Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pauVI ] (252-1)

ry mn ibnu hir jh rchu qh qh bMDn pwih ] (252-1)
ray man bin har jah rachahu tah tah banDhan paahi.
O mind: without the Lord, whatever you are involved in shall bind you in chains.

ijh ibiD kqhU n CUtIAY swkq qyaU kmwih ] (252-1)
jih biDh kathoo na chhootee-ai saakat tay-oo kamaahi.
The faithless cynic does those deeds which will never allow him to be emancipated.

hau hau krqy krm rq qw ko Bwru APwr ] (252-2)
ha-o ha-o kartay karam rat taa ko bhaar afaar.
Acting in egotism, selfishness and conceit, the lovers of rituals carry the unbearable load.

pRIiq nhI jau nwm isau qau eyaU krm ibkwr ] (252-2)
pareet nahee ja-o naam si-o ta-o ay-oo karam bikaar.
When there is no love for the Naam, then these rituals are corrupt.

bwDy jm kI jyvrI mITI mwieAw rMg ] (252-3)
baaDhay jam kee jayvree meethee maa-i-aa rang.
The rope of death binds those who are in love with the sweet taste of Maya.

BRm ky mohy nh buJih so pRBu sdhU sMg ] (252-3)
bharam kay mohay nah bujheh so parabh sadhoo sang.
Deluded by doubt, they do not understand that God is always with them.

lyKY gxq n CUtIAY kwcI BIiq n suiD ] (252-4)
laykhai ganat na chhootee-ai kaachee bheet na suDh.
When their accounts are called for, they shall not be released; their wall of mud cannot be washed clean.

ijsih buJwey nwnkw iqh gurmuiK inrml buiD ]9] (252-4)
jisahi bujhaa-ay naankaa tih gurmukh nirmal buDh. ||9||
One who is made to understand - O Nanak, that Gurmukh obtains immaculate understanding. ||9||

sloku ] (252-5)

tUty bMDn jwsu ky hoAw swDU sMgu ] (252-5)
tootay banDhan jaas kay ho-aa saaDhoo sang.
One whose bonds are cut away joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

jo rwqy rMg eyk kY nwnk gUVw rMgu ]1] (252-5)
jo raatay rang ayk kai naanak goorhaa rang. ||1||
Those who are imbued with the Love of the One Lord, O Nanak, take on the deep and lasting color of His Love. ||1||

pauVI ] (252-5)

rwrw rMghu ieAw mnu Apnw ] (252-6)
raaraa rangahu i-aa man apnaa.
RARRA: Dye this heart of yours in the color of the Lord's Love.

hir hir nwmu jphu jpu rsnw ] (252-6)
har har naam japahu jap rasnaa.
Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har - chant it with your tongue.

ry ry drgh khY n koaU ] (252-6)
ray ray dargeh kahai na ko-oo.
In the Court of the Lord, no one shall speak harshly to you.

Awau bYTu Awdru suB dyaU ] (252-6)
aa-o baith aadar subh day-oo.
Everyone shall welcome you, saying, "Come, and sit down."

auAw mhlI pwvih qU bwsw ] (252-7)
u-aa mahlee paavahi too baasaa.
In that Mansion of the Lord's Presence, you shall find a home.

jnm mrn nh hoie ibnwsw ] (252-7)
janam maran nah ho-ay binaasaa.
There is no birth or death, or destruction there.

msqik krmu iliKE Duir jw kY ] (252-7)
mastak karam likhi-o Dhur jaa kai.
One who has such karma written on his forehead,

hir sMpY nwnk Gir qw kY ]10] (252-8)
har sampai naanak ghar taa kai. ||10||
O Nanak, has the wealth of the Lord in his home. ||10||

sloku ] (252-8)

lwlc JUT ibkwr moh ibAwpq mUVy AMD ] (252-8)
laalach jhooth bikaar moh bi-aapat moorhay anDh.
Greed, falsehood, corruption and emotional attachment entangle the blind and the foolish.

lwig pry durgMD isau nwnk mwieAw bMD ]1] (252-9)
laag paray durganDh si-o naanak maa-i-aa banDh. ||1||
Bound down by Maya, O Nanak, a foul odor clings to them. ||1||

pauVI ] (252-9)

llw lpit ibKY rs rwqy ] (252-9)
lalaa lapat bikhai ras raatay.
LALLA: People are entangled in the love of corrupt pleasures;

AhMbuiD mwieAw md mwqy ] (252-9)
ahaN-buDh maa-i-aa mad maatay.
they are drunk with the wine of egotistical intellect and Maya.

ieAw mwieAw mih jnmih mrnw ] (252-10)
i-aa maa-i-aa meh janmeh marnaa.
In this Maya, they are born and die.

ijau ijau hukmu iqvY iqau krnw ] (252-10)
ji-o ji-o hukam tivai ti-o karnaa.
People act according to the Hukam of the Lord's Command.

koaU aUn n koaU pUrw ] (252-10)
ko-oo oon na ko-oo pooraa.
No one is perfect, and no one is imperfect.

koaU suGru n koaU mUrw ] (252-11)
ko-oo sughar na ko-oo mooraa.
No one is wise, and no one is foolish.

ijqu ijqu lwvhu iqqu iqqu lgnw ] (252-11)
jit jit laavhu tit tit lagnaa.
Wherever the Lord engages someone, there he is engaged.

nwnk Twkur sdw Ailpnw ]11] (252-11)
naanak thaakur sadaa alipanaa. ||11||
O Nanak, our Lord and Master is forever detached. ||11||

sloku ] (252-12)

lwl gupwl goibMd pRB gihr gMBIr AQwh ] (252-12)
laal gupaal gobind parabh gahir gambheer athaah.
My Beloved God, the Sustainer of the World, the Lord of the Universe, is deep, profound and unfathomable.

dUsr nwhI Avr ko nwnk byprvwh ]1] (252-12)
doosar naahee avar ko naanak bayparvaah. ||1||
There is no other like Him; O Nanak, He is not worried. ||1||

pauVI ] (252-13)

llw qw kY lvY n koaU ] (252-13)
lalaa taa kai lavai na ko-oo.
LALLA: There is no one equal to Him.

eykih Awip Avr nh hoaU ] (252-13)
aykeh aap avar nah ho-oo.
He Himself is the One; there shall never be any other.

hovnhwru hoq sd AwieAw ] (252-13)
hovanhaar hot sad aa-i-aa.
He is now, He has been, and He shall always be.

auAw kw AMqu n kwhU pwieAw ] (252-14)
u-aa kaa ant na kaahoo paa-i-aa.
No one has ever found His limit.

kIt hsiq mih pUr smwny ] (252-14)
keet hasat meh poor samaanay.
In the ant and in the elephant, He is totally pervading.

pRgt purK sB TwaU jwny ] (252-14)
pargat purakh sabh thaa-oo jaanay.
The Lord, the Primal Being, is known by everyone everywhere.

jw kau dIno hir rsu Apnw ] (252-14)
jaa ka-o deeno har ras apnaa.
That one, unto whom the Lord has given His Love

nwnk gurmuiK hir hir iqh jpnw ]12] (252-15)
naanak gurmukh har har tih japnaa. ||12||
- O Nanak, that Gurmukh chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||12||

sloku ] (252-15)

Awqm rsu ijh jwinAw hir rMg shjy mwxu ] (252-15)
aatam ras jih jaani-aa har rang sehjay maan.
One who knows the taste of the Lord's sublime essence, intuitively enjoys the Lord's Love.

nwnk Din Din DMin jn Awey qy prvwxu ]1] (252-16)
naanak Dhan Dhan Dhan jan aa-ay tay parvaan. ||1||
O Nanak, blessed, blessed, blessed are the Lord's humble servants; how fortunate is their coming into the world! ||1||

pauVI ] (252-16)

AwieAw sPl qwhU ko gnIAY ] (252-16)
aa-i-aa safal taahoo ko ganee-ai.
How fruitful is the coming into the world, of those

jwsu rsn hir hir jsu BnIAY ] (252-17)
jaas rasan har har jas bhanee-ai.
whose tongues celebrate the Praises of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

Awie bsih swDU kY sMgy ] (252-17)
aa-ay baseh saaDhoo kai sangay.
They come and dwell with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy;

Anidnu nwmu iDAwvih rMgy ] (252-17)
an-din naam Dhi-aavahi rangay.
night and day, they lovingly meditate on the Naam.

Awvq so jnu nwmih rwqw ] (252-18)
aavat so jan naameh raataa.
Blessed is the birth of those humble beings who are attuned to the Naam;

jw kau dieAw mieAw ibDwqw ] (252-18)
jaa ka-o da-i-aa ma-i-aa biDhaataa.
the Lord, the Architect of Destiny, bestows His Kind Mercy upon them.

eykih Awvn iPir join n AwieAw ] (252-18)
aykeh aavan fir jon na aa-i-aa.
They are born only once - they shall not be reincarnated again.

nwnk hir kY dris smwieAw ]13] (252-19)
naanak har kai daras samaa-i-aa. ||13||
O Nanak, they are absorbed into the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||13||

sloku ] (252-19)

Xwsu jpq min hoie Anµdu ibnsY dUjw Bwau ] dUK drd iqRsnw buJY nwnk nwim smwau ]1] (252-19)
yaas japat man ho-ay anand binsai doojaa bhaa-o. dookh darad tarisnaa bujhai naanak naam samaa-o. ||1||
Chanting it, the mind is filled with bliss; love of duality is eliminated, and pain, distress and desires are quenched. O Nanak, immerse yourself in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD