Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sloku ] (254-1)

gin imin dyKhu mnY mwih srpr clno log ] (254-1)
gan min daykhhu manai maahi sarpar chalno log.
See, that even by calculating and scheming in their minds, people must surely depart in the end.

Aws Ainq gurmuiK imtY nwnk nwm Arog ]1] (254-1)
aas anit gurmukh mitai naanak naam arog. ||1||
Hopes and desires for transitory things are erased for the Gurmukh; O Nanak, the Name alone brings true health. ||1||

pauVI ] (254-2)

ggw goibd gux rvhu swis swis jip nIq ] (254-2)
gagaa gobid gun ravhu saas saas jap neet.
GAGGA: Chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe with each and every breath; meditate on Him forever.

khw ibswsw dyh kw iblm n kirho mIq ] (254-2)
kahaa bisaasaa dayh kaa bilam na kariho meet.
How can you rely on the body? Do not delay, my friend;

nh bwirk nh jobnY nh ibrDI kCu bMDu ] (254-3)
nah baarik nah jobnai nah birDhee kachh banDh.
there is nothing to stand in Death's way - neither in childhood, nor in youth, nor in old age.

Eh byrw nh bUJIAY jau Awie prY jm PMDu ] (254-3)
oh bayraa nah boojhee-ai ja-o aa-ay parai jam fanDh.
That time is not known, when the noose of Death shall come and fall on you.

igAwnI iDAwnI cqur pyiK rhnu nhI ieh Twie ] (254-4)
gi-aanee Dhi-aanee chatur paykh rahan nahee ih thaa-ay.
See, that even spiritual scholars, those who meditate, and those who are clever shall not stay in this place.

Cwif Cwif sglI geI mUV qhw lptwih ] (254-4)
chhaad chhaad saglee ga-ee moorh tahaa laptaahi.
Only the fool clings to that, which everyone else has abandoned and left behind.

gur pRswid ismrq rhY jwhU msqik Bwg ] (254-5)
gur parsaad simrat rahai jaahoo mastak bhaag.
By Guru's Grace, one who has such good destiny written on his forehead remembers the Lord in meditation.

nwnk Awey sPl qy jw kau ipRAih suhwg ]19] (254-5)
naanak aa-ay safal tay jaa ka-o pari-ahi suhaag. ||19||
O Nanak, blessed and fruitful is the coming of those who obtain the Beloved Lord as their Husband. ||19||

sloku ] (254-6)

GoKy swsqR byd sB Awn n kQqau koie ] (254-6)
ghokhay saastar bayd sabh aan na khathata-o ko-ay.
I have searched all the Shaastras and the Vedas, and they say nothing except this:

Awid jugwdI huix hovq nwnk eykY soie ]1] (254-6)
aad jugaadee hun hovat naanak aykai so-ay. ||1||
"In the beginning, throughout the ages, now and forevermore, O Nanak, the One Lord alone exists."||1||

pauVI ] (254-7)

GGw Gwlhu mnih eyh ibnu hir dUsr nwih ] (254-7)
ghaghaa ghaalhu maneh ayh bin har doosar naahi.
GHAGHA: Put this into your mind, that there is no one except the Lord.

nh hoAw nh hovnw jq kq EhI smwih ] (254-7)
nah ho-aa nah hovnaa jat kat ohee samaahi.
There never was, and there never shall be. He is pervading everywhere.

GUlih qau mn jau Awvih srnw ] (254-8)
ghooleh ta-o man ja-o aavahi sarnaa.
You shall be absorbed into Him, O mind, if you come to His Sanctuary.

nwm qqu kil mih punhcrnw ] (254-8)
naam tat kal meh punharchanaa.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, shall be of any real use to you.

Gwil Gwil Aink pCuqwvih ] (254-8)
ghaal ghaal anik pachhutaavahi.
So many work and slave continually, but they come to regret and repent in the end.

ibnu hir Bgiq khw iQiq pwvih ] (254-9)
bin har bhagat kahaa thit paavahi.
Without devotional worship of the Lord, how can they find stability?

Goil mhw rsu AMimRqu iqh pIAw ] (254-9)
ghol mahaa ras amrit tih pee-aa.
They alone taste the supreme essence, and drink in the Ambrosial Nectar,

nwnk hir guir jw kau dIAw ]20] (254-10)
naanak har gur jaa ka-o dee-aa. ||20||
O Nanak, unto whom the Lord, the Guru, gives it. ||20||

sloku ] (254-10)

|ix Gwly sB idvs sws nh bFn Gtn iqlu swr ] (254-10)
nyan ghaalay sabh divas saas nah badhan ghatan til saar.
He has counted all the days and the breaths, and placed them in people's destiny; they do not increase or decrease one little bit.

jIvn lorih Brm moh nwnk qyaU gvwr ]1] (254-11)
jeevan loreh bharam moh naanak tay-oo gavaar. ||1||
Those who long to live in doubt and emotional attachment, O Nanak, are total fools. ||1||

pauVI ] (254-11)

|M|w |RwsY kwlu iqh jo swkq pRiB kIn ] (254-11)
nyanyaa nyaraasai kaal tih jo saakat parabh keen.
NGANGA: Death seizes those whom God has made into faithless cynics.

Aink join jnmih mrih Awqm rwmu n cIn ] (254-12)
anik jon janmeh mareh aatam raam na cheen.
They are born and they die, enduring countless incarnations; they do not realize the Lord, the Supreme Soul.

i|Awn iDAwn qwhU kau Awey ] (254-12)
nyi-aan Dhi-aan taahoo ka-o aa-ay.
They alone find spiritual wisdom and meditation,

kir ikrpw ijh Awip idvwey ] (254-12)
kar kirpaa jih aap divaa-ay.
whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy;

|xqI |xI nhI koaU CUtY ] (254-13)
nyantee nyanee nahee ko-oo chhootai.
no one is emancipated by counting and calculating.

kwcI gwgir srpr PUtY ] (254-13)
kaachee gaagar sarpar footai.
The vessel of clay shall surely break.

so jIvq ijh jIvq jipAw ] (254-13)
so jeevat jih jeevat japi-aa.
They alone live, who, while alive, meditate on the Lord.

pRgt Bey nwnk nh CipAw ]21] (254-14)
pargat bha-ay naanak nah chhapi-aa. ||21||
They are respected, O Nanak, and do not remain hidden. ||21||

sloku ] (254-14)

iciq icqvau crxwribMd aUD kvl ibgsWq ] (254-14)
chit chitva-o charnaarbind ooDh kaval bigsaaNt.
Focus your consciousness on His Lotus Feet, and the inverted lotus of your heart shall blossom forth.

pRgt Bey Awpih guoibMd nwnk sMq mqWq ]1] (254-15)
pargat bha-ay aapeh gobind naanak sant mataaNt. ||1||
The Lord of the Universe Himself becomes manifest, O Nanak, through the Teachings of the Saints. ||1||

pauVI ] (254-15)

ccw crn kml gur lwgw ] Din Din auAw idn sMjog sBwgw ] (254-15)
chachaa charan kamal gur laagaa. Dhan Dhan u-aa din sanjog sabhaagaa.
CHACHA: Blessed, blessed is that day, when I became attached to the Lord's Lotus Feet.

cwir kuMt dh idis BRim AwieE ] (254-16)
chaar kunt dah dis bharam aa-i-o.
After wandering around in the four quarters and the ten directions,

BeI ik®pw qb drsnu pwieE ] (254-16)
bha-ee kirpaa tab darsan paa-i-o.
God showed His Mercy to me, and then I obtained the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

cwr ibcwr ibnisE sB dUAw ] (254-16)
chaar bichaar binsi-o sabh doo-aa.
By pure lifestyle and meditation, all duality is removed.

swDsMig mnu inrml hUAw ] (254-17)
saaDhsang man nirmal hoo-aa.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the mind becomes immaculate.

icMq ibswrI eyk idRstyqw ] (254-17)
chint bisaaree ayk daristaytaa.
Anxieties are forgotten, and the One Lord alone is seen,

nwnk igAwn AMjnu ijh nyqRw ]22] (254-17)
naanak gi-aan anjan jih naytaraa. ||22||
O Nanak, by those whose eyes are anointed with the ointment of spiritual wisdom. ||22||

sloku ] (254-18)

CwqI sIql mnu suKI CMq goibd gun gwie ] (254-18)
chhaatee seetal man sukhee chhant gobid gun gaa-ay.
The heart is cooled and soothed, and the mind is at peace, chanting and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

AYsI ikrpw krhu pRB nwnk dws dswie ]1] (254-18)
aisee kirpaa karahu parabh naanak daas dasaa-ay. ||1||
Show such Mercy, O God, that Nanak may become the slave of Your slaves. ||1||

pauVI ] (254-19)

CCw Cohry dws qumwry ] (254-19)
chhachhaa chhohray daas tumaaray.
CHHACHHA: I am Your child-slave.

dws dwsn ky pwnIhwry ] (254-19)
daas daasan kay paaneehaaray.
I am the water-carrier of the slave of Your slaves.

CCw Cwru hoq qyry sMqw ] (254-19)
chhachhaa chhaar hot tayray santaa.
Chhachha: I long to become the dust under the feet of Your Saints.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD