Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pauVI ] (253-1)

XXw jwrau durmiq doaU ] (253-1)
ya-yaa jaara-o durmat do-oo.
YAYYA: Burn away duality and evil-mindedness.

iqsih iqAwig suK shjy soaU ] (253-1)
tiseh ti-aag sukh sehjay so-oo.
Give them up, and sleep in intuitive peace and poise.

XXw jwie prhu sMq srnw ] (253-2)
ya-yaa jaa-ay parahu sant sarnaa.
Yaya: Go, and seek the Sanctuary of the Saints;

ijh Awsr ieAw Bvjlu qrnw ] (253-2)
jih aasar i-aa bhavjal tarnaa.
with their help, you shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

XXw jnim n AwvY soaU ] eyk nwm ly mnih proaU ] (253-2)
ya-yaa janam na aavai so-oo. ayk naam lay maneh paro-oo.
Yaya: One who weaves the One Name into his heart, does not have to take birth again.

XXw jnmu n hwrIAY gur pUry kI tyk ] (253-3)
ya-yaa janam na haaree-ai gur pooray kee tayk.
Yaya: This human life shall not be wasted, if you take the Support of the Perfect Guru.

nwnk iqh suKu pwieAw jw kY hIArY eyk ]14] (253-3)
naanak tih sukh paa-i-aa jaa kai hee-arai ayk. ||14||
O Nanak, one whose heart is filled with the One Lord finds peace. ||14||

sloku ] (253-4)

AMqir mn qn bis rhy eIq aUq ky mIq ] (253-4)
antar man tan bas rahay eet oot kay meet.
The One who dwells deep within the mind and body is your friend here and hereafter.

guir pUrY aupdyisAw nwnk jpIAY nIq ]1] (253-4)
gur poorai updaysi-aa naanak japee-ai neet. ||1||
The Perfect Guru has taught me, O Nanak, to chant His Name continually. ||1||

pauVI ] (253-5)

Anidnu ismrhu qwsu kau jo AMiq shweI hoie ] (253-5)
an-din simrahu taas ka-o jo ant sahaa-ee ho-ay.
Night and day, meditate in remembrance on the One who will be your Help and Support in the end.

ieh ibiKAw idn cwir iCA Cwif cilE sBu koie ] (253-5)
ih bikhi-aa din chaar chhi-a chhaad chali-o sabh ko-ay.
This poison shall last for only a few days; everyone must depart, and leave it behind.

kw ko mwq ipqw suq DIAw ] (253-6)
kaa ko maat pitaa sut Dhee-aa.
Who is our mother, father, son and daughter?

igRh binqw kCu sMig n lIAw ] (253-6)
garih banitaa kachh sang na lee-aa.
Household, wife, and other things shall not go along with you.

AYsI sMic ju ibnsq nwhI ] (253-6)
aisee sanch jo binsat naahee.
So gather that wealth which shall never perish,

piq syqI ApunY Gir jwhI ] (253-7)
pat saytee apunai ghar jaahee.
so that you may go to your true home with honor.

swDsMig kil kIrqnu gwieAw ] (253-7)
saaDhsang kal keertan gaa-i-aa.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, those who sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy

nwnk qy qy bhuir n AwieAw ]15] (253-7)
naanak tay tay bahur na aa-i-aa. ||15||
- O Nanak, they do not have to endure reincarnation again. ||15||

sloku ] (253-8)

Aiq suMdr kulIn cqur muiK i|AwnI DnvMq ] (253-8)
at sundar kuleen chatur mukh nyi-aanee Dhanvant.
He may be very handsome, born into a highly respected family, very wise, a famous spiritual teacher, prosperous and wealthy;

imrqk khIAih nwnkw ijh pRIiq nhI BgvMq ]1] (253-8)
mirtak kahee-ahi naankaa jih pareet nahee bhagvant. ||1||
but even so, he is looked upon as a corpse, O Nanak, if he does not love the Lord God. ||1||

pauVI ] (253-9)

|M|w Ktu swsqR hoie i|Awqw ] (253-9)
nyanyaa khat saastar ho-ay nyi-aataa.
NGANGA: He may be a scholar of the six Shaastras.

pUrku kuMBk ryck krmwqw ] (253-9)
poorak kumbhak raychak karmaataa.
He may practice inhaling, exhaling and holding the breath.

i|Awn iDAwn qIrQ iesnwnI ] (253-10)
nyi-aan Dhi-aan tirath isnaanee.
He may practice spiritual wisdom, meditation, pilgrimages to sacred shrines and ritual cleansing baths.

sompwk Aprs auidAwnI ] (253-10)
sompaak apras udi-aanee.
He may cook his own food, and never touch anyone else's; he may live in the wilderness like a hermit.

rwm nwm sMig min nhI hyqw ] (253-10)
raam naam sang man nahee haytaa.
But if he does not enshrine love for the Lord's Name within his heart,

jo kCu kIno soaU Anyqw ] (253-11)
jo kachh keeno so-oo anaytaa.
then everything he does is transitory.

auAw qy aUqmu gnau cMfwlw ] (253-11)
u-aa tay ootam gan-o chandalaa.
Even an untouchable pariah is superior to him,

nwnk ijh min bsih gupwlw ]16] (253-11)
naanak jih man baseh gupaalaa. ||16||
O Nanak, if the Lord of the World abides in his mind. ||16||

sloku ] (253-12)

kuMt cwir dh idis BRmy krm ikriq kI ryK ] (253-12)
kunt chaar dah dis bharamay karam kirat kee raykh.
He wanders around in the four quarters and in the ten directions, according to the dictates of his karma.

sUK dUK mukiq join nwnk iliKE lyK ]1] (253-12)
sookh dookh mukat jon naanak likhi-o laykh. ||1||
Pleasure and pain, liberation and reincarnation, O Nanak, come according to one's pre-ordained destiny. ||1||

pvVI ] (253-13)

kkw kwrn krqw soaU ] (253-13)
kakaa kaaran kartaa so-oo.
KAKKA: He is the Creator, the Cause of causes.

iliKE lyKu n mytq koaU ] (253-13)
likhi-o laykh na maytat ko-oo.
No one can erase His pre-ordained plan.

nhI hoq kCu doaU bwrw ] (253-13)
nahee hot kachh do-oo baaraa.
Nothing can be done a second time.

krnYhwru n BUlnhwrw ] (253-13)
karnaihaar na bhoolanhaaraa.
The Creator Lord does not make mistakes.

kwhU pMQu idKwrY AwpY ] (253-14)
kaahoo panth dikhaarai aapai.
To some, He Himself shows the Way.

kwhU auidAwn BRmq pCuqwpY ] (253-14)
kaahoo udi-aan bharmat pachhutaapai.
While He causes others to wander miserably in the wilderness.

Awpn Kylu Awp hI kIno ] (253-14)
aapan khayl aap hee keeno.
He Himself has set His own play in motion.

jo jo dIno su nwnk lIno ]17] (253-15)
jo jo deeno so naanak leeno. ||17||
Whatever He gives, O Nanak, that is what we receive. ||17||

sloku ] (253-15)

Kwq Krcq iblCq rhy tUit n jwih BMfwr ] (253-15)
khaat kharchat bilchhat rahay toot na jaahi bhandaar.
People continue to eat and consume and enjoy, but the Lord's warehouses are never exhausted.

hir hir jpq Anyk jn nwnk nwih sumwr ]1] (253-15)
har har japat anayk jan naanak naahi sumaar. ||1||
So many chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; O Nanak, they cannot be counted. ||1||

pauVI ] (253-16)

KKw KUnw kCu nhI iqsu sMmRQ kY pwih ] (253-16)
khakhaa khoonaa kachh nahee tis samrath kai paahi.
KHAKHA: The All-powerful Lord lacks nothing;

jo dynw so dy rihE BwvY qh qh jwih ] (253-16)
jo daynaa so day rahi-o bhaavai tah tah jaahi.
whatever He is to give, He continues to give - let anyone go anywhere he pleases.

Krcu Kjwnw nwm Dnu ieAw Bgqn kI rwis ] (253-17)
kharach khajaanaa naam Dhan i-aa bhagtan kee raas.
The wealth of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is a treasure to spend; it is the capital of His devotees.

iKmw grIbI And shj jpq rhih guxqws ] (253-17)
khimaa gareebee anad sahj japat raheh guntaas.
With tolerance, humility, bliss and intuitive poise, they continue to meditate on the Lord, the Treasure of excellence.

Kylih ibgsih And isau jw kau hoq ik®pwl ] (253-18)
khayleh bigsahi anad si-o jaa ka-o hot kirpaal.
Those, unto whom the Lord shows His Mercy, play happily and blossom forth.

sdIv gnIv suhwvny rwm nwm igRih mwl ] (253-18)
sadeev ganeev suhaavanay raam naam garihi maal.
Those who have the wealth of the Lord's Name in their homes are forever wealthy and beautiful.

Kydu n dUKu n fwnu iqh jw kau ndir krI ] (253-19)
khayd na dookh na daan tih jaa ka-o nadar karee.
Those who are blessed with the Lord's Glance of Grace suffer neither torture, nor pain, nor punishment.

nwnk jo pRB BwixAw pUrI iqnw prI ]18] (253-19)
naanak jo parabh bhaani-aa pooree tinaa paree. ||18||
O Nanak, those who are pleasing to God become perfectly successful. ||18||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD