Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awip Cfwey CutIAY siqgur crx smwil ]4] (235-1)
aap chhadaa-ay chhutee-ai satgur charan samaal. ||4||
If the Lord Himself saves you, then you shall be saved. Dwell upon the Feet of the True Guru. ||4||

mn krhlw myry ipAwirAw ivic dyhI joiq smwil ] (235-1)
man karhalaa mayray pi-aari-aa vich dayhee jot samaal.
O my dear beloved camel-like mind, dwell upon the Divine Light within the body.

guir nau iniD nwmu ivKwilAw hir dwiq krI dieAwil ]5] (235-2)
gur na-o niDh naam vikhaali-aa har daat karee da-i-aal. ||5||
The Guru has shown me the nine treasures of the Naam. The Merciful Lord has bestowed this gift. ||5||

mn krhlw qUM cMclw cqurweI Cif ivkrwil ] (235-3)
man karhalaa tooN chanchlaa chaturaa-ee chhad vikraal.
O camel-like mind, you are so fickle; give up your cleverness and corruption.

hir hir nwmu smwil qUM hir mukiq kry AMq kwil ]6] (235-3)
har har naam samaal tooN har mukat karay ant kaal. ||6||
Dwell upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; at the very last moment, the Lord shall liberate you. ||6||

mn krhlw vfBwgIAw qUM igAwnu rqnu smwil ] (235-4)
man karhalaa vadbhaagee-aa tooN gi-aan ratan samaal.
O camel-like mind, you are so very fortunate; dwell upon the jewel of spiritual wisdom.

gur igAwnu KVgu hiQ DwirAw jmu mwirAVw jmkwil ]7] (235-4)
gur gi-aan kharhag hath Dhaari-aa jam maari-arhaa jamkaal. ||7||
You hold in your hands the sword of the Guru's spiritual wisdom; with this destroyer of death, kill the Messenger of Death. ||7||

AMqir inDwnu mn krhly BRim Bvih bwhir Bwil ] (235-5)
antar niDhaan man karhalay bharam bhaveh baahar bhaal.
The treasure is deep within, O camel-like mind, but you wander around outside in doubt, searching for it.

guru purKu pUrw ByitAw hir sjxu lDVw nwil ]8] (235-5)
gur purakh pooraa bhayti-aa har sajan laDh-rhaa naal. ||8||
Meeting the Perfect Guru, the Primal Being, you shall discover that the Lord, your Best Friend, is with you. ||8||

rMig rqVy mn krhly hir rMgu sdw smwil ] (235-6)
rang rat-rhay man karhalay har rang sadaa samaal.
You are engrossed in pleasures, O camel-like mind; dwell upon the Lord's lasting love instead!

hir rMgu kdy n auqrY gur syvw sbdu smwil ]9] (235-6)
har rang kaday na utrai gur sayvaa sabad samaal. ||9||
The color of the Lord's Love never fades away; serve the Guru, and dwell upon the Word of the Shabad. ||9||

hm pMKI mn krhly hir qrvru purKu Akwil ] (235-7)
ham pankhee man karhalay har tarvar purakh akaal.
We are birds, O camel-like mind; the Lord, the Immortal Primal Being, is the tree.

vfBwgI gurmuiK pwieAw jn nwnk nwmu smwil ]10]2] (235-7)
vadbhaagee gurmukh paa-i-aa jan naanak naam samaal. ||10||2||
The Gurmukhs are very fortunate - they find it. O servant Nanak, dwell upon the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||10||2||

rwgu gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 AstpdIAw (235-9)
raag ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 5 asatpadee-aa
Raag Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees:

<> siqnwmu krqw purKu gur pRswid ] (235-9)
ik-oaNkaar satnaam kartaa purakh gur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace:

jb iehu mn mih krq gumwnw ] (235-10)
jab ih man meh karat gumaanaa.
When this mind is filled with pride,

qb iehu bwvru iPrq ibgwnw ] (235-10)
tab ih baavar firat bigaanaa.
then it wanders around like a madman and a lunatic.

jb iehu hUAw sgl kI rInw ] (235-10)
jab ih hoo-aa sagal kee reenaa.
But when it becomes the dust of all,

qw qy rmeIAw Git Git cInw ]1] (235-11)
taa tay rama-ee-aa ghat ghat cheenaa. ||1||
then it recognizes the Lord in each and every heart. ||1||

shj suhylw Plu mskInI ] (235-11)
sahj suhaylaa fal maskeenee.
The fruit of humility is intuitive peace and pleasure.

siqgur ApunY moih dwnu dInI ]1] rhwau ] (235-11)
satgur apunai mohi daan deenee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My True Guru has given me this gift. ||1||Pause||

jb iks kau iehu jwnis mMdw ] (235-12)
jab kis ka-o ih jaanas mandaa.
When he believes others to be bad,

qb sgly iesu mylih PMdw ] (235-12)
tab saglay is mayleh fandaa.
then everyone lays traps for him.

myr qyr jb ienih cukweI ] (235-12)
mayr tayr jab ineh chukaa-ee.
But when he stops thinking in terms of 'mine' and 'yours',

qw qy iesu sMig nhI bYrweI ]2] (235-13)
taa tay is sang nahee bairaa-ee. ||2||
then no one is angry with him. ||2||

jb iein ApunI ApnI DwrI ] (235-13)
jab in apunee apnee Dhaaree.
When he clings to 'my own, my own',

qb ies kau hY musklu BwrI ] (235-13)
tab is ka-o hai muskal bhaaree.
then he is in deep trouble.

jb iein krxYhwru pCwqw ] (235-14)
jab in karnaihaar pachhaataa.
But when he recognizes the Creator Lord,

qb ies no nwhI ikCu qwqw ]3] (235-14)
tab is no naahee kichh taataa. ||3||
then he is free of torment. ||3||

jb iein Apuno bwiDE mohw ] (235-14)
jab in apuno baaDhi-o mohaa.
When he entangles himself in emotional attachment,

AwvY jwie sdw jim johw ] (235-15)
aavai jaa-ay sadaa jam johaa.
he comes and goes in reincarnation, under the constant gaze of Death.

jb ies qy sB ibnsy Brmw ] (235-15)
jab is tay sabh binsay bharmaa.
But when all his doubts are removed,

Bydu nwhI hY pwrbRhmw ]4] (235-15)
bhayd naahee hai paarbrahmaa. ||4||
then there is no difference between him and the Supreme Lord God. ||4||

jb iein ikCu kir mwny Bydw ] (235-16)
jab in kichh kar maanay bhaydaa.
When he perceives differences,

qb qy dUK fMf Aru Kydw ] (235-16)
tab tay dookh dand ar khaydaa.
then he suffers pain, punishment and sorrow.

jb iein eyko eykI bUiJAw ] (235-16)
jab in ayko aykee boojhi-aa.
But when he recognizes the One and Only Lord,

qb qy ies no sBu ikCu sUiJAw ]5] (235-17)
tab tay is no sabh kichh soojhi-aa. ||5||
he understands everything. ||5||

jb iehu DwvY mwieAw ArQI ] (235-17)
jab ih Dhaavai maa-i-aa arthee.
When he runs around for the sake of Maya and riches,

nh iqRpqwvY nh iqs lwQI ] (235-17)
nah tariptaavai nah tis laathee.
he is not satisfied, and his desires are not quenched.

jb ies qy iehu hoieE jaulw ] (235-18)
jab is tay ih ho-i-o ja-ulaa.
But when he runs away from Maya,

pICY lwig clI auiT kaulw ]6] (235-18)
peechhai laag chalee uth ka-ulaa. ||6||
then the Goddess of Wealth gets up and follows him. ||6||

kir ikrpw jau siqguru imilE ] (235-18)
kar kirpaa ja-o satgur mili-o.
When, by His Grace, the True Guru is met,

mn mMdr mih dIpku jilE ] (235-19)
man mandar meh deepak jali-o.
the lamp is lit within the temple of the mind.

jIq hwr kI soJI krI ] (235-19)
jeet haar kee sojhee karee.
When he realizes what victory and defeat really are,

qau iesu Gr kI kImiq prI ]7] (235-19)
ta-o is ghar kee keemat paree. ||7||
then he comes to appreciate the true value of his own home. ||7||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD