Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


<> siqgur pRswid ] (250-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

gauVI bwvn AKrI mhlw 5 ] (250-1)
ga-orhee baavan akhree mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Baavan Akhree ~ The 52 Letters, Fifth Mehl:

sloku ] (250-1)

gurdyv mwqw gurdyv ipqw gurdyv suAwmI prmysurw ] (250-1)
gurdayv maataa gurdayv pitaa gurdayv su-aamee parmaysuraa.
The Divine Guru is my mother, the Divine Guru is my father; the Divine Guru is my Transcendent Lord and Master.

gurdyv sKw AigAwn BMjnu gurdyv bMiDp shodrw ] (250-2)
gurdayv sakhaa agi-aan bhanjan gurdayv banDhip sahodaraa.
The Divine Guru is my companion, the Destroyer of ignorance; the Divine Guru is my relative and brother.

gurdyv dwqw hir nwmu aupdysY gurdyv mMqu inroDrw ] (250-2)
gurdayv daataa har naam updaysai gurdayv mant niroDharaa.
The Divine Guru is the Giver, the Teacher of the Lord's Name. The Divine Guru is the Mantra which never fails.

gurdyv sWiq siq buiD mUriq gurdyv pwrs prs prw ] (250-3)
gurdayv saaNt sat buDh moorat gurdayv paaras paras paraa.
The Divine Guru is the Image of peace, truth and wisdom. The Divine Guru is the Philosopher's Stone - touching it, one is transformed.

gurdyv qIrQu AMimRq srovru gur igAwn mjnu AprMprw ] (250-3)
gurdayv tirath amrit sarovar gur gi-aan majan apramparaa.
The Divine Guru is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage, and the pool of divine ambrosia; bathing in the Guru's wisdom, one experiences the Infinite.

gurdyv krqw siB pwp hrqw gurdyv piqq pivq krw ] (250-4)
gurdayv kartaa sabh paap hartaa gurdayv patit pavit karaa.
The Divine Guru is the Creator, and the Destroyer of all sins; the Divine Guru is the Purifier of sinners.

gurdyv Awid jugwid jugu jugu gurdyv mMqu hir jip auDrw ] (250-5)
gurdayv aad jugaad jug jug gurdayv mant har jap uDhraa.
The Divine Guru existed at the primal beginning, throughout the ages, in each and every age. The Divine Guru is the Mantra of the Lord's Name; chanting it, one is saved.

gurdyv sMgiq pRB myil kir ikrpw hm mUV pwpI ijqu lig qrw ] (250-5)
gurdayv sangat parabh mayl kar kirpaa ham moorh paapee jit lag taraa.
O God, please be merciful to me, that I may be with the Divine Guru; I am a foolish sinner, but holding onto Him, I am carried across.

gurdyv siqguru pwrbRhmu prmysru gurdyv nwnk hir nmskrw ]1] (250-6)
gurdayv satgur paarbarahm parmaysar gurdayv naanak har namaskaraa. ||1||
The Divine Guru is the True Guru, the Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord; Nanak bows in humble reverence to the Lord, the Divine Guru. ||1||

sloku ] (250-7)

Awpih kIAw krwieAw Awpih krnY jogu ] (250-7)
aapeh kee-aa karaa-i-aa aapeh karnai jog.
He Himself acts, and causes others to act; He Himself can do everything.

nwnk eyko riv rihAw dUsr hoAw n hogu ]1] (250-7)
naanak ayko rav rahi-aa doosar ho-aa na hog. ||1||
O Nanak, the One Lord is pervading everywhere; there has never been any other, and there never shall be. ||1||

pauVI ] (250-8)

EAM swD siqgur nmskwrM ] (250-8)
o-aN saaDh satgur namaskaaraN.
ONG: I humbly bow in reverence to the One Universal Creator, to the Holy True Guru.

Awid miD AMiq inrMkwrM ] (250-8)
aad maDh ant niraNkaaraN.
In the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, He is the Formless Lord.

Awpih suMn Awpih suK Awsn ] (250-8)
aapeh sunn aapeh sukh aasan.
He Himself is in the absolute state of primal meditation; He Himself is in the seat of peace.

Awpih sunq Awp hI jwsn ] (250-9)
aapeh sunat aap hee jaasan.
He Himself listens to His Own Praises.

Awpn Awpu Awpih aupwieE ] (250-9)
aapan aap aapeh upaa-i-o.
He Himself created Himself.

Awpih bwp Awp hI mwieE ] (250-9)
aapeh baap aap hee maa-i-o.
He is His Own Father, He is His Own Mother.

Awpih sUKm Awpih AsQUlw ] (250-10)
aapeh sookham aapeh asthoolaa.
He Himself is subtle and etheric; He Himself is manifest and obvious.

lKI n jweI nwnk lIlw ]1] (250-10)
lakhee na jaa-ee naanak leelaa. ||1||
O Nanak, His wondrous play cannot be understood. ||1||

kir ikrpw pRB dIn dieAwlw ] (250-10)
kar kirpaa parabh deen da-i-aalaa.
O God, Merciful to the meek, please be kind to me,

qyry sMqn kI mnu hoie rvwlw ] rhwau ] (250-11)
tayray santan kee man ho-ay ravaalaa. rahaa-o.
that my mind might become the dust of the feet of Your Saints. ||Pause||

sloku ] (250-11)

inrMkwr Awkwr Awip inrgun srgun eyk ] (250-11)
nirankaar aakaar aap nirgun sargun ayk.
He Himself is formless, and also formed; the One Lord is without attributes, and also with attributes.

eykih eyk bKwnno nwnk eyk Anyk ]1] (250-12)
aykeh ayk bakhaanano naanak ayk anayk. ||1||
Describe the One Lord as One, and Only One; O Nanak, He is the One, and the many. ||1||

pauVI ] (250-12)

EAM gurmuiK kIE Akwrw ] (250-12)
o-aN gurmukh kee-o akaaraa.
ONG: The One Universal Creator created the Creation through the Word of the Primal Guru.

eykih sUiq provnhwrw ] (250-12)
aykeh soot parovanhaaraa.
He strung it upon His one thread.

iBMn iBMn qRY gux ibsQwrM ] (250-13)
bhinn bhinn tarai gun bisthaaraN.
He created the diverse expanse of the three qualities.

inrgun qy srgun idRstwrM ] (250-13)
nirgun tay sargun daristaaraN.
From formless, He appeared as form.

sgl Bwiq kir krih aupwieE ] (250-13)
sagal bhaat kar karahi upaa-i-o.
The Creator has created the creation of all sorts.

jnm mrn mn mohu bFwieE ] (250-14)
janam maran man moh badhaa-i-o.
The attachment of the mind has led to birth and death.

duhU Bwiq qy Awip inrwrw ] (250-14)
duhoo bhaat tay aap niraaraa.
He Himself is above both, untouched and unaffected.

nwnk AMqu n pwrwvwrw ]2] (250-14)
naanak ant na paaraavaaraa. ||2||
O Nanak, He has no end or limitation. ||2||

sloku ] (250-15)

syeI swh BgvMq sy scu sMpY hir rwis ] (250-15)
say-ee saah bhagvant say sach sampai har raas.
Those who gather Truth, and the riches of the Lord's Name, are rich and very fortunate.

nwnk scu suic pweIAY iqh sMqn kY pwis ]1] (250-15)
naanak sach such paa-ee-ai tih santan kai paas. ||1||
O Nanak, truthfulness and purity are obtained from Saints such as these. ||1||

pvVI ] (250-16)

ssw siq siq siq soaU ] (250-16)
sasaa sat sat sat so-oo.
SASSA: True, True, True is that Lord.

siq purK qy iBMn n koaU ] (250-16)
sat purakh tay bhinn na ko-oo.
No one is separate from the True Primal Lord.

soaU srin prY ijh pwXM ] (250-16)
so-oo saran parai jih paa-yaN.
They alone enter the Lord's Sanctuary, whom the Lord inspires to enter.

ismir ismir gun gwie sunwXM ] (250-17)
simar simar gun gaa-ay sunaa-yaN.
Meditating, meditating in remembrance, they sing and preach the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

sMsY Brmu nhI kCu ibAwpq ] (250-17)
sansai bharam nahee kachh bi-aapat.
Doubt and skepticism do not affect them at all.

pRgt pRqwpu qwhU ko jwpq ] (250-17)
pargat partaap taahoo ko jaapat.
They behold the manifest glory of the Lord.

so swDU ieh phucnhwrw ] (250-17)
so saaDhoo ih pahuchanhaaraa.
They are the Holy Saints - they reach this destination.

nwnk qw kY sd bilhwrw ]3] (250-18)
naanak taa kai sad balihaaraa. ||3||
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to them. ||3||

sloku ] (250-18)

Dnu Dnu khw pukwrqy mwieAw moh sB kUr ] (250-18)
Dhan Dhan kahaa pukaartay maa-i-aa moh sabh koor.
Why are you crying out for riches and wealth? All this emotional attachment to Maya is false.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD