Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gauVI mhlw 5 ] (248-1)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:

mohn qyry aUcy mMdr mhl Apwrw ] (248-1)
mohan tayray oochay mandar mahal apaaraa.
O Mohan, your temple is so lofty, and your mansion is unsurpassed.

mohn qyry sohin duAwr jIau sMq Drm swlw ] (248-1)
mohan tayray sohan du-aar jee-o sant Dharam saalaa.
O Mohan, your gates are so beautiful. They are the worship-houses of the Saints.

Drm swl Apwr dYAwr Twkur sdw kIrqnu gwvhy ] (248-2)
Dharam saal apaar dai-aar thaakur sadaa keertan gaavhay.
In these incomparable worship-houses, they continually sing Kirtan, the Praises of their Lord and Master.

jh swD sMq iekqR hovih qhw quJih iDAwvhy ] (248-2)
jah saaDh sant ikatar hoveh tahaa tujheh Dhi-aavhay.
Where the Saints and the Holy gather together, there they meditate on you.

kir dieAw mieAw dieAwl suAwmI hohu dIn ik®pwrw ] (248-3)
kar da-i-aa ma-i-aa da-i-aal su-aamee hohu deen kirpaaraa.
Be Kind and Compassionate, O Merciful Lord; be Merciful to the meek.

ibnvMiq nwnk drs ipAwsy imil drsn suKu swrw ]1] (248-4)
binvant naanak daras pi-aasay mil darsan sukh saaraa. ||1||
Prays Nanak, I thirst for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; receiving Your Darshan, I am totally at peace. ||1||

mohn qyry bcn AnUp cwl inrwlI ] (248-4)
mohan tayray bachan anoop chaal niraalee.
O Mohan, your speech is incomparable; wondrous are your ways.

mohn qUM mwnih eyku jI Avr sB rwlI ] (248-5)
mohan tooN maaneh ayk jee avar sabh raalee.
O Mohan, you believe in the One. Everything else is dust to you.

mwnih q eyku AlyKu Twkuru ijnih sB kl DwrIAw ] (248-5)
maaneh ta ayk alaykh thaakur jineh sabh kal Dhaaree-aa.
You adore the One Lord, the Unknowable Lord and Master; His Power gives Support to all.

quDu bcin gur kY vis kIAw Awid purKu bnvwrIAw ] (248-6)
tuDh bachan gur kai vas kee-aa aad purakh banvaaree-aa.
Through the Guru's Word, you have captured the heart of the Primal Being, the Lord of the World.

qUM Awip cilAw Awip rihAw Awip sB kl DwrIAw ] (248-6)
tooN aap chali-aa aap rahi-aa aap sabh kal Dhaaree-aa.
You Yourself move, and You Yourself stand still; You Yourself support the whole creation.

ibnvMiq nwnk pYj rwKhu sB syvk srin qumwrIAw ]2] (248-7)
binvant naanak paij raakho sabh sayvak saran tumaaree-aa. ||2||
Prays Nanak, please preserve my honor; all Your servants seek the Protection of Your Sanctuary. ||2||

mohn quDu sqsMgiq iDAwvY drs iDAwnw ] (248-7)
mohan tuDh satsangat Dhi-aavai daras Dhi-aanaa.
O Mohan, the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, meditates on you; they meditate on the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

mohn jmu nyiV n AwvY quDu jpih indwnw ] (248-8)
mohan jam nayrh na aavai tuDh jaapeh nidaanaa.
O Mohan, the Messenger of Death does not even approach those who meditate on You, at the last moment.

jmkwlu iqn kau lgY nwhI jo iek min iDAwvhy ] (248-8)
jamkaal tin ka-o lagai naahee jo ik man Dhi-aavhay.
The Messenger of Death cannot touch those who meditate on You single-mindedly.

min bcin krim ij quDu ArwDih sy sBy Pl pwvhy ] (248-9)
man bachan karam je tuDh araaDheh say sabhay fal paavhay.
Those who worship and adore You in thought, word and deed, obtain all fruits and rewards.

ml mUq mUV ij mugD hoqy is dyiK drsu suigAwnw ] (248-9)
mal moot moorh je mugaDh hotay se daykh daras sugi-aanaa.
Those who are foolish and stupid, filthy with urine and manure, become all-knowing upon gaining the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

ibnvMiq nwnk rwju inhclu pUrn purK Bgvwnw ]3] (248-10)
binvant naanak raaj nihchal pooran purakh bhagvaanaa. ||3||
Prays Nanak, Your Kingdom is Eternal, O Perfect Primal Lord God. ||3||

mohn qUM suPlu PilAw sxu prvwry ] (248-11)
mohan tooN sufal fali-aa san parvaaray.
O Mohan, you have blossomed forth with the flower of your family.

mohn puqR mIq BweI kutMb siB qwry ] (248-11)
mohan putar meet bhaa-ee kutamb sabh taaray.
O Mohan, your children, friends, siblings and relatives have all been saved.

qwirAw jhwnu lihAw AiBmwnu ijnI drsnu pwieAw ] (248-11)
taari-aa jahaan lahi-aa abhimaan jinee darsan paa-i-aa.
You save those who give up their egotistical pride, upon gaining the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

ijnI quDno DMnu kihAw iqn jmu nyiV n AwieAw ] (248-12)
jinee tuDhno Dhan kahi-aa tin jam nayrh na aa-i-aa.
The Messenger of Death does not even approach those who call you 'blessed'.

byAMq gux qyry kQy n jwhI siqgur purK murwry ] (248-12)
bay-ant gun tayray kathay na jaahee satgur purakh muraaray.
Your Virtues are unlimited - they cannot be described, O True Guru, Primal Being, Destroyer of demons.

ibnvMiq nwnk tyk rwKI ijqu lig qirAw sMswry ]4]2] (248-13)
binvant naanak tayk raakhee jit lag tari-aa sansaaray. ||4||2||
Prays Nanak, Yours is that Anchor, holding onto which the whole world is saved. ||4||2||

gauVI mhlw 5 ] (248-14)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5.
Gauree, Fifth Mehl,

sloku ] (248-14)

piqq AsMK punIq kir punh punh bilhwr ] (248-14)
patit asaNkh puneet kar punah punah balihaar.
Countless sinners have been purified; I am a sacrifice, over and over again, to You.

nwnk rwm nwmu jip pwvko iqn iklibK dwhnhwr ]1] (248-14)
naanak raam naam jap paavko tin kilbikh dahanhaar. ||1||
O Nanak, meditation on the Lord's Name is the fire which burns away sinful mistakes like straw. ||1||

CMq ] (248-15)

jip mnw qUM rwm nrwiexu goivMdw hir mwDo ] (248-15)
jap manaa tooN raam naraa-in govindaa har maaDho.
Meditate, O my mind, on the Lord God, the Lord of the Universe, the Lord, the Master of Wealth.

iDAwie mnw murwir mukMdy ktIAY kwl duK PwDo ] (248-16)
Dhi-aa-ay manaa muraar mukanday katee-ai kaal dukh faaDho.
Meditate, O my mind, on the Lord, the Destroyer of ego, the Giver of salvation, who cuts away the noose of agonizing death.

duKhrx dIn srx sRIDr crn kml ArwDIAY ] (248-16)
dukhharan deen saran sareeDhar charan kamal araaDhee-ai.
Meditate lovingly on the Lotus Feet of the Lord, the Destroyer of distress, the Protector of the poor, the Lord of excellence.

jm pMQu ibKVw Agin swgru inmK ismrq swDIAY ] (248-17)
jam panth bikh-rhaa agan saagar nimakh simrat saaDhee-ai.
The treacherous path of death and the terrifying ocean of fire are crossed over by meditating in remembrance on the Lord, even for an instant.

kilmlh dhqw suDu krqw idnsu rYix ArwDo ] (248-17)
kalimalah dahtaa suDh kartaa dinas rain araaDho.
Meditate day and night on the Lord, the Destroyer of desire, the Purifier of pollution.

ibnvMiq nwnk krhu ikrpw gopwl goibMd mwDo ]1] (248-18)
binvant naanak karahu kirpaa gopaal gobind maaDho. ||1||
Prays Nanak, please be Merciful to me, O Cherisher of the world, Lord of the Universe, Lord of wealth. ||1||

ismir mnw dwmodru duKhru BY BMjnu hir rwieAw ] (248-18)
simar manaa daamodar dukhhar bhai bhanjan har raa-i-aa.
O my mind, remember the Lord in meditation; He is the Destroyer of pain, the Eradicator of fear, the Sovereign Lord King.

sRIrMgo dieAwl mnohru Bgiq vClu ibrdwieAw ] (248-19)
sareerango da-i-aal manohar bhagat vachhal birdaa-i-aa.
He is the Greatest Lover, the Merciful Master, the Enticer of the mind, the Support of His devotees - this is His very nature.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD