurmuiK jo jpqy ] (257-18)
naam niDhaan gurmukh jo japtay.
Those Gurmukhs who chant the treasure of the Naam,

ibKu mwieAw mih nw Eie Kpqy ] (257-19)
bikh maa-i-aa meh naa o-ay khaptay.
are not destroyed by the poison of Maya.

nµnwkwru n hoqw qw khu ] nwmu mMqRü guir dIno jw khu ] (257-19)
nannaakaar na hotaa taa kaho. naam mantar gur deeno jaa kaho.
Those who have been given the Mantra of the Naam by the Guru, shall not be turned away.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD