Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ApnI ik®pw krhu BgvMqw ] (255-1)
apnee kirpaa karahu bhagvantaa.
Please shower me with Your Mercy, O Lord God!

Cwif isAwnp bhu cqurweI ] (255-1)
chhaad si-aanap baho chaturaa-ee.
I have given up my excessive cleverness and scheming,

sMqn kI mn tyk itkweI ] (255-1)
santan kee man tayk tikaa-ee.
and I have taken the support of the Saints as my mind's support.

Cwru kI puqrI prm giq pweI ] (255-2)
chhaar kee putree param gat paa-ee.
Even a puppet of ashes attains the supreme status,

nwnk jw kau sMq shweI ]23] (255-2)
naanak jaa ka-o sant sahaa-ee. ||23||
O Nanak, if it has the help and support of the Saints. ||23||

sloku ] (255-2)

jor julm PUlih Gno kwcI dyh ibkwr ] (255-2)
jor julam fooleh ghano kaachee dayh bikaar.
Practicing oppression and tyranny, he puffs himself up; he acts in corruption with his frail, perishable body.

AhMbuiD bMDn pry nwnk nwm Cutwr ]1] (255-3)
ahaN-buDh banDhan paray naanak naam chhutaar. ||1||
He is bound by his egotistical intellect; O Nanak, salvation comes only through the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

pauVI ] (255-3)

jjw jwnY hau kCu hUAw ] (255-3)
jajaa jaanai ha-o kachh hoo-aa.
JAJJA: When someone, in his ego, believes that he has become something,

bwiDE ijau nilnI BRim sUAw ] (255-4)
baaDhi-o ji-o nalinee bharam soo-aa.
he is caught in his error, like a parrot in a trap.

jau jwnY hau Bgqu igAwnI ] (255-4)
ja-o jaanai ha-o bhagat gi-aanee.
When he believes, in his ego, that he is a devotee and a spiritual teacher,

AwgY Twkuir iqlu nhI mwnI ] (255-4)
aagai thaakur til nahee maanee.
then, in the world hereafter, the Lord of the Universe shall have no regard for him at all.

jau jwnY mY kQnI krqw ] (255-5)
ja-o jaanai mai kathnee kartaa.
When he believes himself to be a preacher,

ibAwpwrI bsuDw ijau iPrqw ] (255-5)
bi-aapaaree basuDhaa ji-o firtaa.
he is merely a peddler wandering over the earth.

swDsMig ijh haumY mwrI ] (255-5)
saaDhsang jih ha-umai maaree.
But one who conquers his ego in the Company of the Holy,

nwnk qw kau imly murwrI ]24] (255-5)
naanak taa ka-o milay muraaree. ||24||
O Nanak, meets the Lord. ||24||

sloku ] (255-6)

JwlwGy auiT nwmu jip inis bwsur AwrwiD ] (255-6)
jhaalaaghay uth naam jap nis baasur aaraaDh.
Rise early in the morning, and chant the Naam; worship and adore the Lord, night and day.

kwrHw quJY n ibAwpeI nwnk imtY aupwiD ]1] (255-6)
kaarHaa tujhai na bi-aapa-ee naanak mitai upaaDh. ||1||
Anxiety shall not afflict you, O Nanak, and your misfortune shall vanish. ||1||

pauVI ] (255-7)

JJw JUrnu imtY qumwro ] (255-7)
jhajhaa jhooran mitai tumaaro.
JHAJHA: Your sorrows shall depart,

rwm nwm isau kir ibauhwro ] (255-7)
raam naam si-o kar bi-uhaaro.
when you deal with the Lord's Name.

JUrq JUrq swkq mUAw ] (255-8)
jhoorat jhoorat saakat moo-aa.
The faithless cynic dies in sorrow and pain;

jw kY irdY hoq Bwau bIAw ] (255-8)
jaa kai ridai hot bhaa-o bee-aa.
his heart is filled with the love of duality.

Jrih ksMml pwp qyry mnUAw ] (255-8)
jhareh kasamal paap tayray manoo-aa.
Your evil deeds and sins shall fall away, O my mind,

AMimRq kQw sMqsMig sunUAw ] (255-8)
amrit kathaa satsang sunoo-aa.
listening to the ambrosial speech in the Society of the Saints.

Jrih kwm k®oD dRüstweI ] (255-9)
jhareh kaam kroDh darustaa-ee.
Sexual desire, anger and wickedness fall away,

nwnk jw kau ik®pw gusweI ]25] (255-9)
naanak jaa ka-o kirpaa gusaa-ee. ||25||
O Nanak, from those who are blessed by the Mercy of the Lord of the World. ||25||

sloku ] (255-9)

\qn krhu qum Aink ibiD rhnu n pwvhu mIq ] (255-9)
njatan karahu tum anik biDh rahan na paavhu meet.
You can try all sorts of things, but you still cannot remain here, my friend.

jIvq rhhu hir hir Bjhu nwnk nwm prIiq ]1] (255-10)
jeevat rahhu har har bhajahu naanak naam pareet. ||1||
But you shall live forevermore, O Nanak, if you vibrate and love the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

pvVI ] (255-10)

\M\w \wxhu idRVu shI ibnis jwq eyh hyq ] (255-11)
njanjaa njaanaho darirh sahee binas jaat ayh hayt.
NYANYA: Know this as absolutely correct, that that this ordinary love shall come to an end.

gxqI gxau n gix skau aUiT isDwry kyq ] (255-11)
gantee gana-o na gan saka-o ooth siDhaaray kayt.
You may count and calculate as much as you want, but you cannot count how many have arisen and departed.

\o pyKau so ibnsqau kw isau krIAY sMgu ] (255-11)
njo paykha-o so binasta-o kaa si-o karee-ai sang.
Whoever I see shall perish. With whom should I associate?

\wxhu ieAw ibiD shI icq JUTau mwieAw rMgu ] (255-12)
njaanaho i-aa biDh sahee chit jhooth-o maa-i-aa rang.
Know this as true in your consciousness, that the love of Maya is false.

\wxq soeI sMqu suie BRm qy kIicq iBMn ] (255-12)
njanat so-ee sant su-ay bharam tay keechit bhinn.
He alone knows, and he alone is a Saint, who is free of doubt.

AMD kUp qy iqh kFhu ijh hovhu supRsMn ] (255-13)
anDh koop tay tih kadhahu jih hovhu suparsan.
He is lifted up and out of the deep dark pit; the Lord is totally pleased with him.

\w kY hwiQ smrQ qy kwrn krnY jog ] (255-13)
njaa kai haath samrath tay kaaran karnai jog.
God's Hand is All-powerful; He is the Creator, the Cause of causes.

nwnk iqh ausqiq krau \whU kIE sMjog ]26] (255-14)
naanak tih ustat kara-o njahoo kee-o sanjog. ||26||
O Nanak, praise the One, who joins us to Himself. ||26||

sloku ] (255-14)

tUty bMDn jnm mrn swD syv suKu pwie ] (255-14)
tootay banDhan janam maran saaDh sayv sukh paa-ay.
The bondage of birth and death is broken and peace is obtained, by serving the Holy.

nwnk mnhu n bIsrY gux iniD goibd rwie ]1] (255-15)
naanak manhu na beesrai gun niDh gobid raa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, may I never forget from my mind, the Treasure of Virtue, the Sovereign Lord of the Universe. ||1||

pauVI ] (255-15)

thl krhu qau eyk kI jw qy ibRQw n koie ] (255-15)
tahal karahu ta-o ayk kee jaa tay baritha na ko-ay.
Work for the One Lord; no one returns empty-handed from Him.

min qin muiK hIAY bsY jo cwhhu so hoie ] (255-16)
man tan mukh hee-ai basai jo chaahhu so ho-ay.
When the Lord abides within your mind, body, mouth and heart, then whatever you desire shall come to pass.

thl mhl qw kau imlY jw kau swD ik®pwl ] (255-16)
tahal mahal taa ka-o milai jaa ka-o saaDh kirpaal.
He alone obtains the Lord's service, and the Mansion of His Presence, unto whom the Holy Saint is compassionate.

swDU sMgiq qau bsY jau Awpn hoih dieAwl ] (255-17)
saaDhoo sangat ta-o basai ja-o aapan hohi da-i-aal.
He joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, only when the Lord Himself shows His Mercy.

tohy twhy bhu Bvn ibnu nwvY suKu nwih ] (255-17)
tohay taahay baho bhavan bin naavai sukh naahi.
I have searched and searched, across so many worlds, but without the Name, there is no peace.

tlih jwm ky dUq iqh ju swDU sMig smwih ] (255-18)
taleh jaam kay doot tih jo saaDhoo sang samaahi.
The Messenger of Death retreats from those who dwell in the Saadh Sangat.

bwir bwir jwau sMq sdky ] (255-18)
baar baar jaa-o sant sadkay.
Again and again, I am forever devoted to the Saints.

nwnk pwp ibnwsy kid ky ]27] (255-19)
naanak paap binaasay kad kay. ||27||
O Nanak, my sins from so long ago have been erased. ||27||

sloku ] (255-19)

Twk n hoqI iqnhu dir ijh hovhu supRsMn ] (255-19)
thaak na hotee tinhu dar jih hovhu suparsan.
Those beings, with whom the Lord is thoroughly pleased, meet with no obstacles at His Door.

jo jn pRiB Apuny kry nwnk qy Din DMin ]1] (255-19)
jo jan parabh apunay karay naanak tay Dhan Dhan. ||1||
Those humble beings whom God has made His own, O Nanak, are blessed, so very blessed. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD