Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwm ibhUny nwnkw hoq jwq sBu DUr ]1] (251-1)
naam bihoonay naankaa hot jaat sabh Dhoor. ||1||
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O Nanak, all are reduced to dust. ||1||

pvVI ] (251-1)

DDw DUir punIq qyry jnUAw ] (251-1)
DhaDhaa Dhoor puneet tayray janoo-aa.
DHADHA: The dust of the feet of the Saints is sacred.

Din qyaU ijh ruc ieAw mnUAw ] (251-1)
Dhan tay-oo jih ruch i-aa manoo-aa.
Blessed are those whose minds are filled with this longing.

Dnu nhI bwCih surg n AwCih ] (251-2)
Dhan nahee baachheh surag na aachheh.
They do not seek wealth, and they do not desire paradise.

Aiq ipRA pRIiq swD rj rwcih ] (251-2)
at pari-a pareet saaDh raj raacheh.
They are immersed in the deep love of their Beloved, and the dust of the feet of the Holy.

DMDy khw ibAwpih qwhU ] jo eyk Cwif An kqih n jwhU ] (251-2)
DhanDhay kahaa bi-aapahi taahoo. jo ayk chhaad an kateh na jaahoo.
How can worldly affairs affect those who do not abandon the One Lord, and who go nowhere else?

jw kY hIAY dIE pRB nwm ] (251-3)
jaa kai hee-ai dee-o parabh naam.
One whose heart is filled with God's Name,

nwnk swD pUrn Bgvwn ]4] (251-3)
naanak saaDh pooran bhagvaan. ||4||
O Nanak, is a perfect spiritual being of God. ||4||

slok ] (251-4)

Aink ByK Aru i|Awn iDAwn mnhiT imilAau n koie ] (251-4)
anik bhaykh ar nyi-aan Dhi-aan manhath mili-a-o na ko-ay.
By all sorts of religious robes, knowledge, meditation and stubborn-mindedness, no one has ever met God.

khu nwnk ikrpw BeI Bgqu i|AwnI soie ]1] (251-4)
kaho naanak kirpaa bha-ee bhagat nyi-aanee so-ay. ||1||
Says Nanak, those upon whom God showers His Mercy, are devotees of spiritual wisdom. ||1||

pauVI ] (251-5)

|M|w i|Awnu nhI muK bwqau ] (251-5)
nyanyaa nyi-aan nahee mukh baata-o.
NGANGA: Spiritual wisdom is not obtained by mere words of mouth.

Aink jugiq swsqR kir Bwqau ] (251-5)
anik jugat saastar kar bhaata-o.
It is not obtained through the various debates of the Shaastras and scriptures.

i|AwnI soie jw kY idRV soaU ] (251-6)
nyi-aanee so-ay jaa kai darirh so-oo.
They alone are spiritually wise, whose minds are firmly fixed on the Lord.

khq sunq kCu jogu n hoaU ] (251-6)
kahat sunat kachh jog na ho-oo.
Hearing and telling stories, no one attains Yoga.

i|AwnI rhq AwigAw idRVu jw kY ] (251-6)
nyi-aanee rahat aagi-aa darirh jaa kai.
They alone are spiritually wise, who remain firmly committed to the Lord's Command.

ausn sIq smsir sB qw kY ] (251-7)
usan seet samsar sabh taa kai.
Heat and cold are all the same to them.

i|AwnI qqu gurmuiK bIcwrI ] (251-7)
nyi-aanee tat gurmukh beechaaree.
The true people of spiritual wisdom are the Gurmukhs, who contemplate the essence of reality;

nwnk jw kau ikrpw DwrI ]5] (251-7)
naanak jaa ka-o kirpaa Dhaaree. ||5||
O Nanak, the Lord showers His Mercy upon them. ||5||

sloku ] (251-8)

Awvn Awey isRsit mih ibnu bUJy psu For ] (251-8)
aavan aa-ay sarisat meh bin boojhay pas dhor.
Those who have come into the world without understanding are like animals and beasts.

nwnk gurmuiK so buJY jw kY Bwg mQor ]1] (251-8)
naanak gurmukh so bujhai jaa kai bhaag mathor. ||1||
O Nanak, those who become Gurmukh understand; upon their foreheads is such pre-ordained destiny. ||1||

pauVI ] (251-9)

Xw jug mih eykih kau AwieAw ] (251-9)
yaa jug meh aykeh ka-o aa-i-aa.
They have come into this world to meditate on the One Lord.

jnmq moihE mohnI mwieAw ] (251-9)
janmat mohi-o mohnee maa-i-aa.
But ever since their birth, they have been enticed by the fascination of Maya.

grB kuMt mih aurD qp krqy ] (251-9)
garabh kunt meh uraDh tap kartay.
Upside-down in the chamber of the womb, they performed intense meditation.

swis swis ismrq pRBu rhqy ] (251-10)
saas saas simrat parabh rahtay.
They remembered God in meditation with each and every breath.

auriJ pry jo Coif Cfwnw ] (251-10)
urajh paray jo chhod chhadaanaa.
But now, they are entangled in things which they must leave behind.

dyvnhwru mnih ibsrwnw ] (251-10)
dayvanhaar maneh bisraanaa.
They forget the Great Giver from their minds.

Dwrhu ikrpw ijsih gusweI ] ieq auq nwnk iqsu ibsrhu nwhI ]6] (251-11)
Dhaarahu kirpaa jisahi gusaa-ee. it ut naanak tis bisrahu naahee. ||6||
O Nanak, those upon whom the Lord showers His Mercy, do not forget Him, here or hereafter. ||6||

sloku ] (251-11)

Awvq hukim ibnws hukim AwigAw iBMn n koie ] (251-11)
aavat hukam binaas hukam aagi-aa bhinn na ko-ay.
By His Command, we come, and by His Command, we go; no one is beyond His Command.

Awvn jwnw iqh imtY nwnk ijh min soie ]1] (251-12)
aavan jaanaa tih mitai naanak jih man so-ay. ||1||
Coming and going in reincarnation is ended, O Nanak, for those whose minds are filled with the Lord. ||1||

pauVI ] (251-13)

eyaU jIA bhuqu gRB vwsy ] (251-13)
ay-oo jee-a bahut garabh vaasay.
This soul has lived in many wombs.

moh mgn mIT join Pwsy ] (251-13)
moh magan meeth jon faasay.
Enticed by sweet attachment, it has been trapped in reincarnation.

iein mwieAw qRY gux bis kIny ] (251-13)
in maa-i-aa tarai gun bas keenay.
This Maya has subjugated beings through the three qualities.

Awpn moh Gty Git dIny ] (251-14)
aapan moh ghatay ghat deenay.
Maya has infused attachment to itself in each and every heart.

ey swjn kCu khhu aupwieAw ] (251-14)
ay saajan kachh kahhu upaa-i-aa.
O friend, tell me some way,

jw qy qrau ibKm ieh mwieAw ] (251-14)
jaa tay tara-o bikham ih maa-i-aa.
by which I may swim across this treacherous ocean of Maya.

kir ikrpw sqsMig imlwey ] (251-14)
kar kirpaa satsang milaa-ay.
The Lord showers His Mercy, and leads us to join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

nwnk qw kY inkit n mwey ]7] (251-15)
naanak taa kai nikat na maa-ay. ||7||
O Nanak, Maya does not even come near. ||7||

sloku ] (251-15)

ikrq kmwvn suB AsuB kIny iqin pRiB Awip ] (251-15)
kirat kamaavan subh asubh keenay tin parabh aap.
God Himself causes one to perform good and bad actions.

psu Awpn hau hau krY nwnk ibnu hir khw kmwiq ]1] (251-16)
pas aapan ha-o ha-o karai naanak bin har kahaa kamaat. ||1||
The beast indulges in egotism, selfishness and conceit; O Nanak, without the Lord, what can anyone do? ||1||

pauVI ] (251-16)

eykih Awip krwvnhwrw ] (251-16)
aykeh aap karaavanhaaraa.
The One Lord Himself is the Cause of all actions.

Awpih pwp puMn ibsQwrw ] (251-17)
aapeh paap punn bisthaaraa.
He Himself distributes sins and noble acts.

ieAw jug ijqu ijqu Awpih lwieE ] (251-17)
i-aa jug jit jit aapeh laa-i-o.
In this age, people are attached as the Lord attaches them.

so so pwieE ju Awip idvwieE ] (251-17)
so so paa-i-o jo aap divaa-i-o.
They receive that which the Lord Himself gives.

auAw kw AMqu n jwnY koaU ] (251-18)
u-aa kaa ant na jaanai ko-oo.
No one knows His limits.

jo jo krY soaU Puin hoaU ] (251-18)
jo jo karai so-oo fun ho-oo.
Whatever He does, comes to pass.

eykih qy sglw ibsQwrw ] (251-18)
aykeh tay saglaa bisthaaraa.
From the One, the entire expanse of the Universe emanated.

nwnk Awip svwrnhwrw ]8] (251-19)
naanak aap savaaranhaaraa. ||8||
O Nanak, He Himself is our Saving Grace. ||8||

sloku ] (251-19)

rwic rhy binqw ibnod kusm rMg ibK sor ] (251-19)
raach rahay banitaa binod kusam rang bikh sor.
Man remains engrossed in women and playful pleasures; the tumult of his passion is like the dye of the safflower, which fades away all too soon.

nwnk iqh srnI prau ibnis jwie mY mor ]1] (251-19)
naanak tih sarnee para-o binas jaa-ay mai mor. ||1||
O Nanak, seek God's Sanctuary, and your selfishness and conceit shall be taken away. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD