Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Bgiq vCl purK pUrn mnih icMidAw pweIAY ] (249-1)
bhagat vachhal purakh pooran maneh chindi-aa paa-ee-ai.
The Perfect Lord is the Lover of His devotees; He fulfills the desires of the mind.

qm AMD kUp qy auDwrY nwmu mMin vsweIAY ] (249-1)
tam anDh koop tay uDhaarai naam man vasaa-ee-ai.
He lifts us up out of the deep, dark pit; enshrine His Name within your mind.

sur isD gx gMDrb muin jn gux Aink BgqI gwieAw ] (249-2)
sur siDh gan ganDharab mun jan gun anik bhagtee gaa-i-aa.
The gods, the Siddhas, the angels, the heavenly singers, the silent sages and the devotees sing Your countless Glorious Praises.

ibnvMiq nwnk krhu ikrpw pwrbRhm hir rwieAw ]2] (249-2)
binvant naanak karahu kirpaa paarbarahm har raa-i-aa. ||2||
Prays Nanak, please be merciful to me, O Supreme Lord God, my King. ||2||

cyiq mnw pwrbRhmu prmysru srb klw ijin DwrI ] (249-3)
chayt manaa paarbarahm parmaysar sarab kalaa jin Dhaaree.
O my mind, be conscious of the Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, who wields all power.

kruxw mY smrQu suAwmI Gt Gt pRwx ADwrI ] (249-3)
karunaa mai samrath su-aamee ghat ghat paraan aDhaaree.
He is All-powerful, the Embodiment of compassion. He is the Master of each and every heart;

pRwx mn qn jIA dwqw byAMq Agm Apwro ] (249-4)
paraan man tan jee-a daataa bay-ant agam apaaro.
He is the Support of the breath of life. He is the Giver of the breath of life, of mind, body and soul. He is Infinite, Inaccessible and Unfathomable.

srix jogu smrQu mohnu srb doK ibdwro ] (249-4)
saran jog samrath mohan sarab dokh bidaaro.
The All-powerful Lord is our Sanctuary; He is the Enticer of the mind, who banishes all sorrows.

rog sog siB doK ibnsih jpq nwmu murwrI ] (249-5)
rog sog sabh dokh binsahi japat naam muraaree.
All illnesses, sufferings and pains are dispelled, by chanting the Name of the Lord.

ibnvMiq nwnk krhu ikrpw smrQ sB kl DwrI ]3] (249-5)
binvant naanak karahu kirpaa samrath sabh kal Dhaaree. ||3||
Prays Nanak, please be merciful to me, All-powerful Lord; You are the Wielder of all power. ||3||

gux gwau mnw Acuq AibnwsI sB qy aUc dieAwlw ] (249-6)
gun gaa-o manaa achut abhinaasee sabh tay ooch da-i-aalaa.
O my mind, sing the Glorious Praises of the Imperishable, Eternal, Merciful Master, the Highest of all.

ibsMBru dyvn kau eykY srb krY pRiqpwlw ] (249-7)
bisambhar dayvan ka-o aykai sarab karai partipaalaa.
The One Lord is the Sustainer of the Universe, the Great Giver; He is the Cherisher of all.

pRiqpwl mhw dieAwl dwnw dieAw Dwry sB iksY ] (249-7)
partipaal mahaa da-i-aal daanaa da-i-aa Dhaaray sabh kisai.
The Cherisher Lord is so very merciful and wise; He is compassionate to all.

kwlu kMtku loBu mohu nwsY jIA jw kY pRBu bsY ] (249-8)
kaal kantak lobh moh naasai jee-a jaa kai parabh basai.
The pains of death, greed and emotional attachment simply vanish, when God comes to dwell in the soul.

supRsMn dyvw sPl syvw BeI pUrn Gwlw ] (249-8)
suparsan dayvaa safal sayvaa bha-ee pooran ghaalaa.
When the Lord is thoroughly pleased, then one's service becomes perfectly fruitful.

ibnvMq nwnk ieC punI jpq dIn dYAwlw ]4]3] (249-9)
binvant naanak ichh punee japat deen dai-aalaa. ||4||3||
Prays Nanak, my desires are fulfilled by meditating on the Lord, Merciful to the meek. ||4||3||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (249-9)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

suix sKIey imil audmu kryhw mnwie lYih hir kMqY ] (249-9)
sun sakhee-ay mil udam karayhaa manaa-ay laihi har kantai.
Listen, O my companions: let's join together and make the effort, to surrender to our Husband Lord.

mwnu iqAwig kir Bgiq TgaurI mohh swDU mMqY ] (249-10)
maan ti-aag kar bhagat thag-uree mohah saaDhoo mantai.
Renouncing our pride, let's charm Him with the potion of devotional worship, and the mantra of the Holy Saints.

sKI vis AwieAw iPir Coif n jweI ieh rIiq BlI BgvMqY ] (249-10)
sakhee vas aa-i-aa fir chhod na jaa-ee ih reet bhalee bhagvantai.
O my companions, when He comes under our power, He shall never leave us again. This is the good nature of the Lord God.

nwnk jrw mrx BY nrk invwrY punIq krY iqsu jMqY ]1] (249-11)
naanak jaraa maran bhai narak nivaarai puneet karai tis jantai. ||1||
O Nanak, God dispels the fear of old age, death and hell; He purifies His beings. ||1||

suix sKIey ieh BlI ibnµqI eyhu mqWqu pkweIAY ] (249-12)
sun sakhee-ay ih bhalee binantee ayhu mataaNt pakaa-ee-ai.
Listen, O my companions, to my sincere prayer: let's make this firm resolve.

shij suBwie aupwiD rhq hoie gIq goivMdih gweIAY ] (249-12)
sahj subhaa-ay upaaDh rahat ho-ay geet govindeh gaa-ee-ai.
In the peaceful poise of intuitive bliss, violence will be gone, as we sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

kil klys imtih BRm nwsih min icMidAw Plu pweIAY ] (249-13)
kal kalays miteh bharam naaseh man chindi-aa fal paa-ee-ai.
Our pains and troubles shall be eradicated, and our doubts shall be dispelled; we will receive the fruits of our minds' desires.

pwrbRhm pUrn prmysr nwnk nwmu iDAweIAY ]2] (249-13)
paarbarahm pooran parmaysar naanak naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||2||
O Nanak, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Supreme Lord God, the Perfect, Transcendent Lord. ||2||

sKI ieC krI inq suK mnweI pRB myrI Aws pujwey ] (249-14)
sakhee ichh karee nit sukh manaa-ee parabh mayree aas pujaa-ay.
O my companions, I yearn for Him continually; I invoke His Blessings, and pray that God may fulfill my hopes.

crn ipAwsI drs bYrwgin pyKau Qwn sbwey ] (249-15)
charan pi-aasee daras bairaagan paykha-o thaan sabaa-ay.
I thirst for His Feet, and I long for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; I look for Him everywhere.

Koij lhau hir sMq jnw sMgu sMimRQ purK imlwey ] (249-15)
khoj laha-o har sant janaa sang sammrith purakh milaa-ay.
I search for traces of the Lord in the Society of the Saints; they will unite me with the All-powerful Primal Lord God.

nwnk iqn imilAw suirjnu suKdwqw sy vfBwgI mwey ]3] (249-16)
naanak tin mili-aa surijan sukh-daata say vadbhaagee maa-ay. ||3||
O Nanak, those humble, noble beings who meet the Lord, the Giver of peace, are very blessed, O my mother. ||3||

sKI nwil vsw Apuny nwh ipAwry myrw mnu qnu hir sMig ihilAw ] (249-16)
sakhee naal vasaa apunay naah pi-aaray mayraa man tan har sang hili-aa.
O my companions, now I dwell with my Beloved Husband; my mind and body are attuned to the Lord.

suix sKIey myrI nId BlI mY AwpnVw ipru imilAw ] (249-17)
sun sakhee-ay mayree need bhalee mai aapnarhaa pir mili-aa.
Listen, O my companions: now I sleep well, since I found my Husband Lord.

BRmu KoieE sWiq shij suAwmI prgwsu BieAw kaulu iKilAw ] (249-18)
bharam kho-i-o saaNt sahj su-aamee pargaas bha-i-aa ka-ul khili-aa.
My doubts have been dispelled, and I have found intuitive peace and tranquility through my Lord and Master. I have been enlightened, and my heart-lotus has blossomed forth.

vru pwieAw pRBu AMqrjwmI nwnk sohwgu n tilAw ]4]4]2]5]11] (249-18)
var paa-i-aa parabh antarjaamee naanak sohaag na tali-aa. ||4||4||2||5||11||
I have obtained God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, as my Husband; O Nanak, my marriage shall last forever. ||4||4||2||5||11||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD